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Acta Agraria Debreceniensis

This peer reviewed journal of Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Enviromental Management of the Debrecen University, Debrecen, Hungary. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences publishes papers in English. Professional support is provided by Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Section of Agricultural Sciences. The Journal is published in yearly volumes of two issues annually.

Thematic scope

All areas of agricultural sciences including crop production, soil tillage, soil conservation, fertility, crop and animal physiology, crop and animal breeding, animal husbandry, experimental biology, molecular biology in agriculture, agronomy, seed production, natural resources, environmental impacts of agriculture, food quality, sustainable and precision agriculture.
Types of published papers
     - original scientific articles
     - review - studies, other short communications
Articles are published in English.
Notice! Our journal was in Hungarian until 2017 with an English summary.
Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis

Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis covers all aspects of classical studies (history, literature, linguistics, history of religion, philosophy, archeology). 

Acta Geographica Debrecina Landscape & Environment series

Acta Geographica Debrecina Landscape & Environment series is a single blind peer-reviewed open access journal, with two issues per year (in June and December). Our purpose is to publish the new results of landscape and environmental studies.

Acta Medicinae et Sociologica

Acta Medicinae et Sociologica (AMS) is a journal owned and published by the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Debrecen with a profile of health sciences, social sciences, reflecting the profile of the Faculty, and related sciences in relevant subjects like psychology, social policy, law, economics or education. AMS publishes research products, both in Hungarian and English, which meet scientific criteria, are double-bind peer reviewed and proofread, and have not yet been published elsewhere.

Acta Neerlandica

Acta Neerlandica (AN), which was founded in 2001, is a peer reviewed academic journal published by the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Dutch Studies.
Publication frequency is one issue yearly, in the third quarter of each year and contributions can be published in Dutch, English and German.
Acta Neerlandica (AN) publishes original contributions and research in the various fields of Dutch studies: literature, linguistics, history, cultural studies.

APSTACT - Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce
Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce

Applied Studies publishes high quality contributions on topics related to Agribusiness and Commerce and provides managers, researchers and teachers with a forum, where they can publish and acquire research results, case studies and reviews, which are important to the global food chain. The APSTRACT is an Open Access (OA) Journal. Submitted manuscripts should have a relationship to the economics of agriculture, natural resources, environment, or rural development.

Papers should have a practical orientation and demonstrate innovation in analysis, methods, or application. Topic areas include production economics and farm management, agricultural policy, agricultural environmental issues, tourism, regional planning and rural development, methodology, marketing of agricultural and food products, international trade and development, sport management.

Research on a significant economic component, analyses of problems connected to research, extension, and teaching of the International MBA Network in Agribusiness and Commerce are also encouraged.

Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce (APSTRACT): An internationally recognised journal of business and commerce ISSN : 1789-221X, electronic version: ISSN 1789-7874 have been listed on the IDEAS/RePEc.

All of our articles and Issues are available in the following repositories: AgEcon Search and University of Debrecen Electronic ArchiveOur Journal DOI name is: 10.19041/APSTRACT

Central European Journal of Educational Research

Central European Journal of Educational Research is rooted in the deep regional interest of all levels and types of contemporary problems of education in Hungary, Romania (Transilvania), Slovakia and Ukraine. The journal is engaged in representing the questions, foundings and solutions, arguments and correlations/relationships/ correspondences of formal and informal education in Central and Eastern Europe, following a lifewide and lifelong perspective, keeping high publication standards in all articles.

The Editors are committed to making CEJER an interactive platform to cover experiences, similarities, differences, cooperations, and synergies of the educational activities in our region, albeit the international results and general trends are also our essential scope.

Submissions to the journal should examine and theorize the interrelated experiences of education including any institutional levels, variable topics such as socialization, evaluation, organizational issues, and others. Authors cover different focuses from sport to religion, or from music to science. Education in CEJER is interpreted in a broad sense, open to new areas such as informational technologies in education or parental, relationship and family education.

CEJER expects articles that reveal the local or regional adequate experiences of education and in the same peace link research to the global theoretical trends, going beyond simple descriptions. CEJER prioritize to uncover the background of education: the effects of family background, youth cultures, communities of classes, schools and local cities, organizational conditions or media are all significant scopes of contemporary research.


