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  • Change Leadership

    Today, researchers and practitioners also interested in the questions of successful leadership of
    organizations as well as efficient and effective change management. In our paper, we combine
    these two areas of research and in the form of a literature review examine what kind of leadership
    style, role, behaviour is needed to successfully convert organizations through change processes.
    We emphasise the behaviour aspects of change implementation. After defining the concepts that
    are most relevant to our topic, we first collect models and research findings from the literature
    on change management, which deal with how to lead changes, and then explore the approaches
    associated with organizational changes from the leadership literature. Finally, we try to draw
    conclusions that according to the research we have studied, what are the characteristics of
    successful change leadership.

  • Changes in family decision-making and division of labor among weekly families

    The study deals with the transformation of decisions and division of labor within the family by
    processing the results of a qualitative, interviewed study of the target group of weekly workers.
    The study shows how decisions are restructured according to roles within the family and how
    the roles of women and men change as a result of the regular absence of one family member.
    From the point of view of the approach to domestic work, the differences between weekdays and
    weekends, which can be considered as a consequence of weekend, come to the fore. In the course
    of the analysis, we examined whether there was a change in the decision-making processes
    within the family as a result of the weekly (and if so, what areas were affected by the change)
    and whether there was a radical change in the division of family responsibilities as a result of the
    weekend. I present the results on the basis of two dimensions, on the one hand, of the phenomena
    of disposition and decision-making over income, and, on the other hand, of the division of family
    responsibilities and problem-solving.

  • Planetary consciousness, biospherical governance, climatic rightfulness: Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future

    Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future was published in 2020. The novel is the sequel to the New York 2140 science fiction dystopian novel. The conceptual continuation presents a vision of unsustainable capitalism that functions via endless expansion. The Ministry for the Future brings into focus the outcome of externalities of capitalism: climate change and its effects on societies and individuals. The study emphasis on critique of capitalism, of mass production and mass consumption, at the same time it points at the techno-optimism in The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. The analysis of appearance of climate change in the novel is interdisciplinary, the study’s approach is scientific and empirical.

  • Social policy model change in Hungary in the light of post-2010 governance

    Hungarian social policy underwent a major shift in emphasis following the change of government in 2010. The aim of this study is to examine the direction of these changes of emphasis compared to the models used by Esping-Andersen to typify welfare states. The analysis uses the classical criteria of the models and analyses changes in social policy principles, goals and instruments in five areas. In the areas of employment, family policy, tax policy, housing policy and crisis management, we would like to show that in Hungary we cannot currently speak of a purely conservative social policy model as declared by the government. The conclusion of our study is that the Hungarian system currently uses mixed elements, although the declared values are conservative and the authorities try to preserve conservative structures and actors, there is a significant shift in emphasis in social policy, and the mixed model shows strong liberal elements.

  • Processes of change in the Hungarian and Ukrainian Community in Izsnyéte, Transcarpathia

    I started my research in Izsnyéte, Transcarpathia, in 2012 with an anthropological research group. Initially, we were curious about the coexistence mechanisms of the local settlement, the cultural peculiarities of the ethnic groups living there, but due to the war situation, we had to stop our empirical research sooner before 2015. In 2017, as a doctoral student, I continued my empirical research in Izsnyéte, where Hungarians represent an absolute majority against the state-forming Ukrainian ethnic group. The basic research concept was to choose a local settlement close to the border where two or three different ethnicities have lived together for decades. In my study, I examine the process of ethnicity production and the processes of image and change of the living ethnicities of the settlement and their applicability to each other in comparison with the data of previous research, reflecting on the changes, mainly in the light of assimilation. Already the results of the 2012 research showed spatial isolation, in many cases dissimilation was experienced among coexisting ethnicities, but with many other factors and aspects several years later, it caused diverse processes.

  • The characteristics of social contact intensity, contact frequency and contact structure in Hungary in 2006 and 2015

    The study aims at comparing the Hungarian results of the questions on the frequency of personal and distance contact with relatives and friends in the 2006 and 2015 ad hoc modules of EU-SILC. According to our results, in line with the findings of previous Hungarian research, compared to 2006, there were fewer contacts in Hungary in 2015. Relations with friends, especially those held in person, were less exposed to weakening compared to relations with relatives. Among the different social groups, the already disadvantaged were typically negatively affected by either the change in intensity or the structure of relationships. However, the situation of the elderly and the inhabitants of deprived households deteriorated in all three dimensions examined: their re­lations weakened more strongly, and those related to relatives and personal ones further narro­wed by 2015. This result indicates that the social disintegration of these groups has accelerated particularly between the two years, which poses a serious social policy challenge.

