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Barriers to parental involvement in school life of a rural settlement in Szeklerland
103-122Views:55This study examines the barriers of parental involvement in school life through a sample of a rural settlement in Szeklerland, using the six areas of parental involvement discussed by Epstein (1987). In the study area, the actual process of parental involvement in the Epsteinian sense is in its initial stages. Although behaviours that can be categorised as school-parent cooperation are emerging, conscious parent-school cooperation is not yet characteristic.
Structure and communitas: Subcultural problemsolving knowledge in an alternative high school
153-174.Views:42The paper describes the relationship between subcultural and school/institutional interpretations
in the inner discourse of an alternative school (the ’Diákház’) in Budapest. Interpretations and
practices, that belonging two different interpretive frameworks, appear simultaneously and
intertwined in the Diákház communication scene. This contributes to problem-solving
capacities/knowledge that individually do not appear in either of the two. In this discourse, the
subcultural manifestations of difference, deviance, marginality, resistance or communitas, and
the manifestations of knowledge, autonomy, responsibility and the hierarchical structure of the
school sometimes appear in opposition, sometimes in reinforcement to each other. The knowledge
formed in the discourse can be used by the Diákház to keep (formerly drop-out) students within
the institution, and by the students to reduce their own feeling of invalidity. In this way, the
Diákház is able to use the two opposite social states, communitas and structure, to its own
benefit -
The characteristics of social contact intensity, contact frequency and contact structure in Hungary in 2006 and 2015
102-138Views:58The study aims at comparing the Hungarian results of the questions on the frequency of personal and distance contact with relatives and friends in the 2006 and 2015 ad hoc modules of EU-SILC. According to our results, in line with the findings of previous Hungarian research, compared to 2006, there were fewer contacts in Hungary in 2015. Relations with friends, especially those held in person, were less exposed to weakening compared to relations with relatives. Among the different social groups, the already disadvantaged were typically negatively affected by either the change in intensity or the structure of relationships. However, the situation of the elderly and the inhabitants of deprived households deteriorated in all three dimensions examined: their relations weakened more strongly, and those related to relatives and personal ones further narrowed by 2015. This result indicates that the social disintegration of these groups has accelerated particularly between the two years, which poses a serious social policy challenge.
In the thick of relationships? Personal and distance relationships with relatives and friends in Hungary in 2015
65-101Views:75The study presents the structure and intensity of the relationships of the Hungarian population over 16 years of age through a descriptive analysis of four variables measuring the frequency of personal and distance contact with relatives and friends from the EU-SILC 2015 survey. According to the data, the relationship structure is on average balanced, half of the relationships are related to relatives or friends, and the relative proportions of personal and long-distance relationships are similar. According to our results, in addition to age, the financial situation of the household has a significant correlation with the characteristics of the relationship structure. One of the lessons of multivariate regression models is that the effect of other background variables on the relationship structure intensifies in parallel with aging, leading to a deepening of relationship inequalities among the elderly. Another lesson of the models is that the inclusion of household characteristics (financial situation, number of household members, material transfer relationship with other households) has a significant effect on the mechanism of individual background variables, thus confirming that a deeper study of relationship intensity and relationship structure within the household is essential. At the end of our analysis, we compiled clusters based on the intensity of relationships, the direction of relationships, and the channel of contacting, with a relative majority of more than one-third of the respondents with extremely weak relationship embeddedness.
„Women Question” in the Political Parties’ Discourse in Post-Revolution Tunisia (2011–2014)
127-145Views:54For more than fifty years, the Tunisian political system has been considered as a so-called secular system that had provided women with many rights in education, healthcare and in economic and political sectors, besides that woman friendly family laws reforms After the overthrown of Ben Ali regime on 14th of January 2011, the Tunisian society witnessed an economic, social and political significant transformation. A new Islamic-secular discourse have been raised debates both in public and private sphere, women’s rights have been one of the incendiary topics of these debates. Therefore, with the participation of the Islamists in political life, the country has faced a new political dynamic which made the pollical scene complex and ambiguous. In this context, discourse analysis is a very important and crucial to be used as a method to approach to the research main question. Some leaders’ speeches, events which took place during the democratic transition are examined and analyzed in order to serve the research’s analytic interest through the relevant materials.
Trojan horse and fig leaf: the role of populism in the global crisis of democracy and the postmodern autocracies
30-61Views:72It is my contention that populism could be an appropriate framework to understand and link the phenomena of global crisis of democracy and spread of postmodern autocracies. In order to substantiate this claim with the method of literature review, I have examined first the characteristics of these phenomena and then I have focused the nature of relationship between them, in particular with regard to the complex system of stability of new types of autocracies, in which, I think, populism playing a key role. Populism, understood it as an autocratic interpretation of democracy and representation, could be a particularly dangerous Trojan horse for democracy. Above all, because of its idea of a single, homogeneous and authentic people that can be genuinely represented only by populists, and because of this representative claim is a moralized form of antipluralism. In addition, populism is also an important feature of postmodern autocracies, especially of electoral autocracy. By means of populism, it is possible for these regimes to camouflage and even legitimise the autocratic trends and exercise of power, as well as the creation an uneven playing field for political contestation behind their formally multi-party elections and democratic façade. As a radical turn towards traditional forms of autocracies would be too expensive, postmodern autocrats need manipulated multi-party elections and other plebiscite techniques that could serve as quasi-democratic legitimation, as well as populism that could transform political contestation to a life-and-death struggle and, provides other important cognitive functions. Therefore, populist autocracy, as a paradigmatic type of postmodern autocracies, will remain with us for a long time, giving more and more tasks to researchers involved in them.
