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  • Familyplanning and labour market aspirations among youth in fosterhome

    Several international and national organisations are concerned with the aspect of children. This
    essay examines a special group of children and youth who live in fostercare. Their future aspects
    are basically determined by the break away from their families. Even they area way from their
    familiesf or a short or a long time, becoming an adult is a complex process and many factors
    define their lives. Among these factors the environment of the fosterhome and the relationship
    with the biological family is essential. The essay focuses on two fundamental dimensions of
    becoming an adult: familyplanning and working. Although the desires about their future lives
    are quite diverse, the implementation is similarly difficult for each of them. Those who haven’t got the supportive background are hadicapped in many dimensions. In these cases the
    childprotection has a leading role. The essay attempt stogive an insight to these young adults’
    futureplans while it highlights the dimensions of familyplanning and working.

  • Advantages of the home ground: The role of the social contacts in the immobile status of the rural youth

    The paper deals with the effects of the structure and the working of the egocentric network to the immobile status of rural youth. The research was made in 2018 among 19-25-year-old youth living in villages with not more than 2500 inhabitants. More, than a hundred (104) structured interview was made: 53 youth and 51 parents. Firstly, the study shows the network size and composition of the examined population, then the influence of the revealed functions of the egocentric network of the youth to their immobility. Based on the data the egocentric network of the youth mainly consist of strong ties: close kin and other relatives. From the weak ties the most frequent contacts belong to the education institutions as primary or grammar school, university. The local schools have a great role in the forming of the friendships. The local working place contacts, neighbours and acquaintanceships are not general actors of the egocentric networks of the youth.

  • Rural youth and their lack of mobility

    International research on the lack of mobility and its causes among people in rural areas primarily focuses on motivations for emigration and consequences of immigration. In the first half of our study we summarize the findings of the research described above. We explain the relationship between poverty and lack of mobility, review the link between agriculture and local mobility, predominantly through the functions of rural businesses. We explore the return migration of youths, especially those who move back to their village after a long period of  education and/or job search. We revisit structural theories that connect migration to different types of capital and shed light on the impact of changing perceptions on rural life. We use longitudinal quantitative studies and their statistics to analyze the characteristics of the lack of mobility among Hungarian rural youths and emigration patterns between 2010–2017. The second half of our manuscript delineates the results of studies done by the Mobility Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The pertinent articles and case studies examine the role of social bonds in the lack of mobility, types of employment among rural youths, and how those influence their attachment to their village. Mobility case studies among the youths are also analyzed, along with the social representation of their identity, categories of success, the effects of poverty, their family bonds, perspectives for the future, as well as the consequences of the social and regional characteristics of their villages.

  • Causes for the Lack of Mobility Among Low-Status, Impoverished Rural Youths

    This study explores the lack of mobility and the lack of motivation for mobility among poverty- stricken youths with low levels of education who live in small villages. I strive to find out why underprivileged young individuals stay in their local village instead of moving to areas with more abundant opportunities and employment. My manuscript also examines their family life and their relationship with their parents, and how those factors could impact their attachment to their village. The main question to analyze is whether young people stay in impoverished rural villages voluntarily or as a result of a lack of choice and a rational decision, or whether they are drifting. My analysis of the data indicates that the lack of mobility among destitute rural youths is not driven by free decisions. My results suggest that these young people belong to a drifting social group, not in charge of their own fate, unaware of the world beyond their immediate surroundings, uninformed, dependent, vulnerable, living in an environment based on mere reciprocity, and thus, in a sense, they are a marginalized social group.

  • The Changes in political participation among Hungarian youth

    Citizens’ political participation is a key issue of a democratic political system. The starting point of the paper is political participation of young people in democratic institutions is not merely a question of young people’s interest in politics, but also the result of institutional opportunities and mobilization channels that are available for them. The present article aims to interpret the political participation of Hungarian youth is interpreted more broadly than in former studies. On the one hand it shows how a change of attitudes occurred among Hungarian youth concerning the perception of political participation perception. On the other hand it describes the institutional and social context where participation of Hungarian young people is taking place today.

  • The situation of young people in the Derecske district in terms of employment and job opportunities

    The situation of young people, their chances and opportunities on the labour market are of paramount importance for society, as they are the next generation. In this paper, we present the situation, labour market opportunities and mobility of young people in the Derecske district, based on data from a 2012 survey. Young people's access to work and mobility are nowadays much debated issues that deeply affect the whole society. We focus on the prospects of young people with a degree.

    Research on young people, youth research, is very significant in our country.

