
Didactical remarks on the changes in the requirements of the matriculation exam in Mathematics in Hungary


Copyright (c) 2024 Evelin Anna Geszler

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Geszler, E. A. (2024). Didactical remarks on the changes in the requirements of the matriculation exam in Mathematics in Hungary. Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, 22(2), 95-110.

Students within the Hungarian education system typically take a matriculation exam to obtain a secondary education certificate, which also serves as a prerequisite for university admission. Public education is regulated at different levels. One of its most fundamental elements is the National Core Curriculum, the current version of which came into force in September 2020. It is crucial to adapt the requirements of the matriculation exam in mathematics to this and ensure transparent communication about the changes. Regarding this, there exists a sample paper that contains tasks that one can reasonably expect in the actual exam in the spring. Since I have been working as a private math tutor for almost a decade and have been preparing students for the matriculation exam since then, I intend to highlight the most outstanding features from a didactic point of view based on the analysis of this sample paper.

Subject Classification: 97A30, 97B10, 97B70, 97D60, 97U40

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