Női szempontok…: A nők növekvő munkaerő-piaci jelenléte és hatása az amerikai családok életére az ezredfordulón
3-15Views:75A szakértők régóta vizsgálják a női munkavállalásban történt változások hatását az amerikai családok életére. Az 1970 és 2001 közötti időszakban a gyermeküket egyedül nevelő vagy párkapcsolatban élő, huszonöt és negyvennégy év közötti nők körében a foglalkoztatottsági ráta 43 százalékról 71 százalékra emelkedett. A családok számára a női munkavállalási kedv emelkedése egyet jelentett azzal, hogy a nők otthoni és egyéb, nem piaci tevékenysége a fizetett piaci munka irányába tolódott el. Ennek következményeként sok család csak úgy képes megoldani a gyermek ellátását, hogy fizetett szolgáltatást vesz igénybe. Ebben a tanulmányban, a témában meghatározó tanulmányok elemzésével, (1) a munka- és a gyermekvállalás stratégiáit vesszük górcső alá az egyedülálló és a párkapcsolatban élő anyák körében (2), valamint azt, hogy a munkavállaló anyák távollétének milyen következményei vannak a gyermek fejlődésére. Tanulmányunkban mindezeken felül bemutatjuk a gyermekvállalás időzítését és az első gyermek megszületése körüli munkavállalási trendeket is, különös tekintettel a 25 és 44 év közötti, a gyermekvállalás és gyermeknevelés aktív időszakában lévő nők munkaerő-piaci jelenlétére, továbbá a nők és a férfiak házimunkában és a gyermek gondozásában vállalt szerepére.
The role of the hidden curriculum in the development of horizontal gender segregation, as a result of an interview research with teachers
72-97Views:71The impact and influencing power of educators and teaching aids used in education systems is an internationally researched area as they play a key role in the development and study of students’ personality. According to the literature, the teacher is one of the most significant „tools” of the hidden curriculum behind the official curriculum, but the presentation of the phenomenon in teaching aids strengthens gender stereotypes and reduces the possibility of gender equality. In this study, we examine the role of a hidden curriculum in the development of gender horizontal segregation, with particular reference to the influence of teachers and textbooks. In the empirical part of the study, we did conduct a semi -structured interview with 18 elementary school teachers through a non-probability expert sampling, which was analyzed by categorization and interpretation. Our results show that traditional gender roles have prevailed in the family of educators. During their studies, they observed a difference depending on their educators in terms of behavior and expectations – but they believe that they themselves do not differentiate between students. According to their views, the personality of the teachers is of particular importance regarding the personality development and academic progress of the students, however, the career orientation of the children is mainly determined by the parents family patterns that appear in the family.
Advantages of the home ground: The role of the social contacts in the immobile status of the rural youth
24-54.Views:57The paper deals with the effects of the structure and the working of the egocentric network to the immobile status of rural youth. The research was made in 2018 among 19-25-year-old youth living in villages with not more than 2500 inhabitants. More, than a hundred (104) structured interview was made: 53 youth and 51 parents. Firstly, the study shows the network size and composition of the examined population, then the influence of the revealed functions of the egocentric network of the youth to their immobility. Based on the data the egocentric network of the youth mainly consist of strong ties: close kin and other relatives. From the weak ties the most frequent contacts belong to the education institutions as primary or grammar school, university. The local schools have a great role in the forming of the friendships. The local working place contacts, neighbours and acquaintanceships are not general actors of the egocentric networks of the youth.
The Party System of the European Parliament between 2004–2019
112-130Views:43The paper examines the party system of the European Parliament (EP) between 2004–2019
through European Parliamentary Groups. It applies party system typologies in an international
case. The examined period starts from 2004, which marks the largest enlargement of the
dominating the decision-making In addition to the widely used typologies developed by Blondel
and Sartori, the present paper focuses on the relationship between the political groups in the
EP and their role in decision-making. It draws conclusions about the nature of the party system
and its changes over three cycles from the internal cohesion indices and coalition statistics of
the political groups. The party system of the EP is a polarised pluralist system dominated by
two political groups (bidominant). In the period under review, the party system of the EP can be
characterized as balanced, showing only small changes. -
Virtuális világok, valódi kérdések: A Replika internet-kutatási száma Belépés Jelszóval! Online világok és kutatási módszereik
122-125Views:34Replika, 2015/1–2, 90–91. sz.
