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Search Results

  • Family plans and career plans among higher education students in the field of social sciences based on a pilot study in Eastern Hungary

    Our paper explores the family and career plans of social sciences students at Hungary’s second largest university based on a questionnaire-based pilot study. Nowadays, careers include more than the traditional vertical promotion within an organisation, as seen from the emergence of the self-directed “protean” career type, which prompts organisations to adapt to individuals’ values, attitudes, and own career definitions. In addition, the Kaleidoscope Career Model sets out that individuals adapt their career goals to their life stages. Thus, students’ career and family plans matter to prospective employers. Our results show that a modern self-directed career type has emerged among students, for whom it is a priority to meet their own expectations. In several cases, starting a family is preceded by career goals. Furthermore, despite the “feminine” nature of social sciences, our pilot study shows that male students in the field still tend to conform to traditional gender roles regarding the importance of family and career. Our research implies that prospective employers need to adapt their HR strategies to young people’s family and career plans. Moreover, organisations should support students in gaining relevant work experience and in achieving their subsequent career plans.

  • Foreign students of the medical faculties in Pécs and Debrecen: the choice of the university and acculturation process

    With the headway of globalization and knowledge-based economy, international student mobility is promoted as the main indicator of the internationalization of higher education. In Hungary the number of foreign students – similarly to global trends – shows an increase, representing a significant economic interest. Besides this, the international students make a growing impact
    on the development and the economic and cultural life of the cities where the universities are based. In our empirical research, we analyzed international students at the Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy foreign language programs of the University of Debrecen and the University of Pécs with the help of personally requested anonymous, self-completed questionnaires (n=602). The
    self-developed questionnaire focused on three issues: the motivation of the students, their satisfaction with the university and the process of their integration. The research was conducted in the spring semester of the academic year 2015/2016 at both universities.
    Based on the results it can be stated that from the perspective of medium- and long-term policy development of the university and the city, it is indispensable to survey the motivations and satisfaction of the students arriving to Hungary due to international student mobility as well as to facilitate their integration. The general medicine major of the University of Pécs and
    that of the University of Debrecen are very popular among foreign students but there are significant differences in their choices behind which we can discover the different cultural background of the matriculated students and this factor determines their personal choices and their later plans. Concerning the difficulties at the beginning we can state based on the results that for the
    students of the German programme the different language medium and the local bureaucracy mean a bigger challenge, while for the heterogeneous community of the English programme contact building with the tutors and the integration into the socio-cultural medium mean more difficulties. Concerning the integration we can state that from the point of country of origin the integration means a little less challenge for the more homogenies student community of the German programme than for the heterogeneous community of the English programme behind which most probably the stabilization of the acculturation process can be trailed.

  • The civil activity of higher education students and the correlation of their chances of dropping out

    Our research question is that volunteering and civil organization membership of higher education students are able to protect against dropping out from higher education or even divert from effective learning and hinder persistence. The positive or negative effect of civil activity of students is measured by quantitative multivariable method, and the question is whether there is there a clear effect of civil activity on persistence, after allowing the effect of other socio-demographic variables. The results show, that civil activity of students neither protect against dropping out nor hinder persistence in our sample. There were several variables which affected civil activity, and the good relationship with parents is protecting the most against dropping out from higher education, but the fact, that civil activity is neither divert from effective learning, and nor hinder persistence means that it is important to improve civil activity of higher education students due to its’ several positive effects.

  • Environmentalism of university students in relation to their materialism, life satisfaction, views on politics and pandemic

    Recently, an increasing focus has been made on studying environmental problems and the
    related social phenomena. Understanding the environmentalism and its influencing factors
    in the case of higher education students can greatly help the preparation and identification
    of sustainability policies and educational practices in higher education institutions. In this study, we investigated environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behavior of
    students at 17 Hungarian universities as a function of a number of hypothesized influencing
    factors. These included materialistic values, life satisfaction, political views, and views on the
    Covid-19 pandemic. According to our results, these were all related to environmentalism. More
    environmentally conscious students were less materialistic, less right-wing in their political
    views, more satisfied with their lives, and also differed in their views on pandemic issues. Beside
    a weaker impact of environmentalism and political views, life satisfaction was largely influenced
    by the relative financial situation perceived by respondents.

