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  • Where to go, net generation? Lifestyle-based segments of the Hungarian youth

    My study attempts to explore the lifestyle-based segments of the Hungarian youth through an
    innovative methodology based on social media data, incorporating the dimension of digitization
    into the creation of lifestyle groups. The examination of the segments’ lifestyle attitudes is
    assisted by a review of the related theoretical milieu approaches, international and Hungarian
    empirical milieu researches

  • Methodological approach to Intersectionality

     Intersectionality as an inequality conception or a particular perspective was already introduced to the readers of the Metszetek in 2014. In this study I undertake to review some methodological approaches to intersectionality. Moreover, I strive to make an effort to emphasize the adaptibility of intersectionality. Based on the new tendency which has been noticable recently in the inequality dimensions. I delineate, this tendency has completely transformed the focus away from an overemphasis on gender equality towards those suffering multiple, complex forms of discrimination. Many of the feminist scholars deal and dealt with the connection to inequality dimensions (principally race, class and gender). Necessary to pinpoint that indeed intersectionality does not command an unitary definition. A vast number of the international feminist scholars created their own intersectionalty definition, from which I am going to underline some. From among the methodological approaches I focus on Choo and Ferree’s intersectional statement; “Inclusion-centered interpretations, Process-centered models, Systemic intersectionality: Institutional interpenetration”. In this paper I announce two sociological studies that were undertaken using intersectionality method. Finally a summary is presented that undelines why it is worth scholars exploiting intersectionality as a methodology?

  • Familyplanning and labour market aspirations among youth in fosterhome

    Several international and national organisations are concerned with the aspect of children. This
    essay examines a special group of children and youth who live in fostercare. Their future aspects
    are basically determined by the break away from their families. Even they area way from their
    familiesf or a short or a long time, becoming an adult is a complex process and many factors
    define their lives. Among these factors the environment of the fosterhome and the relationship
    with the biological family is essential. The essay focuses on two fundamental dimensions of
    becoming an adult: familyplanning and working. Although the desires about their future lives
    are quite diverse, the implementation is similarly difficult for each of them. Those who haven’t got the supportive background are hadicapped in many dimensions. In these cases the
    childprotection has a leading role. The essay attempt stogive an insight to these young adults’
    futureplans while it highlights the dimensions of familyplanning and working.

  • Two sides of one coin: Social network of commuter and their families

    People around a person have important roles of the social integration and form of quality of life.
    Changes in the life circumstances like getting a job or changes of the workplaces have significant
    effect to egocentric social network. In a new workplace usually shape new relationships. Then
    again, it is also possible that besides increasing of number of new contacts, there will be those,
    which are drop out from the personal network. Paper shows the rearrange of the personal
    social network of people who works as a commuter and theirs partnerships. Commuter is a
    person who works far from his/her home and he/she goes home weekly or rarely. This topic was
    examined making interviews in 2019 (N=24). On the one hand, these interviews revealed a wide
    and confidant family and kin networks. On the other hand, it seems that, due to the workplaces
    and the common activities at the workplaces and other places (accommodation, shopping etc.), commuter can make new, long-term and confidant friendships which complete his/her family
    relationships and make their social capital stronger.

  • The situation of Roma education in Harghita county – attitudes of pedagogues

    The study presents the attitudes and behaviours of pedagogues, based on interviews with
    teachers working with Roma children which constitute the quotidian educational practice. In
    absence of institutional programs, infrastructural and personal conditions, the teachers need
    to find solutions for the given difficulties. They become the key figures of the integration process
    and hence their attitudes and approaches are determining from the point of view of Roma
    children’s school efficiency. The target audience of the research are composed by pedagogues,
    who teach in elementary schools in the Csiki Basin in Harghita county, where the rate of Roma
    learners exceeds 25 percents. Signalling the main directions of the national policy and the
    presentation of literature examining the Hungarian-Roma relationship in Szeklerland offer a
    broader framework for the interpretation of the subject.

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  • “Can’t you see that we are in trouble?” – The environmental protection-related ignorance, its appearance in visual attentional patterns, and some possible explanation/interpretation

    The environmental crisis is an outstanding topic nowadays. Given that it is basically caused
    by human activity, this issue is worth examining at all levels of society. The present study
    investigated the individuals’ visual attentional patterns and the possible attentional biases related to pictures displaying environmental problems, in comparison to undisturbed nature
    and social scenes as control stimuli, within the framework of a reaction-time task. Changes
    in participants’ mood and their self-reported environmental awareness were also measured.
    However, only the negative social scenes resulted attentional bias, the environmental topics
    were not able to do that. Albeit the mood of the participants deteriorated during the experiment,
    it did not have any correlation with any other variables, and either did the environmental
    awareness. We displayed the stimuli during the task only for a short period of time, thereby we
    targeted to reach automatic attentional responses. Our results reflect to the fact, that the topic
    of the environmental crisis is not suitable to do this. This phenomenon propounds the demand of
    explanations behind this phenomenon (like the possible evolutionary background).

  • A születési sorrend hatása a nem kognitív készségekre: avagy hányadikként érdemes születnünk, ha vezetői pályára készülünk?

