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Search Results

  • The effect of successfulness on family and friendly relationships

    The study examines the impact of leadership roles and success on family and friendship relationships between men and women. The literature on this topic typically focuses on the analysis of success and failure, but the impact of family and friendships on leadership success is a less published area. The questionnaire data collection (n = 437) was conducted among women and men using a snowball method, with separate questionnaires. The questionnaire data were analysed using ANOVA test and Chi-square test. Research findings suggest that female and male leaders differ in their perceptions of the impact of their own successful leadership roles. Male leaders perceived personal skills, unique ideas, reputation and spousal support as determinants of successful leadership, whereas female respondents did not perceive these factors as being important. More than half of men (51.8%) agreed with the statement that their leadership successes have led them to make new friends instead of old ones. This compares with only 4% of women. Almost half of female leaders (47.1%) believe that they have kept their old friends. Less than half (45.1%) of women feel that leadership has had a positive or negative impact on family and relationships.

  • How do the Spanish families face to crisis? The types and consequences of coping strategies

    The impact of the crisis in Spain helped to harden the difficulties of a large number of households
    in Spain. Even though these conditions had a widespread impact, it has been more acute in
    families that prior to the crisis were dealing with difficult situations. The main objective of this
    paper is to identify strategies the households developed in order to face these difficulties. The
    results have been selected from a qualitative analysis of 34 excluded household´s life stories. From
    this analysis two interesting results were obtained: On the one hand, households have developed
    prevention and survival strategies. On the other hand, the study identifies the consequences of
    the strategies and their impact in terms of household´s social integration. With all the results,
    the paper invites to reflect on the limits of survival strategies.

  • The impact of the family on the immobility of young people

    The study examines the effects of the spatial mobility of the family. The family’s influence in many areas of people’s lives, so the socio-spatial movements. The people in the family will inherit the bulk of their resources, provides for standards, values, skills, behavior patterns of transmission, all have an impact on the social and geographical movement-related efforts and opportunities. A study of rural young people in interviews to examine the family and the relationship between mobility, immobility. The interviewees aged between 19 and 25 have in common is that they have already completed their studies, and their parents live in the same village. An analysis of how these young people are present in the családtörténetében mobility, we are characterized by their family members, relatives, and family resources spatial movement, kötődéseik, what impact does the site less costly.

  • The effect of Covid-19 epidemic on the industry of a Sub-Saharan Country: a perspective on sports industry in Nigeria

    Kutatásunk során a Covid-19 járvány Nigéria gazdaságára és sportiparára kifejtett hatását elemeztük, a kapcsolódó szakirodalom áttekintésével. Megvizsgáltuk a sportgazdaság Covid-19 járvány alatti helyzetét Európában és az Egyesült Államokban, majd kiemeltük a nigériai speciális viszonyokat. Bár a sportgazdaság nigériai vonatkozásában kevés szakirodalom áll rendelkezésre, több mint 60 tudományos közlemény elemzésére került sor. Ezek alapján megállapításra került, hogy a Covid-19 járvány nemcsak a globális, de a nigériai gazdaságot is negatívan érintette. Ez különösen jelentős volt a sporthoz kapcsolódó direkt és indirekt
    foglalkoztatás területén, tekintettel a nigériai gazdaság egy-szektorú jellegére. Vizsgálataik alapján szerzők javaslatként fogalmazzák meg, hogy figyelembe véve a nigériai társadalom korfáját, jelentős befektetések lennének szükségesek a sportiparba, mely a szektor átalakításával is együtt kellene, hogy járjon.


  • The impact of recent migration flows on the number of Hungarians in Transcarpathia, Ukraine

    According to the last Ukrainian census in 2001, 152 thousand people declared Hungarian
    ethnicity in Transcarpathia. Since that time, there is no reliable and up-to-date data on the
    ethno-demographic development of the region’s population. It is especially hard to register the
    migration flows particularly salient since the outbreak of the armed conflict in East Ukraine
    in 2014. Based on four data sources (official Ukrainian and Hungarian statistics and two
    representative surveys), the present study aims at revealing the volume of the permanent and
    temporary migration of Hungarians in Transcarpathia and its impact on their number. We
    found that the same migration flow is associated with various figures by each of the data sources
    conducted with different methods and by different actors. According to the more reliable surveys,
    9 to 14 thousand ethnic Hungarians emigrated from Transcarpathia since 2001; consequently,
    the number of Hungarians is estimated at approximately 130 thousand people in the beginning
    of 2017.