    From time to time, the situation of young people undergoes fundamental changes: they reach adulthood earlier than previous generations, but at the same time they are also delayed in their youth, i.e. they start the process of separating from their parents later. This phenomenon of postponement is called postadolescence. On the one hand, they are still children (in terms of their behaviour, values and lifestyle), and on the other hand, they are already adults (in terms of their political and economic situation) (Vaskovics, 2000; Gábor, 2012).

  • Social stratification among Transylvanian youngsters: youth in the new social structure

    We investigate changes in the socio-economical, labor market, and educational situation of the
    Hungarian youngsters from Transylvania; the investigation is based on two large-scale (MOZAIK
    2001 and Youth 2016) surveys. The principal research question is the choice of the paradigm
    from the toolbox of social stratification that can describe the inequalities within this group.
    Our conclusions state that the influence traditional variables diminished, and that horizontal
    differences must be taken also into consideration to better describe stratification.

  • Where do young villagers work? Types of social bonds and occupational characters of young generations living in small villages

    One of the defining elements of local identity is the opportunity to work and the chance ofear- ning money. These factors are especially important in small villages within low-populated rural areas, where due to changes in the production structure and land ownership job opportunities become less and less. In the absence of livelihood opportunities and adequate income for young people living in the countryside, the migration process is intensifying, the villages are aging and become more and more depopulated. A smaller part of young villagers however remain in the settlement, with new marginalized settlers from urban areas, who appear alongside them.

    Our case study, based on 104 interviews in 12 settlements, seeks to find whether young peop- le – aged 19–25 – look at village life as a constraint or an opportunity. The central question is whether they think that this marginal status, with an assumingly cheap village life, is the only choice for them, or they are convinced that they are staying in small villages due to their cons- cious choice in favour of a rural lifestyle.

    Focusing on employment strategies, the aim of this paper is to look at the dimensions of local attachment of the target group, and to show the various labour market characteristics of the target groupthat develops within the given framework.

  • The vision of young people living in villages

    According to the results of the youth research, young people are often pointless and find it difficult to plan for the future. Based on the results of a qualitative study conducted in 2018, this study presents the future plans of a special target group of young people aged 19–25 living in villages who have completed their education. We looked at how young people think about their career paths at school and in the labor market and also their future residence. Based on their ideas on their future, we classified young people into three types (conscious future builder, drifting, accumulator of failures) and, in the analysis, we present each vision indicator based on the types examined. We will also look at how the educational gap between young people and the current situation in life influence future plans.

  • Where is the truth? – Greek catholic high school youth’s justice values

    The purpose of our study is to present what young people think about justice, and how they
    are different from the youth and society of the country. The functioning of a society requires
    that fair conditions prevail in it. However, there are several types of justice. What young people,
    as adults of the future, think about this value is essential for the functioning of a society. We
    present philosophical interpretations and value sociological research on justice, then we define
    the concept of justice for Hungarian society and Hungarian youth. In our research we asked all
    eleventh and twelfth students of a Greek Catholic high school in Eastern Hungary in 2014 and
    2019. Quantitative method was used to compare students’ views on justice with the other young
    people in the country. According to our results during the five years of research, equality was
    more important for young people, especially for the boys. The importance of the value of equality
    was clearly related to the religiosity of the asked young people.

  • An example of good practice for integrating youth into the labor market in Hungary

    While there are positive trends in economic growth in the EU Member States, there are also challenges that are a long-term concern. These include, for example, unfavourable labour market dynamics, leading to an increase in social inequalities (Artner 2018). The European Economic and Social Committee stresses that young people can play an important role in addressing inequalities and socio-economic challenges, contributing to the future stability and prosperity of the EU (European Economic and Social Committee 2021). To this end, policies should support young people’s education, training and active participation in the labour market. The Lost Millennials project, coordinated by the HÉTFA Research Institute, and the project “Incorpora - for responsible employment”, implemented by the Maltese Care Nonprofit Ltd. and its partners, will be presented and their results analysed, while the study will also review national and international trends in the NEET group.

  • Territorial immobility as an opportunity in the life of young people in the village

    The purpose of the study is to explore and describe the characteristics, mobility dimensions of immobilized youth living in small settlements of less than 2500 people and seeing opportunities and perspectives in their own villages. We examine separately the views of parents of young people on their children’s mobility, seeking parallels and explanations with their views. The results may serve as a basis for further research and may prepare analyzes focusing on the target group. The research was carried out in the framework of the MTA Excellence Cooperation Program, the Mobility Research Center, and 104 interviews form the basis of the research.

