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Search Results

  • The Civis and the In-migrants: Spatial Patterns of Industrial Modernization in Debrecen 1870

    Scholars engaged in research into the history of Debrecen have long been eager to get an
    answer – beyond their specific research inquiries – to the question whether the development of
    the city had had unique features and if they had what would hallmark the unique character of
    development? Was there or is there a kind of “Debrecenness”?
    My study examines – with the help of a GIS relational database (DTTTA1870) – what
    peculiarities can be grasped in the transformation of the traditional spatial and social structure
    of Debrecen enforced by the political change and industrial modernization processes two
    decades after the change of feudal regime (1848/49).
    The analysis focuses on whether the alteration process of the factors determining the social
    status (residential segregation, neighborhood, spatial segregation and coexistence, other spatial
    and social hierarchical characteristics) in the cases of the “deep-rooted Debrecen residents”
    (cívis) and of the settlers showed specific types described in the literature or showed specific

  • "Teens at risk": The everyday life of the early school leavers

    One of the most important challenges of today’s society is to fight early school dropout, and integrate the socially disadvantaged youth to the labour market. Research programs investigate the reasons, causes and solutions for the phenomena. Current statistics and analytical attempts, however, provide very few insights into the family ties, friend relations, financials, thoughts, goals and everyday life of the targeted youth. Our research aims to explore these areas through structured exploratory interviews with participants aged 15 to 19 who have already experienced or are in danger of early school dropout from a second chance provider secondary school.

  • Family perspectives for young people growing up in child protection care

    The study examines the factors of family perspectives among vulnerable youths – children and youth living in alternative care – with qualitative method. The target group is children who live in the Hungarian child protection system as juveniles. Children and young people experiencing different family substitute arenas may result in various family perspectives. These family perspectives are examined within a theoretical framework of family sociology and human ecology.We used a complex approach to describe the experiences and changes of these structural and family-replacer dimensions together with their impacts on the family perspective. We have found that the family perspectives of the young people are diverse and their narratives about their visions of the future are often linked to dominant family and life events previously experienced in family milieus and forms of care. At the same time, the complexity of life events and the diversity of future plans are not necessarily reflected in the institutional background and the professional-young relationships that could support young people’s autonomy. Based on the interviews, the family and community levels of the human ecology model can also be a significant factor in young people’s family perspectives, so cooperation between family and community, institutional actors can be one of the keys to providing adequate support for young people. In order to realize future plans for family perspectives, professionals need to focus more on individual needs and the diversity and variability of family perspectives.

  • The interpretation of prejudice among students in Debrecen

    Negative discrimination has always existed, we have always had an opinion about the other individual, despite the fact that it was often without any background knowledge. It was in the first half of the twentieth century that the scientific, social psychological study of prejudice began in the United States, dominated by the antagonism between whites and blacks. It was at this time that human society came to realise that the problem was a global one, and that it was essential to examine it, starting, among other things, from the massacres of the Second World War, which were partly the result of prejudice. Unfortunately, however, we do not need to go back to the great events of history to realise that prejudice has serious consequences. In our everyday lives, we are also confronted with a plethora of cases of crime, discrimination and conflict based on an image of the other person that is based on incomplete information.
    Although the image of a world free of prejudice may be a utopia, these types of feelings and attitudes can and must be dealt with, but above all it is very important to map the situation and to examine it scientifically.

  • Training and employment: Information and knowledge flows between training institutions and employers

    For a region's economy to develop, it is essential to develop integrated forms of operation that manage the available resources efficiently. This is particularly true in a border micro-region with a predominantly small population, where for decades farming has been essentially based on agricultural subsistence and employment opportunities have been limited. Matching the employment and training structure, balancing supply and demand in the training and employment system can also be beneficial for the economic and social development of a disadvantaged micro-region. The development of border micro-regions was seriously handicapped before the change of regime. Small and medium-sized settlements on both sides of the border were depopulated and their inhabitants were ageing. Over the past few years, regional development has been based on local needs and existing resources, resulting in the creation of nearly 2 500 small and medium-sized enterprises in 21 municipalities in the Érmellék sub-region, where the research is located. However, the economic and employment functions of the organisations created can only be developed if the specialist needs of the businesses are met in the right quantity and quality structure.