  • The slave trade and trust

    Does culture have an impact on society, and if so, how? The study by Nathan Nunn and Leonard Wantchekon set out to examine the impact of the slave trade, which has left its mark on the African continent and its economy, but which ended some 100 years ago, on the cultural, norm-following, beliefs and values of individuals. Their aim is to explore the reasons that led to the historical disconnect within Africa between local governments or municipalities (politics), between the outlying communities (neighbours) and even within family relations, which may still influence economic development today. Nunn and Wantchekon's hypothesis is based on an earlier study by Nunn, which showed a causal link between the 400-year slave trade and the income conditions of the African population today, looking at the long-term economic effects of the slave trade.

  • Foreign students of the medical faculties in Pécs and Debrecen: the choice of the university and acculturation process

    With the headway of globalization and knowledge-based economy, international student mobility is promoted as the main indicator of the internationalization of higher education. In Hungary the number of foreign students – similarly to global trends – shows an increase, representing a significant economic interest. Besides this, the international students make a growing impact
    on the development and the economic and cultural life of the cities where the universities are based. In our empirical research, we analyzed international students at the Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy foreign language programs of the University of Debrecen and the University of Pécs with the help of personally requested anonymous, self-completed questionnaires (n=602). The
    self-developed questionnaire focused on three issues: the motivation of the students, their satisfaction with the university and the process of their integration. The research was conducted in the spring semester of the academic year 2015/2016 at both universities.
    Based on the results it can be stated that from the perspective of medium- and long-term policy development of the university and the city, it is indispensable to survey the motivations and satisfaction of the students arriving to Hungary due to international student mobility as well as to facilitate their integration. The general medicine major of the University of Pécs and
    that of the University of Debrecen are very popular among foreign students but there are significant differences in their choices behind which we can discover the different cultural background of the matriculated students and this factor determines their personal choices and their later plans. Concerning the difficulties at the beginning we can state based on the results that for the
    students of the German programme the different language medium and the local bureaucracy mean a bigger challenge, while for the heterogeneous community of the English programme contact building with the tutors and the integration into the socio-cultural medium mean more difficulties. Concerning the integration we can state that from the point of country of origin the integration means a little less challenge for the more homogenies student community of the German programme than for the heterogeneous community of the English programme behind which most probably the stabilization of the acculturation process can be trailed.

  • Environmentalism of university students in relation to their materialism, life satisfaction, views on politics and pandemic

    Recently, an increasing focus has been made on studying environmental problems and the
    related social phenomena. Understanding the environmentalism and its influencing factors
    in the case of higher education students can greatly help the preparation and identification
    of sustainability policies and educational practices in higher education institutions. In this study, we investigated environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behavior of
    students at 17 Hungarian universities as a function of a number of hypothesized influencing
    factors. These included materialistic values, life satisfaction, political views, and views on the
    Covid-19 pandemic. According to our results, these were all related to environmentalism. More
    environmentally conscious students were less materialistic, less right-wing in their political
    views, more satisfied with their lives, and also differed in their views on pandemic issues. Beside
    a weaker impact of environmentalism and political views, life satisfaction was largely influenced
    by the relative financial situation perceived by respondents.

  • On the margin of child protection: Negative life events impact on the adolescents and youth health behavior

    The paper studies how negative life events affect risk behaviour of children and young people. Calculations on the database of the ‘Hungarian youth 2012’ research suggest that negative life events are strong predictors of different types of risk behaviour like alcohol, drug abuse and suicide. According to the data people who have experienced several and more serious negative life events, more likely refuse and turn away from the norms of the adult society than those whose life proves to be less stressful. To place these results into child protection context, the study calls attention to the fact that the Hungarian child protection system does not treat each group in the fragmented society equally, although, on the basis of the incidence of threat it should. Another important message of this paper is to highlight that in addition to scientific values large-scale sociological research studies have professional and practical values as well. To support it, from the questions of the well-known Holmes-Rahe scale the authors re-developed an exploration scale (Reduced Life Events Scale). The application of the Reduced Life Event Scale (or the original Holmes-Rahe scale) allows experts to focus more on the studied issues in the process of planning services, prevention and case work. The tool might propose solutions to use the insufficient resources in a more targeted way.

  • Enforcement of Community Approaches in Child Protection Practice: International Trends

    Child protection has changed in important ways on international level in recent years. Child protection as social institution adapts to and follows social change. Global competitions, mobility
    of capital and workforce, acceleration of economic processes and interdependence of national
    economies, and the economic crises of 2007 has their impact on the operation and workings of
    welfare systems. This study examines the trends and tendencies in international child protection practice since the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, what type of child protection
    orientations can be distinguished, what kind of characteristics can be described and which way
    seems to emerge—as a common challenge—in general in the field of the state’s child protection
    activities. The study draws attention to the importance of some topics in international discourse, such as complex needs of the clients, importance of partnerships, support of parenthood and a
    range of professional skills and competences to achieve these goals.

