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  • Basic income: Sugar-coating over a bitter pill?

    Current and future evolutions in labour markets may be blurring lines between traditional
    employment and new types of atypical employment, making it harder to reliably assess whether
    someone is receiving any benefits at all. The basic income should be seen as a serious option in
    the future, given the changing labor market and the findings from existing cash transfer schemes.BI is not means-tested, so the amount received does not depend on individual or family income or
    assets and does not require any work performance, or the willingness to accept a job if offered.
    In this study I examine the created image by the media through the method of content
    analysis, in relation to basic income. Furthermore, it is analyzed to what extent this effect creates
    a negative image of basic income among the students of the University of Debrecen, strengthening
    the fear towards this social policy tool. Particular attention is paid to the value choices of young
    people focusing on their individualization, motivation of working and willingness to take risks.

  • Interpersonal relationships in Hungary – an overview

    Our paper aims to demonstrate that social structure has significant impact on the formation of
    interpersonal relations. We review and analyse the characteristics of ego-centric interpersonal
    networks of Hungarians based on data from nationally representative adult population surveys
    between the mid-1980’s up to 2015. We focus especially on core discussion networks, friendship
    ties and weak ties and analyse how the transition to market economy influenced interpersonal
    relationships. As expected, the large-scale social changes brought about by the transition
    changed interpersonal networks as well. During the first decade of the transition (in the 1990’s)
    one could not witness a significant change of personal networks, nonetheless the adaptation
    process was easier for people supported by strong, traditional family ties. Non-kin ties, especially
    friendships seem to gain significance at the expense of kin relationships. Overall, resources
    available through weak ties seem to be decreasing.

  • Equal opportunities and integration in the career choice: The relation between school competences and job market integration

    The competences manifested in the career choice decisions refer to the success of integration
    and equal opportunities. They are able to forecast these social processes in a predictive way. The
    career choice competences connect the individual features and the social scenes, so by analysing
    them already the secondary school age group’s labour market success can be predicted.
    By studying and analysing of the competence fields with the method of revealing the sociological, psychological and pedagogical correlations it is possible to determine the labour market competences of students facing career choice, which determines the success of their social
    integration into the society at a personal level. Career choice plays a connecting part between education at schools and the labour market; therefore it has an important part concerning equal
    opportunities and integration, beyond the effect of qualification. In my study I am describing this
    process via displaying the affected competence fields.

  • New ways in exporting Society: The potential of donation.based digital data collection

    More and more digital data is being generated every day, and more and more social science
    analyses are using Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook data. Many international and national studies
    have already explored the social science opportunities and dilemmas raised by the phenomenon
    of ‚big data’ - but the issue of ‚access to data’ has only been touched upon tangentially. And
    access to data is becoming increasingly difficult. What can we do if market players close the
    access to their data, and, if we find data available, the Research Ethics Board tells us to stop? The
    answer is simple: go to the users and ask them for the data. This approach is what the literature
    calls data donation. This paper will describe the data donation approach in detail, focusing on
    how researchers can access data through users on the current major Western platforms. The
    practical feasibility of data donation access will be illustrated based on a domestic pilot study.

  • Integrating excluded children through experiential games

    The study focuses on children who have been verbally, physically and/or socially bullying by their peers. In the last three decades, the investigation of the phenomenon of school bullying has become an increasingly researched field, one of the main causes of which is the significant increase in the number of child suicides. As a result, the development and application of numerous prevention and intervention programs became a priority, the aim of which is to reduce this deviant phenomenon in educational institutions. The existence of these programs and initiatives helps to create communities in which hurtful behavior occurs in low numbers. In the course of this research, I chose experiential pedagogic games. In the center of the reform pedagogy method I have chosen, the promotion of the creation of social relations and the strengthening of the existing ones becomes the priority. During experiential pedagogic games, children can experience flow, the positive benefits of interdependence, and the new knowledge they get when leaving their comfort zone. The obtained results will be presented and interpreted in the experimental part of the study. As a research tool, I chose sociometry, which demonstrates the relationship network of the given class. During the pre-survey, two children (a girl and a boy) did not have a mutual relationship, and then, through the consciously guided experiential pedagogic game, the result of the post-survey was that these children managed to establish a mutual relationship.

  • Mechanisms of power, victimization and autonomy in the health care system

    The aim of this paper is to describe power relations, doctor-patient relationships among the
    many ongoing changes in health care from sociological point of view. This paper is based on
    interviews with 17 people who work in various fields of health care. To conduct the interviews as
    well as to write the paper, a number of concepts and theoretical approaches were resorted to:
    Dominique Memmi’s ’delegated biopower’, Eve Bureau and Judith Hermann-Mesfen’s notion of
    ’contemporary patient’, François Dubet’s concept of institutional programme as well as results of
    Hungarian health sociology. The main focuses of interest of the paper are role models in health
    care, the characteristics and consequences of new doctor-patient relations, their manifestations
    in Hungary as well as potentials of defencelessness and autonomy in Hungarian health care.

