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  • From an acquaintance to a true friend – the idea of friendship among university students

    The idea of writing my essay comes from the book ‘Embert barátjáról – A barátság szociológiája’
    written by Fruzsina Albert and Beáta Dávid. I am especially interested in the appearance and
    significance of the typical social capital, i.e. friendship, among the students of the Sapientia
    University of Miercurea Ciuc (Csíkszereda) and that of the ELTE (Budapest). In order to
    investigate the phenomenon of friendship, I chose a qualitative strategy, namely focus group
    Although I have expected greater contrasts by comparing the students of these two distinct
    locations, I have found that friendship among the interviewed young people constitutes universal value with more common than different patterns.

  • The social representation of radicalism among young people

    In the study, using data from an international research (Myplace), relying on the theory of
    social representations, we examined the understanding of radicalism of young people aged 15
    to 26 and living in two towns in Hungary (Ózd and Sopron) which differ significantly regarding
    their political socialization. In accordance with an empirical method based on the theory,
    we analyzed the relationship between young people’s attitudes towards nationalism and the
    democratic principles and the representation of radicalism, following the structural and content
    characterization of the representation of radicalism through the quantification of associational
    responses received in the questionnaire survey conducted in 2012.

  • Family plans and career plans among higher education students in the field of social sciences based on a pilot study in Eastern Hungary

    Our paper explores the family and career plans of social sciences students at Hungary’s second largest university based on a questionnaire-based pilot study. Nowadays, careers include more than the traditional vertical promotion within an organisation, as seen from the emergence of the self-directed “protean” career type, which prompts organisations to adapt to individuals’ values, attitudes, and own career definitions. In addition, the Kaleidoscope Career Model sets out that individuals adapt their career goals to their life stages. Thus, students’ career and family plans matter to prospective employers. Our results show that a modern self-directed career type has emerged among students, for whom it is a priority to meet their own expectations. In several cases, starting a family is preceded by career goals. Furthermore, despite the “feminine” nature of social sciences, our pilot study shows that male students in the field still tend to conform to traditional gender roles regarding the importance of family and career. Our research implies that prospective employers need to adapt their HR strategies to young people’s family and career plans. Moreover, organisations should support students in gaining relevant work experience and in achieving their subsequent career plans.

  • Incubating radicalism in Hungary – the case of Sopron and Ózd

    The paper analyses young people’s interpretation of the past, evaluation of the present and po-litical behaviour patterns based on semi-structured interviews (n=60) conducted in two contra-sting constellations of modernization, Sopron and Ózd. First the perception of the most pressing social and political problems, second the potential of political and civic actions are compared. Finally an attempt is made to outline a ‚hopeless’ and an ‚indifferent’ idealtype of political cultu-re. Together they create the opportunity for both the birth of antidemocratic tendencies and the space in which they can evolve. In this sense they provide the preconditions for ‚mainstreaming the extreme’ that is the incubation of radicalism in Hungary.

  • The characteristics of employers' (and employees') behaviour in a rural border area today, based on interviews

    Clichéd as it may seem, it is undeniably true that the employment situation in Hungary is bad. The profound transformation of the economy and society in 1989-1990 brought about fundamental changes in the labour market. The main features of this were the disappearance of full employment and the emergence and persistence of unemployment. The economic activity of the Hungarian population declined significantly, due to, among other things, the disappearance or restructuring of enterprises and cooperatives, the fall in production and turnover, and the more intensive use of labour under new conditions, while the number of economically inactive increased.

    To avoid unemployment, people opted en masse for pensions or pension-like benefits, while young people stayed in school longer in the hope of better job prospects and, even with a much lower birth rate, the number of people still using home-based forms of childcare was essentially the same as before. After 1998, the number of inactive people fell slightly, but in 2009 the number of 15-64 year olds was still 2.6 million, about 7% (166,000) higher than in 1992. Employment fell significantly in the years following the change of regime, mainly as a result of the transformation of the economy. It reached its lowest point in 1996, when some 3.6 million people were in work, 1.3 million fewer than in the period of regime change.

