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  • Comparative geometry on plane and sphere: didactical impressions
    Description of experiences in teaching comparative geometry for prospective teachers of primary schools. We focus on examples that refer to changes in our students' thinking, in their mathematical knowledge and their learning and teaching attitudes. At the beginning, we expected from our students familiarity with the basics of the geographic coordinate system, such as North and South Poles, Equator, latitudes and longitudes. Spherical trigonometry was not dealt with in the whole project.
  • Correction to Mneimneh (2019): "Simple variations on the Tower of Hanoi: A study of recurrences and proofs by induction” Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science 17 (2019), 131-158.

    In the article “Simple variations on the Tower of Hanoi: A study of recurrences and proofs by induction” by Saad Mneimneh (Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, 2019, 17(2), 131–158., there was an error in Table 1 (p. 155), and consequently, the first paragraph of Section 8 (p. 154) also needed correction.

  • Realizing the problem-solving phases of Pólya in classroom practice

    When teaching mathematical problem-solving is mentioned, the name of Pólya György inevitably comes to mind. Many problem-solving lessons are planned using Pólya's steps and helping questions, and teachers often rely on his heuristics even if their application happens unconsciously. In this article, we would like to examine how the two phases, Making a plan and Looking back, can be realized in a secondary school mathematics lesson. A case study was designed to observe and analyse a lesson delivered using cooperative work.

    Subject Classification: 97B10, 97C70, 97D40, 97D50

  • CAS-aided visualization in LATEX documents for mathematical education
    We have been developing KETpic as a macro package of a CAS for drawing fine LATEX-pictures, and we use it efficiently in mathematical education. Printed materials for mathematics classes are prepared under several constraints, such as "without animation", "mass printings", "monochrome", and "without halftone shadings". Because of these constraints, visualization in mathematical education tends to be unsatisfactory. Taking full advantages of LATEX and CAS, KETpic enables us to provide teaching materials with figures which are effective for mathematical education. The effects are summarized as follows:
    (1) The plottings of KETpic are accurate due to CAS, and enable students to deduce mathematical laws.
    (2) KETpic can provide adequate pictures for students' various interest. For example, when some students who understand a matter try to modify it, KETpic can give them appropriate and experimental figures.
    (3) Even though CAS can draw 3D-figures beautifully and automatically, it is expensive for mass printings and the figures are sometimes not easy to understand. Oppositely, 3D-graphics by KETpic are monochrome, but are richly expressive.
    In this paper, we give various examples of LATEX-pictures which we drew by using KETpic. For instance, the picture which is used in order to explain the convergence theorem of Fourier series makes it easier for students to understand the idea that function series converge to another function. Also the picture of skeleton is endowed with clear perspective. KETpic gives us great potential for the teaching of combinatorial mathematics. Through these examples, we claim that KETpic should have great possibilities of rich mathematical expressions under the constraints above mentioned.
  • Mathematical gems of Debrecen old mathematical textbooks from the 16-18th centuries
    In the Great Library of the Debrecen Reformed College (Hungary) we find a lot of old mathematical textbooks. We present: Arithmetic of Debrecen (1577), Maróthi's Arithmetic (1743), Hatvani's introductio (1757), Karacs's Figurae Geometricae (1788), Segner's Anfangsgründe (1764) and Mayer's Mathematischer Atlas (1745). These old mathematical textbooks let us know facts about real life of the 16-18th centuries, the contemporary level of sciences, learning and teaching methods. They are rich sources of motivation in the teaching of mathematics.
  • Correction to Gofen (2013): "Powers which commute or associate as solutions of ODEs?", Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science 11 (2013), 241-254.

    In the article "Powers which commute or associate as solutions of ODEs?" by Alexander Gofen (Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, 2013, 11(2), 241–254., there was an error in Conjecture 1 (p. 250), and consequently, in the References (p. 254).

  • Cooperative learning in teaching mathematics: the case of addition and subtraction of integers
    In the course of teaching and learning mathematics, many of the problems are caused by the operations with integers. My paper is a presentation of an experiment by which I tried to make the acquisition of these operations easier through the use of cooperative methods and representations. The experiment was conducted in The Lower-Secondary School of Paptamási from Romania, in the school year 2009-2010. I present the results of the experiment.
  • Why some children fail? Analyzing a test and the possible signs of learning disorders in an answer sheet: dedicated to the memory of Julianna Szendrei
    Teachers and educators in mathematics try to uncover the background of the mistakes their students make for their own and their students' benefit. Doing this they can improve their teaching qualities, and help the cognitive development of their pupils. However, this improvement does not always support their students with learning disorders, since their problem is not caused by wrong attitude or lack of diligence. Therefore, it is the interest of a conscientious teacher to recognize whether the weaker performance of a student is caused by learning disorders, so the helping teacher can give useful advices. Although the teacher is not entirely responsible for the diagnosis, but (s)he should be be familiar with the possible symptoms in order to make suggestions whether or not to take the necessary test of the learning disorders.
    In this article, through examining a test and the answer sheet of a single student, I show some signs that might be caused by learning disorders.
  • Differentiated instruction not only for Mathematics teachers

