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  • Rácz Andrea (szerk.) (2018): Szülői kompetenciafejlesztést célzó modellprogramok a gyermekjóléti szolgáltatások tárházában: Rubeus Egyesület, p. 353.

    „Minden gyerekben, mikor megszületik, ott van egy zenei
    kotta, egy partitúra. De sok feltétele van annak, hogy a
    kottából muzsika legyen. Másként fog szólni jó zenészekkel, jó akusztikával, várakozással teli közönséggel, megint
    másként, ha a karmester, a terem, a hangszerek rosszak.
    És lehet, hogy egyáltalán nem szólal meg. Mai tudásunk
    mellett a partitúrát nem is ismerjük. Csak a feltételeken
    tudunk változtatni, ha azt szeretnénk, hogy a gyerekek
    zenéje szebben szóljon. Ezzel a metaforával világítja meg Albert Jaqurd, korunk egyik legnagyobb genetikusa, a környezeti feltételek és a genetika, az öröklött gének kölcsönhatását. Minél egyenlőtlenebb egy társadalom, annál nagyobbak a gyerek fejlődésére, ’megszólaló zenéjére’ ható
    környezeti különbségek.”

  • An "integrated" volume on social inclusion

    In 2012, an important volume was published again by the Institute of Sociology, which seeks to answer the question raised by the previous volumes, such as "Social Intersections", as a possible new framework for approaching and interpreting sociology, but also perhaps as a new paradigm. In the volume's Introduction, the editors conceive of social integration as the central element of this possible new conceptual framework, conceptual system, assuming that it can carry a new synthesis of social inequalities, new redistribution, new market order, consumer society and relational society - the volume as a whole provides convincing answers to the theoretical questions raised in this regard.

  • Female quotas for women in academia, or natural but slow change that might take decades? Between Scylla and Charybdis

    This present study aims to provide a comprehensive representation of the Hungarian aspects of
    academic membership for women, based on the contribution of valuable insight from researchers and academics while also listing the possible opportunities and tools that might be of help
    for raising the proportion of female academics in our country. The study summarizes their voices
    articulated on the pages of Magyar Tudomány [Hungarian Science].

  • Do we have the effect of poverty ethnicisation in the Biharkeresztes micro-region?

    At a research in the Biharkeresztes micro-region (conducted via semi-structured interviews) we
    asked family households living in poverty. Roma households were mostly among the respondents.
    We also found that that estimated number of Roma population in the settlements correlated to
    the number of people working in public service. The examination of age structure diagrams at
    the settlements showed that the ones the mayors estimated to have a higher Roma population,
    are the younger settlements. The fact that there can be a causal relationship between these
    phenomena is supported by numerous previous researches (Kemény, 2004; Molnár, 2007). These
    researches pointed out the effect of poverty ethnicisation in Hungary (Ladányi – Szelényi, 2004).
    Furthermore, a research conducted in 2007 at the neighbouring Szabocs-Szatmár-Bereg County
    also confirmed the ethnicisation theory (Fónai et al.). The aim of this study is to examine the
    possibility of poverty ethnicisation at the five settlements of the Biharkeresztes micro-region,
    with the help of the implemented qualitative inquiry, previous researches, and databases from
    CSO and TeIR .

  • A tanyák: Csatári Bálint (1949–2019)

    Ezt a tanulmányt Csatári Bálint emlékének tiszteletére jelentetjük meg a Metszetek Társadalomtudományi folyóiratban. Megírásának pillanatában még nem tudtuk, hogy ez lesz Bálint életének utolsó írásműve. Cikkét valójában egy átfogó, tanyákról, falvakról szóló önálló könyve egyik fejezetének szánta, amelynek megírására a Debreceni Egyetem Szociológia és Szociálpolitika Tanszéke nevében kértük fel. A tervezett közös munkánk, amelyet Bálint óriási lelkesedéssel kezdett el, sajnos, nem teljesedhetett ki. Könyve egyik fejezetének szánt utolsó tanulmányát most változtatás nélkül közöljük. Csatári Bálint az Alföld, az alföldi települések és társadalmuk kutatója volt. Az alföldi szórványtelepülések és tanyák modern kori fejlődésének és Magyarország lemaradó térségeinek vizsgálatai mellett elhivatott képviselőként emelt szót a területi és társadalmi egyenlőtlenségek ellen.

