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  • A jól-lét fogalmának értelmezése az európai szakirodalomban (2009–2014)

    A jól-lét olyan, széles körben használt fogalom, melyben az életminőség különböző dimenziói testesülnek meg. A tanulmány a fogalom európai szakirodalomban történő meghatározásának és használatának felmérése érdekében végzett szisztematikus vizsgálat eredményeit mutatja be. Munkánk alapját az Európai Unió „Measuring Youth Well-Being (MyWeB)” kutatásában résztvevő tizenegy ország kutatóinak közös erőfeszítéseként előállt ismeretek képezték. Egy jövőbeli európai ifjúság-kutatási program elősegítése és előkészítése érdekében kutatásunk résztvevői összegyűjtötték a fiatalok jól-létével kapcsolatos angol nyelven, illetve saját országaik nyelvén 2009–2014 között megjelent tanulmányokat. Azok a munkák kerültek be az általunk megvizsgált anyagok közé, melyek megfeleltek a következő kritériumoknak: a tanulmány a kutatásunkban résztvevő partnerországban végzett kutatás alapján készült, célcsoportjának típusa és kora megfelelt a kívánalmaknak (nem esett a népesség valamilyen szempontból különlegesnek számító kategóriájába és a 10–25 éves korcsoportot ölelte fel), a tanulmány teljes szövege elérhető volt, s megfelelő módszertani alapossággal készült. Az egymást követő, három szakaszban végrehajtott szűrések után 95 db tanulmány maradt, melyet tovább elemeztünk. A jól-lét fogalom vizsgálatának eredményeként kiderült, hogy a koncepció felépítésében hat terület, s az ehhez kapcsolódó indikátorok vesznek részt. Azt találtuk, hogy a jól-lét elsődlegesen pszichológiai jellegű, erőteljesen kognitív, egészséggel kapcsolatos, magatartásbeli és szociális oldalakkal bíró koncepció. Tanulmányunk végkövetkeztetése, hogy a jól-léttel kapcsolatos kutatások során a jelenleginél több figyelmet kellene fordítani a koncepció szociális oldalának, kommunikációs aspektusainak, az intézményi környezetének és az információs társadalomba való illesztettségének vizsgálatára.

  • Family perspectives for young people growing up in child protection care

    The study examines the factors of family perspectives among vulnerable youths – children and youth living in alternative care – with qualitative method. The target group is children who live in the Hungarian child protection system as juveniles. Children and young people experiencing different family substitute arenas may result in various family perspectives. These family perspectives are examined within a theoretical framework of family sociology and human ecology.We used a complex approach to describe the experiences and changes of these structural and family-replacer dimensions together with their impacts on the family perspective. We have found that the family perspectives of the young people are diverse and their narratives about their visions of the future are often linked to dominant family and life events previously experienced in family milieus and forms of care. At the same time, the complexity of life events and the diversity of future plans are not necessarily reflected in the institutional background and the professional-young relationships that could support young people’s autonomy. Based on the interviews, the family and community levels of the human ecology model can also be a significant factor in young people’s family perspectives, so cooperation between family and community, institutional actors can be one of the keys to providing adequate support for young people. In order to realize future plans for family perspectives, professionals need to focus more on individual needs and the diversity and variability of family perspectives.

  • On the margin of child protection: Negative life events impact on the adolescents and youth health behavior

    The paper studies how negative life events affect risk behaviour of children and young people. Calculations on the database of the ‘Hungarian youth 2012’ research suggest that negative life events are strong predictors of different types of risk behaviour like alcohol, drug abuse and suicide. According to the data people who have experienced several and more serious negative life events, more likely refuse and turn away from the norms of the adult society than those whose life proves to be less stressful. To place these results into child protection context, the study calls attention to the fact that the Hungarian child protection system does not treat each group in the fragmented society equally, although, on the basis of the incidence of threat it should. Another important message of this paper is to highlight that in addition to scientific values large-scale sociological research studies have professional and practical values as well. To support it, from the questions of the well-known Holmes-Rahe scale the authors re-developed an exploration scale (Reduced Life Events Scale). The application of the Reduced Life Event Scale (or the original Holmes-Rahe scale) allows experts to focus more on the studied issues in the process of planning services, prevention and case work. The tool might propose solutions to use the insufficient resources in a more targeted way.

