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  • How do the Spanish families face to crisis? The types and consequences of coping strategies

    The impact of the crisis in Spain helped to harden the difficulties of a large number of households
    in Spain. Even though these conditions had a widespread impact, it has been more acute in
    families that prior to the crisis were dealing with difficult situations. The main objective of this
    paper is to identify strategies the households developed in order to face these difficulties. The
    results have been selected from a qualitative analysis of 34 excluded household´s life stories. From
    this analysis two interesting results were obtained: On the one hand, households have developed
    prevention and survival strategies. On the other hand, the study identifies the consequences of
    the strategies and their impact in terms of household´s social integration. With all the results,
    the paper invites to reflect on the limits of survival strategies.

  • Future vision-creation: Examination the motivations behind the future plans of Hungarian youngsters

    In our rapidly changing world, it is becoming more and more complex and complicated for
    young people to plan their future, which is perceived as a problem by all who are involved. Issues
    such as one’s relation to democracy, their desire to have children, their intentions to pursue
    further studies, whether they plan their future in their place of residence or abroad or the risk
    of deviant behavior are not only important from the point of view of the individual but also for
    society, as the future of a given region is also influenced by the above indicators of future vision.
    Research methods traditionally applied in youth research, which focus on socio-demographic
    characteristic features (i.e. objective life situation indicators), are less and less capable of
    providing adequate answers to these questions. In my hypothesis, to identify the underlying connections, the research tools of psychology and sociopsychology are also necessary to be
    applied apart from traditional sociological methods.
    Therefore, in my study, by the secondary analysis of the most recent, 2014 data of the
    European Social Survey, I intend to demonstrate the significance of the underlying motivations
    as future vision creating factors behind the decisions Hungarian young people make.

  • Labour law and insurance from patriarchy to the beginning of nationalisation

    If the reader picks up Zsombor Bódy's The Society of Industrial Labour, the title page will probably lead him to a long discussion of the new problems and tasks caused by industrialisation, and the structure and situation of social relations that it changed.
    However, reading the first pages, we understand that Bódy, touching on the deeper social context, selects only a slice of the complex problems of industrial society of the time, the development and change of the institutional system related to work from the mid-19th century to the end of the Second World War. The author, who has extensively processed relevant volumes of international and national literature and numerous archival and printed sources, has synthesised his findings in this volume after several smaller studies. The work contains a number of new approaches and new problem definitions, which I would like to reflect on below. From the book we can learn about the views and plans of the time in relation to labour, the provisions that were born, from the patriarchal view to the beginning of the era of nationalisation. A great advantage of the work is that it analyses at length the prevailing social policy ideas of each period, contrasting the different views. It deals not only with governmental ideas, but also with the views of the opposition, the interest groups and, last but not least, the experts and their associations of the time. It examines the power of each organisation in each era and the influence it could exert on decision-makers, achieving different results, even against other groups. All of this is to the advantage of the essay, and the author perhaps sometimes over-details the battles between different views.

  • The challenges of supervised machine learning in sociological applications

    The sociological applications of supervised machine learning, already well proven in industrial/
    business applications, raise specific questions. The reason for this specificity is that in these applications, the algorithm is tasked with learning complex concepts (e.g. whether a tweet contains hate speech). Supervised learning consists of learning to classify previously annotated (hate
    speech/non-hate speech) texts by the algorithm, looking for characteristic text patterns. The
    questions that arise are: how to prepare annotation? How can a hermeneutic challenge such as
    hate speech recognition be performed by annotators? Are routinely applied, detailed annotation
    guidelines helpful? The article also discusses how large companies perform coding on crowdsourcing platforms, and describes AI bias, which in this case means that annotators themselves
    introduce bias into the data. I illustrate these issues with our own research experiences.