  • The Civis and the In-migrants: Spatial Patterns of Industrial Modernization in Debrecen 1870

    Scholars engaged in research into the history of Debrecen have long been eager to get an
    answer – beyond their specific research inquiries – to the question whether the development of
    the city had had unique features and if they had what would hallmark the unique character of
    development? Was there or is there a kind of “Debrecenness”?
    My study examines – with the help of a GIS relational database (DTTTA1870) – what
    peculiarities can be grasped in the transformation of the traditional spatial and social structure
    of Debrecen enforced by the political change and industrial modernization processes two
    decades after the change of feudal regime (1848/49).
    The analysis focuses on whether the alteration process of the factors determining the social
    status (residential segregation, neighborhood, spatial segregation and coexistence, other spatial
    and social hierarchical characteristics) in the cases of the “deep-rooted Debrecen residents”
    (cívis) and of the settlers showed specific types described in the literature or showed specific

  • The characteristics of employers' (and employees') behaviour in a rural border area today, based on interviews

    Clichéd as it may seem, it is undeniably true that the employment situation in Hungary is bad. The profound transformation of the economy and society in 1989-1990 brought about fundamental changes in the labour market. The main features of this were the disappearance of full employment and the emergence and persistence of unemployment. The economic activity of the Hungarian population declined significantly, due to, among other things, the disappearance or restructuring of enterprises and cooperatives, the fall in production and turnover, and the more intensive use of labour under new conditions, while the number of economically inactive increased.

    To avoid unemployment, people opted en masse for pensions or pension-like benefits, while young people stayed in school longer in the hope of better job prospects and, even with a much lower birth rate, the number of people still using home-based forms of childcare was essentially the same as before. After 1998, the number of inactive people fell slightly, but in 2009 the number of 15-64 year olds was still 2.6 million, about 7% (166,000) higher than in 1992. Employment fell significantly in the years following the change of regime, mainly as a result of the transformation of the economy. It reached its lowest point in 1996, when some 3.6 million people were in work, 1.3 million fewer than in the period of regime change.

  • Linguistic Landscape of Turistical Attractions in Transcarpathia

    The change of the linguistic landscape is a sore spot for the minority population that can be
    driven out of the virtual language use. Linguistic landscape is not only indicative of the language
    vitality of an area or region’s population, but can also reflect the real language ethnicity.
    Extralinguistic factors are as important as the two basic functions of linguistic texts and
    the models explaining the elements of the linguistic landscape. Such a factor is a small area
    or region’s economic, in our case touristic development. The increased tourist demand of the
    majority brings about numerous phenomena that are of significant influence on the linguistic
    landscape of the minorities’ territory. This research is aimed at revealing the influence a local
    economic investment makes (can make) on the formation of the territory’s linguistic landscape.
    I would like to show the changes in the linguistic landscape recorded by Hodinka Antal Research Centre in its photo database of 2011–2012, February and September of 2016, as well as of 2017 on the
    basis of my observations and photographs.

  • Female quotas for women in academia, or natural but slow change that might take decades? Between Scylla and Charybdis

    This present study aims to provide a comprehensive representation of the Hungarian aspects of
    academic membership for women, based on the contribution of valuable insight from researchers and academics while also listing the possible opportunities and tools that might be of help
    for raising the proportion of female academics in our country. The study summarizes their voices
    articulated on the pages of Magyar Tudomány [Hungarian Science].

  • The stealth rehabilitation of the psychicentity

    A deep-seated, ’constitutional problem’ of so-called psy-complex (ontologically ‘psy’ is different
    than matter, but it is studied by natural scientific methods) can be detected: ontologically the
    psyche is basically different than matter, but the main stream studies of these disciplines take the
    natural scientific methods as their research ideal which were created for material beings and
    they try to influence and change their ‘object’ by technical-technological attitude. The main aim
    of this paper to draw attention to some of the main consequences of this dilemma.