  • Political reorganization in the shadow of the pandemic and war: The 2022 Latvian parliamentary election and its consequences

    Latvia’s party system has been one of the most unstable in European comparison since the 1990s, essentially since independence and democratization. Although there was a period in the middle of the 2010s, which showed the stabilization of the range of relevant parties and a decrease in the number of parties, by the end of the decade the fluctuation between the parties of the Baltic republics was again high. The Kariņš cabinet, formed after a record long time after the 2018 election, nevertheless set a unique record in the country: it was the first government to complete a full four-year parliamentary term. The government faced two challenges during its tenure, the pandemic that began in the spring of 2020, and the Russian aggression against Ukraine that began on February 24, 2022. Both had a significant impact on the development of the party structure. The aim of this paper is to present the changes in the political palette of Latvian parties in the last two legislative cycles, to analyze the results of the October 2022 election, giving priority to the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the transformation of the party structure and the results of the elections.

  • The choice of medical career – What do our field work experiences represent?

    Background: One of the greatest challenges of the XXI. century is the changing of the medical profession. Beside of the process of deprofessionalism, the demographic and social composition of the medical society have also been altering. More women became medical doctors in recent years. Parallel to these changes, the career motivations of medical students are transforming. Method: 175 first year medical students from the Semmelweis University participated in our study. They wrote about their career motivations based on a fixed set of viewpoints. The narratives were analysed by both quantitative and qualitative (content analysis) methods. Results: The female students are committed to medical profession at younger ages. The most important factors in career choices are altruism and scientific interest for both genders. There is a male dominance in career motivations of experiences, knowledge and benefits. Conclusions: The changing face of career motivations has a significant impact on both the physicians and the patients. This issue opens up possibilities for following research.

  • Social contacts and spending of leisure time of the elderly

    The phenomenon of the aging of societies is now well-known, demonstrating its demographic, economic and social impact in many countries around the world. The increase in average life expectancy at birth and the low number of children have naturally triggered the emergence of declining, aging societies. All this has led to a number of tasks for policy makers, domestic and international organizations, primarily to promote active, healthy aging. This article describes some of the results of an empirical study of 167 people conducted jointly with St. Luke’s Greek Catholic Charity in the winter of 2019 in order to assess the situation and needs of the elderly. This article presents the results of our study, which focuses on community activities, leisure, and social relationships. During our analytical work, we found that those living in residential care homes are more open to community-based activities to maintain physical and mental activity.

  • College and university students’ attitudes towards democracy in Hungary

    The existence of education for democracy has positive impact on citizens’ political knowledge
    and the identification with the democratic values. In the process of civic education, the
    universities and high schools play an important role. Many scholars argue that the high schools
    have a civic mission to serve a public good or the university is the civic mission itself. To examine
    democratic citizenship among high school and university students we use a dataset composed of
    three surveys (2011/2012, 2013, 2015) of 4800 Hungarian students. We build on the literature
    about the empirical and theoretical framework of democratic citizenship to answer the question
    if 25 years after the collapse of communism we can witness the emergence of a new generation
    of democrats in Hungary? Have young people successfully come to terms with their countries' authoritarian past and developed a commitment to democracy as a system of rule? Are they
    ready to defend it in the face of challenges? Based on the empirical framework of citizenship we
    derive a number of significant lessons from the Hungarian case, with important implications
    about the ability to teach the norms and responsibilities of democratic citizenship in the world’s
    emerging democracies.

  • The 2022 Italian election under the microscope

    The 2022 parliamentary elections marked a turning point for the Italian political system in many ways. As a result of the measures approved and introduced over the past almost ten years to change the electoral system (electoral reforms, decisions of the Constitutional Court, constitutional amendments, parliamentary reforms, etc.), Italian voters had the opportunity to elect the new members of both chambers of the parliament under the same electoral system, for the first time in the Republican era. The purpose of the article is to present the steps leading to this historic moment by analysing in detail the different measures affecting the electoral system and their impact. The paper then describes the electoral results and explains the processes leading to the vast victory of Italy’s first female Prime Minister, with a particular focus on the return to the bipolar logic favoured by the electoral system following the release of the three-pole system in 2013.