  • Reframing of Particular Trust

    The paper strives to reconsider the theory of particular trust, i.e. one’s trusting feelings towards her/his most intimate relatives, friends, and personal relations. By doing this, at first, the paper sheds light on two distinct interpretations of particular trust in the literature. One of these approaches addresses particular trust as a kind of core disposition of the self, and it describes how one’s trust towards her/his bonding relations establishes the given subject’s generalized trust towards others, in a broad sense, to people as such. The other interpretation argues that particular trust is important for group-level social dynamics. It claims that if members of close-knit and exclusive groups, dominated by particular trust, are interacting only with each other, and avoiding out-group relations, then broader social cooperation and collaboration are constrained, social integration and cohesion are limited, and on macro level there is an unfolding distrust. As it seems, the above-described readings of particular trust are contradictory. The current paper stresses that just one of these interpretations is coherent and consistent – the first one. 

  • The Civis and the In-migrants: Spatial Patterns of Industrial Modernization in Debrecen 1870

    Scholars engaged in research into the history of Debrecen have long been eager to get an
    answer – beyond their specific research inquiries – to the question whether the development of
    the city had had unique features and if they had what would hallmark the unique character of
    development? Was there or is there a kind of “Debrecenness”?
    My study examines – with the help of a GIS relational database (DTTTA1870) – what
    peculiarities can be grasped in the transformation of the traditional spatial and social structure
    of Debrecen enforced by the political change and industrial modernization processes two
    decades after the change of feudal regime (1848/49).
    The analysis focuses on whether the alteration process of the factors determining the social
    status (residential segregation, neighborhood, spatial segregation and coexistence, other spatial
    and social hierarchical characteristics) in the cases of the “deep-rooted Debrecen residents”
    (cívis) and of the settlers showed specific types described in the literature or showed specific

  • Hungarian Academics Working Abroad: Female and Male Career Paths

    Transnational mobility has not only become an integral part of the successful, internatonally driven career path of academics, but is emerging to a great extent as a major performance requirement. Similarly to academic careers in general, international mobility of researchers is also a gendered process to a great extent. This paper aims to assess the most important characteristics of Hungarian researchers working abroad with special attention put on the similarities and differences identified in the career path of female and male researchers. With an online self-administered questionnaire distributed through a snowball sampling methodology
    among Hungarian PhD-holders working abroad for more than one year, we investigated the motivation for international mobility, the career path, work contracts, work-life balance, future career plans and the perception of the value of the PhD degree. Our key findings indicate that male researchers’s labour market position is more advantageous abroad than female researchers’ and overall they are more convinved of the positive value of their PhD degree, while female academics were statisfied, but at a more moderate level.

  • Changes in reproductive policies in Hungary between 2010 and 2022

    This paper examines Hungarian reproductive policies, their changes and their restrictions in relation to pronatalist objectives between 2010 and 2022. The aim of the study is to present and interpret legislative changes in reproductive policies in the context of the pronatalist policies in Hungary. Reproductive policies include the regulation of assisted reproductive technologies, adoption, abortion, contraception, and sex education. In the development of these policies, we assume that a fundamentally pronatalist approach prevails, but we also identify various specific related constraints: heteronormativity, marriage-centredness, and the maintenance and reinforcement of traditional gender roles. We assume that Hungary’s reproductive policies have become increasingly selective since 2010 after the second Orbán government. These policies can be considered selective because they do not encourage all social groups to have children. These result in the exclusion of for example socially disadvantaged groups, single people and same-sex couples from reproduction due to legal constraints, a lack of financial support, access, and transfer of information. In conclusion, selective, heteronormative and marriage-based pronatalism is most identifiable in the adoption context, but abortion regulation, the legal environment for assisted reproductive technologies and sex education, in general, may reinforce pronatalist objectives.

  • Neo-Hobbesian democracy: The theory of modus vivendi and democratic legitimacy

    In political theory, the criticism of Rawlsian constructivist liberalism has been articulated in
    theories of political realism. John Gray, one of the promoters of realist liberalism, recommends
    a neo-Hobbesian way of social coexistence which is based on the conflictual and antagonistic
    idea of political life. It takes social values and forms of life as incommensurable in modern
    multicultural societies. Taking value-pluralism and its conflicts seriously, a theory of modus
    vivendi has been articulated among realist political thinkers. Being a post-liberal (or post-Enlightenment) theory, modus vivendi is more a practice oriented and open-ended theory than
    philosophical constructions based on high morality. Modus vivendi theorists make an emphasis
    on the peaceful co-existence of social groups and a moral minimum of the political society. One of
    the deficiency of the theory is that it says not much about democracy, though it would be highly
    useful according to two contextual considerations.On the one hand, a modern political system
    would be impossible or outrageous without any form of democratic legitimacy. On the other
    hand, there is an exhaustion of the liberal project(s) and the societies featured by multicultural
    prosperity. Besides constitutional protection, defending democracy in this new context means
    balancing between cultural and other value-oriented groups in modern societies. In my paper,
    I make an attempt to examine the concept of democracy in the light of modus vivendi theory.