  • A way out of the crisis in economically underdeveloped and depressed regions by building an inclusive, local, green economy

    The pervasive process of globalisation means that any development project, whether focused on a large or small territorial unit, must take into account both international and domestic socio-economic trends, as these are decisive both in terms of the opportunities and the way in which they are exploited. This is particularly true of areas that are economically underdeveloped or areas that have been the base of heavy industry and are in decline as a result of economic restructuring, which have been hardest hit by the crisis. In this study, these are collectively referred to as disadvantaged areas. In order to address the growing territorial disparities after the change of regime, regional development policy has tried to provide various benefits to these lagging regions, and therefore laws have been passed to determine which areas can be included in the list of beneficiaries. Law No XXI of 1996 distinguished between socio-economically backward areas, areas affected by long-term unemployment, areas affected by industrial restructuring, and agricultural and rural development areas. According to Parliamentary Resolution 24/2001 (20.4.2001), the beneficiaries were: socio-economically backward areas, areas undergoing industrial restructuring, agricultural and rural development areas (RARDI).

  • Child protection in light of the Theory of Change

    It is essential that the child’s individual needs determine the required services and how these can give adequate responses to children’s problems. In Hungary, the child protection system is driven by less established professional principles, service planning and provision are of an ad hoc nature, child protection services lack any conscious design. The present study is based upon main qualitative results obtained from the research subject of “Is the State a Good Parent?”. Our goal is to reveal how the child’s needs are met in the system of the Hungarian child protection services (institutional and foster care), in what way the system can serve best the interests of the child, what systemic flaws can be identified according to child protection experts opinion.

  • 2019 Nyíregyháza City Council election: The Rawlsian interpretation of the local electoral reform

    One of the main perspectives and urgent tasks of the newly formed government following the general elections of 2010 was to reform the local eletoral system. It is true, that the number of seats of the local representative bodies were significantly decreased, but it begs the question whether this change can reasonably explain the fact that the government considered this step as one of the first and most significant measures of its governance. To raise this question is justified by the fact that the reform (Act No. L of 2010 on the election of local government representatives and mayors) was introduced on June 14, 2010, with only sixteen days after the new Parliament approved and voted for the government’s program, and elected Viktor Orbán as prime minister of Hungary. After a brief presentation of the institutional framewortk of the local electoral system, the aim of this paper is twofold: first, I would examine whether the local electoral reform of 2010 could be considered as a „fair” step, based on John Ralws’ conception of „justice as fairness”, second, I would like to explain the actual process of transforming votes into local legislative seats in the case of the city of Nyíregyháza, in 2019.

  • Political development: what, why, how? A comparative framework for Hungarian history

    The essay focuses on the comparative analysis of Hungarian political development before 1989–90. Instead of dealing with the 32 years since the change of regime, the author is interested in how many different interpretations of political development can be identified. The author singles out examples of political development in developed countries (for example the United States) as well as developing countries (those countries which have become decolonized in the 1960s). The starting point of the analysis is that Hungary cannot be described by either the categories used for developed countries or those that are used for developing ones. While the essay recognizes that the measure of progress at all times for Hungarian development is the example of Western development, it does not accept the approach according to which Hungarian development is a “dead-end” because it differs from Western development in many ways. The essay puts forward the hypothesis of the “normality” of Hungarian political development.

  • The Situation of Adult Education in Seclerland: Summary of professional analyzes from the decades following the regime change

    The study uses previous analysis and research reports to review the evolution of adult education.
    It presents the national and regional contexts, after that engages in the detailed presentation
    of adult education – structures, conditions, practices and functioninig – in Harghita county.
    One of the conclusions from the review of previous analysis and research reports is that the
    basic practices of adult education evolved during the first two decades of transition are still
    very dominant in today’s functioning of adult education. The possible current chances of adult
    education are not yet exploited neither in regional policy planning nor in regional development
    practice. There are further research and development tasks and opportunities in adult education.

