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  • Linguistic Landscape of Turistical Attractions in Transcarpathia

    The change of the linguistic landscape is a sore spot for the minority population that can be
    driven out of the virtual language use. Linguistic landscape is not only indicative of the language
    vitality of an area or region’s population, but can also reflect the real language ethnicity.
    Extralinguistic factors are as important as the two basic functions of linguistic texts and
    the models explaining the elements of the linguistic landscape. Such a factor is a small area
    or region’s economic, in our case touristic development. The increased tourist demand of the
    majority brings about numerous phenomena that are of significant influence on the linguistic
    landscape of the minorities’ territory. This research is aimed at revealing the influence a local
    economic investment makes (can make) on the formation of the territory’s linguistic landscape.
    I would like to show the changes in the linguistic landscape recorded by Hodinka Antal Research Centre in its photo database of 2011–2012, February and September of 2016, as well as of 2017 on the
    basis of my observations and photographs.

  • Teaching methods among primary school students during the Covid-19 epidemic

    The research focuses on the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic among primary school children, the transformations of the educational framework, within the study focuses on pedagogical perspectives. Mandatory online education frameworks have drawn attention to the differences between classroom lessons and digital teaching, the background dimensions of the teaching profession, which can also be interpreted as challenges in today’s education system. Accordingly, the study reflects the social and mental problems generated by the pandemic, the digitalisation that has become necessary in the field of education, the difficulties in the delivery of curricula affecting teachers, that is the pedagogical state of emergency and quarantine pedagogy. A pedagogical database teaching in small and large cities provides a basis for changes in teaching methods (n = 12). As a result, they have been able to present school-specific cases of online education, efforts to deliver digital learning materials, along with the difficulties in many cases and the innovations that can be incorporated later.

  • Types of fathers’ home-based and school-based involvement based on an interview study

    In this study, we examine fathers’ home-based and school-based involvement to assist the development and achievement of their children. The international literature suggests that fathers are less involved than mothers, and the form of their involvement is also different. However, their home-based and school-based involvement has been shown to have similar positive effects on children’s educational outcomes. We examine the forms of parental involvement based on the typology created by Epstein and Sanders. In our empirical work, we conducted 14 semi-structured interviews with fathers with young children and aimed to delineate father types based on the forms of involvement by conducting a classification of the interviews. Our results show that the first group of fathers are only involved at home; they do not participate in school-related events with their child but report being actively involved in their child’s education and school-related activities at home. Fathers in the second group, on the other hand, are involved not only at home but also in school life. The third type is made up of divorced fathers who, with one exception, are involved at school and at home, which is consistent with the findings in the literature on single fathers with children. In this study, we also attempt to answer the question of how to increase fathers’ school-based involvement. According to the interviewees’ answers, their activity could be encouraged through support from their wife, greater self-confidence, and events organised by schools which are more suited to fathers (sports events, cooking together).

  • The moral restoration of business relations: Management from a Christian point of view

    Globalisation is a complex and worldwide process overarching historical times and continents.
    It started with the great geographical discoveries, continued with the emergence of world trade
    and the development of a truly global market reaching its present status. Globalisation has both
    negative and positive effects. Out of the positive effects it has to be emphasised that more and
    more zones of our planet benefit from the advances in sciences and techniques, more and more people have better access to work, education and the necessary commodities to meet their basic
    needs. Globalisation has brought efficiency and new opportunities to companies, providing practically free access to raw materials, labour and knowledge. Out of the negative effects degradation of the biosphere, the greater social and economic inequality especially in the developing
    countries has to be pointed out. Some companies are operating worldwide and have acquired
    great economic power and influence. Governments have only limited possibilities to regulate
    their operation. The expenses of profit maximisation are high, which are often ‘paid’ by the social-natural environment (as externalities). The aim of our study is to overview how current
    business relations could be formed to be more human and environment friendly from the point
    of view of Christian philosophy. It has to be pointed out that our study is focusing on the Christian
    point of view, although in our globalised world when studying business relations we should not
    forget about the role of other world major religious groups.

  • Labour law and insurance from patriarchy to the beginning of nationalisation

    If the reader picks up Zsombor Bódy's The Society of Industrial Labour, the title page will probably lead him to a long discussion of the new problems and tasks caused by industrialisation, and the structure and situation of social relations that it changed.
    However, reading the first pages, we understand that Bódy, touching on the deeper social context, selects only a slice of the complex problems of industrial society of the time, the development and change of the institutional system related to work from the mid-19th century to the end of the Second World War. The author, who has extensively processed relevant volumes of international and national literature and numerous archival and printed sources, has synthesised his findings in this volume after several smaller studies. The work contains a number of new approaches and new problem definitions, which I would like to reflect on below. From the book we can learn about the views and plans of the time in relation to labour, the provisions that were born, from the patriarchal view to the beginning of the era of nationalisation. A great advantage of the work is that it analyses at length the prevailing social policy ideas of each period, contrasting the different views. It deals not only with governmental ideas, but also with the views of the opposition, the interest groups and, last but not least, the experts and their associations of the time. It examines the power of each organisation in each era and the influence it could exert on decision-makers, achieving different results, even against other groups. All of this is to the advantage of the essay, and the author perhaps sometimes over-details the battles between different views.