    The aim of differentiated development in a heterogeneous group of learners (DDHG) is to reduce school leaving without education, using an adaptive and innovative teaching-learning environment and using the most effective strategies, methods and techniques. Furthermore, this strategy helps in developing skills for learners and building cooperation between learners in heterogeneous classes through the use of the special, status-management educational procedure, and finally its strength is to sort the status ranking among learners, and to change the social structure of the class. Our goal is to figure out how to share best practices with teachers. One of the effective ways to renew teaching practice is through further training for teachers. As a trainer of the Logic-based subprogram of the Complex Basic Program (CBP) the author of the paper has experienced how well logic-based and decision-making strategies work in other subjects as well as in mathematics.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • Examining relation between talent and competence through an experiment among 11th grade students
    The areas of competencies that are formable, that are to be formed and developed by teaching mathematics are well-usable in recognizing talent. We can examine the competencies of a student, we can examine the competencies required to solve a certain exercise, or what competencies an exercise improves.
    I studied two exercises of a test taken by students of the IT specialty segment of class 11.d of Jedlik Ányos High School, a class that I teach. These exercises were parts of the thematic unit of Combinatorics and Graph Theory. I analysed what competencies a gifted student has, and what competencies I need to improve while teaching mathematics. I summarized my experience about the solutions of the students, the ways I can take care of the gifted students, and what to do to the less gifted ones.
  • Supporting the theory of math didactic using knowledge-measuring questions and analysis of the solutions
    New or rediscovered results presented in this paper are the results of the analysis of the problem sets used in the two-tier system secondary school final examination in mathematics, a system that was introduced in Hungary in 2005.
    Many of the revealed problem arise in connection with misunderstanding the text of the problems. Causes of misinterpretation can be either that the text is lacking some important information, or that it should be interpreted not in word-to-word manner.
    Theses and their argumentations presented here refer partly on the new types of problems (tests, non-standard mathematical contents), and partly on improvement of learning-teaching process in topics of equations and approximations.
  • A role of geometry in the frame of competencies attainment
    We discuss aspects of the Education Reform from teaching to educational system. In this context we recognize some problems in recognition of some competencies that students need to achieve and we present how we have developed the measurement method of spatial abilities and problem solving competence. Especially, we investigate how students use spatial visualization abilities in solving various problems in other mathematical course. We have tested how students use their spatial abilities previously developed in geometry courses based on conceptual approach to solve a test based on procedural concept in Mathematical Analysis course.
  • The "Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science" Journal logo's mathematical background
    In the present contribution we give an elementary technology for drawing the geodesics, paracycles and hypercycles on the pseudosphere.
  • A proposed application of Monte Carlo method in teaching probability
    Pupils' misconception of probability often results from lack of experience. Combining the concept of probability and statistics, the proposed application is intended for the teachers of mathematics at an elementary school. By reformulating the task in the form of an adventure, pupils examine a mathematical problem, which is too difficult for them to solve by combinatorial method. By recommending the simulation of the problem, we have sought to provide pupils with valuable experience of experimenting, recording and evaluating data.
  • Some Remarks on History of Mathematical Problem Solving
    In this contribution, it is our goal is to look on history of mathematics as a resource for a long-term study of mathematical problem solving processes and heuristics. In this way we intend to get additional information, e. g., about heuristics which proved to be extremely successful to create new mathematics. "Changing representation" and "false position" are examples of such strategies, which are illustrated by concrete examples to demonstrate the use for classroom teaching and teacher education. Our methods are based on hermeneutic principles.
  • Teaching undergraduate mathematics - a problem solving course for first year

    In this paper we describe a problem solving course for first year undergraduate mathematics students who would be future school teachers.

