Format of Accepted Manuscripts

Papers accepted for publication should be formatted in TMCS's style. You can prepare the final version of your manuscript either in MS Word or LaTeX. Please read the below guidelines and follow the instructions in the sample files.

Microsoft Word

Save our Word template to your computer.


If there are special tables or long math formulas in your paper, we suggest that you prepare your file in LaTeX with the help of our LaTeX template (TMCS_LaTeX_template.tex) and TMCS's style file (tmcsnew1.cls). You can also find a BibTeX file (references.bib) for the References, the use of which is optional.

All the necessary files can be downloaded from here:

See also the sample: TMCS_LaTeX_template.pdf

Digital drawings and graphs should be submitted in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format together with the final LaTeX document.

Title and Name(s) of Author(s)

The first page of the manuscript must include the title and full first and family name(s) of each author.


Manuscripts must include an abstract that summarizes the principal techniques and conclusions of the paper in relation to known results. It should be no more than 200 words.

Keywords and Subject Classification

The first page should contain keywords and MSC2020 subject classification codes.

Address and e-mail address

The affiliation and the e-mail address of each author should also be added.

Short Title

It is necessary to indicate an abbreviated title, which will be used as a running head (no more than 60 characters including spaces).

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be limited to those required for clear communication and be used with references in the text. Please try to avoid including too many pictures for illustration purposes. As figures may be reduced for printing, the lettering should not be too small. Also, consider that the use of too much grey scale does not print well and that, in the case of colour figures, colour coding for example cannot work when the paper is printed.

When sending the final accepted version of your manuscript (either in Word or LaTeX), please do not forget to provide all the files (your main file, figures, tables, etc.) you use for compiling your paper. The easiest way to send all the files at the same time is to compress them into a .zip directory and send it as an attachment via e-mail to


Large tables, sample questionnaires, etc., may also be added in an Appendix section at the end of the paper.


References should follow the APA style (7th edition). For more information, see the following pages:

The DOI number of the reference (if available) should be written, as well.
References should contain full article titles, chapter titles of books as well as first and last pages of each article.
Remember that all publications cited must appear in the reference list, and all publications in the reference list must be cited.