Competitio is a double-blind, peer-reviewed open access scientific journal graded by the Economic Doctoral Committee of the 9th Class of the Hungarian Academy of Science as a journal belonging to category "C". Papers with novel scientific results from any areas of modern economics and business are welcome. The journal accepts both theoretical and empirical studies. Two issues are jointly published each year in December. Competitio has been published since 2002 by the University of Debrecen. Accepted articles are numbered by international standard identifier (DOI) and published online immediately as "online ready", while the final issue is always printed, as well. Papers written either in Hungarian or in English are suitable for submission.

CROSS-SECTIONS - Social Science Journal
CROSS-SECTIONS - Social Science Journal

The Metszetek (Cross-Sections) Social Science Journal publishes theoretical and research papers in Hungarian and English in the social sciences, especially sociology, social policy, political science, economics, etc., as well as in related and co-disciplines. Submitted papers will be evaluated by two referees in a double-blind peer-review process. The journal is indexed by DOAJ, CEEOL, ProQuest and EBSCO.

Logo of the Faculty of Pharmacy
De Remediis
De Remediis as the official scientific journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Unversity of Debrecen, is a peer-reviewed biannual open-access journal that provides publication platform for a wide range of experimental and theoretical works in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Covered topics include pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical chemistry, biopharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, phytopharmacology, molecular and cell biology and development of cosmetics and nutraceuticals. The journal welcomes publications reporting the synthesis and examination of new active substances, formulation and process development, the investigation of the biological and molecular effects of individual active substances and their pharmacokinetics, as well as the development of new types of drug carrier systems and nanotechnology. Our aim is to encourage researchers, lecturers and students working in any field of pharmacy and connected sciences to present their experimental and theoretical results in detail.
Debreceni Jogi Műhely

The journal is a founded by the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Law. The first issue of the journal was published in December 2004. Papers with novel scientific results from any areas of law are welcome. The journal accepts both theoretical and empirical studies, conference reports, and reviews.

Debreceni Szemle

Tudományos folyóirat, amely a humán és a társadalomtudományok, valamint a természet- és műszaki tudományok minden ágának legújabb eredményeivel – nemcsak a régióban vagy hazánkban elértekkel – kívánja megismertetni a széles értelemben vett tudományos értelmiséget. Tanulmányainak tárgyalásmódja, stílusa, nyelvezete olyan, hogy befogadható legyen az illető tudományterületet nem művelő kutató és érdeklődő értelmiségi számára. Helyet ad tudományos és művészet témájú vitacikkeknek, valamint interjúknak is. Kiemelt céljának tekinti a fellépést az áltudományok ellen.

A Debreceni Szemle az ugyanilyen címen 1927 és 1944 között megjelent folyóirat folytatójának tekinti magát, épít a századokon át kisugárzó debreceni kulturális hagyományokra.

A folyóirat támaszkodik a város, a megye és a régió tudományos és kulturális potenciáljára, de országosan csaknem egyedülálló célkitűzésének megfelelően a szóban forgó tudományterületek legjobbjai tollából közöl tanulmányokat.

A Debreceni Szemle ugyanakkor hírt ad a város és a régió tudományos eseményeiről (elsősorban a Debreceni Egyetem, a Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem és a Debreceni Akadémiai Bizottság rendezvényeiről), illetve az ilyen eseményekről bárhol a világon, ha azokban a debrecenieknek lényeges szerepük volt. A Debreceni Szemlét 1993-ban a Debreceni Egyetem jogelődjét képező Debreceni Universitas, valamint az MTA Debreceni Akadémiai Bizottsága, DAB (mai nevén: MTA Debreceni Területi Bizottsága) indította újra Debrecen Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzatának támogatásával. Lapunk online változata szabadon hozzáférhető, nyomtatott változata megvásárolható.


The Economica is a semiannual, open-access journal issued by the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Debrecen. This journal accepts studies in Hungarian and English primarily in the fields of economy, sports science, management, accounting and tourism. The journal is open to publish the reflections and the publications of not only the lecturers and researchers of the university, but those of the wider scientific community as well.

The articles appear online after double blind peer-review. The submission of, the access to and the download of the articles shall be free of charge.