  • Some demographic characteristics of long-term commuting in Hungary

    The study aims to show the most important demographic characteristics of long-term
    commuting workers and the emerging territorial disparities using the latest available statistics.
    The main motivation for commuting, including long commuting, is still to get the job they deem
    appropriate, but about a quarter of a million people take on much greater burdens than average
    and only travel home weekly or less frequently in Hungary. Most of them make this decision by
    force, as there are no job opportunities in their place of residence, but the income they provide is
    very important for their families. Long-term commuters mostly do seasonal work (construction,
    catering, etc.) and work in physical jobs. Unsurprisingly, men are more likely to take on the life
    form with increased physical and psychological strain, but not only the heads of the family in
    their forties, but also young people in their 20s who are not yet independent of their families
    are represented in large numbers. Long commuting is characterised by marked territorial
    inequalities, and those affected mainly start from villages, despite the fact that the high level of public employment in the most disadvantaged areas is affecting the direction of the stay of the

  • Deficiencies in the doctor-sick people/patient relationship. Chances and possibilities at the intersection of bioethical and sociology of health investigations

    This paper brings into focus the theme of doctor-sick people/patient relationship by means of boethical principles interpreted in sociocultural perspective. The author, based on German literature, holds that the transformation of docor-sick people relationship [Arzt-Kranke-Verhältnis] into doctor-patient relationship [Arzt-Patient-Verhältnis] is one of the conditions and elements
    of modern medicine. Its realization requires disseminate and making general the patient’s principle of autonomy, his right to self determination and his right to informed consent in Hungarian patient care. This civilization challenge – namely the adjustment of the quality of all elements of medicine (including attitudes) to the criteria and standards of modern medicine – is the interest
    of all concerned in health care. In this setting interdisciplinary work is being offered by bioethics, for example to the sociology of health.

  • Az iskolai szociális munka rendszerintegrációs kérdései

    Társadalmunk problémái közül figyelemre méltó a fiatalokat érintő problémák magas száma. Többek között a trágár beszéd, a korai szexualitás, a tinédzserterhesség, erőszak, bántalmazás, gyermekszegénység, magatartásproblémák, iskolakerülés, stb. (Jankó 2008).

    A szociális munka igen szerteágazó különféle területen nyújt segítséget, s különféle célcsoporttal dolgozik: többek között gyermekekkel, fiatalokkal, szenvedélybetegekkel, hajléktalanokkal, tartós munkanélküliekkel, börtönből kikerült egyénekkel, időskorúakkal, fogyatékos személyekkel, stb. Napjainkban, a szociális szakmában a célcsoportok különböző okok miatt eltérő hangsúlyt kapnak (Máté - Gergál 2008). A problémák magas száma miatt számos szakma próbálja segíteni az integrációt a szocializáció területén, ebből egy tevékenység értelmezésére vállalkozom: az iskolai szociális munkára.

    Arra keresem a választ, hogy az iskolai szociális munka miként integrálódhat és fejthet ki hatékony tevékenységet a jelenlegi társadalmi-gazdaság keretek között a segítő szakmák körében. Melyek az elengedhetetlen kellékei egy jól strukturált, hosszútávon fenntartható szociális szolgáltatásnak?

