Vol. 22 No. 2 (2024) Current Issue

Published 2024 December 20



  • Didactical remarks on the changes in the requirements of the matriculation exam in Mathematics in Hungary

    Students within the Hungarian education system typically take a matriculation exam to obtain a secondary education certificate, which also serves as a prerequisite for university admission. Public education is regulated at different levels. One of its most fundamental elements is the National Core Curriculum, the current version of which came into force in September 2020. It is crucial to adapt the requirements of the matriculation exam in mathematics to this and ensure transparent communication about the changes. Regarding this, there exists a sample paper that contains tasks that one can reasonably expect in the actual exam in the spring. Since I have been working as a private math tutor for almost a decade and have been preparing students for the matriculation exam since then, I intend to highlight the most outstanding features from a didactic point of view based on the analysis of this sample paper.

    Subject Classification: 97A30, 97B10, 97B70, 97D60, 97U40

  • Exploring the basic concepts of Calculus through a case study on motion in gravitational space

    In universities, the Calculus course presents significant challenges year after year. In this article, we will demonstrate how to use methods of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) to introduce the concepts of limits, differentiation, and integration based on high school kinematics and dynamics knowledge. All mathematical concepts are coherently built upon experiences, experiments, and fundamental dynamics knowledge related to motion in a gravitational field. With the help of worksheets created using GeoGebra or Microsoft Excel, students can conduct digital experiments and later independently visualize and relate abstract concepts to practical applications, thereby facilitating their understanding.

    Subject Classification: 97D40, 97I40, 97M50

  • Sage and scribe – asymmetrical pair work that can easily fit into any mathematics lesson, yet still have cooperative benefits

    This article uses a case study experiment to learn the characteristics of a pair work, called the sage and scribe method (Kagan, 2008). We also wished to explore the positive and negative effects of the systematic application of this single cooperative element without any other structural changes during the lessons. In the case study experiment, we asked two teachers, accustomed to traditional frontal teaching methods, to substitute individual work tasks in their standard lesson plans with the sage and scribe method. Our experiments indicate that this method wastes insignificant time, requires little extra effort on the part of the teacher, yet has many of the positive effects of cooperative methods: in our experiments, students received immediate feedback, corrected each other’s mistakes, learned from each other in meaningful discussions and engaged in collaborative reasoning to address emerging problems.

    Subject Classification: 97D40
