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How do the Spanish families face to crisis? The types and consequences of coping strategies
156-170.Views:63The impact of the crisis in Spain helped to harden the difficulties of a large number of households
in Spain. Even though these conditions had a widespread impact, it has been more acute in
families that prior to the crisis were dealing with difficult situations. The main objective of this
paper is to identify strategies the households developed in order to face these difficulties. The
results have been selected from a qualitative analysis of 34 excluded household´s life stories. From
this analysis two interesting results were obtained: On the one hand, households have developed
prevention and survival strategies. On the other hand, the study identifies the consequences of
the strategies and their impact in terms of household´s social integration. With all the results,
the paper invites to reflect on the limits of survival strategies. -
“Can’t you see that we are in trouble?” – The environmental protection-related ignorance, its appearance in visual attentional patterns, and some possible explanation/interpretation
49-69Views:46The environmental crisis is an outstanding topic nowadays. Given that it is basically caused
by human activity, this issue is worth examining at all levels of society. The present study
investigated the individuals’ visual attentional patterns and the possible attentional biases related to pictures displaying environmental problems, in comparison to undisturbed nature
and social scenes as control stimuli, within the framework of a reaction-time task. Changes
in participants’ mood and their self-reported environmental awareness were also measured.
However, only the negative social scenes resulted attentional bias, the environmental topics
were not able to do that. Albeit the mood of the participants deteriorated during the experiment,
it did not have any correlation with any other variables, and either did the environmental
awareness. We displayed the stimuli during the task only for a short period of time, thereby we
targeted to reach automatic attentional responses. Our results reflect to the fact, that the topic
of the environmental crisis is not suitable to do this. This phenomenon propounds the demand of
explanations behind this phenomenon (like the possible evolutionary background). -
Key players of the education system: teachers in Transcarpathia in the years of the Ukrainian crisis
165-196Views:45In spring 2017 a survey was carried out among 338 practicing Transcarpathian Hungarian teachers about their material and professional satisfaction and migration plans. The study highlighted that one of the most crucial problems of the teachers is the low salary. Among those who are contemplating migration the main push factor is material dissatisfaction, followed by family and partnership reasons. However, we cannot speak about professional burn-out in their case. 72% of the respondents, without being satisfied with their situation, still does not think about migration, or is pretty sure about staying at the homeland. 84 persons (25%) belong to an endangered group, in which people embrace the idea of migration. Only 5 persons have done concrete steps in this direction. In these two groups we find mainly youger teachers. The most important destination country is Hungary. Among the respondents there is high number of Hungarian citizenship holders, however it is not an obvious catalyst of migration: people who are willing to go or willing to stay cannot be differentiated according to this aspect.
Solidarity and autonomy in times of an epidemic
47-73Views:45The paper seeks to answer the question: what patterns of solidarity and autonomy can be identified in the Hungarian context of late modernity. The specific difficulty of answering this question is that it refers to social structures, which are naturalized interpretations of reality, thus exist mostly at an unreflective, preintentional level. In order to address this difficulty, our research has considered the COVID epidemic as a natural experimental situation: while the paradoxes and distortions of solidarity and autonomy, are usually naturalized by the actors, during the COVID they become reflected. The first section of the paper develops theoretical idealtypes of autonomy and solidarity specialised to the Hungarian social historical context. Then, after a brief methodological overview, I will present different patterns of solidarity and autonomy in the form of case studies. In the final section, the general conclusions are drawn from these cases, while an attempt is made to answer the question: how do the actors cope with modernisation structures that narrow the space of solidarity and autonomy and are characterized by fundamental paradoxes?