  • Where to go, net generation? Lifestyle-based segments of the Hungarian youth

    My study attempts to explore the lifestyle-based segments of the Hungarian youth through an
    innovative methodology based on social media data, incorporating the dimension of digitization
    into the creation of lifestyle groups. The examination of the segments’ lifestyle attitudes is
    assisted by a review of the related theoretical milieu approaches, international and Hungarian
    empirical milieu researches

  • Some demographic characteristics of long-term commuting in Hungary

    The study aims to show the most important demographic characteristics of long-term
    commuting workers and the emerging territorial disparities using the latest available statistics.
    The main motivation for commuting, including long commuting, is still to get the job they deem
    appropriate, but about a quarter of a million people take on much greater burdens than average
    and only travel home weekly or less frequently in Hungary. Most of them make this decision by
    force, as there are no job opportunities in their place of residence, but the income they provide is
    very important for their families. Long-term commuters mostly do seasonal work (construction,
    catering, etc.) and work in physical jobs. Unsurprisingly, men are more likely to take on the life
    form with increased physical and psychological strain, but not only the heads of the family in
    their forties, but also young people in their 20s who are not yet independent of their families
    are represented in large numbers. Long commuting is characterised by marked territorial
    inequalities, and those affected mainly start from villages, despite the fact that the high level of public employment in the most disadvantaged areas is affecting the direction of the stay of the

  • Preferred leadership style, leadership and entrepreneurial inclination among university students

    Although many researches have been conducted on leadership styles and university students
    are participants in exploratory social science research quite frequently, fewer examples can be
    found on the application of the Full Range Leadership model among the youth. In this article,
    the authors examine preferred leadership styles among Hungarian students, and map their
    connections with managerial and entrepreneurial inclination. The online questionnaire used inthe research was completed by university students studying economics, technology and social
    studies in the capital and beyond. The questionnaire was completed by 335 university students.
    The results are exploratory, and they seem to modify the existing typologies. Four distinct
    leadership styles could be observed within the target group, embodying the transformative,
    supportive, defensive, and laissez-faire leadership types. Based on multivariate analysis one may
    suppose that among students leadership willingness is positively connected to transformative
    leadership, while entrepreneurial inclination to the transformative and supportive styles.

  • How has university students’ drug use changed during Covid-19?

    The Covid-19 outbreak and the lockdown have had significant psychological and social impacts
    on everyone’s life. Changing life circumstances and daily routines, job losses, uncertainty, have
    put a psychological strain on us. As a consequence, we may experience risk behaviours more
    often than before. The aim of the study is to analyse how risk behaviours have changed due to
    Covid-19 among university students in Hungary, and to identify the psycho-social factors along which the shift can be explained. The analysis is based on the data of ‘Covid-19 International
    Student Well-Being Study’ – a study initiated and coordinated by the University of Antwerpen
    involving 75 universities from 26 countries. Four Hungarian universities – Corvinus University
    of Budapest, the University of Debrecen, the University of Miskolc, and the University of Szeged
    participated in the study. The survey was conducted among all university students who filled
    in an online questtioannaire in Spring 2020. Our results show that all risk behavoiurs have
    declined during the Covid-19 period. However, students who had had consumed drug before
    Covid-19 have been using them more frequently during the pandemic. Our results suggest that
    the recreational use have probably declined and the problematic use have probably increased
    among university students during the pandemic. Our results highlight the fact that students for
    whom the crisis situation imposed by the quarantine was hard to handle are more likely to use
    substances more frequently, so offering them prevention and treatment options is crucial.

  • Transition from higher education to the IT sector in Cluj-Napoca

    The present paper focuses on those factors that affect transition from higher education to the
    IT sector in Cluj-Napoca, in cases of entrants with informatics, automatization and computer
    technology degree. The results show that transition to the IT market in Cluj-Napoca is primarily
    influenced by the dependency of the local IT market on western IT markets with more central
    positions, followed by the competition for workforce. The first factor: dependency is due to skill
    shortages on the labour market in Cluj-Napoca. Launching new trainings with the involvement
    of other departments at universities, such as design, business, sales, marketing or business
    informatics can reduce dependency according to the representatives of the local institutions of higher education. Transition from higher education to the IT sector for entrants in ClujNapoca is smooth, due to the strong competition for workforce (second factor). Entrants select
    their potential workplace based on the reputation of a workplace, position/projects, team
    and remuneration. Labour shortage is present both in the IT sector and in higher education.
    A long-term solution for reducing labour shortage in both sectors could be provided by creating
    attractive career paths in the academy which would require stronger cooperation between
    companies, state and higher education institutions, according to the representatives of the
    institutions of higher education.