  • Career planning and competences assessment among university students

    Planning a career cannot be started soon enough. The determination of following a
    career path preceded by significant decisions and aims. Several pieces of research are
    dedicated to the affiliation of young adults self-awareness and career paths in terms of
    seeking work. University students rarely have the appropriate amount of self-knowledge.
    Nowadays in the labour market beside the qualification, competencies are growing in importance. It is crucial to have certain communication, integration and strategic
    skills to successfully find a quality job. The University of Debrecen provides a wide
    variety of available services regarding individual job search support or consultation
    and the commitment of a career path. The surveyed university students valued the
    importance of these services and competencies related to improving the finding of a
    job after graduation. The conformity between the knowledge of the available services
    and the required and existing skills could be helpful in the labour market after getting
    the university degree. The questionnaire was filled out by students from the University
    of Debrecen and valued by the IBM SPSS Statistics programme.

  • Foreign students of the medical faculties in Pécs and Debrecen: the choice of the university and acculturation process

    With the headway of globalization and knowledge-based economy, international student mobility is promoted as the main indicator of the internationalization of higher education. In Hungary the number of foreign students – similarly to global trends – shows an increase, representing a significant economic interest. Besides this, the international students make a growing impact
    on the development and the economic and cultural life of the cities where the universities are based. In our empirical research, we analyzed international students at the Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy foreign language programs of the University of Debrecen and the University of Pécs with the help of personally requested anonymous, self-completed questionnaires (n=602). The
    self-developed questionnaire focused on three issues: the motivation of the students, their satisfaction with the university and the process of their integration. The research was conducted in the spring semester of the academic year 2015/2016 at both universities.
    Based on the results it can be stated that from the perspective of medium- and long-term policy development of the university and the city, it is indispensable to survey the motivations and satisfaction of the students arriving to Hungary due to international student mobility as well as to facilitate their integration. The general medicine major of the University of Pécs and
    that of the University of Debrecen are very popular among foreign students but there are significant differences in their choices behind which we can discover the different cultural background of the matriculated students and this factor determines their personal choices and their later plans. Concerning the difficulties at the beginning we can state based on the results that for the
    students of the German programme the different language medium and the local bureaucracy mean a bigger challenge, while for the heterogeneous community of the English programme contact building with the tutors and the integration into the socio-cultural medium mean more difficulties. Concerning the integration we can state that from the point of country of origin the integration means a little less challenge for the more homogenies student community of the German programme than for the heterogeneous community of the English programme behind which most probably the stabilization of the acculturation process can be trailed.

  • The civil activity of higher education students and the correlation of their chances of dropping out

    Our research question is that volunteering and civil organization membership of higher education students are able to protect against dropping out from higher education or even divert from effective learning and hinder persistence. The positive or negative effect of civil activity of students is measured by quantitative multivariable method, and the question is whether there is there a clear effect of civil activity on persistence, after allowing the effect of other socio-demographic variables. The results show, that civil activity of students neither protect against dropping out nor hinder persistence in our sample. There were several variables which affected civil activity, and the good relationship with parents is protecting the most against dropping out from higher education, but the fact, that civil activity is neither divert from effective learning, and nor hinder persistence means that it is important to improve civil activity of higher education students due to its’ several positive effects.

  • Piac, kereskedelem, kapitalizálódás és piactér Debrecenben a 19. században I.∗

    Debrecen 19. századi gazdálkodásának, kereskedelmének igen gazdag szakirodalma van, különösen a regionális vásárközponttá válás (nagyvásárok), a vonzáskörzet és a kereskedelmi kapcsolatrendszer meghatározása gazdaságtörténeti és néprajzi megközelítések sokaságán keresztül hozott olyan eredményeket, amelyeket szinte elkerülhetetlen hivatkozni a helytörténeti irodalmon túl is.

    Ezzel együtt sem állíthatjuk, hogy e területen minden kérdésre van valamilyen válaszunk, nincsenek olyan vonatkozások, amelyekben nem szükséges újrakutatni és újragondolni akár az eddigi kutatási eredményeket is.