Enforcement of Community Approaches in Child Protection Practice: International Trends
70-86Views:71Child protection has changed in important ways on international level in recent years. Child protection as social institution adapts to and follows social change. Global competitions, mobility
of capital and workforce, acceleration of economic processes and interdependence of national
economies, and the economic crises of 2007 has their impact on the operation and workings of
welfare systems. This study examines the trends and tendencies in international child protection practice since the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, what type of child protection
orientations can be distinguished, what kind of characteristics can be described and which way
seems to emerge—as a common challenge—in general in the field of the state’s child protection
activities. The study draws attention to the importance of some topics in international discourse, such as complex needs of the clients, importance of partnerships, support of parenthood and a
range of professional skills and competences to achieve these goals. -
A way out of the crisis in economically underdeveloped and depressed regions by building an inclusive, local, green economy
1-30Views:49The pervasive process of globalisation means that any development project, whether focused on a large or small territorial unit, must take into account both international and domestic socio-economic trends, as these are decisive both in terms of the opportunities and the way in which they are exploited. This is particularly true of areas that are economically underdeveloped or areas that have been the base of heavy industry and are in decline as a result of economic restructuring, which have been hardest hit by the crisis. In this study, these are collectively referred to as disadvantaged areas. In order to address the growing territorial disparities after the change of regime, regional development policy has tried to provide various benefits to these lagging regions, and therefore laws have been passed to determine which areas can be included in the list of beneficiaries. Law No XXI of 1996 distinguished between socio-economically backward areas, areas affected by long-term unemployment, areas affected by industrial restructuring, and agricultural and rural development areas. According to Parliamentary Resolution 24/2001 (20.4.2001), the beneficiaries were: socio-economically backward areas, areas undergoing industrial restructuring, agricultural and rural development areas (RARDI).
Az agrárpiac rehabilitálása Magyarországon 1956 után
83-92Views:31A tervgazdasággal foglalkozó magyarországi szakirodalom fókuszában mind a rendszerváltás előtt, mind az azóta eltelt időszakban elsősorban az ipari vállalatok vizsgálata állt. Az agrárium szereplőivel alig foglalkoztak annak ellenére, hogy éppen ezen a területen került sor először a piaci mechanizmusok részleges korrekciójára. A jelen tanulmány egyrészt arra keresi a választ, hogy miért éppen az agrárgazdaságban indult meg a piac rehabilitálása, s meddig jutott el ez a folyamat. Másrészt pedig azt vizsgálja, hogy a piac működéséről felhalmozódott agrárgazdasági tapasztalatok milyen hatást gyakoroltak az 1960-as évek gazdasági reformmunkálataira/ új gazdasági mechanizmus előkészítő munkálatai során.
Kísérlet a piac kiiktatására a Rákosi-korszakban
Az 1945-49 közötti időszakkal foglalkozó kutatók között a mai napig intenzív vita folyik arról, hogy mikortól is lehet egyértelműen szovjet típusú berendezkedésről beszélni Magyarországon. Annak megítélésében már konszenzus alakult ki, hogy a fordulat nem egyidőben következett be a politikai és a gazdasági életben. Ez utóbbi területen az 1948. március 25-én kiadott, a 100-nál több munkást foglalkoztató üzemek államosításáról szóló minisztertanácsi rendelet hozott döntő fordulatot. (Pető 1998: 95-110.) Az államosítások révén lehetőség nyílt arra, hogy a piaci viszonyok kiiktatásával központilag irányított termelési és elosztási rendszerre térjenek át, ahol az állam tulajdonába került vállalatoknak kötelező tervutasításokkal előírták, hogy miből mennyit termeljenek. A szocializmus nagy előnyét abban jelölte meg a hivatalos ideológia, hogy a termelőeszközök magántulajdonának és a piacnak a felszámolásával lehetővé válik a népgazdasági méretekben való szervezettség, s ezáltal kiiktatódnak olyan problémák, mint a túltermelési válság, a munkanélküliség, stb. (Kornai 1993: 140-159.)A szovjet típusú tervgazdaság Magyarországon az ipar és a nagykereskedelem területén már az első ötéves terv 1950. évi elindulása előtt életbe lépett. Más volt a helyzet a mezőgazdaságban, ahol az 1940-es évek végén a magántulajdonra épülő parasztgazdaságok voltak túlnyomó többségben. (Szakács 1998: 311-329.) Közgazdasági környezetük azonban a korlátozott piacgazdaság jegyeit mutatta. A háború utáni rendkívüli helyzetben ugyanis a koalíciós pártok – átmeneti időre tervezve – fenntartottak egy sor hadigazdasági intézkedést, közülük legfontosabbnak a mezőgazdasági termények és állatok kötelező beszolgáltatása bizonyult. A háború alatt bevezetett ún. Jurcsek-féle beszolgáltatási rendszer fenntartását 1945-46 folyamán azzal indokolták a kormányzati erők, hogy az agrárszférát ért háborús károk és a lecsökkent termelés közepette a közélelmezés, valamint a fegyverszüneti egyezményben vállalt jóvátételi és seregellátási kötelezettségek teljesítése csak így biztosítható. (Erdmann 1993: 7-20.)