Vol. 8 No. 2 (2010)
2010 December 1
Information System’s experiences of EGERFOOD project making use of it in the education of the database management
197-210Views:32We present in this article the background of a developed food safety tracking system searched and formed in the Regional Knowledge Centre of Eszterházy Károly College, the requirements following from this, and by way of the requirements towards the information system appearing expectations. The development of the consumer centre system is a complex task which provides fast and cost-effective information for consumers, food producers and concerned authorities. It accomplishes severe expectations of the tracking system in connection with data security and encryption beside all this. We demonstrate in this article that forming of database model why we chose the general model. We also demonstrate what kind of SQL server we chose for buffer servers and central data warehouse. We wish to support our choosing with the result of done efficiency examinations. It is important viewpoint what kind of database planning principles we base these examinations on and how we match them to the requirements of the system. As software engineers took part in the development effectively from the first minute of the planning of the system, we can examine with what this project work was able to raise students' qualification and knowledge in addition to the general curricular substance.PDF4 -
Increasing the popularity and efficiency of distance education by old-new methods
211-228Views:47In our essay we aim to provide suggestions to develop distance education and we decisively focus on programmed education that is supported by e-learning environment. We both think that the shortage of programmed educational methods is causeless in Hungary's distance education. The widespread usage of info-communication devices and of the Internet makes the programmed educational methods (not as an exclusive method) possible to use in distance education together with e-learning environment. In our work we summarize the possible solutions and at the same time we also provide a case study, as an insight into our e-learning project (called Logical Programming) by Moodle.PDF8 -
Practice based course of Information Technology Service Management for BSc students
229-246Views:13Currently IT systems are primarily observed as sets of services, for example finance services can be accessed via the Internet. The IT background of an enterprise has strategic importance in its activity, but it is also important, that IT helps the enterprise supporting course of business really from the background. To implement this kind of conception, IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) provides practical advices.
The paper describes the topic of an optional course which introduces BSc students to the subject of IT Service Management the way that it can be used as a practice supplement beside theory courses of IT Service Management.PDF4 -
Teaching word processing – the practice
247-262Views:28I compared two surveys, which were aimed to check the word processing ability of students in high schools and universities. The surveys were carried out ten years apart from one another, in 1997 and 2006. The results clearly show that most of the students are not able to use word processors properly. In the survey of 1997 I found explanation for this underperformance in the lack of computers and teachers. However, the results of the second survey did not prove any better than the results of the first, and in 2006 neither the number of computers nor the number of teachers can be blamed. What else then? I suggest that the reason for this general ignorance, for this `modern illiteracy' is the ignorance of the teachers. Until the teachers are not prepared and the senior students of the universities leave the education system without a proper knowledge of the required subjects, there is little chance that they would be able to teach word processing at a satisfactory level.PDF6 -
The requirements in statistics education – comparison of PISA mathematical tasks and tasks from the mathematical textbooks in the field of statistics
263-275Views:40This work presents the results of the analysis of both PISA items and Croatian mathematical textbooks in the field of statistics.
The analysis shows that PISA's released statistics problems have in many ways different mathematical requirements from the requirements of textbook problems in the statistics chapters, with respect to the mathematical activities, complexity and in the forms of questions. The textbook analysis shows that mathematical examples and problems often require operation and interpretation skills on a reproductive or connections level. Statistics textbook problems are given in the closed-answer form. The results also show that while PISA puts strong emphasis on the statistics field, in the current Croatian curriculum this field is barely present. These discrepancies in requirements and portion of statistics activities surely affect the results of Croatian pupils on PISA assessment in the field of mathematical literacy.PDF6 -
The hyperbola and Geogebra in high-school instruction
277-285Views:42In this article the results of teaching/learning hyperbola and its characteristics in high-school using computers and GeoGebra are shown. Students involved in the research attend Engineering School "Nikola Tesla" in Leposavic, Serbia. The aim of the research was to define ways and volume of computer and GeoGebra usage in mathematics instruction in order to increase significantly students' mathematical knowledge and skills.PDF3 -
A geometric application to the third-order recurrence relations for sequences
287-302Views:37Using a third-order linear homogeneous recurrence relation with constant coefficients, it is found a limit-point of a sequence of affixes in plane. Starting from a classic geometric problem, an application is so created and few more nice properties are found and described.PDF3 -
Improper integrals, an excursion to classical calculus
303-317Views:33The aim of this paper is to show in what way we investigated improper integrals in the classroom. It was very important to calculate explicitly a lot of examples. Doing so, a criterion was developed. With step curves and infinite series we had a quick look at the mathematical background. The shot in the universe showed that improper integrals are needed in physics.PDF3 -
Report on the Conference of History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics: research in History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics : University of Szeged 19-23 May, 2010, Szeged, Hungary
319-338Views:47The 6th Conference on the History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics was held in Szeged (Hungary). Its motto reads as:
Mathematics – a common language for Europe for thousand years.
The aim of the conference was to present aspects of History of Mathematics, including its impact on Teaching of Mathematics, to provide a forum to meet each other, and to give an opportunity for young researchers to present their results in these fields. University colleagues, students, graduate students and other researchers were invited. The programme of the Conference included talks and posters. The abstracts of the lectures and the posters are presented in this report. There were 24 presentations and poster lectures.PDF6