  • Low-educated young people in the labour market in the Derecske sub-region

    The aim of my analysis is to explore the social background, capital endowment and labour market situation of low-educated young people and to compare it with the situation of the more highly educated. The research was carried out in the framework of the project "Rural Youthjobs" Facilitating the Integration of Rural Youth ont he Labour Market of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar Euro-Region HURO/1001/081/2.3.2 in the Derecske sub-region in 2012. A stratified sample of 10% was used for the questionnaire survey. Young people aged 14-37 years participated in the survey and were interviewed in five municipalities, 228 in Derečke, 80 in Sáránd, 38 in Tépé, 91 in Hosszúpályi and 64 in Konyár, for a total of N=501.

    From these, in the present analysis, I have selected the employed (142 persons), the registered unemployed (81 persons) and the non-registered unemployed (24 persons), and excluded the rest of the inactive population, as the main aim of my work was to study the currently active population, thus the number of elements was N=247 persons.

  • The strengthening of “transitional” categories in the self categorization of religious young people

    My study is about changes of self-qualification of the religiosity of the youth. The situation of
    the youth changed in the 21st century and this drew with itself changes in the ways they see the world. These changes influenced religiosity, too. I have analysed the meanings of the notions used in creating categories of religious self-qualification. I have focused on the meaning of the expression of being “religious in my own way”. What do those using this category of self-qualification exactly mean by that and what are other groups they compare themselves to then?
    I suspect the existence of a growing rate of transitional categories of self-qualification together with a decline of more exact categories - even though the category of those “not religious” grew and became second biggest behind those of being “religious in my own way”. I hypothesized that the meanings of the notions used in religious self-qualification became blurred as these categories grew in quantity. To see more clearly, I used qualitative research and analysed the meaning of these notions in more detail in the group of those who self-qualified as being “religious in my own way”. The results have shown that youth in transitional categories tendto see themselves as “seekers”. They explained that their aim is to find the meaning of life. They subordinate their quest and their self-qualification to this aim.

  • "Teens at risk": The everyday life of the early school leavers

    One of the most important challenges of today’s society is to fight early school dropout, and integrate the socially disadvantaged youth to the labour market. Research programs investigate the reasons, causes and solutions for the phenomena. Current statistics and analytical attempts, however, provide very few insights into the family ties, friend relations, financials, thoughts, goals and everyday life of the targeted youth. Our research aims to explore these areas through structured exploratory interviews with participants aged 15 to 19 who have already experienced or are in danger of early school dropout from a second chance provider secondary school.

  • Closed institution inmates’ views about the family

    When researching the reasons for criminal behaviour, literature almost unequivocally emphasises the responsibility and role of the family, where as the number of studies analysing the functioning of families of inmates in closed institutions (reform schools, special children’s homes) is relatively low. The present pilot research (with the purpose of preparing a wider one) tries to fill this gap. Using semi-structured interviews, we attempted to explore the inmates’ family background, what methods were used during their upbringing, what they thought about the family and its role and importance in one’s life. Harassment had occurred in juvenile delinquents’ families in various forms: it had physical and emotional manifestations, and therefore its impact on the affected person’s personality is extremely complex. These young people did not/do not have a safe background, and thus they were more easily influenced to choose the wrong way; they did not have a real childhood, never had the experience of common games or hiking, and never felt an atmosphere of trust, love and security. It was apparent that in these young people’s families very little attention was paid to each family member’s personal sensitivity or opinion, and emotional ties were either missing or were strongly distorted. In such a family environment, the young people were unable to solve the crises of adolescence which are parts of normal development, the family did not ensure support in coping with the tension, and they were left alone with solving their problems. Consequently, it is not surprising that they had great difficulties in telling what the family meant to them and what ideas they had about their future family.

  • Forms of parental control in the case of postadolescent youth

    The present study addresses control factors that emerge during the detachment of young people in the post-adolescent age that may delay or hinder the detachment process of the young adult. It aims to highlight that childhood upbringing, the child-parent relationship, and the communication that takes place between them allow the creation of a new type of typology in which not only parental control tools can be identified but also social control mechanisms can be identified. Most post-adolescence research traces the success or extent of detachment mostly to the financial situation of young people. This paper, however, aims to briefly demonstrate that a deeper understanding of the dimensions of detachment as conceived by László Vaskovics is possible through the study of attachments and bonds.

  • Social representation of rural youth identity

    In this paper, we investigate the local and self-identity characteristics of socio-cultural groups based on social representation theory and one of its methods (association method). Carried out on a sample of rural youth, the analysis focused on the relationship between the four groups, distinguished by their social representations of identity, with different intensities of meaning and the sociological background variables. In addition to the expected results, the hypothetical explanation for the contradiction in the emotional attachment and mobility variables can be further empirically confirmed.