  • Community is more than just a physical space: Discuss this statement with specific reference to the role of the concept and experience of contemporary community

    What happens if among the members of a society and among the smaller and larger units and groups making up the society trust and confidence seems to be disappearing at once? What happens if confidence reposed into each other fall victim to social differences as well as to the economic / cost-of-living boxing of modern information society? How to stop the crisis symptom that seems to be developing this way and which is shown in the fragmentation of communities?1 With other words, is it possible to “stick again together” a community or even a whole society started to disintegrate? The questions, even if not so characteristically phrased, provide sociologists actually with the scope of understanding our modern, individualistic world (Habermas 1994). Gusfield (1975) depicts dichotomy of community and society in a way that we should interpret community as a pervading, significant contrast. By now literature seems as if it was only be able to picture the changes taking place in the images both of the society and community describing them by even more pronounced, contradictory processes. The changes that send messages on the disintegration of categories and frames becoming insecure instead of the security and integration quasi missed by Habermas. It also seems as if—quasi as an answer given to this process—occlusion/seclusion both on the part of community members and the various communities from the seemingly unknown and insecure changes were more intensive (Légmán 2012). We intend to construe these phenomena on the next pages, but due to extension limits without the need for completeness of social interpretations. We want to do it with the help of mainly one dimension: value preference through the example of a given society, namely the Hungarian one. Thus we get to the stability and the solidarity of the members of the smallest unit of society, one which accepts and expresses various value preferences, the family.

  • The social representation of radicalism among young people

    In the study, using data from an international research (Myplace), relying on the theory of
    social representations, we examined the understanding of radicalism of young people aged 15
    to 26 and living in two towns in Hungary (Ózd and Sopron) which differ significantly regarding
    their political socialization. In accordance with an empirical method based on the theory,
    we analyzed the relationship between young people’s attitudes towards nationalism and the
    democratic principles and the representation of radicalism, following the structural and content
    characterization of the representation of radicalism through the quantification of associational
    responses received in the questionnaire survey conducted in 2012.

  • Quality of life, disability of people living with psychiatric diagnosis

    The paper aims at demonstrating the quality of life of the people living with psychiatic diagnosis.
    I used the data stemming from the standard and specific module (Social Inequalities in Health
    Quality) of the European Social Survey to present the quality of life of the disabled persons. I
    applied qualtitative methodology to investigate specifities of life course in case of people living
    with psychiatric diagnosis. My results suggest that people defining themselves as ’disabled’
    differ from non-hampered population first of all in the indicators of emotional and physical
    subjective well-being. According to the narrative interviews the quality of life of people living
    with psychiatric diagnose is largely influenced by their adaptive and coping strategies aiming to
    preserve the balance of their mental status.

  • Rural youth and their lack of mobility

    International research on the lack of mobility and its causes among people in rural areas primarily focuses on motivations for emigration and consequences of immigration. In the first half of our study we summarize the findings of the research described above. We explain the relationship between poverty and lack of mobility, review the link between agriculture and local mobility, predominantly through the functions of rural businesses. We explore the return migration of youths, especially those who move back to their village after a long period of  education and/or job search. We revisit structural theories that connect migration to different types of capital and shed light on the impact of changing perceptions on rural life. We use longitudinal quantitative studies and their statistics to analyze the characteristics of the lack of mobility among Hungarian rural youths and emigration patterns between 2010–2017. The second half of our manuscript delineates the results of studies done by the Mobility Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The pertinent articles and case studies examine the role of social bonds in the lack of mobility, types of employment among rural youths, and how those influence their attachment to their village. Mobility case studies among the youths are also analyzed, along with the social representation of their identity, categories of success, the effects of poverty, their family bonds, perspectives for the future, as well as the consequences of the social and regional characteristics of their villages.

