Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023) Current Issue

Published December 28, 2023



  • Preliminary Design of a Climate Controlled Environmental Test and Measurement

    Climate chambers play an important role in the design and testing process. Several different chambers have been built over the years, specialising in different areas. It means there is a wide choice on the market and as a consequence, parameters necessary for us limit when choosing the ideal test chamber. Our instruments might be subjected to several environmental effects which require a lot of time and effort to be tested. An example is the Mars rover. NASA's Perseverance Mars rover was equipped with 2 pieces of  Li-ion battery packs and the old solar charging was replaced by RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator) thus a generator feeds the electricity consumers of the rover. Temperature on the surface of Mars varies from -150 C° to 20 C°. In addition, there are huge storms at regular interval lasting for month sometimes. These storms cause great difficulties because, on the one hand, the main power source on older types was the solar panels, and storms can cover them with Martian dust, limiting or eliminating their power supply. On the other hand, large sandstorms can completely cover the rover, and once the sandstorm is over, the Mars rover has to free itself from its trap. In addition, there were many other factors that engineers had to consider in the design. It is a well-known fact that we are not able to consider all the possible environmental conditions in design, and it is also known that some measurements may be inaccurate, so the prototypes produced have to be tested on the ground. The ground tests must ensure that the operating conditions on Mars are maintained. Special test chambers have been developed for this purpose. [1] The aim of the authors is to design and build a prototype of a climate chamber of their own design. An important component of the chamber is a measurement data acquisition system, which allows the collection of measured data and their preliminary processing.

  • Simulation of PMSM Vector Control Using Multisim and LabVIEW

    This paper represents the simulation of field-oriented control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor. Using Clark-Park transform and three PI controllers for controlling speed, direct-axis current, and quadrant axis current. As maximum torque occurs when the rotor field and stator fields are 90 degrees from each other. The goal is to bring the stator field always orthogonal to the rotor field. The simulation is performed using Multisim and LabVIEW software


Robotics, Social Robots, Etorobotics

  • Psychological Aspects and Opinions about Some Typical Robots and Robots in General

    It is a well-known challenge for robot designers, developers and manufacturers that certain personalities and characteristics of people can result in resistance towards or outright refusal of human-robot interactions. With this in mind, we conducted qualitative research to collect information about what people think about some typical robots (Spot, Atlas, Lovot). Fifty-eight participants were interviewed during focus group sessions. Based on responses, we could conclude that the Spot robot was considered ugly and primarily useless, the Atlas was regarded neutrally and in Lovot’s case participants blamed developers of such robots and societies that encouraged this type of robots. Our main contribution is qualitative data about opinions of these robots, which can be crucial feedback information for developers.

  • Érzelemkifejezések háttere és szerepe a szociális robotikában

    A szociális robotok térnyerésével az emberekkel folytatott interakciók gördülékenyebbé tétele kulcsfontosságúvá válik. Az emberi kommunikáció fontos aspektusa az érzelmek, mint belső állapotok viselkedésben megjelenő kifejezése, melyek felismerése, és mesterségesen generált, helyzetnek megfelelő érzelemkifejezések mutatása a robotok számára is nagy jelentőséggel bír. Az emberi érzelmek kutatása, definiálása és modellezése a pszichológia, etológia és más kapcsolódó diszciplínák területéről kilépve a robotikával fonódik össze. Jelen cikkünkben az ember-robot interakciós kutatásokban használt elterjedt érzelemfelismerési és -kifejezési módszereket, illetve ezek szakirodalmi hátterét foglaljuk össze.

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