  • Community resilience and social support relationships – An analytical approach and research results based on long-term series analysis of communities affected by the red sludge disaster

    vOne of the most serious consequences of disasters is the disruption or even the loss of social
    support relationships. Hence, this paper analyses the social support relationships in the
    framework of community resilience based on face-to-face interviews with direct (180 people)
    and indirect (180 people) victims of the red sludge disaster, using data for 2013 and 2020.
    (Hungary, Devecser district).
    The focus was analysed according to four types of social support relationship: reciprocal,
    donor to recipient and incomplete/disintegrated. At the time of the disaster, we identified a high
    level of support activity and a strong reciprocal-donor type of aid model. In contrast, in 2013, we
    found an incomplete/disintegrated - reciprocal model with low support activity, and in 2020, a
    reciprocal- incomplete/disintegrated model with medium activity.
    Based on a detailed statistical analysis of different social support types among the red
    sludge disaster’s victims the paper explores and presents the social support activities and
    their various patterns with respect to their roles in the resilience of communities. The different
    patterns of social supports relationships that emerged in each period examined varied widely,
    though – with different intensity – they were primarily influenced by the fact how people were
    affected by disaster’s damages (directly and indirectly). Nevertheless, by 2020, other factors,
    such as residence, age, and economic activity had already an equally strong impact on different
    types of social support relationships as the affectedness by the disaster of 2010. We found that
    communities responded to the red sludge disaster in 2010 and to the Covid-19 epidemic in 2020
    in a reactive way by activating their social support relationship.

  • The Rethinking the public in Higher Education: Communitarian Engagement vs. Service-Based dependency

    There has been structural change in higher education due to the impact of institutions built or maintained in private public partnership. The aim of the paper is to give a deep insight into how these institutions could accomodate or shape the public higher education sector’s discouses, spaces, procedures. The research used mixed method to approach this complex question from a multidisciplinary perspective (sociology, education). Within this framework two residential halls were chosen and 17 interviews were carreid out with all relevant figure of the management. Due to the analytical tools of Maxqda 12 the qualitative results will be presented giving an insight into the differing discourses and practices of the public vs. private-public management. Based on the analysis of the managerial interviews it is safe to state that the public management struggles to balance a communitarian, democratic discourse and objectives with the requirements of efficiency and accountability. The presence of private-public management unintendedly shapes its public counterpart. The institutional analysis revealed that due to the swiftly changing institutional and policy environment residential halls are forced to be efficient leading to difficulties in managerial legitimacy and questions concepts such as community, conformity, commitment and action. Under the circumstances of increasingly growing institutional service-based dependency and control, academic consumers, institutions and students alike, paradoxically avoid integrating into macro groups. As a consequence, the institution encourage and educate student into a particular type of citizenship based on communication and consumerism rather than consensus.

  • Does the corruption affect to the voters? – a Bayesian econometric analysis

    The study examines the agenda-setting aspirations of Hungarian political life between 2010
    and 2016 from a corruption research perspective. Using the available data, we estimate, based
    on the monthly data series of a six-year period, using different statistical methods, whether the
    allocation of European Union funds used as a proxy for corruption had an impact on the support
    of the ruling party. The results of the applied Bayesian vector autoregression do not provide
    evidence for the hypothesis that the increase in corruption associated with the increase in EU
    subsidies reduces the popularity of the ruling party among the entire voting population.

  • The role of the hidden curriculum in the development of horizontal gender segregation, as a result of an interview research with teachers

    The impact and influencing power of educators and teaching aids used in education systems is an internationally researched area as they play a key role in the development and study of students’ personality. According to the literature, the teacher is one of the most significant „tools” of the hidden curriculum behind the official curriculum, but the presentation of the phenomenon in teaching aids strengthens gender stereotypes and reduces the possibility of gender equality. In this study, we examine the role of a hidden curriculum in the development of gender horizontal segregation, with particular reference to the influence of teachers and textbooks. In the empirical part of the study, we did conduct a semi -structured interview with 18 elementary school teachers through a non-probability expert sampling, which was analyzed by categorization and interpretation. Our results show that traditional gender roles have prevailed in the family of educators. During their studies, they observed a difference depending on their educators in terms of behavior and expectations – but they believe that they themselves do not differentiate between students. According to their views, the personality of the teachers is of particular importance regarding the personality development and academic progress of the students, however, the career orientation of the children is mainly determined by the parents family patterns that appear in the family.

  • „We were born here, we grew up here, our relatives and our children are here… everything are in our village”. Weekly commuting in a village of Tiszahát

    The study present the weekly commuting in a small village of 1600 resident in Tiszahát. The
    economic situation of the settlement, employment and income opportunities are lower than
    national average, which also has an extremely strong impact on the livability of the village.
    The local primary labor market can employ few workers, other employees can work in public
    employment or they can work as a seasonal worker in agriculture buti it does not provide an
    income that can be calculated all year. There are few opportunities in the region, so they can
    not work in the nearby settlements. Many locals have to go to remote settlement for work. We
    prepared interviews to examine: how weekly commuting became popular in the village and how
    it affected local families and the local community.

