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  • Burnout syndrome among health care workers in Hungary – a literature review

    Burnout is recognised as an occupational hazard and prolonged response to chronic interpersonal stressors at work in various people-centred professions, with higher prevalence among health care workers. The main objective of this research was the integrative review of the literature on burnout syndrome in Hungarian health care workers. Twelve (12) studies found in PubMed database were included in the research and a number of important conclusions have been summarized about burnout syndrome among employees of the Hungarian health care system. Also, as important conclusion it has been highlighted, that recognising, preventing, and treating burnout and depression among health care workers should be one of the priorities of the health care in Hungary.

  • Women in urban poverty in Hungary: Maids and working women in the labour market before 1945

    A 19. század végi ipari forradalom okozta gazdasági és társadalmi átalakulás számos változást hozott Magyarországon. Az infrastruktúra és a közlekedés fejlődése lehetővé tette a nők számára, hogy új munkalehetőségekhez jussanak, elhagyják a hagyományos közösségeket és új életformákat próbáljanak ki.

    Magyarországon a cselédtartás továbbra is társadalmi szokás maradt, és még a két világháború között is sokakat érintett.

  • From Sunday lunch to the ballot box: Political socialisation and political homophily in Hungarian society

    Political socialisation is the process of forming an individual’s political identity, in the course of which the individual’s attitude to politics and political worldview is formed. Political socialisation takes place in different spheres, of which the family and parents are of particular importance. Previous research in Hungary has confirmed that the family is an “incubator” of citizenship. However, there is little data available in Hungary that would allow for a more precise understanding of the transmission of political attitudes. This study investigates political homophily within the family (between parent and child) and the effects of parental political characteristics on the individual in Hungary. Our data are drawn from a nationally representative telephone survey of 2000 respondents sampled in 2023. The results show that in nearly two-thirds of Hungarian families, family members held the same political views during the respondent’s childhood, with the highest proportions of homophily indicators, fathers’ and respondents’ voting activity, and mothers’ and respondents’ conservative-liberal attitudes. The effect of parental characteristics was tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). Parents’ political interests and ideological positions had a strong direct effect on the same child characteristics, but the individual’s political participation and party preference were only indirectly influenced by parents. The success of attitudinal transmission was strongly enhanced if the parents were themselves, homophiles, along with the trait in question. Our results point to the important role of the family as a primary agent in political socialisation and suggest new research directions.

  • Incubating radicalism in Hungary – the case of Sopron and Ózd

    The paper analyses young people’s interpretation of the past, evaluation of the present and po-litical behaviour patterns based on semi-structured interviews (n=60) conducted in two contra-sting constellations of modernization, Sopron and Ózd. First the perception of the most pressing social and political problems, second the potential of political and civic actions are compared. Finally an attempt is made to outline a ‚hopeless’ and an ‚indifferent’ idealtype of political cultu-re. Together they create the opportunity for both the birth of antidemocratic tendencies and the space in which they can evolve. In this sense they provide the preconditions for ‚mainstreaming the extreme’ that is the incubation of radicalism in Hungary.

  • Revisiting enterprise politics in the interwar Hungary: The case of The Rimamurány–Salgótarján Iron Works Co.: Worker‘s lifestyle and rate of living on the colony of the steel factory in Salgótarján before the World War II.

    The Rimamurány–Salgótarján Iron Works Co. in Salgótarján started to run up from 1871. The
    people who lived in the workers’ colony of the Steelworks in Salgótarján differentiated themselves
    from the rest of the local residents not only spatially but also in their appearance, as a result of
    their higher standard of living. At the begining of the 20th century the major streets of the colony
    (Acélgyári Street) had macadam or stoned surface and were lit with public street lightning. The
    duty of the socalled Dwelling Master was to guarantee neat, clean, tidy streets within the colony.
    Steelworkers had more opportunity to visit the shops and barbershop than those men who lived
    within the downtown. This difference was partly due to their higher income and partly due to
    the fact that the services of the comany’s shop and the barber at the colony were much cheaper
    than those of other local barbers since it was ordered so by factory management. Workers’
    houses were up to the standards of the time, they did not pay rent or just a very low price and
    workers had a possibility to build their own garden houses on the land of the company. All this
    fundamentally changed in the second half of the 1940s owing to post-war lack of raw material
    and Socialist ’modernization’ and uniformization. The period of communist dictatorship after
    World War II, nationalization of the works and Socialist ’modernization’ created trauma at the