  • Where to go, net generation? Lifestyle-based segments of the Hungarian youth

    My study attempts to explore the lifestyle-based segments of the Hungarian youth through an
    innovative methodology based on social media data, incorporating the dimension of digitization
    into the creation of lifestyle groups. The examination of the segments’ lifestyle attitudes is
    assisted by a review of the related theoretical milieu approaches, international and Hungarian
    empirical milieu researches

  • Challenges in rural Hungary in the post-pandemic period: Perception of problems in „emerging settlements” of Sellye district

    The social problems of marginalised rural areas have intensified and transformed in recent years, particularly in the context of pandemic and economic crisis. In the countries of the Central and Eastern European region integration of marginalized areas is a major challenge. Unlike in the West, segregation and ghettoisation are problems of small rural settlements far from prosperous centres. In Hungarian countryside, the life of small villages, which are located far from economic centres and lack institutions, continues to be characterised by negative migration trends. In this article, we present the situation of seven small villages in southern Baranya, which are covered by the programme to help the 300 most disadvantageous Hungarian settlements to integration, in the light of the perception of problems of the population living there. Our survey aimed to explore the difficulties related to the pandemic and everyday life at local level. The assessment of subjective perceptions provided an opportunity to structure the disadvantaged rural population from a specific perspective and to analyse the problems of the characteristics of each group.

  • Peer support instead of community solidarity among people with psychiatric diagnosis: Examining an online, anonymous self-help website

    In our research, we examined the first social networking website in Hungary that was specifically and explicitly designed for people with mental health problems and their relatives, or for people interested in the topic. A unique feature is that in 2021, it will still be possible to register anonymously and post comments on the site. Our research explores the life situations of people diagnosed as psychiatrically ill based on the concept of the recovery model, and therefore a central question for us is how an online self-help, peer support group can contribute to the recovery of individuals. In addition, one of the main hypotheses of our research is that community solidarity towards people with a psychiatric diagnosis is very low at different levels of society, and therefore self-help and peer support, also provided by the site we are investigating, may be of particular importance for the people concerned. We assume that they are a group that is highly stigmatised and socially rejected. In the media they are typically either invisible or portrayed as violent, aggressive figures. The Covid19 epidemic situation has led to many people experiencing psychological difficulties because of quarantine or the long-term side effects of the virus itself, which have been thematised in the media, but we believe that the mechanisms of solidarity with those diagnosed as psychiatric patients have not fundamentally changed (see for example the first establishment of psychiatric hospital wards

  • Themes of medical profession and professional socialization in medical sociology textbooks

    Introduction: The present study examines the information on the medical profession and how the changes occurring in the medical practice, the social role and the evaluation of the physician are reflected in the English and Hungarian language medical sociology textbooks used in Hungary. Method: We analyzed chapters of Hungarian language medical sociology textbooks of the
    last 25 years that discuss medical profession and student choices, and textbooks used in English language courses of Semmelweis University. Results: The corpus of the Hungarian textbooks (history of medical profession, medical role models, models of doctor-patient relationships, medical socialization) stayed relatively unchanged. While preserving the myth of the medical profession, there are criticisms towards the role and relationship models. The theme of the medical education gradually disappears from the
    English language textbooks. The social positions of the medical profession and health care are discussed in a broader context, focusing on the health care system and health care provision, incorporating the allied professions, and taking aspects of patients/consumers into greater consideration. Summary: Both textbook types reflect on the changes in the social position of the medical profession. However, the English literature approaches the modernization processes from the angles of the health care system and health care provision, resulting in the diminishing importance of the topic of medical profession while the Hungarian literature focuses on the profession and professional education of physicians.