  • A jól-lét fogalmának értelmezése az európai szakirodalomban (2009–2014)

    A jól-lét olyan, széles körben használt fogalom, melyben az életminőség különböző dimenziói testesülnek meg. A tanulmány a fogalom európai szakirodalomban történő meghatározásának és használatának felmérése érdekében végzett szisztematikus vizsgálat eredményeit mutatja be. Munkánk alapját az Európai Unió „Measuring Youth Well-Being (MyWeB)” kutatásában résztvevő tizenegy ország kutatóinak közös erőfeszítéseként előállt ismeretek képezték. Egy jövőbeli európai ifjúság-kutatási program elősegítése és előkészítése érdekében kutatásunk résztvevői összegyűjtötték a fiatalok jól-létével kapcsolatos angol nyelven, illetve saját országaik nyelvén 2009–2014 között megjelent tanulmányokat. Azok a munkák kerültek be az általunk megvizsgált anyagok közé, melyek megfeleltek a következő kritériumoknak: a tanulmány a kutatásunkban résztvevő partnerországban végzett kutatás alapján készült, célcsoportjának típusa és kora megfelelt a kívánalmaknak (nem esett a népesség valamilyen szempontból különlegesnek számító kategóriájába és a 10–25 éves korcsoportot ölelte fel), a tanulmány teljes szövege elérhető volt, s megfelelő módszertani alapossággal készült. Az egymást követő, három szakaszban végrehajtott szűrések után 95 db tanulmány maradt, melyet tovább elemeztünk. A jól-lét fogalom vizsgálatának eredményeként kiderült, hogy a koncepció felépítésében hat terület, s az ehhez kapcsolódó indikátorok vesznek részt. Azt találtuk, hogy a jól-lét elsődlegesen pszichológiai jellegű, erőteljesen kognitív, egészséggel kapcsolatos, magatartásbeli és szociális oldalakkal bíró koncepció. Tanulmányunk végkövetkeztetése, hogy a jól-léttel kapcsolatos kutatások során a jelenleginél több figyelmet kellene fordítani a koncepció szociális oldalának, kommunikációs aspektusainak, az intézményi környezetének és az információs társadalomba való illesztettségének vizsgálatára.

  • Certain issues of reliability and validity in the case of generalized trust survey measurement in light of the Hungarian data

    Trust is a field of research in social sciences that has complex, well-developed theoretical
    approaches, but its empirical tools are less precisely grounded. The most common survey tool
    for measuring generalized trust is a formula often referred to in the literature as “standard”
    trust question, which reads as follows: “Generally speaking, would you say that most people can
    be trusted or that you need to be very careful in dealing with people?” The aim of the paper is to
    examine this standard survey item along the dimensions of reliability and validity. In our analysis,
    we use Hungarian data obtained from various international surveys. Our results indicate serious
    validity problems, as the standard question shows only weak linkage with additional variables,
    which, based on the conceptual background, should be in a close relationship with trust.
    KEYWORDS: trust, generalized trust, survey methods, reliability, validity

  • Here you can or should stay? Narratives of mobility

    In this case study that focuses on mobilities’ narratives, we exam the experiences that works against mobility. Thus we are curious how to effect individual experiences (studies, employees), possibly in a larger city or abroad, small mobilities (vacation, office work in a city), how to effect on the duality of city and village as well as on commitment to their village. Involving the experiences of parents complement it and role a significant effect on the youth’s mobility and settlement. The case study is based on some pair of interviews: immobilized youth and parents talk about the causes of settlement, desires, commitment, experiences, and about young adults have chance to stay or to migrate. Understanding immobility is about exam the recent and past family experiences present in the family at the parent’s side, the migration culture of the local community and relatives, the separation of experiences, transmissible fears and hopes. These have to be completed by the young adults’ interview where we found the „immobility potential” towards successful, failures, fears, individual and family experiences.