  • The Rethinking the public in Higher Education: Communitarian Engagement vs. Service-Based dependency

    There has been structural change in higher education due to the impact of institutions built or maintained in private public partnership. The aim of the paper is to give a deep insight into how these institutions could accomodate or shape the public higher education sector’s discouses, spaces, procedures. The research used mixed method to approach this complex question from a multidisciplinary perspective (sociology, education). Within this framework two residential halls were chosen and 17 interviews were carreid out with all relevant figure of the management. Due to the analytical tools of Maxqda 12 the qualitative results will be presented giving an insight into the differing discourses and practices of the public vs. private-public management. Based on the analysis of the managerial interviews it is safe to state that the public management struggles to balance a communitarian, democratic discourse and objectives with the requirements of efficiency and accountability. The presence of private-public management unintendedly shapes its public counterpart. The institutional analysis revealed that due to the swiftly changing institutional and policy environment residential halls are forced to be efficient leading to difficulties in managerial legitimacy and questions concepts such as community, conformity, commitment and action. Under the circumstances of increasingly growing institutional service-based dependency and control, academic consumers, institutions and students alike, paradoxically avoid integrating into macro groups. As a consequence, the institution encourage and educate student into a particular type of citizenship based on communication and consumerism rather than consensus.

  • The Changes in political participation among Hungarian youth

    Citizens’ political participation is a key issue of a democratic political system. The starting point of the paper is political participation of young people in democratic institutions is not merely a question of young people’s interest in politics, but also the result of institutional opportunities and mobilization channels that are available for them. The present article aims to interpret the political participation of Hungarian youth is interpreted more broadly than in former studies. On the one hand it shows how a change of attitudes occurred among Hungarian youth concerning the perception of political participation perception. On the other hand it describes the institutional and social context where participation of Hungarian young people is taking place today.

  • The 2019 local elections in Szeged

    The 2019 local, municipal election outclasses the second-order elections in the given political constellation. This is especially true in the case of Szeged, where the opposition – unlike the situation at the national level – has the power for a long time. To change this situation, the governing parties, taking advantage of their dominant position – and using all means – conducted a very vigorous campaign, changing the city into a battlefield. According to the results, the governemt’s attempt was not successfull, it was rather contraproductive. The reigning mayor and city management won an unprecedented victory. The root cause of it is a special urban policy which extracted the local politics from the partyfights and overrode party interests, and which represented the interests of the city succesfully and with credibility even against cross-wind. Based on the cooperation of the entire opposition the implemented urban policy is symbolized by and embodied in the person of the mayor in office since 2002.

  • Labor migration in Szeklerland: Migration and development, decision-making

    Migration for the purpose of employment is an important social phenomenon. The following
    study provides insight into the situation of labor migration in Szeklerland after the change of
    regime. It outlines the most important trends that define this social process from 1990 to the
    present and indicates the changes along which the different periods of labor migration can be
    separated. The study discusses the changing perceptions of the connection between migration
    and development. The last subchapter contains an analysis about the phenomenon of decisionmaking in the context of new lifestyle trends resulting from migration.

  • Interpersonal relationships in Hungary – an overview

    Our paper aims to demonstrate that social structure has significant impact on the formation of
    interpersonal relations. We review and analyse the characteristics of ego-centric interpersonal
    networks of Hungarians based on data from nationally representative adult population surveys
    between the mid-1980’s up to 2015. We focus especially on core discussion networks, friendship
    ties and weak ties and analyse how the transition to market economy influenced interpersonal
    relationships. As expected, the large-scale social changes brought about by the transition
    changed interpersonal networks as well. During the first decade of the transition (in the 1990’s)
    one could not witness a significant change of personal networks, nonetheless the adaptation
    process was easier for people supported by strong, traditional family ties. Non-kin ties, especially
    friendships seem to gain significance at the expense of kin relationships. Overall, resources
    available through weak ties seem to be decreasing.

  • The Earning and cash management characteristics of the roma communities living on the margins of society in Budapest

    In this essay, I aim to explore the income and cash management characteristics of the roma
    communities living on the margins of society in Budapest. In my research, my main focus was the
    way people are living in the segregated streets of “Magdolna district” reacted to the declining
    opportunities after the economical system change. Another question to be answered is what
    strategies these families and households use to provide the sufficient amount of income, and if
    there is any kind of economical or ’life-management’ community function between them beyond
    the segregation.
    After reviewing the job opportunities, I concentrated on the characteristics of the consumption
    structure. I interviewed them about their costs of living as well as the possible ways of reducing
    their expences. I also tried to examine how the cooperation of extended families effect the
    everyday life of the smaller parts of these families.