    Subject Classification: 97B50, 97B70, 97D50, 97D60, 97F60, 97U30

  • Guided Discovery in Hungarian Education Using Problem Threads: The Pósa Method in Secondary Mathematics Classrooms

    In Hungary, ‘guided discovery’ refers to instruction in which students learn mathematical concepts through task sequences that foster mathematical thinking. A prominent figure of guided discovery is Lajos Pósa, who developed his method to teach gifted students. Rather than teaching mathematics through thematic blocks, the Pósa Method employs webs of interconnected problem threads in which problems are built on each other, and different threads are presented simultaneously, so that students work on problems from multiple threads at the same time. It was found that this method has been successful as extracurricular training for gifted students since the 1980s; however since 2017, as part of an ongoing research, the method has been applied to mainstream curriculum in two public secondary school classrooms. The present paper examines the design and implementation processes of problem threads in this public secondary school context.

    Subject Classification: 97D40

  • Teaching meaningful mathematics with the Computer Algebra System MAXIMA using the example of inequalities
    The paper was originally motivated by the request to accentuate the meaningful contribution of inequalities in Mathematics Education. Additionally nationwide approved competences such as estimating come to the fore when organizing mathematical contents along some central Big Ideas. Not least the integration of computers enriches the reasonable discussion of inequalities by modern well accepted methodological principles. The freeware MAXIMA is used as Computer Algebra System (CAS) representatively.
  • Balanced areas in quadrilaterals - Anne's Theorem and its unknown origin

    There are elegant and short ways to prove Anne's Theorem using analytical geometry. We found also geometrical proofs for one direction of the theorem. We do not know, how Anne came to his theorem and how he proved it (probably not analytically), it would be interesting to know. We give a geometric proof (both directions), mention some possibilities – in more details described in another paper – for using this topic in teaching situations, and mention some phenomena and theorems closely related to Anne's Theorem.

    Subject Classification: G10, G30

  • Bernd Zimmermann (1946-2018)
    Our great friend, the always helpful supporter of the Hungarian mathematics didactics, Bernd Zimmermann, the retired mathematics didactics professor of Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, passed away on 19th of July 2018. After a short chronology of his life, we remember some of the many areas of his work with strong Hungarian connections.
  • Experiences in the education of mathematics during the digital curriculum from the perspective of high school students

    Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, Hungarian schools had to switch to a digital curriculum for an extended period between 2019 and 2021. In this article, we report on the experiences regarding the education of mathematics during the digital curriculum in the light of the reinstated on-site education, all through the eyes of high school students. Distance education brought pedagogical renewal to the lives of many groups. Students were asked about the positives and negatives of this situation.

    Subject Classification: 97C90

  • Is it possible to develop some elements of metacognition in a Mathematics classroom environment?

    In an earlier exploratory survey, we investigated the metacognitive activities of 9th grade students, and found that they have only limited experience in the “looking back” phase of the problem solving process. This paper presents the results of a teaching experiment focusing on ninth-grade students’ metacognitive activities in the process of solving several open-ended geometry problems. We conclude that promoting students’ metacognitive abilities makes their problem solving process more effective.

    Subject Classification: 97D50, 97G40

  • Teaching Gröbner bases
    In this article we offer a demonstration of how the StudentGroebner package, a didactic oriented Maple package for Gröbner basis theory, could assist the teaching/learning process. Our approach is practical. Instead of expounding on deep didactic theory we simply give examples on how we imagine experimental learning in classroom. The educational goal is to prepare the introduction of two sophisticated algorithms, the division algorithm and Buchberger's algorithm, by gathering preliminary knowledge about them.
  • The mathematics textbook as an aid to differentiation: a first Hungarian example
    Differentiation is a way of teaching where each student is taught according to his/her personal needs. This technique is not widely used in Hungary yet, although this would be necessary due to the introduction of the two-level final examination and to a growing concern for equal opportunities and integrated teaching. One of the most significant aids to differentiation is an appropriate textbook, and that is why a group of professionals wrote a set of textbooks that supports this technique. The paper examines the requirements for a differentiated textbook, and the extent to which the textbook in question meets them.
  • Potential, actual and practical variations for teaching functions: cases study in China and France

    This contribution is based on two major hypotheses: task design is the core of teachers’ work, and variation is the core of task design. Taking into account variation in task design has a profound theoretical foundation in China and France. Developing my PhD with two co-supervisors, in China and France, I wish to seize this opportunity for constructing an analytic model of “teaching mathematics through variation” making profit of this theoretical diversity. This model distinguishes between potential variation and practical variation and is based on the process of transforming potential variation into actual variation, and of using practical variation for rethinking potential variation. The design of this model is based both on theoretical networking, and on case studies, in France and China. In this contribution, we will focus on a critical aspect in the two cases, from potential to practical variation.

    Subject Classification: 97-06