  • „In our society publicity ratify the success”. Success and career model of rural theater’s artists

    This study aims to answer the question of how actors and actresses define their own success and carreer. What does succes mean to an artist in rural theater? The study primaly discusses some contemporary analyses of sucess, amongst them I am using Deaton-Kahnemann’s and Barabási’s theories. I am also presenting the metodology of my research and later I show rural
    theatre’s organization based on Bourdieu’s theory. Finally I describe the definition of success and career of the actors and actresses embedded in an organizational context which helps to understand their tipical habits.

  • Transition from higher education to the IT sector in Cluj-Napoca

    The present paper focuses on those factors that affect transition from higher education to the
    IT sector in Cluj-Napoca, in cases of entrants with informatics, automatization and computer
    technology degree. The results show that transition to the IT market in Cluj-Napoca is primarily
    influenced by the dependency of the local IT market on western IT markets with more central
    positions, followed by the competition for workforce. The first factor: dependency is due to skill
    shortages on the labour market in Cluj-Napoca. Launching new trainings with the involvement
    of other departments at universities, such as design, business, sales, marketing or business
    informatics can reduce dependency according to the representatives of the local institutions of higher education. Transition from higher education to the IT sector for entrants in ClujNapoca is smooth, due to the strong competition for workforce (second factor). Entrants select
    their potential workplace based on the reputation of a workplace, position/projects, team
    and remuneration. Labour shortage is present both in the IT sector and in higher education.
    A long-term solution for reducing labour shortage in both sectors could be provided by creating
    attractive career paths in the academy which would require stronger cooperation between
    companies, state and higher education institutions, according to the representatives of the
    institutions of higher education.

  • Analysis of the space-based identity structure of rural elite in a region of Szeklerland

    The new challenges of rural areas support expansion of the range of professional research and
    analysis focusing on local or regional identity structures as a quality factor of development.
    These new approaches are particularly important in the rural areas of the post-socialist
    countries, which are in the initial stages of the recognition of the potential inherent in the
    endogenous development paradigm. In Szeklerland, according to the new rural development
    paradigm, place-based identity could be a potential for the sustainable development. The aim
    of my paper is to present the major dimensions of the place-based identity structure in a microregion of Szeklerland.

  • A munkaerőpiacra való belépés módjai felsőfokú tanulmányok folytatása mellett

    Manapság egyre inkább munkáról és nem munkahelyről beszélünk, hiszen a munka térbelisége megszűnőben van. Nem határozható meg konkrétan a munka helye, és időkerete sem, mert a hangsúly a feladatokon és a feladatok elvégzésén van. Hála a fejlett technológia vívmányainak, sokaknak már ki sem kell mozdulniuk otthonaikból, hisz számítógép, internet és telefon segítségével végzik munkájukat (Kiss – Répáczky 2012).

    Munka szempontjából megkülönböztetünk fizetett és nem fizetett munkát. Ha a munka fizetett, akkor a javak és szolgáltatások előállítása nem csupán alturista, belső késztetésből történik, hanem a tudatos pénzszerzésért. Legtöbb ember ezt a fajta „munkát” választja, hisz a pénz létszükségletté vált a mindennapi élethez.

    Ugyanakkor előfordul, hogy a szolgáltatások előállítása ellenszolgáltatás nélkül történik, az egyén a közjót szolgálja, a tevékenységet szabad akaratából végzi, ami belső és/vagy külső indíttatású. Ekkor önkéntes munkáról beszélünk. Az önkéntességnek két típusát különböztethetjük meg. A régi típusú önkéntességre jellemző a szegényeken való segítés, a vallás, a hit fontossága, az erkölcsi kötelesség és a közösséghez tartozás, míg az új típusú önkéntességre a tapasztalatszerzés, a kihívás, a szakmai fejlődés, emellett fontos a szabadidő hasznos eltöltése, illetve új barátok szerzése is (Fényes - Kiss 2011b).

    Egy felsőoktatásból a munkaerő-piacra lépő személy válaszút elé kerül, hogy melyik munkatípust is válassza, hosszú távon melyik lesz a kifizetődőbb, és ha már döntött is, rengeteg a munkaadó által előírt kritériumnak kell megfelelnie, hogy versenyképes tudjon maradni a már elismert, tapasztalattal rendelkező társai mellett. A munkáltatók szerint szükség van fiatal, frissdiplomás alkalmazottakra, hiszen ők azok, akik a legkorszerűbb tudással rendelkeznek. Ugyanakkor már a jelentkezés folyamán több hibát vétenek, mint egy régen diplomázott személy, és kevesen rendelkeznek olyan képességekkel, melyekkel fel tudnák magukra vonni a munkáltató figyelmét. Hiszen nem rendelkeznek elegendő gyakorlati tudással, elkötelezettséggel, a munka iránt tisztelettel és munkakultúrával. A legtöbb helyen, fontos legalább egy nyelv jó ismerete, a jó kommunikációs készség, az informatikai ismeretek, a nagyfokú munkaterhelhetőség, az önállóság, az elhivatottság, a motiváció és a készség a csapatmunkára. Mindezeknek azonban nagy kihívás megfelelni egy olyan frissdiplomás fiatalnak, aki még nem rendelkezik semmiféle munkatapasztalattal. Így sokan úgy próbálják orvosolni ezt a problémát, hogy már felsőoktatási tanulmányaik során munkába állnak, ezzel is megalapozva későbbi elhelyezkedési esélyeiket (Forgó et al. 2009).