  • Debunking Myths about the American Presidential Elections of 2016 and Failures in the Social Sciences

    Throughout the campaign and following the elections of 2016, the two major political parties
    cherished stories about what happened, and why it happened. Some of these stories have some
    basis in fact, while others are completely mythical, and nevertheless believed. These stories, or
    myths, arise from the political desires and belief systems of those who tell them. In what follows
    we will examine these stories in the lights of the facts

  • Enforcement of Community Approaches in Child Protection Practice: International Trends

    Child protection has changed in important ways on international level in recent years. Child protection as social institution adapts to and follows social change. Global competitions, mobility
    of capital and workforce, acceleration of economic processes and interdependence of national
    economies, and the economic crises of 2007 has their impact on the operation and workings of
    welfare systems. This study examines the trends and tendencies in international child protection practice since the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, what type of child protection
    orientations can be distinguished, what kind of characteristics can be described and which way
    seems to emerge—as a common challenge—in general in the field of the state’s child protection
    activities. The study draws attention to the importance of some topics in international discourse, such as complex needs of the clients, importance of partnerships, support of parenthood and a
    range of professional skills and competences to achieve these goals.

  • Polarization and heterogenization of social strata, with the conservation of „the big structure” : Dilemmas on the basis of researches made in the late two decades

    Recently the investigations were focused rather the polarization, so the questions connected
    with the inner structure of the different strata got less interesting, The most important aim of
    our study to give an empirically founded picture about the heterogenity of the different strata,
    and paralelly about the conservation of „the big structure” of the society. The study was based on
    the survey of stratification carried out by The Hugarian Statistical Office, in 2016. Observations
    showed, that the revealing of the attributes of the heterogenity can be solved only by developing
    the different modells and schemes. The key question was, that by the modification of Andorka
    scheme could we gather more punctual informations about the formation of the inequality? Our
    results mirrored, that by the help of the revised schemes we could show bigger inequality, than
    with the originel ones.

  • An example of good practice for integrating youth into the labor market in Hungary

    While there are positive trends in economic growth in the EU Member States, there are also challenges that are a long-term concern. These include, for example, unfavourable labour market dynamics, leading to an increase in social inequalities (Artner 2018). The European Economic and Social Committee stresses that young people can play an important role in addressing inequalities and socio-economic challenges, contributing to the future stability and prosperity of the EU (European Economic and Social Committee 2021). To this end, policies should support young people’s education, training and active participation in the labour market. The Lost Millennials project, coordinated by the HÉTFA Research Institute, and the project “Incorpora - for responsible employment”, implemented by the Maltese Care Nonprofit Ltd. and its partners, will be presented and their results analysed, while the study will also review national and international trends in the NEET group.

  • Causes for the Lack of Mobility Among Low-Status, Impoverished Rural Youths

    This study explores the lack of mobility and the lack of motivation for mobility among poverty- stricken youths with low levels of education who live in small villages. I strive to find out why underprivileged young individuals stay in their local village instead of moving to areas with more abundant opportunities and employment. My manuscript also examines their family life and their relationship with their parents, and how those factors could impact their attachment to their village. The main question to analyze is whether young people stay in impoverished rural villages voluntarily or as a result of a lack of choice and a rational decision, or whether they are drifting. My analysis of the data indicates that the lack of mobility among destitute rural youths is not driven by free decisions. My results suggest that these young people belong to a drifting social group, not in charge of their own fate, unaware of the world beyond their immediate surroundings, uninformed, dependent, vulnerable, living in an environment based on mere reciprocity, and thus, in a sense, they are a marginalized social group.

  • The late-modern challenges of child-parenting

    The purpose of the study is to provide an insight into the links between the characteristic features of the late-modern age and child-rearing. To this end, without aiming to give a detailed analysis, the present paper attempts to explore and identify the above referred characteristics to meet the challenges invited by the given issue and determine the true nature of child-rearing. Furthermore, the study endeavors to introduce the subject matter of the identity and the self as well as the process of their creation and development while finally it offers an introduction to possible ways to respond to the challenges described above.

  • Does the corruption affect to the voters? – a Bayesian econometric analysis

    The study examines the agenda-setting aspirations of Hungarian political life between 2010
    and 2016 from a corruption research perspective. Using the available data, we estimate, based
    on the monthly data series of a six-year period, using different statistical methods, whether the
    allocation of European Union funds used as a proxy for corruption had an impact on the support
    of the ruling party. The results of the applied Bayesian vector autoregression do not provide
    evidence for the hypothesis that the increase in corruption associated with the increase in EU
    subsidies reduces the popularity of the ruling party among the entire voting population.