  • A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Rural Tourism in Transcarpathia and in the Highland

    The article, after a short historical presentation of those Slovakian (the Highland) and Ukrainian
    (Transcarpathia) regions where Hungarians still play a major role in the population, focuses
    on the perspectives of rural tourism development in the mentioned areas. The research was conducted
    in more phases: 1) review of the relevant literature; 2) searching for the eligible hosts;
    3) evaluation of the questionnaires distributed among the hosts involved in rural tourism in
    Transcarpathia and in the Highland; 4) processing and evaluation of data.
    The main aim of this empirical research was to compare the Highland questionnaire survey
    findings with the Transcarpathian data to identify the similarities and differences in rural tourism
    of these areas that have been developing at different pace and under different socioeconomic
    conditions in the two countries.

  • The slave trade and trust

    Does culture have an impact on society, and if so, how? The study by Nathan Nunn and Leonard Wantchekon set out to examine the impact of the slave trade, which has left its mark on the African continent and its economy, but which ended some 100 years ago, on the cultural, norm-following, beliefs and values of individuals. Their aim is to explore the reasons that led to the historical disconnect within Africa between local governments or municipalities (politics), between the outlying communities (neighbours) and even within family relations, which may still influence economic development today. Nunn and Wantchekon's hypothesis is based on an earlier study by Nunn, which showed a causal link between the 400-year slave trade and the income conditions of the African population today, looking at the long-term economic effects of the slave trade.

  • Political reorganization in the shadow of the pandemic and war: The 2022 Latvian parliamentary election and its consequences

    Latvia’s party system has been one of the most unstable in European comparison since the 1990s, essentially since independence and democratization. Although there was a period in the middle of the 2010s, which showed the stabilization of the range of relevant parties and a decrease in the number of parties, by the end of the decade the fluctuation between the parties of the Baltic republics was again high. The Kariņš cabinet, formed after a record long time after the 2018 election, nevertheless set a unique record in the country: it was the first government to complete a full four-year parliamentary term. The government faced two challenges during its tenure, the pandemic that began in the spring of 2020, and the Russian aggression against Ukraine that began on February 24, 2022. Both had a significant impact on the development of the party structure. The aim of this paper is to present the changes in the political palette of Latvian parties in the last two legislative cycles, to analyze the results of the October 2022 election, giving priority to the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the transformation of the party structure and the results of the elections.

  • What’s the matter? A text mining analysis of political topics and user engagement on politicians’ Facebook pages during the 2018 Hungarian general election campaign

    The research investigates the way users interact with leading topics of the 2018 Hungarian
    general election campaign on candidates’ Facebook pages. It expects that the prominent
    (immigration, corruption) and campaign-related topics generate more user engagement, while
    policy topics and mobilization content are less interacted. It also tests the theory of issue ownership
    in relation with user engagement. These expectations are tested on a dataset that includes all
    posts (38030 posts) posted by all candidates during the campaign (511 candidates). Topics
    are identified by text mining methods. The study demonstrates that corruption, development
    policy and campaign are highly engaged topics, while immigration was more interacted only on
    opposition politicians’ pages since the followers of pro-government candidates engage less with
    immigration-related content. The most surprising result is that a reversed issue ownership effect
    can be detected since politicians are generally less successful with their own topics.

  • The impact of recent migration flows on the number of Hungarians in Transcarpathia, Ukraine

    According to the last Ukrainian census in 2001, 152 thousand people declared Hungarian
    ethnicity in Transcarpathia. Since that time, there is no reliable and up-to-date data on the
    ethno-demographic development of the region’s population. It is especially hard to register the
    migration flows particularly salient since the outbreak of the armed conflict in East Ukraine
    in 2014. Based on four data sources (official Ukrainian and Hungarian statistics and two
    representative surveys), the present study aims at revealing the volume of the permanent and
    temporary migration of Hungarians in Transcarpathia and its impact on their number. We
    found that the same migration flow is associated with various figures by each of the data sources
    conducted with different methods and by different actors. According to the more reliable surveys,
    9 to 14 thousand ethnic Hungarians emigrated from Transcarpathia since 2001; consequently,
    the number of Hungarians is estimated at approximately 130 thousand people in the beginning
    of 2017.