    A kutatás alapját az adja, hogy az országban több helyen indultak sikeres kezdeményezések oktatási intézményekben arra, hogy iskolai szociális munka szolgáltatást nyújtsanak, mint például Székesfehérváron, Pécsett. Ezek az előzmények vezettek ahhoz, hogy Debrecenben is elinduljon egy modellprogram szervezése. A kezdeményezés egy innovatív modellprogramot hívott életre, melynek kísérleti szakasza 2012. júniusban zárult. Az Iskolai Szociális Munka Programban 20 szociális munka szakos, illetve szociális munka alapdiplomával rendelkező, de még hallgatói státuszban lévő hallgató 10 debreceni oktatási intézményben (5 általános- és 5 középiskolában) speciális önkéntes tevékenységet folytatott. Ennek jellemzője, hogy szaktudásuknak, képzettségüknek, érdeklődési körüknek megfelelő helyen tudnak önkéntes tevékenységet végezni. A program célja, hogy a felkészített szociális munka szakos hallgatók, heti négy órában, egy tanéven keresztül az általuk választott iskolában hatékony szociális munkát végezzenek, segítve a problémákkal küzdő fiatalokat. A módszerek között megtalálható az egyéni konzultáció, csoportos és közösségi szociális munka. A hallgatók a saját iskolájuk igényeit, szükségleteit és jellegzetességeit figyelembe véve állítják össze tevékenységüket. Programjukat folyamatosan bővítik, szükség esetén módosítják. Az itt nyert tapasztalatok hozzájárulnak a hallgatók szakmai fejlődéséhez, másfelől segítik a program továbbfejlődését.

  • Három ország egy határtérsége

    A bemutatott kötet tipográfiája, szövegképe, stílusa, szellős szerkezete könnyen olvashatóvá teszi az elsőre robosztusnak látszó könyvet. Könnyű tájékozódni benne, a
    témában nem, vagy kevésbé jártas olvasók számára is, ezt könnyítik a nagyobb és
    kisebb fejezeti egységek. A Sik és Surányi által összegyűjtött tanulmányok betekintést engednek egy speciális földrajzi és társadalmi egység – a határ – legfontosabb
    dimenzióiba. Külön erőssége továbbá a kötetnek, hogy a szerzők írásai a maga komplexitásában is helytállnak, azonban megfelelő közeget és értelmezési keretet kap az
    olvasó, amennyiben áttanulmányozza a Határhatások teljes repertoárját.

  • Social policy model change in Hungary in the light of post-2010 governance

    Hungarian social policy underwent a major shift in emphasis following the change of government in 2010. The aim of this study is to examine the direction of these changes of emphasis compared to the models used by Esping-Andersen to typify welfare states. The analysis uses the classical criteria of the models and analyses changes in social policy principles, goals and instruments in five areas. In the areas of employment, family policy, tax policy, housing policy and crisis management, we would like to show that in Hungary we cannot currently speak of a purely conservative social policy model as declared by the government. The conclusion of our study is that the Hungarian system currently uses mixed elements, although the declared values are conservative and the authorities try to preserve conservative structures and actors, there is a significant shift in emphasis in social policy, and the mixed model shows strong liberal elements.

  • Basic income: Sugar-coating over a bitter pill?

    Current and future evolutions in labour markets may be blurring lines between traditional
    employment and new types of atypical employment, making it harder to reliably assess whether
    someone is receiving any benefits at all. The basic income should be seen as a serious option in
    the future, given the changing labor market and the findings from existing cash transfer schemes.BI is not means-tested, so the amount received does not depend on individual or family income or
    assets and does not require any work performance, or the willingness to accept a job if offered.
    In this study I examine the created image by the media through the method of content
    analysis, in relation to basic income. Furthermore, it is analyzed to what extent this effect creates
    a negative image of basic income among the students of the University of Debrecen, strengthening
    the fear towards this social policy tool. Particular attention is paid to the value choices of young
    people focusing on their individualization, motivation of working and willingness to take risks.

  • Interpersonal relationships in Hungary – an overview

    Our paper aims to demonstrate that social structure has significant impact on the formation of
    interpersonal relations. We review and analyse the characteristics of ego-centric interpersonal
    networks of Hungarians based on data from nationally representative adult population surveys
    between the mid-1980’s up to 2015. We focus especially on core discussion networks, friendship
    ties and weak ties and analyse how the transition to market economy influenced interpersonal
    relationships. As expected, the large-scale social changes brought about by the transition
    changed interpersonal networks as well. During the first decade of the transition (in the 1990’s)
    one could not witness a significant change of personal networks, nonetheless the adaptation
    process was easier for people supported by strong, traditional family ties. Non-kin ties, especially
    friendships seem to gain significance at the expense of kin relationships. Overall, resources
    available through weak ties seem to be decreasing.

