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  • Family perspectives for young people growing up in child protection care

    The study examines the factors of family perspectives among vulnerable youths – children and youth living in alternative care – with qualitative method. The target group is children who live in the Hungarian child protection system as juveniles. Children and young people experiencing different family substitute arenas may result in various family perspectives. These family perspectives are examined within a theoretical framework of family sociology and human ecology.We used a complex approach to describe the experiences and changes of these structural and family-replacer dimensions together with their impacts on the family perspective. We have found that the family perspectives of the young people are diverse and their narratives about their visions of the future are often linked to dominant family and life events previously experienced in family milieus and forms of care. At the same time, the complexity of life events and the diversity of future plans are not necessarily reflected in the institutional background and the professional-young relationships that could support young people’s autonomy. Based on the interviews, the family and community levels of the human ecology model can also be a significant factor in young people’s family perspectives, so cooperation between family and community, institutional actors can be one of the keys to providing adequate support for young people. In order to realize future plans for family perspectives, professionals need to focus more on individual needs and the diversity and variability of family perspectives.

  • Closed institution inmates’ views about the family

    When researching the reasons for criminal behaviour, literature almost unequivocally emphasises the responsibility and role of the family, where as the number of studies analysing the functioning of families of inmates in closed institutions (reform schools, special children’s homes) is relatively low. The present pilot research (with the purpose of preparing a wider one) tries to fill this gap. Using semi-structured interviews, we attempted to explore the inmates’ family background, what methods were used during their upbringing, what they thought about the family and its role and importance in one’s life. Harassment had occurred in juvenile delinquents’ families in various forms: it had physical and emotional manifestations, and therefore its impact on the affected person’s personality is extremely complex. These young people did not/do not have a safe background, and thus they were more easily influenced to choose the wrong way; they did not have a real childhood, never had the experience of common games or hiking, and never felt an atmosphere of trust, love and security. It was apparent that in these young people’s families very little attention was paid to each family member’s personal sensitivity or opinion, and emotional ties were either missing or were strongly distorted. In such a family environment, the young people were unable to solve the crises of adolescence which are parts of normal development, the family did not ensure support in coping with the tension, and they were left alone with solving their problems. Consequently, it is not surprising that they had great difficulties in telling what the family meant to them and what ideas they had about their future family.

  • The impact of the family on the immobility of young people

    The study examines the effects of the spatial mobility of the family. The family’s influence in many areas of people’s lives, so the socio-spatial movements. The people in the family will inherit the bulk of their resources, provides for standards, values, skills, behavior patterns of transmission, all have an impact on the social and geographical movement-related efforts and opportunities. A study of rural young people in interviews to examine the family and the relationship between mobility, immobility. The interviewees aged between 19 and 25 have in common is that they have already completed their studies, and their parents live in the same village. An analysis of how these young people are present in the családtörténetében mobility, we are characterized by their family members, relatives, and family resources spatial movement, kötődéseik, what impact does the site less costly.

  • Changes in family decision-making and division of labor among weekly families

    The study deals with the transformation of decisions and division of labor within the family by
    processing the results of a qualitative, interviewed study of the target group of weekly workers.
    The study shows how decisions are restructured according to roles within the family and how
    the roles of women and men change as a result of the regular absence of one family member.
    From the point of view of the approach to domestic work, the differences between weekdays and
    weekends, which can be considered as a consequence of weekend, come to the fore. In the course
    of the analysis, we examined whether there was a change in the decision-making processes
    within the family as a result of the weekly (and if so, what areas were affected by the change)
    and whether there was a radical change in the division of family responsibilities as a result of the
    weekend. I present the results on the basis of two dimensions, on the one hand, of the phenomena
    of disposition and decision-making over income, and, on the other hand, of the division of family
    responsibilities and problem-solving.

  • Family plans and career plans among higher education students in the field of social sciences based on a pilot study in Eastern Hungary

    Our paper explores the family and career plans of social sciences students at Hungary’s second largest university based on a questionnaire-based pilot study. Nowadays, careers include more than the traditional vertical promotion within an organisation, as seen from the emergence of the self-directed “protean” career type, which prompts organisations to adapt to individuals’ values, attitudes, and own career definitions. In addition, the Kaleidoscope Career Model sets out that individuals adapt their career goals to their life stages. Thus, students’ career and family plans matter to prospective employers. Our results show that a modern self-directed career type has emerged among students, for whom it is a priority to meet their own expectations. In several cases, starting a family is preceded by career goals. Furthermore, despite the “feminine” nature of social sciences, our pilot study shows that male students in the field still tend to conform to traditional gender roles regarding the importance of family and career. Our research implies that prospective employers need to adapt their HR strategies to young people’s family and career plans. Moreover, organisations should support students in gaining relevant work experience and in achieving their subsequent career plans.

