Vol. 5 No. 1 (2007)

Published 2007 June 1



  • Task reformulation as a practical tool for formation of electronic digest of tasks
    Creative thinking as well as thinking itself is being developed at active learning-cognitive activity of students. To make mathematic matter a subject of interest and work of students at classes, it is efficacious to submit it in a form of tasks. The tasks may be set up in a purposeful system of tasks by means of which reaching the teaching goals in the sense of quality and durability of gained knowledge may be more effective. A suitable means for presentation of tasks with their characteristics (as e.g. didactic function and cognitive level) as well as task systems themselves is an electronic digest of tasks as a database. The analysis of textbooks and digests of tasks commonly used at schools in Slovakia shows that they do not include all the types of tasks necessary for setting up complete (in the sense of didactic functions) task systems. One of the most important methods used for formation of the missing tasks is reformulation of tasks. The individual strategies of task reformulation are explained in details on examples in this article.
  • Teaching polygons in the secondary school: a four country comparative study
    This study presents the analysis of four sequences of videotaped lessons on polygons in lower secondary schools (grades 7 and 8) taught by four different teachers in four different countries (Belgium, Flanders, England, Hungary and Spain). Our study is a part of the METE project (Mathematics Educational Traditions in Europe). The aims and methodology of the project are described briefly in the introduction. In the next section of this paper we describe various perspectives on teaching and learning polygons which were derived from the literature, concerning the objectives, conceptual aspects and didactic tools of the topic. The next two sections introduce the main outcomes of our study, a quantitative analysis of the collected data and a qualitative description linked to the perspectives on teaching polygons. We conclude by discussing some principal ideas related to the theoretical and educational significance of this research work.
  • The role of computer in the process of solving of mathematical problems (results of research)
    We would like to present results of an almost two years investigations about the role computer in the process of solving of mathematical problems. In these investigations took part 35 students of the secondary school (generalists) in the age 17–19 years. Each of these students solved following problem:
    Find all values of the parameter m so that the function
    f(x) = |mx + 1| − |2x − m| is:
    a) bounded,
    b) bounded only from the bottom,
    c) bounded only from above,
    first without a computer and next with a special computer program. We would like to show results of these researches.
  • How the derivative becomes visible: the case of Daniel
    This paper reports how an advanced 11th-grade student (Daniel) perceived the derivative from a graph of a function at a task-based interview after a short introduction to the derivative. Daniel made very impressive observations using, for example, the steepness and the increase of a graph as well as the slope of a tangent as representations of the derivative. He followed the graphs sequentially and, for example, perceived where the derivative is increasing/decreasing. Gestures were an essential part of his thinking. Daniel's perceptions were reflected against those of a less successful student reported previously [Hähkiöniemi, NOMAD 11, no. 1 (2006)]. Unlike the student of the previous study, Daniel seemed to use the representations transparently and could see the graph as a representation of the derivative.
  • The sum and difference of the areas of Napoleon triangles
    The sum of the areas of the Napoleon triangles is the average of the areas of the three outward equilateral triangles on the sides of triangle ABC, and the differerence of these areas is the area of triangle ABC. In this paper we examine how to change these properties if we build on the sides of the triangle ABC, outwards and inwards, three similar triangles.
  • Linear clause generation by Tableaux and DAGs
    Clause generation is a preliminary step in theorem proving since most of the state-of-the-art theorem proving methods act on clause sets. Several clause generating algorithms are known. Most of them rewrite a formula according to well-known logical equivalences, thus they are quite complicated and produce not very understandable information on their functioning for humans. There are other methods that can be considered as ones based on tableaux, but only in propositional logic. In this paper, we propose a new method for clause generation in first-order logic. Since it inherits rules from analytic tableaux, analytic dual tableaux, and free-variable tableaux, this method is called clause generating tableaux (CGT). All of the known clause generating algorithms are exponential, so is CGT. However, by switching to directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) from trees, we propose a linear CGT method. Another advantageous feature is the detection of valid clauses only by the closing of CGT branches. Last but not least, CGT generates a graph as output, which is visual and easy-to-understand. Thus, CGT can also be used in teaching logic and theorem proving.
  • Learning and Knowledge: The results, lessons and consequences of a development experiment on establishing the concept of length and perimeter
    In the paper the four main stages of an experiment are described focusing on the question as to how much measuring the length and perimeter of various objects such as fences, buildings by old Hungarian units of measurements and standards contribute to the establishment of the concept of perimeter.
    It has also been examined in what ways and to what extent the various forms of teaching such as frontal, group and pair and individual work contribute to the general knowledge, thinking, creativity and co-operation in this area.
    It will also be shown to what extent folk tales, various activities and games have proved to be efficient in the teaching of the particular topic.
    Every stage of the experiment was started and closed with a test in order to find out whether the development was successful and children managed to gain lasting knowledge in this particular area.