  • Equal opportunities and integration in the career choice: The relation between school competences and job market integration

    The competences manifested in the career choice decisions refer to the success of integration
    and equal opportunities. They are able to forecast these social processes in a predictive way. The
    career choice competences connect the individual features and the social scenes, so by analysing
    them already the secondary school age group’s labour market success can be predicted.
    By studying and analysing of the competence fields with the method of revealing the sociological, psychological and pedagogical correlations it is possible to determine the labour market competences of students facing career choice, which determines the success of their social
    integration into the society at a personal level. Career choice plays a connecting part between education at schools and the labour market; therefore it has an important part concerning equal
    opportunities and integration, beyond the effect of qualification. In my study I am describing this
    process via displaying the affected competence fields.

  • New ways in exporting Society: The potential of donation.based digital data collection

    More and more digital data is being generated every day, and more and more social science
    analyses are using Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook data. Many international and national studies
    have already explored the social science opportunities and dilemmas raised by the phenomenon
    of ‚big data’ - but the issue of ‚access to data’ has only been touched upon tangentially. And
    access to data is becoming increasingly difficult. What can we do if market players close the
    access to their data, and, if we find data available, the Research Ethics Board tells us to stop? The
    answer is simple: go to the users and ask them for the data. This approach is what the literature
    calls data donation. This paper will describe the data donation approach in detail, focusing on
    how researchers can access data through users on the current major Western platforms. The
    practical feasibility of data donation access will be illustrated based on a domestic pilot study.

  • Integrating excluded children through experiential games

    The study focuses on children who have been verbally, physically and/or socially bullying by their peers. In the last three decades, the investigation of the phenomenon of school bullying has become an increasingly researched field, one of the main causes of which is the significant increase in the number of child suicides. As a result, the development and application of numerous prevention and intervention programs became a priority, the aim of which is to reduce this deviant phenomenon in educational institutions. The existence of these programs and initiatives helps to create communities in which hurtful behavior occurs in low numbers. In the course of this research, I chose experiential pedagogic games. In the center of the reform pedagogy method I have chosen, the promotion of the creation of social relations and the strengthening of the existing ones becomes the priority. During experiential pedagogic games, children can experience flow, the positive benefits of interdependence, and the new knowledge they get when leaving their comfort zone. The obtained results will be presented and interpreted in the experimental part of the study. As a research tool, I chose sociometry, which demonstrates the relationship network of the given class. During the pre-survey, two children (a girl and a boy) did not have a mutual relationship, and then, through the consciously guided experiential pedagogic game, the result of the post-survey was that these children managed to establish a mutual relationship.

  • Mechanisms of power, victimization and autonomy in the health care system

    The aim of this paper is to describe power relations, doctor-patient relationships among the
    many ongoing changes in health care from sociological point of view. This paper is based on
    interviews with 17 people who work in various fields of health care. To conduct the interviews as
    well as to write the paper, a number of concepts and theoretical approaches were resorted to:
    Dominique Memmi’s ’delegated biopower’, Eve Bureau and Judith Hermann-Mesfen’s notion of
    ’contemporary patient’, François Dubet’s concept of institutional programme as well as results of
    Hungarian health sociology. The main focuses of interest of the paper are role models in health
    care, the characteristics and consequences of new doctor-patient relations, their manifestations
    in Hungary as well as potentials of defencelessness and autonomy in Hungarian health care.

  • „In our society publicity ratify the success”. Success and career model of rural theater’s artists

    This study aims to answer the question of how actors and actresses define their own success and carreer. What does succes mean to an artist in rural theater? The study primaly discusses some contemporary analyses of sucess, amongst them I am using Deaton-Kahnemann’s and Barabási’s theories. I am also presenting the metodology of my research and later I show rural
    theatre’s organization based on Bourdieu’s theory. Finally I describe the definition of success and career of the actors and actresses embedded in an organizational context which helps to understand their tipical habits.