  • The place and role of children in long commuting families – parental decisions and upbringing

    The study examines families in which one or both partners are commuting for longer periods (hetelés). Our research questions focus on those families who are raising children. As a result, their family life is largely determined by the specific operation based on the changing dynamics of physical, emotional proximity and distance. The analysis which processes qualitative results focuses on children and reveals the changes that have taken place in the family as a result of long term commuting. These include attachment in the family, the care and upbringing of children, and the place and role of the child in the family. In the lives of the families studied, we encountered different parental attitudes and parent-child relationships.

  • From Sunday lunch to the ballot box: Political socialisation and political homophily in Hungarian society

    Political socialisation is the process of forming an individual’s political identity, in the course of which the individual’s attitude to politics and political worldview is formed. Political socialisation takes place in different spheres, of which the family and parents are of particular importance. Previous research in Hungary has confirmed that the family is an “incubator” of citizenship. However, there is little data available in Hungary that would allow for a more precise understanding of the transmission of political attitudes. This study investigates political homophily within the family (between parent and child) and the effects of parental political characteristics on the individual in Hungary. Our data are drawn from a nationally representative telephone survey of 2000 respondents sampled in 2023. The results show that in nearly two-thirds of Hungarian families, family members held the same political views during the respondent’s childhood, with the highest proportions of homophily indicators, fathers’ and respondents’ voting activity, and mothers’ and respondents’ conservative-liberal attitudes. The effect of parental characteristics was tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). Parents’ political interests and ideological positions had a strong direct effect on the same child characteristics, but the individual’s political participation and party preference were only indirectly influenced by parents. The success of attitudinal transmission was strongly enhanced if the parents were themselves, homophiles, along with the trait in question. Our results point to the important role of the family as a primary agent in political socialisation and suggest new research directions.

  • Broader context of bullying: from the aspect of several school level and social level variable

    Bullying is a widespread phenomenon in school communities. Although there are significant differences in prevalence between schools, regions and countries. Bullying is a complex problem that is related to several individual, family, school level and social factors. The data was collected in the last survey (in 2013/2014) of the Health Behaviour in School Aged Children Study (HBSC) that is a WHO coordinated nationally representative study. 4 types of bullying involvement was determined: bully, victim, bully-victim and not involved. The ratio of these types was analysed related to the variables of family affluence, school type and type of school administration (state, religious or other) There are no significant differences in the ratio of bullying involvement according to the school type, but there are significant differences according to type of school administration or cathegories of family affluence. Although social-cultural differences doesn’t seem to be key factors of bullying they might have stong contribution to its understanding and designing effective prevention programs.

  • The effect of successfulness on family and friendly relationships

    The study examines the impact of leadership roles and success on family and friendship relationships between men and women. The literature on this topic typically focuses on the analysis of success and failure, but the impact of family and friendships on leadership success is a less published area. The questionnaire data collection (n = 437) was conducted among women and men using a snowball method, with separate questionnaires. The questionnaire data were analysed using ANOVA test and Chi-square test. Research findings suggest that female and male leaders differ in their perceptions of the impact of their own successful leadership roles. Male leaders perceived personal skills, unique ideas, reputation and spousal support as determinants of successful leadership, whereas female respondents did not perceive these factors as being important. More than half of men (51.8%) agreed with the statement that their leadership successes have led them to make new friends instead of old ones. This compares with only 4% of women. Almost half of female leaders (47.1%) believe that they have kept their old friends. Less than half (45.1%) of women feel that leadership has had a positive or negative impact on family and relationships.

  • The Career Concepts of Male Workers with or without Child

    The question of reconciliation of work and family is getting highlighted in social studies. For a
    long time, a lot of studies concentrated on young mothers; however, researchers have realized
    that this problem proves difficult to men as well. As Bencsik-Juhász write: ” As the actual labor
    market primarily employs and caters for men, with all the inherent ad-vantages (like higher wages for the same job) and disadvantages (like longer working hours), it is no wonder that
    the stronger labor-market presence and activity of women also changes the traditional family
    roles”(Bencsik – Juhász 2012: 616). The public opinion has been starting to expect double sets of
    obligations from the fathers, the traditional family supporter role is still strong, while men are
    also expected today to take part in child-rearing. The question is whether these processes effect
    on men’s career.
    This study presents career perspectives of male workers with or without child. The authors
    made a quantitative survey in order to get to know this question. Based on research conducted in
    2016, it is possible to say that men with or without child are different in this question.