A töredezett magyar társadalom esélyei
88-93Views:41Takács Erzsébet (2018): A szolidaritás alakváltozásai: Az együttműködés lehetőségei és gátjai Magyarországon.
Budapest, Magyarország: Napvilág Kiadó (2018), 217 oldal -
"Teens at risk": The everyday life of the early school leavers
103-120.Views:111One of the most important challenges of today’s society is to fight early school dropout, and integrate the socially disadvantaged youth to the labour market. Research programs investigate the reasons, causes and solutions for the phenomena. Current statistics and analytical attempts, however, provide very few insights into the family ties, friend relations, financials, thoughts, goals and everyday life of the targeted youth. Our research aims to explore these areas through structured exploratory interviews with participants aged 15 to 19 who have already experienced or are in danger of early school dropout from a second chance provider secondary school.
-: A Kádár-korszak gyári munkásai közötti együttműködés a fusizás révén
39-48Views:30A Kádár-korszak gyári munkásaival foglalkozó történeti munkák leginkább egyes üzemeken vagy egy-egy településen keresztül mutatták be és elemezték a dolgozók hétköznapjait (Horváth 2004, Bartha 2009, Horváth et al. 2003). Az alábbi írásomban ugyanezt az utat kívánom követni, csak a Csepel Autógyár munkásairól kívánok beszélni. Egyfelől azért, mert a szakirodalom alapján igazolva látom Kemény István nézetét (Kozák, Kemény 1970, Kemény, Kozák 1971), miszerint korántsem egységes, hanem gyárak szerint elkülönült és változó képet adó „munkásságokról” beszélhetünk a korszakban. Másfelől témám, az üzemi munkások fusizása, habár országos szinten megfigyelhető volt, de országrészenként eltérő lehetőségekkel valósult meg.
„Elvtárs, a csákányt... ellopta valaki!” – A munkások fusizása, illetve annak fogalmi problémái
A Csepel Autógyár egykori dolgozóival készített interjúk és levéltári anyagok alapján arra keresem a választ, hogy a munkások a propaganda által gyakorta hangoztatott „tiéd a gyár, magadnak építed”4 jelszót miként valósították meg. Milyen fajta informális út volt alkalmas a törvényi vagy rendeleti szabályozás kikerülésére, vagyis a fusizás végrehajtására. Ennek kifejtése lehetőséget ad arra, hogy bemutathassam, az önös érdekét néző fusizó munkás képe valójában kritikátlanul megmaradt, miközben a fusizás társadalmi feladatban végzett, szintén önérdeket is szolgáló munkához is kapcsolódott. -
Where to go, net generation? Lifestyle-based segments of the Hungarian youth
124-142.Views:89My study attempts to explore the lifestyle-based segments of the Hungarian youth through an
innovative methodology based on social media data, incorporating the dimension of digitization
into the creation of lifestyle groups. The examination of the segments’ lifestyle attitudes is
assisted by a review of the related theoretical milieu approaches, international and Hungarian
empirical milieu researches -
The linkage between motivation, work experience and sense of deadline-keeping in product development projects of those working in the automotive industry
37-53Views:40Nowadays, numerous new automobiles are being developed by various companies and their
suppliers around the globe. On account of the reduction of the product’s economic lifetime and
effects of the global market, n the automotive segments the time factor plays a key role in the
successful implementation of the project and consequently in the sale of the product. The current
study, focusing on human conditions, scrutinizes the behaviour of the members engaged in the project. It’s primary focus is not to reveal the hindering factors due to time-losses arising from
the shortage of resources or inadequate planning. These conspicuous reasons and the demonstration as well as treatment of risk, belong to the scope of the board of project portfolio management, which operates well among larger project organizations. Each project member is taking
an individual approach towards meeting deadlines, and their motivation about the execution
of the given tasks also vary. Beyond the results found both in the professional literature as well
as general research, I study whether the unique features of the actual automotive organizational projects can be identified or not. The ongoing research observes, based on the experience
acquired from the automobile development project, motivation and adherence to deadlines, the
composition of the team impacting work efficiency. -
Interconnections between social work and the natural environment
96-112Views:59The aim of my study is to examine the appearance of ecology and natural environment in the
theory and practice of social work. By reviewing international literature, my aim is to review and
systematize basic theories and professional directions. I also consider it important to look at the
Hungarian aspects. Global environmental changes and social changes interact, and the social
work profession evolves, and incudes new trends and approaches while reflecting ever-changing
challenges. The relationship between the person and his/her environment has always been one
of the central themes of social work, but the pursuit of sustainability and the focus on the natural
environment may bring a new dimension to the interpretation of the person-in-environment
approach. In my paper, I attempt to understand the values and motivations of ‘green social work’,‘environmental social work’ and ‘eco-social work’ and I attempt to understand the relationship
between social work and the natural environment, and examine the roles social workers may
carry on related to the global environmental changes.