  • The strengthening of “transitional” categories in the self categorization of religious young people

    My study is about changes of self-qualification of the religiosity of the youth. The situation of
    the youth changed in the 21st century and this drew with itself changes in the ways they see the world. These changes influenced religiosity, too. I have analysed the meanings of the notions used in creating categories of religious self-qualification. I have focused on the meaning of the expression of being “religious in my own way”. What do those using this category of self-qualification exactly mean by that and what are other groups they compare themselves to then?
    I suspect the existence of a growing rate of transitional categories of self-qualification together with a decline of more exact categories - even though the category of those “not religious” grew and became second biggest behind those of being “religious in my own way”. I hypothesized that the meanings of the notions used in religious self-qualification became blurred as these categories grew in quantity. To see more clearly, I used qualitative research and analysed the meaning of these notions in more detail in the group of those who self-qualified as being “religious in my own way”. The results have shown that youth in transitional categories tendto see themselves as “seekers”. They explained that their aim is to find the meaning of life. They subordinate their quest and their self-qualification to this aim.

  • Youth NGOs at home and abroad

    NGOs are now considered by social researchers to be a full member of society, and are increasingly visible in public awareness, media and vocabulary, which shows their growing influence and importance.
    Their numbers are constantly growing, and their services and activities are expanding. However, in addition to the wide range of tasks and services, there are common features of NGOs that make them a completely separate sector. Their mission is to serve the public and the community, without profit-making being their primary objective (Bányai 1997).
    The non-profit sector includes those organisations in society which operate as private institutions but in fact serve community purposes (Simon 1998).

    Since the range of activities of NGOs is very broad and it is difficult to draw conclusions from the whole, the focus of this short study is on youth NGOs.

  • Future vision-creation: Examination the motivations behind the future plans of Hungarian youngsters

    In our rapidly changing world, it is becoming more and more complex and complicated for
    young people to plan their future, which is perceived as a problem by all who are involved. Issues
    such as one’s relation to democracy, their desire to have children, their intentions to pursue
    further studies, whether they plan their future in their place of residence or abroad or the risk
    of deviant behavior are not only important from the point of view of the individual but also for
    society, as the future of a given region is also influenced by the above indicators of future vision.
    Research methods traditionally applied in youth research, which focus on socio-demographic
    characteristic features (i.e. objective life situation indicators), are less and less capable of
    providing adequate answers to these questions. In my hypothesis, to identify the underlying connections, the research tools of psychology and sociopsychology are also necessary to be
    applied apart from traditional sociological methods.
    Therefore, in my study, by the secondary analysis of the most recent, 2014 data of the
    European Social Survey, I intend to demonstrate the significance of the underlying motivations
    as future vision creating factors behind the decisions Hungarian young people make.

  • The Patterns of free time in secondary schools

    The aim of this study is analyse the free time allocation in different types of secondary schools in Hungary. The use of free time is connected with social inequalities and the agglomeration of cultural capital so these patterns are rooted most of all in the social background. Besides, educational sociology involves an institutional effect in this field as well. Hungary has got a selective educational system and the different types of secondary schools refermainly to specific social groups so the differences in the use of free time can be significant. The database of HungarianYouth Research has been used during this analysis. This database is representative for regions, types of settlement, age and gender (N = 8000) and the subsample of secondary school students can be separated. Quantity of free time, places of free time, features of „screen time activites” and cultural activities have been analysed. Means, chi-sqare statistic, ANOVA-test, factor analysis and linear regression model were used. Our empirical finding scan show the different free time patterns of the subsamples (grammar school, secondary vocational school and vocational school).

  • Social stratification among Transylvanian youngsters: youth in the new social structure

    We investigate changes in the socio-economical, labor market, and educational situation of the
    Hungarian youngsters from Transylvania; the investigation is based on two large-scale (MOZAIK
    2001 and Youth 2016) surveys. The principal research question is the choice of the paradigm
    from the toolbox of social stratification that can describe the inequalities within this group.
    Our conclusions state that the influence traditional variables diminished, and that horizontal
    differences must be taken also into consideration to better describe stratification.