Ethnographica et Folkloristica Carpathica

Ethnographica et Folkloristica Carpathica is an annual academic journal that provides an international forum for researchers where the 21st century's cultural and social questions can be discussed with the hope of shedding light and understanding their broader historical-geographical-social-cultural background and presenting one or two answers to these increasing challenges. 

Gazdálkodástudományi Közlemények

A Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar egyik jogelőd kara (Gazdálkodástudományi és Vidékfejlesztési Kar) 2009-ben indította útjára a Gazdálkodástudományi Közlemények című folyóiratot, abból a célból, hogy rendszerezetten bemutassa, és szélesebb körben megismertesse a kari tudományos diákkörös hallgatók kutatási érdeklődését és eredményeit. A Gazdálkodástudományi Közlemények évente két alkalommal megjelenő, lektorált, szabad hozzáférésű (open access) folyóirat. Témáját tekintve, a folyóirat a gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok területén készült tudományos munkákat fogad be.  A folyóirat másodközlést nem fogad el.


The state university existence has begun in 1912 in Debrecen. With the approaching of its centenary the Centennial Committee was established and since 2007 a Steering Committee manages directly the organization of the worthy commemoration of the centenary. It was during this activity when it became clear that despite of the existing excellent historical works there are a lot of gaps in the processing of the hundred years and also the earlier eras. This also applies for other national and European institutions as well. Therefore it seemed worthwhile to establish a journal that provides space for university historical data, information and research results. In 2009 this lead to the founder’s decision that the University of Debrecen creates the Gerundium University History Publications Journal.

Grassland Studies

Grassland Studies is one of the official journals of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It provides common platform for agricultural, ecological, economical and technical issues. Papers focus on botany, agronomy, animal sciences, agro-economics and engineering sciences. There are sections for full researches and reviews but case studies and short communications are also welcome. Grazing, nature conservation, nutrient management, biodiversity, forage science are frequent topics but new approaches like energetics, carbon sequestration, environmental psychology and soil mechanics are also interesting fields of our interest.

Hallgatói Műhelytanulmányok

2012-ben a hallgatói tehetséggondozás céljával alapítottuk a Hallgatói Műhelytanulmányok sorozatot, amely a szárnyaikat bontogató alap-, mester- és doktori képzésben résztvevő, tehetséges történelem szakos hallgatók számára biztosít publikációs lehetőséget (a különböző kötetek szerkesztői Barta Róbert, Forisek Péter, Kerepeszki Róbert, Schrek Katalin, Szendrei Ákos, illetve Hajdúfi Orsolya és Szabó-Zsoldos Gábor voltak).

Health Innovation Review
Health Innovation Review

A Debreceni Egyetem évente négyszer megjelenő, karközi orvos- és egészségtudományi folyóirata.
Az „Egészségügyi Innovációs Szemle” küldetése az orvos- és egészségtudomány területén végzett értékteremtés felkarolása, az egészséget meghatározó tényezők kontinuumával kapcsolatos felfedező kutatások és az azokra épülő innováció eredményeinek közlése, továbbá ezen a területen diskurzusok folytatása. A folyóirat befogadó az eredeti közlemények, hipotézisek, összefoglaló közlemények, módszertani ajánlások és dialógusok iránt.
Nevéből adódóan a folyóirat teret ad a közleményekben feltárt szakmai véleményeknek, elemzéseknek, kutatásoknak, melyek ezen tudományterülethez kapcsolódnak.

Hungarian Gerontology

The Hungarian Gerontology is a scientific journal of University of Debrecen Faculty of Health. The first issue of the Hungarian Gerontology was published in January 2009. The annual journal, from 2020 with issue appearing December is published in. From the beginning, the main aim of the Hungarian Gerontology is, highlighting of the interdisciplinary view of the gerontology, providing a platform for the national and international scientific and professional results of the gerontology. The journal welcomes scientific, original research finding, peer-reviewed papers and professional, public articles as well, which deal with the actual situation, innovations and novelties of the field of gerontology. Journal admits presenting of results of professional research, analysis and opinions.

Find HJEAS on Twitter and Facebook.
Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies

The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies seeks to publish the best of Hungarian and international scholarship, and invites articles, interviews, review essays and reviews in English and American Studies (including Canadian, Australian, Irish, South African, and Caribbean topics), on such varied fields as literature, theatre, visual culture, film, music, culture, philosophy, history, religion, and theory. We are open to all theoretical approaches and methodologies provided that these engage with the chosen topic at the required depth and promise to advance its critical elaboration.