  • A possible vision for young public workers or The Hungarian JWT

    According to different statements more and more youngsters, under 25 years of age, appear in Public Work Programs at the present time in Hungary. Even it occurs more frequently that pa-rents, primarily because of financial reasons, take out their children from school, and send them to public workers.This paper draws attention to this phenomenon. Furthermore, it shows a possible paral-lel between those young people who are in JWT (Job Without Training) and those Hungarian youngsters who are working in Public Work Programs reflecting on the Hungarian particulari-ties of this parallel.
    The concept of JWT and its categories are presented, and also which of these categories may connect with the Hungarian public workers’ state of being. Statistical data show the rate of public workers and their gender breakdown. Reports also suggest that the rate of young public workers is growing and their situation may become futureless.The author thinks that the growth of young public workers’ rate and their settled situation in this employment sector is likely to make inevitable for them to become NEET in the future.

  • Future vision-creation: Examination the motivations behind the future plans of Hungarian youngsters

    In our rapidly changing world, it is becoming more and more complex and complicated for
    young people to plan their future, which is perceived as a problem by all who are involved. Issues
    such as one’s relation to democracy, their desire to have children, their intentions to pursue
    further studies, whether they plan their future in their place of residence or abroad or the risk
    of deviant behavior are not only important from the point of view of the individual but also for
    society, as the future of a given region is also influenced by the above indicators of future vision.
    Research methods traditionally applied in youth research, which focus on socio-demographic
    characteristic features (i.e. objective life situation indicators), are less and less capable of
    providing adequate answers to these questions. In my hypothesis, to identify the underlying connections, the research tools of psychology and sociopsychology are also necessary to be
    applied apart from traditional sociological methods.
    Therefore, in my study, by the secondary analysis of the most recent, 2014 data of the
    European Social Survey, I intend to demonstrate the significance of the underlying motivations
    as future vision creating factors behind the decisions Hungarian young people make.

  • The impact of the family on the immobility of young people

    The study examines the effects of the spatial mobility of the family. The family’s influence in many areas of people’s lives, so the socio-spatial movements. The people in the family will inherit the bulk of their resources, provides for standards, values, skills, behavior patterns of transmission, all have an impact on the social and geographical movement-related efforts and opportunities. A study of rural young people in interviews to examine the family and the relationship between mobility, immobility. The interviewees aged between 19 and 25 have in common is that they have already completed their studies, and their parents live in the same village. An analysis of how these young people are present in the családtörténetében mobility, we are characterized by their family members, relatives, and family resources spatial movement, kötődéseik, what impact does the site less costly.

  • On the margin of child protection: Negative life events impact on the adolescents and youth health behavior

    The paper studies how negative life events affect risk behaviour of children and young people. Calculations on the database of the ‘Hungarian youth 2012’ research suggest that negative life events are strong predictors of different types of risk behaviour like alcohol, drug abuse and suicide. According to the data people who have experienced several and more serious negative life events, more likely refuse and turn away from the norms of the adult society than those whose life proves to be less stressful. To place these results into child protection context, the study calls attention to the fact that the Hungarian child protection system does not treat each group in the fragmented society equally, although, on the basis of the incidence of threat it should. Another important message of this paper is to highlight that in addition to scientific values large-scale sociological research studies have professional and practical values as well. To support it, from the questions of the well-known Holmes-Rahe scale the authors re-developed an exploration scale (Reduced Life Events Scale). The application of the Reduced Life Event Scale (or the original Holmes-Rahe scale) allows experts to focus more on the studied issues in the process of planning services, prevention and case work. The tool might propose solutions to use the insufficient resources in a more targeted way.

  • The Tertiary education plans of disadvantaged secondary grammar school students in Hungary

    My study focuses on tertiary education chances and opportunities of disadvantaged and multiply disadvantaged children and youngsters. The target group of the research consisted of disadvantaged full-time secondary grammar school students who aim to get out of their position and status with the help of further education. Via the interviews I tried to examine the difficult topic of further education from the perspective of the disadvantaged and the multiply disadvantaged students, also aspiring to reveal their notions and fears about the topic. The main goal of my research was to get an insight into the perspective and mentality of disadvantaged and multiply disadvantaged students.

  • From an acquaintance to a true friend – the idea of friendship among university students

    The idea of writing my essay comes from the book ‘Embert barátjáról – A barátság szociológiája’
    written by Fruzsina Albert and Beáta Dávid. I am especially interested in the appearance and
    significance of the typical social capital, i.e. friendship, among the students of the Sapientia
    University of Miercurea Ciuc (Csíkszereda) and that of the ELTE (Budapest). In order to
    investigate the phenomenon of friendship, I chose a qualitative strategy, namely focus group
    Although I have expected greater contrasts by comparing the students of these two distinct
    locations, I have found that friendship among the interviewed young people constitutes universal value with more common than different patterns.