  • Thomas Hobbes and the dilemmas of the natural state: First chapter – The axiomatic nature of total war

    The purpose of this paper is to reflect on some the ideas of Thomas Hobbes, one of the founders
    of modern political philosophy, best known for his masterpiece, Leviathan. The aim of this essay
    is not to provide a full scale analysis of Hobbes’ main work, nor to present his moral or political
    philosophy, nor to reflect on the significance of his impact on later political thinkers. The aim is
    more modest, and the theme under scrutiny is more narrow: the paper is devoted to a critical
    analysis of the main premise (state of the nature) of Hobbes’ theory of power, including the
    ambivalent character of the state of nature, as well as the logical dilemmas that arise during
    the analysis.

    After a general presentation of Hobbes’s philosophy and of the logical construction of his
    work, I will tend to focus on two aspects of the state of nature: firstly, I will analyse the assumed
    analogy between the state of nature and the Book of Genesis; secondly, I will examine whether
    the „war of all against all” is an axiomatic outcome of the „primitive” state. It turns out, that the
    answers for these questions are not so unanbiguous.

  • Interpersonal relationships in Hungary – an overview

    Our paper aims to demonstrate that social structure has significant impact on the formation of
    interpersonal relations. We review and analyse the characteristics of ego-centric interpersonal
    networks of Hungarians based on data from nationally representative adult population surveys
    between the mid-1980’s up to 2015. We focus especially on core discussion networks, friendship
    ties and weak ties and analyse how the transition to market economy influenced interpersonal
    relationships. As expected, the large-scale social changes brought about by the transition
    changed interpersonal networks as well. During the first decade of the transition (in the 1990’s)
    one could not witness a significant change of personal networks, nonetheless the adaptation
    process was easier for people supported by strong, traditional family ties. Non-kin ties, especially
    friendships seem to gain significance at the expense of kin relationships. Overall, resources
    available through weak ties seem to be decreasing.

  • Effectively influence on people: or are helping professionals free to utilize manipulative impacts?

    The economic and political crises of the last two decades have been greatly influenced by the fact
    that, impacted by manipulative effects, instead to follow their rational judgements people have
    made their decisions under the influence of emotional and instinctive temtation, deception and
    manipulation. So far, these manipulative influences dominate contemporary commercial or populist political communication. The paper below shares the author’s hesitation that, while
    non-rational factors bias from rational arguing and reasoning, both in decision-making and in
    communicative impacts on the other person inevitably present, is it acceptable to manipulate
    the users/clients by assisting professionals/social workers while exercising influence on decision-making of their clients? And if so, under what conditions, what specific constraints could be
    exercised such impacts and „professional power”? Likewise, when and what can and should be
    done to immunize clients against manipulation, to mitigate manipulative effects, to „gain back”
    rational mind and „empower” clients to follow rational consideration and make wiser decisions?
    The article does not undertake to provide „only” true and correct answers, rather gives insights
    and tries to provoke its reader to contribute to clarifying this important issue.


  • Obstacles for women in career advancement

    Today the level of knowledge, qualifications of female are immensely increasing, but despite
    their skills there are still encounter obstacles in their careers, and women still appear to be
    underrepresented in top-level leadership positions. Many analysis findings indicated that there
    is a strong negativ relationship bertween the impact of the old traditions and women career
    This paper attempts to identify all the obstacles and gender-related segregation of the
    labour market such as vertical and horizontal segregations and also raises awareness of that
    complex problem. Because there is a triple burden on graduate and leading women, work at
    home, their job and the struggle with the sexist working environment.

  • Causes for the Lack of Mobility Among Low-Status, Impoverished Rural Youths

    This study explores the lack of mobility and the lack of motivation for mobility among poverty- stricken youths with low levels of education who live in small villages. I strive to find out why underprivileged young individuals stay in their local village instead of moving to areas with more abundant opportunities and employment. My manuscript also examines their family life and their relationship with their parents, and how those factors could impact their attachment to their village. The main question to analyze is whether young people stay in impoverished rural villages voluntarily or as a result of a lack of choice and a rational decision, or whether they are drifting. My analysis of the data indicates that the lack of mobility among destitute rural youths is not driven by free decisions. My results suggest that these young people belong to a drifting social group, not in charge of their own fate, unaware of the world beyond their immediate surroundings, uninformed, dependent, vulnerable, living in an environment based on mere reciprocity, and thus, in a sense, they are a marginalized social group.