    Gyimesi Sándor a Debrecen történeti monográfiához készített tanulmányaiban felvetette a megkülönböztetés szükségességét a város kereskedelme és a városban zajló kereskedelem között, hiszen a debreceni kereskedők és más üzletemberek a város határait messze meghaladó regionális és távolsági kereskedelmi ügyletekben is érdekeltek voltak. De azt sem egyszerű megítélni, mit is tekinthetünk Debrecennek, ha a város területi szerkezetének (határainak és határhasználatának) alapvető sajátosságait ugyancsak sokrétű kutatási anyag révén jórészt ismerjük. A későközépkori magyarországi városi tér és területhasználat értelmezése/újraértelmezése talán a leginkább előttünk álló feladat. Ráadásul a 19. század közepétől zajlik az az átalakulás, amely a korábbi feudális kiváltságrendszer helyébe a szabad piaci viszonyok érvényesülését hozza, megváltoztatva a város gazdálkodásának, érdekviszonyainak alapvető keretrendszerét, de a város társadalmán belüli érdekviszonyokat és azok artikulációját is.

    A városi tér újraértelmezésének a fontosságára/elkerülhetetlenségére itt példaként csupán arra hivatkozom, hogy a város talán legegyszerűbbnek tűnő népességszámának a megállapítása is rögtön bonyolulttá és megoldhatatlanná válik a térbeli dimenziók hangsúlyos vizsgálata nélkül.

  • Beyond „Green finance” – Sustainability aspects of capital markets

    The accumulation of capital constitutes an enormous obstacle to the sustainability transition.
    The role of the capital throughout the whole evolutionary process of civilization is undoubtedly impressive, as it has continuously delivered innovations in our everyday lives. Nevertheless, as
    we argue in our study, a dominant part of capital accumulation has not fulfilled this function
    in monetary and material terms as well recently; or performs at a low efficiency concerning the
    ecological damage generated. Sustainability calls thus for an investment environment in the
    near future that allows for the social benefits of capital accumulation through the expansion
    of the material services delivered, limiting the accumulation of material stocks, resulting in
    significant adverse environmental impacts remarkably in the same time. We will introduce
    and compare the gains of savings and capital accumulation considering the monetary and the
    material dimensions of our socio-economic system, unveiling the relevance of the capital market
    in sustainability transition in this way, beyond green finance.

  • The diversity of family sociology

    Ivett Szalma – Judit Takács (2022): Családszociológiai mozaik. Szociológiai Tudástár (13). Debrecen, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen University Press, p, 209

  • Fighting child poverty. Family day care centres in Debrecen

    One of today's biggest challenges, present in every country in the world in some form or another, is child poverty. Vulnerable groups include children of unemployed parents, families with three or more children and single parents (Ferge and Darvas 2012).
    In the EU-27, children and working-age people are at higher risk of poverty and social exclusion than older people. The extent of child poverty is also influenced by the labour market status of parents, the household in which they grow up, and government interventions (Antuofermo and Di Meglio 2012). Since child poverty and the labour market status of parents are inseparable, in my study I also examine employment and unemployment indicators in our country.

  • Environmentalism of university students in relation to their materialism, life satisfaction, views on politics and pandemic

    Recently, an increasing focus has been made on studying environmental problems and the
    related social phenomena. Understanding the environmentalism and its influencing factors
    in the case of higher education students can greatly help the preparation and identification
    of sustainability policies and educational practices in higher education institutions. In this study, we investigated environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behavior of
    students at 17 Hungarian universities as a function of a number of hypothesized influencing
    factors. These included materialistic values, life satisfaction, political views, and views on the
    Covid-19 pandemic. According to our results, these were all related to environmentalism. More
    environmentally conscious students were less materialistic, less right-wing in their political
    views, more satisfied with their lives, and also differed in their views on pandemic issues. Beside
    a weaker impact of environmentalism and political views, life satisfaction was largely influenced
    by the relative financial situation perceived by respondents.