  • Closed institution inmates’ views about the family

    When researching the reasons for criminal behaviour, literature almost unequivocally emphasises the responsibility and role of the family, where as the number of studies analysing the functioning of families of inmates in closed institutions (reform schools, special children’s homes) is relatively low. The present pilot research (with the purpose of preparing a wider one) tries to fill this gap. Using semi-structured interviews, we attempted to explore the inmates’ family background, what methods were used during their upbringing, what they thought about the family and its role and importance in one’s life. Harassment had occurred in juvenile delinquents’ families in various forms: it had physical and emotional manifestations, and therefore its impact on the affected person’s personality is extremely complex. These young people did not/do not have a safe background, and thus they were more easily influenced to choose the wrong way; they did not have a real childhood, never had the experience of common games or hiking, and never felt an atmosphere of trust, love and security. It was apparent that in these young people’s families very little attention was paid to each family member’s personal sensitivity or opinion, and emotional ties were either missing or were strongly distorted. In such a family environment, the young people were unable to solve the crises of adolescence which are parts of normal development, the family did not ensure support in coping with the tension, and they were left alone with solving their problems. Consequently, it is not surprising that they had great difficulties in telling what the family meant to them and what ideas they had about their future family.

  • Thomas Hobbes and the dilemmas of the natural state Second chapter: The tipology of the state of nature

    The primary purpose of this paper is to reflect upon four aspects of the Hobbesian state of nature. Firstly, the question is whether we can interpret this original state as a mythical, abstract,
    imaginative and timless state, focusing only on the final conclusion of the Hobbesian theory, or
    it may contain a well-defined timspan, having its own historical development based on a clear
    logical construction. Secondly, this study aims at examining the natural character of man in
    the state of nature, and his harmony with his environment in respect with their „naturalness”.
    Thirdly, it tries to describe the assumed interpersonal relationships within the „primitve” state.
    Fourthly, the paper presents different states of nature reasoned out from a close reading of the
    text. All four aspect may help us to get a better understanding of the ambivalent character of the
    Hobbesian state of nature.

  • „Beyond the school...”: The role of Study Halls in the social integration of disadvantaged children

    Extracurricular activities have a significant role in increasing the disadvantaged Roma children’s school performance and compensate their socialization disadvantages. In the recent years, the study hall program becomes widely known in Hungary. Based on the literature and previous researches the study examines the needs, milestones, goals and target groups of the study hall program. This paper also demonstrates the economic and social conditions of the Integration Program, which has been in operation for 20 years, and supports effectively the development of social competences of disadvantaged social groups.

  • Women in urban poverty in Hungary: Maids and working women in the labour market before 1945

    A 19. század végi ipari forradalom okozta gazdasági és társadalmi átalakulás számos változást hozott Magyarországon. Az infrastruktúra és a közlekedés fejlődése lehetővé tette a nők számára, hogy új munkalehetőségekhez jussanak, elhagyják a hagyományos közösségeket és új életformákat próbáljanak ki.

    Magyarországon a cselédtartás továbbra is társadalmi szokás maradt, és még a két világháború között is sokakat érintett.

  • The Career-building effect of volunteering in higher education

    Nowadays the motives for volunteering are changing among higher education students, and
    besides traditional altruistic motives, career-building motives also appear (the acquisition
    of work experience and professional knowledge, professional development, networking,
    the presentation of voluntary work in the resume). In this paper, we use data from a survey
    conducted in five Central and Eastern European countries (N=2,199) to examine through linear
    regression analysis the factors affecting the strength of career-building motives and to analyse
    through a logistic regression model the determinants of whether or not volunteering is related to the field of study. Our hypotheses are formulated based on the literature. Our results show
    that career-building motives are more pronounced among women and students who have a
    close relationship with external friends outside the university, study outside Hungary, and study
    something other than engineering, computer science or science. Voluntary work is more likely to
    be related to the field of study among teacher education students, students with an unfavourable
    financial situation, those who study in Romania, and those who have a close relationship with

  • - -: -

    In this second paper, we are attempting to demonstarte the changes in the political/citizenshiprelated and cultural-historical national identity of the Hungarian ethnic minority in Vojvodina.
    With the end of Yugoslavia as a country this ethnic minority became Serbian citizens. The new
    leaders of Serbia had an adverse view on this ethnic minority until 2014 when the Serbian
    political leaderership changed their political identity and favoured the West instead of EasternEurope.The financial aid provided by the Hungarian Government to the Hungarians living in
    Vojvodina, which targeted cultural and economic development in the area, aimed to better the
    life and strenghten the national identity of this ethnic minority. Those who received financial
    aid developed a better outlook on life. The possibility to acquire Hungarian citizenship easily strenghtened the Hungarian national identity of this minority and contributed to population
    decline. While people migrating to Hungary are primarily motivated by access to better
    education, others migrate to Western Europe for work.