  • The role of the hidden curriculum in the development of horizontal gender segregation, as a result of an interview research with teachers

    The impact and influencing power of educators and teaching aids used in education systems is an internationally researched area as they play a key role in the development and study of students’ personality. According to the literature, the teacher is one of the most significant „tools” of the hidden curriculum behind the official curriculum, but the presentation of the phenomenon in teaching aids strengthens gender stereotypes and reduces the possibility of gender equality. In this study, we examine the role of a hidden curriculum in the development of gender horizontal segregation, with particular reference to the influence of teachers and textbooks. In the empirical part of the study, we did conduct a semi -structured interview with 18 elementary school teachers through a non-probability expert sampling, which was analyzed by categorization and interpretation. Our results show that traditional gender roles have prevailed in the family of educators. During their studies, they observed a difference depending on their educators in terms of behavior and expectations – but they believe that they themselves do not differentiate between students. According to their views, the personality of the teachers is of particular importance regarding the personality development and academic progress of the students, however, the career orientation of the children is mainly determined by the parents family patterns that appear in the family.

  • Here you can or should stay? Narratives of mobility

    In this case study that focuses on mobilities’ narratives, we exam the experiences that works against mobility. Thus we are curious how to effect individual experiences (studies, employees), possibly in a larger city or abroad, small mobilities (vacation, office work in a city), how to effect on the duality of city and village as well as on commitment to their village. Involving the experiences of parents complement it and role a significant effect on the youth’s mobility and settlement. The case study is based on some pair of interviews: immobilized youth and parents talk about the causes of settlement, desires, commitment, experiences, and about young adults have chance to stay or to migrate. Understanding immobility is about exam the recent and past family experiences present in the family at the parent’s side, the migration culture of the local community and relatives, the separation of experiences, transmissible fears and hopes. These have to be completed by the young adults’ interview where we found the „immobility potential” towards successful, failures, fears, individual and family experiences.

  • Fighting child poverty. Family day care centres in Debrecen

    One of today's biggest challenges, present in every country in the world in some form or another, is child poverty. Vulnerable groups include children of unemployed parents, families with three or more children and single parents (Ferge and Darvas 2012).
    In the EU-27, children and working-age people are at higher risk of poverty and social exclusion than older people. The extent of child poverty is also influenced by the labour market status of parents, the household in which they grow up, and government interventions (Antuofermo and Di Meglio 2012). Since child poverty and the labour market status of parents are inseparable, in my study I also examine employment and unemployment indicators in our country.

  • Two sides of one coin: Social network of commuter and their families

    People around a person have important roles of the social integration and form of quality of life.
    Changes in the life circumstances like getting a job or changes of the workplaces have significant
    effect to egocentric social network. In a new workplace usually shape new relationships. Then
    again, it is also possible that besides increasing of number of new contacts, there will be those,
    which are drop out from the personal network. Paper shows the rearrange of the personal
    social network of people who works as a commuter and theirs partnerships. Commuter is a
    person who works far from his/her home and he/she goes home weekly or rarely. This topic was
    examined making interviews in 2019 (N=24). On the one hand, these interviews revealed a wide
    and confidant family and kin networks. On the other hand, it seems that, due to the workplaces
    and the common activities at the workplaces and other places (accommodation, shopping etc.), commuter can make new, long-term and confidant friendships which complete his/her family
    relationships and make their social capital stronger.

  • The diversity of family sociology

    Ivett Szalma – Judit Takács (2022): Családszociológiai mozaik. Szociológiai Tudástár (13). Debrecen, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen University Press, p, 209

  • The slave trade and trust

    Does culture have an impact on society, and if so, how? The study by Nathan Nunn and Leonard Wantchekon set out to examine the impact of the slave trade, which has left its mark on the African continent and its economy, but which ended some 100 years ago, on the cultural, norm-following, beliefs and values of individuals. Their aim is to explore the reasons that led to the historical disconnect within Africa between local governments or municipalities (politics), between the outlying communities (neighbours) and even within family relations, which may still influence economic development today. Nunn and Wantchekon's hypothesis is based on an earlier study by Nunn, which showed a causal link between the 400-year slave trade and the income conditions of the African population today, looking at the long-term economic effects of the slave trade.

  • Some demographic characteristics of long-term commuting in Hungary

    The study aims to show the most important demographic characteristics of long-term
    commuting workers and the emerging territorial disparities using the latest available statistics.
    The main motivation for commuting, including long commuting, is still to get the job they deem
    appropriate, but about a quarter of a million people take on much greater burdens than average
    and only travel home weekly or less frequently in Hungary. Most of them make this decision by
    force, as there are no job opportunities in their place of residence, but the income they provide is
    very important for their families. Long-term commuters mostly do seasonal work (construction,
    catering, etc.) and work in physical jobs. Unsurprisingly, men are more likely to take on the life
    form with increased physical and psychological strain, but not only the heads of the family in
    their forties, but also young people in their 20s who are not yet independent of their families
    are represented in large numbers. Long commuting is characterised by marked territorial
    inequalities, and those affected mainly start from villages, despite the fact that the high level of public employment in the most disadvantaged areas is affecting the direction of the stay of the

  • My healthy life: a health and skill developing program in the child care services