  • On the margin of child protection: Negative life events impact on the adolescents and youth health behavior

    The paper studies how negative life events affect risk behaviour of children and young people. Calculations on the database of the ‘Hungarian youth 2012’ research suggest that negative life events are strong predictors of different types of risk behaviour like alcohol, drug abuse and suicide. According to the data people who have experienced several and more serious negative life events, more likely refuse and turn away from the norms of the adult society than those whose life proves to be less stressful. To place these results into child protection context, the study calls attention to the fact that the Hungarian child protection system does not treat each group in the fragmented society equally, although, on the basis of the incidence of threat it should. Another important message of this paper is to highlight that in addition to scientific values large-scale sociological research studies have professional and practical values as well. To support it, from the questions of the well-known Holmes-Rahe scale the authors re-developed an exploration scale (Reduced Life Events Scale). The application of the Reduced Life Event Scale (or the original Holmes-Rahe scale) allows experts to focus more on the studied issues in the process of planning services, prevention and case work. The tool might propose solutions to use the insufficient resources in a more targeted way.

  • Types of fathers’ home-based and school-based involvement based on an interview study

    In this study, we examine fathers’ home-based and school-based involvement to assist the development and achievement of their children. The international literature suggests that fathers are less involved than mothers, and the form of their involvement is also different. However, their home-based and school-based involvement has been shown to have similar positive effects on children’s educational outcomes. We examine the forms of parental involvement based on the typology created by Epstein and Sanders. In our empirical work, we conducted 14 semi-structured interviews with fathers with young children and aimed to delineate father types based on the forms of involvement by conducting a classification of the interviews. Our results show that the first group of fathers are only involved at home; they do not participate in school-related events with their child but report being actively involved in their child’s education and school-related activities at home. Fathers in the second group, on the other hand, are involved not only at home but also in school life. The third type is made up of divorced fathers who, with one exception, are involved at school and at home, which is consistent with the findings in the literature on single fathers with children. In this study, we also attempt to answer the question of how to increase fathers’ school-based involvement. According to the interviewees’ answers, their activity could be encouraged through support from their wife, greater self-confidence, and events organised by schools which are more suited to fathers (sports events, cooking together).

  • Family plans and career plans among higher education students in the field of social sciences based on a pilot study in Eastern Hungary

    Our paper explores the family and career plans of social sciences students at Hungary’s second largest university based on a questionnaire-based pilot study. Nowadays, careers include more than the traditional vertical promotion within an organisation, as seen from the emergence of the self-directed “protean” career type, which prompts organisations to adapt to individuals’ values, attitudes, and own career definitions. In addition, the Kaleidoscope Career Model sets out that individuals adapt their career goals to their life stages. Thus, students’ career and family plans matter to prospective employers. Our results show that a modern self-directed career type has emerged among students, for whom it is a priority to meet their own expectations. In several cases, starting a family is preceded by career goals. Furthermore, despite the “feminine” nature of social sciences, our pilot study shows that male students in the field still tend to conform to traditional gender roles regarding the importance of family and career. Our research implies that prospective employers need to adapt their HR strategies to young people’s family and career plans. Moreover, organisations should support students in gaining relevant work experience and in achieving their subsequent career plans.

  • The moral restoration of business relations: Management from a Christian point of view

    Globalisation is a complex and worldwide process overarching historical times and continents.
    It started with the great geographical discoveries, continued with the emergence of world trade
    and the development of a truly global market reaching its present status. Globalisation has both
    negative and positive effects. Out of the positive effects it has to be emphasised that more and
    more zones of our planet benefit from the advances in sciences and techniques, more and more people have better access to work, education and the necessary commodities to meet their basic
    needs. Globalisation has brought efficiency and new opportunities to companies, providing practically free access to raw materials, labour and knowledge. Out of the negative effects degradation of the biosphere, the greater social and economic inequality especially in the developing
    countries has to be pointed out. Some companies are operating worldwide and have acquired
    great economic power and influence. Governments have only limited possibilities to regulate
    their operation. The expenses of profit maximisation are high, which are often ‘paid’ by the social-natural environment (as externalities). The aim of our study is to overview how current
    business relations could be formed to be more human and environment friendly from the point
    of view of Christian philosophy. It has to be pointed out that our study is focusing on the Christian
    point of view, although in our globalised world when studying business relations we should not
    forget about the role of other world major religious groups.