  • Family plans and career plans among higher education students in the field of social sciences based on a pilot study in Eastern Hungary

    Our paper explores the family and career plans of social sciences students at Hungary’s second largest university based on a questionnaire-based pilot study. Nowadays, careers include more than the traditional vertical promotion within an organisation, as seen from the emergence of the self-directed “protean” career type, which prompts organisations to adapt to individuals’ values, attitudes, and own career definitions. In addition, the Kaleidoscope Career Model sets out that individuals adapt their career goals to their life stages. Thus, students’ career and family plans matter to prospective employers. Our results show that a modern self-directed career type has emerged among students, for whom it is a priority to meet their own expectations. In several cases, starting a family is preceded by career goals. Furthermore, despite the “feminine” nature of social sciences, our pilot study shows that male students in the field still tend to conform to traditional gender roles regarding the importance of family and career. Our research implies that prospective employers need to adapt their HR strategies to young people’s family and career plans. Moreover, organisations should support students in gaining relevant work experience and in achieving their subsequent career plans.

  • Interpersonal relationships in Hungary – an overview

    Our paper aims to demonstrate that social structure has significant impact on the formation of
    interpersonal relations. We review and analyse the characteristics of ego-centric interpersonal
    networks of Hungarians based on data from nationally representative adult population surveys
    between the mid-1980’s up to 2015. We focus especially on core discussion networks, friendship
    ties and weak ties and analyse how the transition to market economy influenced interpersonal
    relationships. As expected, the large-scale social changes brought about by the transition
    changed interpersonal networks as well. During the first decade of the transition (in the 1990’s)
    one could not witness a significant change of personal networks, nonetheless the adaptation
    process was easier for people supported by strong, traditional family ties. Non-kin ties, especially
    friendships seem to gain significance at the expense of kin relationships. Overall, resources
    available through weak ties seem to be decreasing.

  • Changes in reproductive policies in Hungary between 2010 and 2022

    This paper examines Hungarian reproductive policies, their changes and their restrictions in relation to pronatalist objectives between 2010 and 2022. The aim of the study is to present and interpret legislative changes in reproductive policies in the context of the pronatalist policies in Hungary. Reproductive policies include the regulation of assisted reproductive technologies, adoption, abortion, contraception, and sex education. In the development of these policies, we assume that a fundamentally pronatalist approach prevails, but we also identify various specific related constraints: heteronormativity, marriage-centredness, and the maintenance and reinforcement of traditional gender roles. We assume that Hungary’s reproductive policies have become increasingly selective since 2010 after the second Orbán government. These policies can be considered selective because they do not encourage all social groups to have children. These result in the exclusion of for example socially disadvantaged groups, single people and same-sex couples from reproduction due to legal constraints, a lack of financial support, access, and transfer of information. In conclusion, selective, heteronormative and marriage-based pronatalism is most identifiable in the adoption context, but abortion regulation, the legal environment for assisted reproductive technologies and sex education, in general, may reinforce pronatalist objectives.

  • Incumbency advantage of mayors in cities with county rights in Hungary

    There are twenty-three cities with county rights in Hungary. These cities are playing extremely important role because of their location, population and their administrative duties. For these reasons they can fall prey to national parties and political actors even during local elections. The aim of this study is to analyze these settlements in regard to the incumbency of mayors. Incumbency means the holding of an office, and the incumbent politician is the current holder of a political office. My goal is to show – by quantitative comparison – that the so-called incumbent advantage is prevalent in these cities. I also examine whether the candidates of the winning parties at the first order general elections are faring better than their competitors.

  • Start-up studio, the business model innovation (The example of INNONIC Zrt.)