    We present a health education and skill development program for two groups (N=30) of 7-14 years old children in this paper. The target group of our program were children in the family care system. In their case, primer prevention regarding a healthy lifestyle is an important goal. Their families often have difficult life circumstances thus the “social culture” of their (Wessely 2003) may endanger their healthy personality development. The program aimed the development of their physical, psychic and mental health, focusing on the holistic understanding of the concept of health according to the bio-psychosocial health paradigm. As a result of the program, we experienced positive outcomes among the children like higher level cooperation skills, more cognitive knowledge about health, development of their communication, improved self expression and expression of emotions. In the group of adolescent children we experienced the improvement of tolerance, empathy, adaptation and problem solving skills. We consider their wish for further education, the forming of their future plans and life goals as a great result.

  • Familyplanning and labour market aspirations among youth in fosterhome

    Several international and national organisations are concerned with the aspect of children. This
    essay examines a special group of children and youth who live in fostercare. Their future aspects
    are basically determined by the break away from their families. Even they area way from their
    familiesf or a short or a long time, becoming an adult is a complex process and many factors
    define their lives. Among these factors the environment of the fosterhome and the relationship
    with the biological family is essential. The essay focuses on two fundamental dimensions of
    becoming an adult: familyplanning and working. Although the desires about their future lives
    are quite diverse, the implementation is similarly difficult for each of them. Those who haven’t got the supportive background are hadicapped in many dimensions. In these cases the
    childprotection has a leading role. The essay attempt stogive an insight to these young adults’
    futureplans while it highlights the dimensions of familyplanning and working.

  • Key players of the education system: teachers in Transcarpathia in the years of the Ukrainian crisis

     In spring 2017 a survey was carried out among 338 practicing Transcarpathian Hungarian teachers about their material and professional satisfaction and migration plans. The study highlighted that one of the most crucial problems of the teachers is the low salary. Among those who are contemplating migration the main push factor is material dissatisfaction, followed by family and partnership reasons. However, we cannot speak about professional burn-out in their case. 72% of the respondents, without being satisfied with their situation, still does not think about migration, or is pretty sure about staying at the homeland. 84 persons (25%) belong to an endangered group, in which people embrace the idea of migration. Only 5 persons have done concrete steps in this direction. In these two groups we find mainly youger teachers. The most important destination country is Hungary. Among the respondents there is high number of Hungarian citizenship holders, however it is not an obvious catalyst of migration: people who are willing to go or willing to stay cannot be differentiated according to this aspect.

  • Municipal Characteristics Increasing and Decreasing Immobility

    The study looks for answers to the question: what are the reasons behind staying in small mu- nicipalities, especially in highly disadvantaged villages, when moving into cities offers obvious advantages. We have analysed the motives, as well as attractive and repulsive factors based on 104 interviews, in case of 13 municipalities. The interviews convincingly certify that the decision about moving or staying in one place is a complex, multifactorial process. In this, employment opportunities have an undeniably important, however, not completely exclusive role. It is cor- related with the demographic characteristics, gender, age, family status, labour market para- meters, education level, financial characteristics, individual peculiarities, health status of the individual, as well as with its attitude towards changes, ethnic background, and its contentment concerning the given settlement.

  • The role of a children group for the participant, underprivileged children in the family care system 1995–2005

    The aim of this paper is to analyse the methods and effects of a children group, which existed
    from 1995 till 2005. The relevance of this group is, that the beginning of this period preludes the
    constitution of the Hungarian child protection law. After the transmission period the emerging
    social service system provided (or at least tried) supports and services. Those families whose
    children were involved in this child group were dealing with unemployment, poverty, lack of
    proper housing, abuse, deviance and addictions. The significance of this group that the given
    service was easily ductile to the needs of the children and families.

  • Do we have the effect of poverty ethnicisation in the Biharkeresztes micro-region?

    At a research in the Biharkeresztes micro-region (conducted via semi-structured interviews) we
    asked family households living in poverty. Roma households were mostly among the respondents.
    We also found that that estimated number of Roma population in the settlements correlated to
    the number of people working in public service. The examination of age structure diagrams at
    the settlements showed that the ones the mayors estimated to have a higher Roma population,
    are the younger settlements. The fact that there can be a causal relationship between these
    phenomena is supported by numerous previous researches (Kemény, 2004; Molnár, 2007). These
    researches pointed out the effect of poverty ethnicisation in Hungary (Ladányi – Szelényi, 2004).
    Furthermore, a research conducted in 2007 at the neighbouring Szabocs-Szatmár-Bereg County
    also confirmed the ethnicisation theory (Fónai et al.). The aim of this study is to examine the
    possibility of poverty ethnicisation at the five settlements of the Biharkeresztes micro-region,
    with the help of the implemented qualitative inquiry, previous researches, and databases from
    CSO and TeIR .