  • Pupils' meta-discursive reflection on their cooperation in mathematics: a case study
    This article addresses the issue of how 10–11 year old pupils in pairs can actively get involved in reforming their behavior as they reflect on their interaction in order to solve mathematical problems. We studied the opportunities offered for the development of meta-discursive reflection in a pair of pupils in two alternative environments: (1) pupils' observations and discussions on their video-recorded cooperation and (2) pupils' participation in playing and acting in a drama. The results of the research revealed three levels of the pupils' meta-discursive reflection on their interaction: (1) focusing on the achievement of personal goals, (2) focusing on partners' responsibility and (3) focusing on mutual responsibility. Both environments helped the pupils to improve their socio-mathematical interaction.
  • Teaching multiparadigm programming based on object-oriented experiences
    Multiparadigm programming is an emerging practice in computer technology. Co-existence of object-oriented, generic and functional techniques can better handle variability of projects. The present paper gives an overview of teaching multiparadigm programming approach through typical language concepts, tools in higher education. Students learning multiparadigm-oriented subjects would gain considerable expertise, which is highly needed by the industrial side in large-scale application development.
  • Brute force on 10 letters
    We deal with two problems in the set of 10-character-long strings. Both problems can be solved by slightly different methods, but our approach for each is brute force. As we point out, there can be differences in effectivity even in different brute force algorithms. As an additional result, we answer an open question of Raymond Smullyan's.
  • Les mathématiques dans le grand public et dans l'enseignement: quelques éléments d'une analyse didactique
    The paper looks for reaction of the public at large that is people out of educational system, concerning the mathematical exercises. We can see some results about:
    • impact of terms on the motivation
    • the effects of the traditional didactic on the method to resolve a problem.
    Résumé. Cet article cherche la réactions du grand public c.a.d. de personnes hors systéme scolaire, de nombreuses années aprés avoir terminé leurs études vis á vis des exercises mathématiques.
    Nous présentons quelques résultats concernant les points suivants:
    – l'impact de l'« habillage » d'un énoncé sur la motivation
    – les effets de l'absence d'un contrat didactique traditionnel sur la maniére de résoudre un probléme.
  • Veranschaulichung der Lehrstoffstruktur durch Galois-Graphen
    In this article we compare the process diagram with the Galois-graph, the two hierarchical descriptions of the curriculum's construction from the point of didactics. We present the concrete example through the structure of convex quadrangles. As a result of the analysis it is proved that the process diagram is suitable for describing the activity of pupils, still the Galois-graph is the adequate model of the net of knowledge. The analysis also points out that in teaching of convex quadrangles the constructions of curriculum based only on property of symmetry and only on metrical property are coherent. Generalizing concept is prosperous if the pupils' existing net of knowledge lives on, at most it is amplified and completed. Teaching of convex quadrangles in Hungarian education adopts this principle.
  • Analyse von Lösungswegen und Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten eines Problems für die Klassen 7–11
    Making several solutions for a problem i.e. the generalization, or the extension of a problem is common in the Hungarian mathematics education.
    But the analysis of a problem is unusual where the connection between the mathematical content of the task and of its different formulations is examined, solutions from different fields of mathematics are presented regarding the knowledge of different age groups, the problem is generalized in different directions, and several tools (traditional and electronic) for solutions and generalizations are presented.
    This kind of problem analysis makes it viable that during the solution/elaboration several kinds of mathematical knowledge and activities are recalled and connected, facilitating their use inside and outside of mathematics.
    However, an analysis like this is not unfamiliar to the traditions of the Hungarian problem solving education – because it also aims at elaborating a problem – but from several points of view.
    In this study, a geometric task is analysed in such a way.
  • Problemorientierung im Mathematikunterricht – ein Gesichtspunkt der Qualitätssteigerung
    The aim of this article is to give a synopsis of problem orientation in mathematics education and to stimulate the discussion of the development and research about problem-orientated mathematics teaching. At the beginning we present historical viewpoints of problem orientation and their connection with recent theories of cognition (constructivism). Secondly we give characterizations of concepts that stand in the context of problem-orientation and discuss different forms of working with open problems in mathematics teaching. Arguments for more problem orientation in mathematics education will be discussed afterwards. Since experience shows that the implementation of open problems in classroom produces barriers, we then discuss mathematical beliefs and their role in mathematical learning and teaching. A list of literature at the end is not only for references but also can be used to further research.
    Zusammenfassung. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, eine Synopsis in Bezug auf Problemorientierung im Mathematikunterricht zu geben und die Diskussion bezüglich Entwicklung und Forschung eines problemorientierten Mathematikunterrichts zu stimulieren. Als Erstes werden historische Gesichtspunkte von Problemorientierung und deren Verkn üpfung mit neueren Erkenntnistheorien (Konstruktivismus) vorgestellt. Zweitens werden Erläuterungen zu Begriffen, die im Kontext von Problemorientierung stehen, gegeben und verschiedene Ausprägungen der Behandlung offener Probleme im Mathematikunterricht diskutiert. Argumente für eine stärkere Berücksichtigung von Problemorientierung im Mathematikunterricht werden danach erörtert. Auf Barrieren bei der Implementierung von offenen Problemen im Unterricht, die durch mathematische Beliefs (Vorstellungen, Überzeugungen) geprägt sind, wird zum Schluss eingegangen. Die abschließend aufgeführte Literaturliste dient nicht nur dem Beleg der Zitate, sondern kann auch zu weiterer Vertiefung genutzt werden.