    Gyakran tapasztaljuk, hogy az azonos családban felnővő testvérek személyisége teljesen eltér egymástól, pedig szüleik ugyanabban a családi környezetben, megegyező
    elvek és értékrend mentén nevelik őket. A közvélekedés szerint a legidősebb testvér
    általában vezető szerephez jut családon belül, ő szolgál viselkedési mintaként kisebb
    testvérei számára. A legkisebbek gyakran dacosak, akaratosak, hiszen meg kell küzdeniük a szülői figyelemért, az érvényesülésért, ugyanakkor sokszor túlkényeztetettek is. A középső gyerekek talán a legalkalmazkodóbbak, hiszen ők szinte egész gyermekkorukat testvéreik „szorításában”, kisebb és nagyobb testvéreikhez folyamatosan
    alkalmazkodva élik.

  • Touristic entrepreneuring: „Szeklerland, the East of West and West of East”

    The present article analyses the touristic market in Covasna/Kovászna county, Transylvania, Romania. The basis of the paper are 30 semistructured deep interviews and one
    focus group interview which had 6 participants who are all representatives of organisations active in the field of tourism. As the result of our research we can clearly state
    that there are four different regulation levels: the level of governmental regulations,
    professional organisations, cooperation and level of informal economy. Through the
    presentation of these four levels we will also touch upon the issues related to professionalization, trust and quality.

  • Empirical analysis of the judgment of unconditional basic income through YouTube comments

    One of the world’s largest video-sharing platforms is YouTube, where viewers can comment on
    the videos and their topics. The aim of this study is to examine the values and opinions about
    unconditional basic income according to the comment sections of several Youtube’s videos which
    topic is the previously mentioned UBI which is receiving increasing attention in parallel with
    today’s economic and social changes. Our research works with a mixed method, data collection,
    storage, sentiment analysis and the bag of words method which were implemented using IT
    procedures, while categorization was done through manual coding. The results of the sentiment
    analysis show that positive arguments appear to a lesser extent in the comments. Positive
    arguments have value characteristics such as inclusion, the principle of the right to exist, justice
    and freedom. Among the positive arguments feasibility enjoys the highest support. Negative
    category values arise more frequently, so the emphasis on the values of injustice, exclusion,
    unaffordability, and performance-orientation is dominant in the analyzed comments.

  • Knowledge, power and discourses in Van Dijk’s Critical Discourse Analysis

    Critical Discourse Analysis (or Critical Discourse Studies – CDA/CDS) examines the relationship between texts, discourses and power, dominance, power abuses and social inequalities. Critical discourse analysis is a multidisciplinary research perspective, which not only examines the interactions between the text, the micro level and its surroundings, the macro level, but its main goal is to uncover social inequalities, expose the forms and modalities of abuse of power. The representatives of CDA are committed to social equality and justice. Present paper presents the work of one of the outstanding representatives of Critical Discourse Analysis, Teun A. Van Dijk, by presenting the history and possibilities of CDA, and also the key elements of Van Dijk’s approach. This study aims to show how knowledge, power and discourse are connected in Van Dijk’s Critical Discourse Analysis.

  • About the Understanding of Discursive Social Sciences and its Possible Aspects

    This article observes a paradigm shift occurred in several disciplines of social science which
    also differs in theoretical and methodological aspects from science pursuing objectivity. The
    interpretative social sciences primarily focus on the study of meaning and sets texts and talks
    into the centre of understanding. Social facts are taking place in an intersubjective sphere,
    namely among each other. In this paper they are consequently called ‘socially meaningful facts’.
    Therefore, understanding and meaning of these socially meaningful facts can be study without
    snapping social reality by means of different survey techniques, which would also necessarily
    reduce the richness of social meanings.
    In this paper the vote is given for the transition of discourse approach into a paradigm.
    A couple of aspects are introduced in order to make an attempt to prove its scientific significance. On the other hand misunderstandings are also falsified. According to these misconceptions, a
    text-based approach and an actual postmodern scientific scheme is nothing else than a literary
    project, which also denies the pure existence of reality and only considers all previous knowledge
    as relative. Instead of that, this paper states that every single fact of society has meaning which
    is mediated through narratives by the language itself.

  • Future vision-creation: Examination the motivations behind the future plans of Hungarian youngsters

    In our rapidly changing world, it is becoming more and more complex and complicated for
    young people to plan their future, which is perceived as a problem by all who are involved. Issues
    such as one’s relation to democracy, their desire to have children, their intentions to pursue
    further studies, whether they plan their future in their place of residence or abroad or the risk
    of deviant behavior are not only important from the point of view of the individual but also for
    society, as the future of a given region is also influenced by the above indicators of future vision.
    Research methods traditionally applied in youth research, which focus on socio-demographic
    characteristic features (i.e. objective life situation indicators), are less and less capable of
    providing adequate answers to these questions. In my hypothesis, to identify the underlying connections, the research tools of psychology and sociopsychology are also necessary to be
    applied apart from traditional sociological methods.
    Therefore, in my study, by the secondary analysis of the most recent, 2014 data of the
    European Social Survey, I intend to demonstrate the significance of the underlying motivations
    as future vision creating factors behind the decisions Hungarian young people make.