International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences
International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences
IJEMS is an independent, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal, covering the topics of engineering, economics and management sciences. The aim of the journal is to publish – in English or in Hungarian – the latest studies and research results of professors, lecturers, students and academic and industrial partners of the faculty. The journal accepts articles from the following disciplines: Applied Mathetmatics and Engineering Education; Civil Engineering; Economics; Econometrics and Finance; Environmental Engineering; Management Sciences; Materials Sciences; Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering; Sport Economics. The IJEMS does not charge authors any article processing charges (APCs), submission, or publication fees. 
International Journal of Horticultural Science
International Journal of Horticultural Science

The International Journal of Horticultural Science (IJHS) is a peer reviewed scientific journal published by the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Horticulture. It was founded in 1994 by Agroinform Ltd. Founding editor in chief: József Nyéki. Publication frequency was 1-4 issues in each year between 1999 and 2019.  From 2020 the Journal publishes 1 issue yearly, in the month of August in each year.
The International Journal of Horticultural Science (IJHS) publishes both research and application oriented papers in the area of fruits, grapes and wine, vegetables, ornamentals, medicinal and aromatic plants, forestry, horticultural biotechnology and environmental management and horticultural economy. The journal is a diamond open access journal, publishing and downloading articles are both free of charge. The IJHS does not charge authors any article processing charges (APCs), submission, or publication fees. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of these articles. There is no submission charge. 
Each paper is evaluated in a blind, peer review process, with at least two reviewers for a paper. We use Crossref/iThenticate for plagiarism checking and in ethical issues the COPE guidelines are followed. 

Italianistica Debreceniensis

Italianistica Debreceniensis is the peer-reviewed journal of the Italian Studies Department of the University of Debrecen.

The journal welcomes original contributions and research in the various fields of Italian studies: literature, linguistics, history, cultural studies, cinema and arts, as well as reviews of volumes published in the last two years in these sectors.

The journal is included in the list of Academic Journals compiled by Anvur for the area 10 and 11 (language, literature; history and social sciences).
The articles published in Italianistica Debreceniensis can be submitted for the procedures of the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) in Italy.


Kitaibelia is a peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing original research papers on floristics, phytogeography, plant systematics, nomenclature, conservation, plant ecology, vegetation science and history of science, with a geographical focus on Pannonian Ecoregion (central Europe). Papers are published in English (with a Hungarian abstract) or in Hungarian (with an English abstract). The journal was founded in 1996 and named in honour of Pál KITAIBEL (1757–1817), outstanding Hungarian botanist. Kitaibelia is published twice a year.

Macedón Tudományos és Kulturális Közlemények

A macedón kultúra tudományos és népszerűsítő folyóiratát 2018-ban alapította Bartha Elek professzor, és Bólya Anna Mária kutató. A folyóirat publikálási lehetőséget kínál a macedón kultúrával és a magyar-macedón kapcsolatokkal foglalkozó tudományos és ismeretterjesztő írásoknak egyaránt.

Párbeszéd: Szociális munka folyóirat
Párbeszéd: Szociális munka folyóirat

The journal, Párbeszéd (Dialogue), was founded by the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Health, University of Debrecen, in Nyíregyháza, Hungary. The mission of journal is to communicate the values of social work, and provide information about theoretical and practical fields, changes in training, and results of research. The journal is committed to the development of social work by promoting engagement in professional discourse and the use of articles published in this journal by both or the professional audience as swell as anyone having an interest in social work.

The journal intends to be the platform for professional opinions to be expressed in articles as well as research and analyses that focus on areas of importance to the profession. The journal provides an excellent publication opportunity for practitioners, researchers, lecturers and students of social work and related professions to present and share information about social work that serves the needs of science and professional practice. The goal is to contribute to the development of social work.

Katalin Szoboszlai

editor in chief

Pro Futuro

On the list of periodicals of Department IX of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Hungarian-language journal in category "A" accepts manuscripts from any field of political and legal sciences that meet its mission and formal requirements, which discuss timely scientific issues and present new scientific results, considering also the aspects of the future generation. The studies can be published after double anonymous proofreading and the necessary corrections. Our journal is indexed by HeinOnline.