  • Kint és bent háromszor

    A négy határmenti településen zajló kutatás eredményeit közreadó tanulmány azt a
    kérdést járja körül, hogy a peremhelyzetű gazdasági térségekben milyen együttélési
    formációk, munkamegosztási gyakorlatok jöttek létre a rendszerváltás után. Vagyis,
    hogy a gazdasági szerkezetváltozás következtében jelentőségüket vesztő mezőgazdasági és ipari központok vonzáskörzetében található települések hogyan rendeződtek át demográfiai, etnika és életszervezési szempontból, illetve hogy az egyes
    társadalmi csoportok boldogulásában milyen mértékben meghatározó az informális
    gazdaságban való részvétel.
    A szerzők a településtípusok leírásával arra keresik a választ, hogy az átalakuló
    körülmények miként befolyásolták a határmenti községek3
    lakóinak identitását, a
    kooperációk és kizárások mechanizmusai milyen szerepet játszanak a falusi szomszédságok hétköznapjaiban. A társadalmi folyamatok vizsgálata nem elsősorban a
    kultúrára, sokkal inkább a közösségi szerveződés formáira koncentrál. A peremhelyzet hármassága – országhatár, etnikai határok, az informális gazdaság határai – ha
    különbözőképpen is, de a vizsgált települések mindegyikére hatással van.

  • Changes in family decision-making and division of labor among weekly families

    The study deals with the transformation of decisions and division of labor within the family by
    processing the results of a qualitative, interviewed study of the target group of weekly workers.
    The study shows how decisions are restructured according to roles within the family and how
    the roles of women and men change as a result of the regular absence of one family member.
    From the point of view of the approach to domestic work, the differences between weekdays and
    weekends, which can be considered as a consequence of weekend, come to the fore. In the course
    of the analysis, we examined whether there was a change in the decision-making processes
    within the family as a result of the weekly (and if so, what areas were affected by the change)
    and whether there was a radical change in the division of family responsibilities as a result of the
    weekend. I present the results on the basis of two dimensions, on the one hand, of the phenomena
    of disposition and decision-making over income, and, on the other hand, of the division of family
    responsibilities and problem-solving.

  • Factors that influence matechoice among college women

    The centre of the study is the influential factors of female students in higher education. As a
    research question, does the institution of marriage continue to be a prominent place among
    female students in higher education as a planned relationship? And, does a person with
    a higher education level of education develop a relationship with a higher educated person,
    therefore achieving homogeneity of relationship? Thereby the choice of coupling is presented in
    addition to the examination of marriage, cohabitation and postponement mechanism, beyond
    the factors influencing partner selection, which are analyzed in a qualitative research of tenpersons. Factors include age, place of residence, origin and religion, separation from parenting,
    educational attainment, material capital and labor market situation, planned duration of the
    relationship and effects of the information age.

  • The slave trade and trust

    Does culture have an impact on society, and if so, how? The study by Nathan Nunn and Leonard Wantchekon set out to examine the impact of the slave trade, which has left its mark on the African continent and its economy, but which ended some 100 years ago, on the cultural, norm-following, beliefs and values of individuals. Their aim is to explore the reasons that led to the historical disconnect within Africa between local governments or municipalities (politics), between the outlying communities (neighbours) and even within family relations, which may still influence economic development today. Nunn and Wantchekon's hypothesis is based on an earlier study by Nunn, which showed a causal link between the 400-year slave trade and the income conditions of the African population today, looking at the long-term economic effects of the slave trade.

  • „I have to be constantly disciplined” – a possible hypothetical model for pedagogical characters

    How discipline the teachers in the primary schools in Hungary? How should they discipline to
    meet the expectations, values and norms of our society? According to my research, in today’s
    primary schools there are significant differences between discipline and conflict management.
    I analyse the differences and I set the behavior patterns of the teachers into three distinct types.
    These three characters are controlled from traditions, outside and inside. These three types are
    distinctly distinct in everyday life of schools, with different effects on students’ socialization. In
    this paper, I present this hypothetical model, its operation in the dimension of discipline. The
    interviews that underlie the analysis were prepared by village teachers teaching in the Vásárosnamény micro-region.