  • Az iskolai szociális munka rendszerintegrációs kérdései

    Társadalmunk problémái közül figyelemre méltó a fiatalokat érintő problémák magas száma. Többek között a trágár beszéd, a korai szexualitás, a tinédzserterhesség, erőszak, bántalmazás, gyermekszegénység, magatartásproblémák, iskolakerülés, stb. (Jankó 2008).

    A szociális munka igen szerteágazó különféle területen nyújt segítséget, s különféle célcsoporttal dolgozik: többek között gyermekekkel, fiatalokkal, szenvedélybetegekkel, hajléktalanokkal, tartós munkanélküliekkel, börtönből kikerült egyénekkel, időskorúakkal, fogyatékos személyekkel, stb. Napjainkban, a szociális szakmában a célcsoportok különböző okok miatt eltérő hangsúlyt kapnak (Máté - Gergál 2008). A problémák magas száma miatt számos szakma próbálja segíteni az integrációt a szocializáció területén, ebből egy tevékenység értelmezésére vállalkozom: az iskolai szociális munkára.

    Arra keresem a választ, hogy az iskolai szociális munka miként integrálódhat és fejthet ki hatékony tevékenységet a jelenlegi társadalmi-gazdaság keretek között a segítő szakmák körében. Melyek az elengedhetetlen kellékei egy jól strukturált, hosszútávon fenntartható szociális szolgáltatásnak?

    A kutatás alapját az adja, hogy az országban több helyen indultak sikeres kezdeményezések oktatási intézményekben arra, hogy iskolai szociális munka szolgáltatást nyújtsanak, mint például Székesfehérváron, Pécsett. Ezek az előzmények vezettek ahhoz, hogy Debrecenben is elinduljon egy modellprogram szervezése. A kezdeményezés egy innovatív modellprogramot hívott életre, melynek kísérleti szakasza 2012. júniusban zárult. Az Iskolai Szociális Munka Programban 20 szociális munka szakos, illetve szociális munka alapdiplomával rendelkező, de még hallgatói státuszban lévő hallgató 10 debreceni oktatási intézményben (5 általános- és 5 középiskolában) speciális önkéntes tevékenységet folytatott. Ennek jellemzője, hogy szaktudásuknak, képzettségüknek, érdeklődési körüknek megfelelő helyen tudnak önkéntes tevékenységet végezni. A program célja, hogy a felkészített szociális munka szakos hallgatók, heti négy órában, egy tanéven keresztül az általuk választott iskolában hatékony szociális munkát végezzenek, segítve a problémákkal küzdő fiatalokat. A módszerek között megtalálható az egyéni konzultáció, csoportos és közösségi szociális munka. A hallgatók a saját iskolájuk igényeit, szükségleteit és jellegzetességeit figyelembe véve állítják össze tevékenységüket. Programjukat folyamatosan bővítik, szükség esetén módosítják. Az itt nyert tapasztalatok hozzájárulnak a hallgatók szakmai fejlődéséhez, másfelől segítik a program továbbfejlődését.

  • Preferred leadership style, leadership and entrepreneurial inclination among university students

    Although many researches have been conducted on leadership styles and university students
    are participants in exploratory social science research quite frequently, fewer examples can be
    found on the application of the Full Range Leadership model among the youth. In this article,
    the authors examine preferred leadership styles among Hungarian students, and map their
    connections with managerial and entrepreneurial inclination. The online questionnaire used inthe research was completed by university students studying economics, technology and social
    studies in the capital and beyond. The questionnaire was completed by 335 university students.
    The results are exploratory, and they seem to modify the existing typologies. Four distinct
    leadership styles could be observed within the target group, embodying the transformative,
    supportive, defensive, and laissez-faire leadership types. Based on multivariate analysis one may
    suppose that among students leadership willingness is positively connected to transformative
    leadership, while entrepreneurial inclination to the transformative and supportive styles.