  • Social contacts and spending of leisure time of the elderly

    The phenomenon of the aging of societies is now well-known, demonstrating its demographic, economic and social impact in many countries around the world. The increase in average life expectancy at birth and the low number of children have naturally triggered the emergence of declining, aging societies. All this has led to a number of tasks for policy makers, domestic and international organizations, primarily to promote active, healthy aging. This article describes some of the results of an empirical study of 167 people conducted jointly with St. Luke’s Greek Catholic Charity in the winter of 2019 in order to assess the situation and needs of the elderly. This article presents the results of our study, which focuses on community activities, leisure, and social relationships. During our analytical work, we found that those living in residential care homes are more open to community-based activities to maintain physical and mental activity.

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  • The characteristics of social contact intensity, contact frequency and contact structure in Hungary in 2006 and 2015

    The study aims at comparing the Hungarian results of the questions on the frequency of personal and distance contact with relatives and friends in the 2006 and 2015 ad hoc modules of EU-SILC. According to our results, in line with the findings of previous Hungarian research, compared to 2006, there were fewer contacts in Hungary in 2015. Relations with friends, especially those held in person, were less exposed to weakening compared to relations with relatives. Among the different social groups, the already disadvantaged were typically negatively affected by either the change in intensity or the structure of relationships. However, the situation of the elderly and the inhabitants of deprived households deteriorated in all three dimensions examined: their re­lations weakened more strongly, and those related to relatives and personal ones further narro­wed by 2015. This result indicates that the social disintegration of these groups has accelerated particularly between the two years, which poses a serious social policy challenge.

  • The situation of Hungarian minority households with children in Transcarpatia

    In our study, we present the situation of Hungarian minority households with children in Ukrai-nian villages based on the results of our qualitative and quantitative researches. In the explora-tory research, 23 interviews were made, and in the questionnaire, research data were obtained from a total of 139 households and 253 children. We present the poverty of households with children along the standard of living and the deprivation features of the households. The core of our analysis is the specific labor market situation, the earning opportunities,and forms of employment that provide for livelihoods for the households with children. Beside the backward-ness of the area studied in the research, the strategies and life situations that characterize the Transcarpathian Hungarians are also presented, which are beyond the known European forms of poverty.

  • Basic income: Sugar-coating over a bitter pill?

    Current and future evolutions in labour markets may be blurring lines between traditional
    employment and new types of atypical employment, making it harder to reliably assess whether
    someone is receiving any benefits at all. The basic income should be seen as a serious option in
    the future, given the changing labor market and the findings from existing cash transfer schemes.BI is not means-tested, so the amount received does not depend on individual or family income or
    assets and does not require any work performance, or the willingness to accept a job if offered.
    In this study I examine the created image by the media through the method of content
    analysis, in relation to basic income. Furthermore, it is analyzed to what extent this effect creates
    a negative image of basic income among the students of the University of Debrecen, strengthening
    the fear towards this social policy tool. Particular attention is paid to the value choices of young
    people focusing on their individualization, motivation of working and willingness to take risks.

  • The Career-building effect of volunteering in higher education

    Nowadays the motives for volunteering are changing among higher education students, and
    besides traditional altruistic motives, career-building motives also appear (the acquisition
    of work experience and professional knowledge, professional development, networking,
    the presentation of voluntary work in the resume). In this paper, we use data from a survey
    conducted in five Central and Eastern European countries (N=2,199) to examine through linear
    regression analysis the factors affecting the strength of career-building motives and to analyse
    through a logistic regression model the determinants of whether or not volunteering is related to the field of study. Our hypotheses are formulated based on the literature. Our results show
    that career-building motives are more pronounced among women and students who have a
    close relationship with external friends outside the university, study outside Hungary, and study
    something other than engineering, computer science or science. Voluntary work is more likely to
    be related to the field of study among teacher education students, students with an unfavourable
    financial situation, those who study in Romania, and those who have a close relationship with