  • Health-related information gathering practices among outpatients

    Introduction: Obtaining health information is an important part of health behaviour. However, there is limited data available about information gathering habits of patients. Aims: To identify different patient groups according to their information gathering habits.
    Methods: Questionnaire survey among potential patients in an outpatient clinic in Budapest. The survey consisted of the following domains: sociodemographic data; habits of visit a doctor; communications method with a specialist; use of technical devices.
    Results: The survey was completed by 260 patients (36,2% men; 63,8% women). Patients primarily get medical information from their doctors, followed by the internet, where different websites and Facebook groups are the most common sources of information. Mostly they use the internet for checking their symptoms and complaints, however searching for data about their physicians and healthcare institutions are uncommon. Patients who are young, active workers, highly educated are more active, while elderly patients and widows search less information on the internet. Conclusions: There are socio-demographic groups who are underinformed by digital healthcare related issues. Audited websites and social media releases could play an important role in
    the information gathering process of patients, and also supplement patient-doctor relationship.

  • Why it is sensible to stay, if it is not? Insights for processing and analyzing prospects of „immobility research"

    The paper takes into account theoretical, speculative considerations to explain why villagers, especially highly educated young villagers, stay (relocate) to their village after completing their studies. Explanations are needed because the usual assumptions are that the village offers poorer job opportunities, lower earnings, poorer conditions of consumption, entertainment and education than cities - it seems useful and rational for young people to move to a city (or abroad) with a richer supply of facilities; if they are geographically and socially mobile. Against this often generalized assumption, there are circumstances in which both the interests of material utility and the prospect for gaining attractive social status make it a reasonable choice to stay in the village, to be ‚immobile’. These circumstances are considered as possible explanations for immobility.

  • Gyermekvédelmi háttérrel a felsőoktatásba: a YIPPEE nemzetközi kutatás egyesült királyságbeli és magyar tapasztalatai

    A Gyermekvédelmi gondoskodásban élő és onnan kikerülő fiatal felnőttek: Utak az oktatásba Európában (Young People from a Public Care Background: Pathways to Education in Europe) című nemzetközi kutatás célja az volt – mely az Európai Unió 7. Kutatási keretprogram „Fiatalok és Társadalmi Kirekesztődés” témakör keretében valósult meg –, hogy átfogó képet kapjunk arról, hogy az egyes országokban a gyermekvédelmi gondoskodási háttérrel rendelkező, jelenleg 19-21 éves fiatalokat mi segíti és mi gátolja a továbbtanulásban; a gondoskodási háttérrel milyen oktatási utak léteznek Európában. A kutatás Dániában, Magyarországon, Spanyolországban, Svédországban és az Egyesült Királyságban zajlott 2007-2010 között. A vizsgálat több szakaszból állt.

    Elsőként egy szakirodalmi áttekintésre és a publikált statisztikai adatok elemzésére került sor. Ezt követően interjúk készültek döntéshozókkal, ellátást nyújtókkal, valamint egy kérdőíves felmérés olyan 19-21 év közötti fiatalok körében, akik életük során legalább 1 évet gyermekvédelmi gondoskodásban töltöttek és 16 éves korukban is a rendszerben voltak.A felmérés eredményei általános képet adtak arra vonatkozóan, hogy hogyan alakult a fiatal felnőttek tankötelezettségi kor utáni iskolai karrierje. Ezen eredményekre építve minden országban 35 fiatallal és egy általuk megnevezett kulcsszeméllyel (aki tanulásra ösztönözte őket) újabb interjú készült. Ennek fókusza, hogy mélyebben megismerjük, hogyan alakult a fiatal oktatási karrierje, melyek voltak a nehezítő tényezők, egyáltalán milyen tényezők határozták meg, hogy a fiatal a tankötelezettségi kor után is folytatta a tanulmányait. A továbbtanulásban, felsőoktatási tanulmányok folytatásában kik azok, akik segítséget nyújtottak számára. Egy évvel később a kiválasztott fiatal felnőttekkel ismét interjú készült mely azt vizsgálta, mennyire sikerült megvalósítani elképzeléseiket, hogyan módosultak rövidtávú terveik.