  • Work value preferences of university students

    This study is part of a university programme that has been running for several years. At the University of Debrecen, in the academic year 2000/2001, the then Rector's administration initiated a new talent management programme, which was integrated into the existing forms - TDK, vocational colleges, demonstrator network. The novel features of this programme were the multi-stage assessment of the admission procedure and the different forms of support, in particular the tutoring system (Balogh - Fónai, 2003). Admission to the programme is in three stages, the first of which is a process in which faculties delegate the top fifth of full-time second-year students on the basis of their academic performance.

  • College and university students’ attitudes towards democracy in Hungary

    The existence of education for democracy has positive impact on citizens’ political knowledge
    and the identification with the democratic values. In the process of civic education, the
    universities and high schools play an important role. Many scholars argue that the high schools
    have a civic mission to serve a public good or the university is the civic mission itself. To examine
    democratic citizenship among high school and university students we use a dataset composed of
    three surveys (2011/2012, 2013, 2015) of 4800 Hungarian students. We build on the literature
    about the empirical and theoretical framework of democratic citizenship to answer the question
    if 25 years after the collapse of communism we can witness the emergence of a new generation
    of democrats in Hungary? Have young people successfully come to terms with their countries' authoritarian past and developed a commitment to democracy as a system of rule? Are they
    ready to defend it in the face of challenges? Based on the empirical framework of citizenship we
    derive a number of significant lessons from the Hungarian case, with important implications
    about the ability to teach the norms and responsibilities of democratic citizenship in the world’s
    emerging democracies.

  • The Rethinking the public in Higher Education: Communitarian Engagement vs. Service-Based dependency

    There has been structural change in higher education due to the impact of institutions built or maintained in private public partnership. The aim of the paper is to give a deep insight into how these institutions could accomodate or shape the public higher education sector’s discouses, spaces, procedures. The research used mixed method to approach this complex question from a multidisciplinary perspective (sociology, education). Within this framework two residential halls were chosen and 17 interviews were carreid out with all relevant figure of the management. Due to the analytical tools of Maxqda 12 the qualitative results will be presented giving an insight into the differing discourses and practices of the public vs. private-public management. Based on the analysis of the managerial interviews it is safe to state that the public management struggles to balance a communitarian, democratic discourse and objectives with the requirements of efficiency and accountability. The presence of private-public management unintendedly shapes its public counterpart. The institutional analysis revealed that due to the swiftly changing institutional and policy environment residential halls are forced to be efficient leading to difficulties in managerial legitimacy and questions concepts such as community, conformity, commitment and action. Under the circumstances of increasingly growing institutional service-based dependency and control, academic consumers, institutions and students alike, paradoxically avoid integrating into macro groups. As a consequence, the institution encourage and educate student into a particular type of citizenship based on communication and consumerism rather than consensus.

  • The Career-building effect of volunteering in higher education

    Nowadays the motives for volunteering are changing among higher education students, and
    besides traditional altruistic motives, career-building motives also appear (the acquisition
    of work experience and professional knowledge, professional development, networking,
    the presentation of voluntary work in the resume). In this paper, we use data from a survey
    conducted in five Central and Eastern European countries (N=2,199) to examine through linear
    regression analysis the factors affecting the strength of career-building motives and to analyse
    through a logistic regression model the determinants of whether or not volunteering is related to the field of study. Our hypotheses are formulated based on the literature. Our results show
    that career-building motives are more pronounced among women and students who have a
    close relationship with external friends outside the university, study outside Hungary, and study
    something other than engineering, computer science or science. Voluntary work is more likely to
    be related to the field of study among teacher education students, students with an unfavourable
    financial situation, those who study in Romania, and those who have a close relationship with