Recent Innovations in Mechatronics
Recent Innovations in Mechatronics

The Department of Mechatronics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen launched a new journal in 2014 entitled ’Recent Innovations in Mechatronics (RIiM)’.

The RIiM is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering the topics of mechatronics and related sciences. The single blind peer review system is used to review the submissions, which means that all articles are judged anonymously by expert colleagues, that is why the author does not know the identiy of the reviewer.

The aim of the journal is to publish the latest studies and researches of professors, departments, scientific workshops and industrial partners working in the field of mechatronics. The journal is published online once, at the end of the year. The languages of the articles can be English or Hungarian, but in both cases the English title and the abstract is obligatory.

RIiM is an Open Access journal, so it provides instant access to articles. It offers free publication for authors and does not charge a submission or any other fees. Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). The authors retain the copyright but give the journal the right of first publication. Users are free to read, download, share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform and build upon the material) under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

DOI ID of the Journal: 10.17667/riim

ISSN: 2064-9622


Régiókutatás Szemle

Region Research Review is a scientific journal which is published online once a year since 2016. Institution of Management and Organizational Sciences has been launched the journal, by taking over the series of essay volumes entitled “Interdisciplinarity in Region Research” of the Hajdú Bihar County Archives of the National Archives of Hungary, in order to give a broad publicity for the scientific work of researchers of different disciplines.
The journal entitled Region Research Review designates a stressed role for the announcements written in topics of management and organizational sciences, published at the University of Debrecen, especially at the Faculty of Economics and Business. The journal principally publishes scientific announcements, research results, critical summaries, studies, primarily social sciences, sports sciences, management sciences and its different fields: from the topics of management, human resource management, knowledge management, organizational culture, change management etc. as well as humanities. The journal is a peer-reviewed open access journal.


Slavica, a mulitilingual periodical issued by the University of Debrecen and its predecessor, has been published since 1961. It comes out annually in the third quarter of every year in three European languages: Russian, English and German. It contains articles and studies in four sections (linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies and scientific reviews), all of which cover the Slavic linguistic and cultural area. The four science sections may occasionally be supplemented by a „Tabula gratulatoria” page or a fifth section entitled „Notable Anniversaries” containing commemorative articles. It is also its aim to connect different generations of scholars who may be geographically distant from each other but are engaged in similar fields of research. Some of the main topics of its profile are the historical study of Slavic languages, trends observable in the development of modern Russian, classic and modern literature of the Slavic nations, research into philosophical aspects of culture. The critical overview, analysis and comparative presentation of outstanding achievements in the areas listed above is considered to be one of its most important tasks.

The printed and online versions of Slavica (Annales Instituti Slavici Universitatis Debreceniensis) are included in the list of periodicals of the1st section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Linguistics and Literary Studies).

Apart from their appearance in printed form, the issues of Slavica will be made freely available in PDF format on the OSJ 3.0 journal-editing template.

Slavica is published in printed format (ISSN 0583-5356) and online, freely available to all (ISSN 2732-0146). The publisher does not charge the authors a publication fee, and neither does it pay them any royalties. The periodical comes out annually in the third quarter of the year. The deadline for submitting manuscripts is April 1. The published volumes are archived by DEA (Archive of the University of Debrecen) and indexed by MATARKA (Hungarian Periodicals Table of Contents Database).

Special Treatment - Interdisciplinary Journal

Különleges Bánásmód [Special Treatment] is an online, interdisciplinary Open Access (OA) journal run by the University of Debrecen, Hungary. The journal was established in 2014 and the Editor in Chief has been Ferenc Mező (Ph.D.), and Katalin Mező (Ph.D.) has been the editor since the establishment of the journal. Every year four issues are published. All papers published in the journal are Open Access and have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number. The journal has been declared an "A" category journal by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The journal is indexed by DOAJ, CROOSREF, ROAD, MATARKA, EPA, and MTA REAL Repository. The papers are published after a public and blind peer-reviewing procedure. The publication is freely available for download at the website of the journal.

The journal is open to professionals and researchers working with children/young adults/adults who need special treatment. It provides an opportunity for practitioners in the field to share and disseminate their pedagogical, psychological and, social experience, ideas and, research results in connection with groups who need special treatment (Special Educational Needs, talented/gifted children, children with behavioral difficulties).