    Public discourse mostly uses the term start-up as a simplified collective category to describe companies founded to sell technological innovations. At the same time, in addition to bringing a new or novel idea to market, most business functions (marketing, sales, product/service development, HR etc.) are performed in an innovative and proactive way. In spite of the uncertainty of the market and limited resources, one of the key characteristics of such organisations is the high potential of the rapid economic development. In order to be able to take the advantage of the business opportunity, a supportive socio-economic and institutional environment is essential to obtain intensive growth and sustainability. In our case study, we are aiming to illustrate the importance of so-called start-up studios in catalysing innovation by the example of a company operating in international markets in the Debrecen region. Illustrating our findings by an analogy, we examine how the studio as a “mother ship” uses organizationalmanagement methods, cultural patterns, and through what mechanisms it contributes to the success of start-ups.

  • Foreign students of the medical faculties in Pécs and Debrecen: the choice of the university and acculturation process

    With the headway of globalization and knowledge-based economy, international student mobility is promoted as the main indicator of the internationalization of higher education. In Hungary the number of foreign students – similarly to global trends – shows an increase, representing a significant economic interest. Besides this, the international students make a growing impact
    on the development and the economic and cultural life of the cities where the universities are based. In our empirical research, we analyzed international students at the Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy foreign language programs of the University of Debrecen and the University of Pécs with the help of personally requested anonymous, self-completed questionnaires (n=602). The
    self-developed questionnaire focused on three issues: the motivation of the students, their satisfaction with the university and the process of their integration. The research was conducted in the spring semester of the academic year 2015/2016 at both universities.
    Based on the results it can be stated that from the perspective of medium- and long-term policy development of the university and the city, it is indispensable to survey the motivations and satisfaction of the students arriving to Hungary due to international student mobility as well as to facilitate their integration. The general medicine major of the University of Pécs and
    that of the University of Debrecen are very popular among foreign students but there are significant differences in their choices behind which we can discover the different cultural background of the matriculated students and this factor determines their personal choices and their later plans. Concerning the difficulties at the beginning we can state based on the results that for the
    students of the German programme the different language medium and the local bureaucracy mean a bigger challenge, while for the heterogeneous community of the English programme contact building with the tutors and the integration into the socio-cultural medium mean more difficulties. Concerning the integration we can state that from the point of country of origin the integration means a little less challenge for the more homogenies student community of the German programme than for the heterogeneous community of the English programme behind which most probably the stabilization of the acculturation process can be trailed.

  • The characteristics of social contact intensity, contact frequency and contact structure in Hungary in 2006 and 2015

    The study aims at comparing the Hungarian results of the questions on the frequency of personal and distance contact with relatives and friends in the 2006 and 2015 ad hoc modules of EU-SILC. According to our results, in line with the findings of previous Hungarian research, compared to 2006, there were fewer contacts in Hungary in 2015. Relations with friends, especially those held in person, were less exposed to weakening compared to relations with relatives. Among the different social groups, the already disadvantaged were typically negatively affected by either the change in intensity or the structure of relationships. However, the situation of the elderly and the inhabitants of deprived households deteriorated in all three dimensions examined: their re­lations weakened more strongly, and those related to relatives and personal ones further narro­wed by 2015. This result indicates that the social disintegration of these groups has accelerated particularly between the two years, which poses a serious social policy challenge.

  • Some demographic characteristics of long-term commuting in Hungary

    The study aims to show the most important demographic characteristics of long-term
    commuting workers and the emerging territorial disparities using the latest available statistics.
    The main motivation for commuting, including long commuting, is still to get the job they deem
    appropriate, but about a quarter of a million people take on much greater burdens than average
    and only travel home weekly or less frequently in Hungary. Most of them make this decision by
    force, as there are no job opportunities in their place of residence, but the income they provide is
    very important for their families. Long-term commuters mostly do seasonal work (construction,
    catering, etc.) and work in physical jobs. Unsurprisingly, men are more likely to take on the life
    form with increased physical and psychological strain, but not only the heads of the family in
    their forties, but also young people in their 20s who are not yet independent of their families
    are represented in large numbers. Long commuting is characterised by marked territorial
    inequalities, and those affected mainly start from villages, despite the fact that the high level of public employment in the most disadvantaged areas is affecting the direction of the stay of the