  • Studying further in higher education as a human capital investment

    In our paper, we examine the motives of further studies in higher education among higher education students, as well as how socio-demographic variables modify these motives. Our research method is quantitative. We used a research database gathered in the historical Partium region in 2014 (N = 1792). The theoretical backgrounds of our research are the human capital theory and Bourdieu’s capital conversion model. Based on ten motives of further studies, we made a cluster analysis and examined the relationships of these clusters and the socio-demographic background variables. Our finding is that the most important motive of further studies among students was expanding knowledge. Therefore, the motive of getting higher wages in the future, which is the central aspect in the human capital model, proved to be of minor importance. Based on the capital conversion theory students wanted to gain cultural and social capital when they decided to study further, as both can be profitable for them in the future. However, while the motives of further studies were affected by the social background of students, contrary to our hypothesis, financial motives were not more important for those students coming from disadvantage backgrounds than for other students

  • Career planning and competences assessment among university students

    Planning a career cannot be started soon enough. The determination of following a
    career path preceded by significant decisions and aims. Several pieces of research are
    dedicated to the affiliation of young adults self-awareness and career paths in terms of
    seeking work. University students rarely have the appropriate amount of self-knowledge.
    Nowadays in the labour market beside the qualification, competencies are growing in importance. It is crucial to have certain communication, integration and strategic
    skills to successfully find a quality job. The University of Debrecen provides a wide
    variety of available services regarding individual job search support or consultation
    and the commitment of a career path. The surveyed university students valued the
    importance of these services and competencies related to improving the finding of a
    job after graduation. The conformity between the knowledge of the available services
    and the required and existing skills could be helpful in the labour market after getting
    the university degree. The questionnaire was filled out by students from the University
    of Debrecen and valued by the IBM SPSS Statistics programme.

  • The place and role of field studies in teaching medical sociology

    Introduction: The goals of the subject of Medical sociology are to familiarize and explain the relationships between social environment and health. The theoretical and practical elements of the medical sociology education and the field studies that form a part of practical work serve these goals. During filed studies, we build on the previous knowledge and experience of the
    students. Method: The themes of the field studies change from semester to semester. From the series of studies we picked three themes that were connected to and built on each other. We present the role of field studies through their description and the explanation of our experiences. Results: Field studies add empirical skills and experience to the knowledge acquired during the
    theoretical and practical training of medical sociology. The field study assignments also serve to strengthen the effects of the “hidden curriculum”, the process of the indirect professional socialization at the medical school. Furthermore, the new knowledge and skills give the students a better understanding of the scientific literature helping them in the interpretation of statistical
    and methodological aspects of biomedical results and concepts. Conclusion: Our experiences show that field studies are an efficient teaching method. Its most important outcome is sensitizing medical students towards health related social problems and helping them to understand and handle such problems.

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  • The choice of medical career – What do our field work experiences represent?

    Background: One of the greatest challenges of the XXI. century is the changing of the medical profession. Beside of the process of deprofessionalism, the demographic and social composition of the medical society have also been altering. More women became medical doctors in recent years. Parallel to these changes, the career motivations of medical students are transforming. Method: 175 first year medical students from the Semmelweis University participated in our study. They wrote about their career motivations based on a fixed set of viewpoints. The narratives were analysed by both quantitative and qualitative (content analysis) methods. Results: The female students are committed to medical profession at younger ages. The most important factors in career choices are altruism and scientific interest for both genders. There is a male dominance in career motivations of experiences, knowledge and benefits. Conclusions: The changing face of career motivations has a significant impact on both the physicians and the patients. This issue opens up possibilities for following research.

  • Factors that influence matechoice among college women

    The centre of the study is the influential factors of female students in higher education. As a
    research question, does the institution of marriage continue to be a prominent place among
    female students in higher education as a planned relationship? And, does a person with
    a higher education level of education develop a relationship with a higher educated person,
    therefore achieving homogeneity of relationship? Thereby the choice of coupling is presented in
    addition to the examination of marriage, cohabitation and postponement mechanism, beyond
    the factors influencing partner selection, which are analyzed in a qualitative research of tenpersons. Factors include age, place of residence, origin and religion, separation from parenting,
    educational attainment, material capital and labor market situation, planned duration of the
    relationship and effects of the information age.