Különleges Bánásmód [Special Treatment] publishes papers about the following topics:

  1. Education of children and pupils (also the education of children and pupils with learning difficulties)
  2. Modern logopedic and linguistic research, methods, good practice
  3. Special Educational and Psychological Approaches to Family and Parental Roles
  4. Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Talent Development
  5. Opportunities for Skill Development in Preschool and School
  6. Digital tools, digital competencies in Education, and in Special Education
  7. Social Pedagogical Aspects of Special Treatment
  8. Medical Aspects of Special Education
  9. During research (insight into research such as Talent Management Programme, Students’ Scientific Association, Ph.D. research)

Languages of the journal: Hungarian and English

We invite scientific surveys as well as case studies –theoretical and empirical research – on the above-detailed topics in connection with special treatment.

Stadium - Hungarian Journal of Sport Sciences
Stadium - Hungarian Journal of Sport Sciences

The University of Debrecen has launched an open access journal in the area of sport sciences called Hungarian Journal of Sport Sciences. We are expecting genuine empirical and theoretical studies, in the area of sport sciences, which haven't been published elsewhere.

Our primary purpose is to provide opportunity for domestic and international sport science experts including scientists, instructors, professors, coaches and students  to publish their work. We hope, we will be able to enrich and promote sport science, through demonstrating new scientific findings and good practices around the world.

Studia Litteraria

A Studia Litteraria a Debreceni Egyetem Magyar Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Intézetének gondozásában jelenik meg immár 1963 óta folyamatosan, az intézetben dolgozók kutatási eredményeit reprezentálva, ugyanakkor a bölcsészkar más intézeteinek, valamint az országos kutatóműhelyek közreműködésére is számítva. A lap az elmúlt időszakban évkönyv formában jelent meg: az egyes tanulmányköteteket minden alkalommal más intézeti tanszék kutatócsoportjának munkatársai állították össze, és egy-egy irodalomtudományi téma, illetve irodalomtörténeti korszak jelenségeinek bemutatására vállalkozott.

2011-től a Studia Litteraria profilja átalakul: az évkönyv folyóirattá avanzsál, amely évente két duplaszámmal jelentkezik. A folyóirat állandó szerkesztőgárdát kapott, és napjaink kulturális, mediális változásait követve elektronikus kiadványként is megjelenik, amely nyílt hozzáféréssel érhető el az interneten. A külsejében is megújult Studia Litteraria az irodalom- és kultúratudományok időszerű kérdéseit szem előtt tartva szorosabb értelemben vett tematikus számok közlésére vállalkozik. Az alkotógárda gerincét továbbra is intézetünk munkatársai adják majd, ám a rugalmasabb megjelenésnek és a kiterjedtebb szerkesztői folyamatnak köszönhetően más kutatóműhelyek képviselőit is szívesen látjuk szerzőink között.


The Hungarian Journal of Nutrition Marketing scientific journal was created in  September 2014 by the Institution of Marketing and Commerce. The aim of the journal is to facilitate publicity of food and nutrition marketing researchers’ scientific work related to health economy and health-promoting markets (active exercise, wellness, fitness, spa, foods and herbs) within that. The Hungarian Journal of Nutrition Marketing is an Open Access journal published twice a year (July/August and November/December). This journal submitted manuscripts will be reviewed under double-blind peer review system.

Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science
Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science (Teach. Math. Comput. Sci.) is a peer-reviewed open access journal devoted to disseminate new research and theory in the fields of education of Mathematics and Informatics. Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science is published twice a year.
Founded by Judita Cofman in 2003.
Tejgazdaság - Hungarian Dairy Journal

A Tejgazdaság című lektorált tudományos folyóirat átfogó közleményeket, eredeti közleményeket, közleményeket a gyakorlatból, valamint irodalmakat, eseményeket és híreket közöl. A szerkezeti felépítés azt a filozófiát követi, ami az elmélet és a gyakorlat egységét próbálja megteremteni. A folyóirat nyelve magyar, amit kiegészítenek a nemzetközi népszerűsítés miatt az angol nyelvű összefoglalók, táblázatok és ábrák. A Tejgazdaság évente két alkalommal megjelenő folyóirat. A dupla anonim szakmai bírálati rendszert (double blind peer review) használja a beérkező tanulmányok elbírálására.