  • The Patterns of free time in secondary schools

    The aim of this study is analyse the free time allocation in different types of secondary schools in Hungary. The use of free time is connected with social inequalities and the agglomeration of cultural capital so these patterns are rooted most of all in the social background. Besides, educational sociology involves an institutional effect in this field as well. Hungary has got a selective educational system and the different types of secondary schools refermainly to specific social groups so the differences in the use of free time can be significant. The database of HungarianYouth Research has been used during this analysis. This database is representative for regions, types of settlement, age and gender (N = 8000) and the subsample of secondary school students can be separated. Quantity of free time, places of free time, features of „screen time activites” and cultural activities have been analysed. Means, chi-sqare statistic, ANOVA-test, factor analysis and linear regression model were used. Our empirical finding scan show the different free time patterns of the subsamples (grammar school, secondary vocational school and vocational school).

  • The transformation of nationalism in Hungary and Russia between 1995 and 2013: Results of a comparative study

    In this paper we are focusing on the metamorphosis of nationalism in Russia, in Hungary and in the other countries in the European Union between 1995 and 2013. For the research we had used the ISSP research. We had researched the dimensions like spontaneous national identity, ethnocentrism, national categorization, national pride, nationalism and xenophobia. First we introduce the several aspects, then we reveal the features of the nationalism. This paper focus ont he role of the nationalism in the running of the capitalism.

  • College and university students’ attitudes towards democracy in Hungary

    The existence of education for democracy has positive impact on citizens’ political knowledge
    and the identification with the democratic values. In the process of civic education, the
    universities and high schools play an important role. Many scholars argue that the high schools
    have a civic mission to serve a public good or the university is the civic mission itself. To examine
    democratic citizenship among high school and university students we use a dataset composed of
    three surveys (2011/2012, 2013, 2015) of 4800 Hungarian students. We build on the literature
    about the empirical and theoretical framework of democratic citizenship to answer the question
    if 25 years after the collapse of communism we can witness the emergence of a new generation
    of democrats in Hungary? Have young people successfully come to terms with their countries' authoritarian past and developed a commitment to democracy as a system of rule? Are they
    ready to defend it in the face of challenges? Based on the empirical framework of citizenship we
    derive a number of significant lessons from the Hungarian case, with important implications
    about the ability to teach the norms and responsibilities of democratic citizenship in the world’s
    emerging democracies.

  • Mechanisms of power, victimization and autonomy in the health care system

    The aim of this paper is to describe power relations, doctor-patient relationships among the
    many ongoing changes in health care from sociological point of view. This paper is based on
    interviews with 17 people who work in various fields of health care. To conduct the interviews as
    well as to write the paper, a number of concepts and theoretical approaches were resorted to:
    Dominique Memmi’s ’delegated biopower’, Eve Bureau and Judith Hermann-Mesfen’s notion of
    ’contemporary patient’, François Dubet’s concept of institutional programme as well as results of
    Hungarian health sociology. The main focuses of interest of the paper are role models in health
    care, the characteristics and consequences of new doctor-patient relations, their manifestations
    in Hungary as well as potentials of defencelessness and autonomy in Hungarian health care.

  • Social policy model change in Hungary in the light of post-2010 governance

    Hungarian social policy underwent a major shift in emphasis following the change of government in 2010. The aim of this study is to examine the direction of these changes of emphasis compared to the models used by Esping-Andersen to typify welfare states. The analysis uses the classical criteria of the models and analyses changes in social policy principles, goals and instruments in five areas. In the areas of employment, family policy, tax policy, housing policy and crisis management, we would like to show that in Hungary we cannot currently speak of a purely conservative social policy model as declared by the government. The conclusion of our study is that the Hungarian system currently uses mixed elements, although the declared values are conservative and the authorities try to preserve conservative structures and actors, there is a significant shift in emphasis in social policy, and the mixed model shows strong liberal elements.