  • Similarities and Differences of Students’ Labour Market Paths Graduated in the Field of Social Science

    We study graduate trainees’ (short) paths of four „social courses” and their transition from higher education to the labour market. We have thought in cases of the chosen social courses, that differences can become perceivable besides similarities. It has also been assumed that sociologists of the four chosen professions can be characterized by a diverse labour market behaviour from the other ones. It can be partially explained by the objectives, the content of their courses and the flexibility of the prospective institutional system. Compared to the above in cases of other social courses a diverse picture has been experienced by us based on the socio-demographic background and experience in labour market, expectations and satisfaction. Social workers and socio-politicians’ socio-demographic indicators are quite similar just like the socio-politicians and sociologists’ indicators are. This may be due to the effect of the level of master/academic education. We analyse the results of Graduate Tracking System (GTS) 2015 data collection in our presentation. The research was carried out by the Educational Office in co-operation with higher education institutions in the form of an online questionnaire. We sorted the respondents of the four chosen courses (828) out of all graduated (20 579).

  • How has university students’ drug use changed during Covid-19?

    The Covid-19 outbreak and the lockdown have had significant psychological and social impacts
    on everyone’s life. Changing life circumstances and daily routines, job losses, uncertainty, have
    put a psychological strain on us. As a consequence, we may experience risk behaviours more
    often than before. The aim of the study is to analyse how risk behaviours have changed due to
    Covid-19 among university students in Hungary, and to identify the psycho-social factors along which the shift can be explained. The analysis is based on the data of ‘Covid-19 International
    Student Well-Being Study’ – a study initiated and coordinated by the University of Antwerpen
    involving 75 universities from 26 countries. Four Hungarian universities – Corvinus University
    of Budapest, the University of Debrecen, the University of Miskolc, and the University of Szeged
    participated in the study. The survey was conducted among all university students who filled
    in an online questtioannaire in Spring 2020. Our results show that all risk behavoiurs have
    declined during the Covid-19 period. However, students who had had consumed drug before
    Covid-19 have been using them more frequently during the pandemic. Our results suggest that
    the recreational use have probably declined and the problematic use have probably increased
    among university students during the pandemic. Our results highlight the fact that students for
    whom the crisis situation imposed by the quarantine was hard to handle are more likely to use
    substances more frequently, so offering them prevention and treatment options is crucial.

  • A Hidden Stream in Medical Education

    The general aim of medical education is the same as in the case of any other ones: creating a professional person from a lay one. A special characteristic of this education is a deep rift between the lay and the professional perspective. One of the main trends of this trait is the discrepancy between the open and the hidden curricula. The contents of the hidden curricula, in many cases, cannot support the main messages of the formal one, on the contrary, they provide a different or even contradictory set of norms, values,
    attitudes. One of the main consequences of these discrepancies is that some medical students have been becoming more cynical since their entrance into medical education. The open curricula emphasize empathy, alleviating pain and suffering, the importance of trust and fidelity, and that the well-being of patients is one of the most important priorities. The hidden curricula at the same time emphasize objectivity, detachment, caution, and being suspicious against emotions. One of the outcomes of these eventually contradictory tendencies is that the ’wounded healer’ is not a precondition for becoming a healer, like in archaic times, but a by-product of medical education. 

  • The transition between higher education and work

    One indicator of the labour market situation of recent graduates is the length and quality of the post-graduation period. Today, the path from higher education to the labour market is increasingly complex and flexible, with many people already working during their university or college years, while others find it takes months to find a job after graduation. The transition therefore starts during the period of study, before graduation, in the form of internships, work placements during training, or even voluntary work. Nowadays, the delay in finding a job has led to the status of unemployed recent graduates who are no longer studying but not yet working. However, the recent graduate unemployed behave differently from other unemployed groups, as they have generally not yet worked full-time and are supported by their families.