Évf. 4 szám 2 (2015)
Teljes szám
107-108Megtekintések száma:24A gyermekjóléti szolgálatok feladatellátásának értékelő elemzése országos szinten
Szerk.: Rácz Andrea, Rubeus Egyesület, Budapest, 2015PDF8
Rovat nélkül
Egy mélytengeri hal szárazon: értő Kálmán – az „urbánus”, a népi, a hungarista
28-50Megtekintések száma:33-
PDF14 -
The Controversy Surrounding the Intercountry Adoption
79-96Megtekintések száma:36The purpose of this article is to identify characteristics of the legal framework of intercountry
adoption. This study is specifically concerned with the international and Hungarian legislation.
In the first part, the international conventions and the Hungarian rules are presented. These
show that a considerable progress has been made in the last century in law-making.
A short statistical analysis illustrates the role of Hungary in intercountry adoption.
The final section considers possible risks and abuses in the process: exploitation, family
tracing, loss of cultural heritage, over-representation Roma children, debate over closed or
open adoption and adoption agencies.
On the basis of the results of this study, it can be concluded that the intercountry adoption
gives rise to a great debate and serious cause for complaining about abuses which weaken the
children’s rights.
This dissertation hopes to offer a comprehensive view on the advantages and challenges of
intercountry adoption.PDF (Angol)17 -
Comparative Analyses on Youth Care in Hungary and Serbia
97-106Megtekintések száma:34PDF (Angol)19