  • Sociological and Social Psychological Context of the Transition of Hungary, with Special Regards to Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County

    The article gives a summary of the most relevant results of the sociological and sociopsychological special literature concerning the transition to market economy and political
    pluralism in Hungary. The transition affected the different regions and different social groups
    disproportionately. The article points out that the last three decades were not enough for the
    destruction of the legacy of state socialism resulting learned helplessness and paternalism.

  • Themes of medical profession and professional socialization in medical sociology textbooks

    Introduction: The present study examines the information on the medical profession and how the changes occurring in the medical practice, the social role and the evaluation of the physician are reflected in the English and Hungarian language medical sociology textbooks used in Hungary. Method: We analyzed chapters of Hungarian language medical sociology textbooks of the
    last 25 years that discuss medical profession and student choices, and textbooks used in English language courses of Semmelweis University. Results: The corpus of the Hungarian textbooks (history of medical profession, medical role models, models of doctor-patient relationships, medical socialization) stayed relatively unchanged. While preserving the myth of the medical profession, there are criticisms towards the role and relationship models. The theme of the medical education gradually disappears from the
    English language textbooks. The social positions of the medical profession and health care are discussed in a broader context, focusing on the health care system and health care provision, incorporating the allied professions, and taking aspects of patients/consumers into greater consideration. Summary: Both textbook types reflect on the changes in the social position of the medical profession. However, the English literature approaches the modernization processes from the angles of the health care system and health care provision, resulting in the diminishing importance of the topic of medical profession while the Hungarian literature focuses on the profession and professional education of physicians.

  • Community resilience and social support relationships – An analytical approach and research results based on long-term series analysis of communities affected by the red sludge disaster

    vOne of the most serious consequences of disasters is the disruption or even the loss of social
    support relationships. Hence, this paper analyses the social support relationships in the
    framework of community resilience based on face-to-face interviews with direct (180 people)
    and indirect (180 people) victims of the red sludge disaster, using data for 2013 and 2020.
    (Hungary, Devecser district).
    The focus was analysed according to four types of social support relationship: reciprocal,
    donor to recipient and incomplete/disintegrated. At the time of the disaster, we identified a high
    level of support activity and a strong reciprocal-donor type of aid model. In contrast, in 2013, we
    found an incomplete/disintegrated - reciprocal model with low support activity, and in 2020, a
    reciprocal- incomplete/disintegrated model with medium activity.
    Based on a detailed statistical analysis of different social support types among the red
    sludge disaster’s victims the paper explores and presents the social support activities and
    their various patterns with respect to their roles in the resilience of communities. The different
    patterns of social supports relationships that emerged in each period examined varied widely,
    though – with different intensity – they were primarily influenced by the fact how people were
    affected by disaster’s damages (directly and indirectly). Nevertheless, by 2020, other factors,
    such as residence, age, and economic activity had already an equally strong impact on different
    types of social support relationships as the affectedness by the disaster of 2010. We found that
    communities responded to the red sludge disaster in 2010 and to the Covid-19 epidemic in 2020
    in a reactive way by activating their social support relationship.

  • A possible vision for young public workers or The Hungarian JWT

    According to different statements more and more youngsters, under 25 years of age, appear in Public Work Programs at the present time in Hungary. Even it occurs more frequently that pa-rents, primarily because of financial reasons, take out their children from school, and send them to public workers.This paper draws attention to this phenomenon. Furthermore, it shows a possible paral-lel between those young people who are in JWT (Job Without Training) and those Hungarian youngsters who are working in Public Work Programs reflecting on the Hungarian particulari-ties of this parallel.
    The concept of JWT and its categories are presented, and also which of these categories may connect with the Hungarian public workers’ state of being. Statistical data show the rate of public workers and their gender breakdown. Reports also suggest that the rate of young public workers is growing and their situation may become futureless.The author thinks that the growth of young public workers’ rate and their settled situation in this employment sector is likely to make inevitable for them to become NEET in the future.