  • WHEN IT’S TIME TO GO: Postmodern attitudes about death and self-determination in end of life decisions

    People’s attitudes toward death has changed in the 21st century. The study shows how social-economic changes and development of medicine had an influence on attitudes toward death. After that describes the importance of end of life decisions, ways and legal methods of choosing postmodern (individualized) death, and finally the postmodern funeral and mourning rites.

  • Social vulnerability and interpersonal support in disaster experienced Hungarian settlements

    Natural disasters unequally affect poor and wealthy populations, which can be observed everywhere regardless of the economic performance of the respective country. Paradigms focusing on physical hazards and response can not be considered, while social, political and cultural causes are rarely mentioned in the discussions around particular disaster events. Marginalized households and communities, and populations with less income are more affected by disasters. A significant proportion of Hungary’s settlements are deprived or otherwise marginalized, which makes it necessary to raise social and economic questions related to disasters, and investigate them from a spatial aspect. This study is based on case studies of five disaster-affected settlements and encompasses a social vulnerability approach. The research is based on interviews with key informants involved in response to the respective disasters and broadened with an experiment to use the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List as an instrument to investigate community resilience. The ISEL is capable of observing the individuals’ self-perception of themselves in their communities and how they can rely on others in their environment. The survey, with the participation of 103 people, discovered discrepancies in the level and structure of interpersonal support, which is tangible based on the interviews.

  • The EU states innovation and competitiveness clusters in 2013

    In the era of the innovation economy it is natural that innovation is one of the key definitions, because of its literature is excessively far-reaching: global, micro and macro level, in connection of
    the business and non-business sector, it’s also defined in social context. The literary background
    of this essay shows a historical overview of the development that occurred in the definition of
    innovation and its different interpretations.
    After exploring the literary background a quantitative, descriptive and explanatory statistic
    analysis will be written in a monothetic and deductive approach. In this phase of my research
    I will make macro level international comparative analyzes with the help of the EU and the
    WEF (World Economic Forum) data base (Innovation Union Scoreboard, illetve Global Competitiveness Index), and the SPSS software. This essay’s goal is to determine whether there is a
    connection between innovation processes and the forming of competitiveness on a macro level
    and if there is how it can be interpreted. Later with a similar goal and methodology I would like
    to make international micro level comparative analyzes and then by combining the macro and
    micro level results, I will determine how the macro level innovation policy influences the micro
    level innovativeness and competitiveness. Using all of these results I would like to determine the
    special features of the national innovation policy and the chances for optimalization.

  • Danger on the labour market - some thoughts on occupational segregation

    Workers must be guaranteed equality, the possibility must be created for them not to be discriminated against on the basis of their work, the activities they carry out, and ultimately the results of their work. This is a serious obligation on the state, which it must ensure through its legislation and through the judgments of the courts, because social security cannot be achieved otherwise. The State's responsibility in this respect is not bound by time or place, since, as long as there has been a legal relationship in the development of labour law, this has always been a matter of concern for workers - and for labour lawyers.

    It is not easy to assess, because even today, when general equality and equality of rights have been an accepted principle for centuries in almost all parts of the world (but not, of course, in those parts where, for example, there are serious traditional differences between men and women in society, such as in the Arab world), this problem is still a daily occurrence.

  • Europe’s most visited countries’ coastal areas affected by overtourism

    Tourism has a constant impact on the environment and on society, taking these impacts into
    consideration reveals that these are not always beneficial. Negative impacts include increased
    pollution, inappropriate construction, conflicts between local society and tourists, crowding and
    congestion. The objective of my research is to study coastal areas affected by overtourism in
    southern European countries. By examining tourism in the European countries that received the
    most international tourists in 2019, I illustrate the importance of 3S tourism (sea, sand, sun), the
    mass of tourists it attracts, and its effects. The tourism of France, Spain and Italy, with their sunny sandy coasts, are presented by summarising data sets from various international databases.
    I analyse the cases of some destinations from the three countries that are the main focus of the study, based on previously published articles. Coastal areas that have been associated with the
    overtourism phenomenon by other authors are also presented.

  • Central European Innovative Practices Supporting Active Ageing

    The study presents through international examples of how the security and quality of life of elderly and disabled people can be enhanced. 12 partners in eight Central European countries carried out pilot activities within the framework of the HELPS project. The aim of this international project is to contribute to the decrease of the social exclusion of elderly, and to elaborate practises through which seniors would not be constraint to institutional care, and can live in their homes on a longer term. The study presents the outcomes of these pilots and the ensuing primary experiences. The presented innovative solutions offer possibilities in various fields (housing, services, career, practises, information of relatives) for the home care of elderly and people living with disabilities. Prior to the elaboration and put into practice of the development ideas and plans, the partners evaluated the health care system and related services offered to elderly and disabled people in their homeland. The analyses revealed those shortage areas, where further developments would increase the possibility to keep and care for the target group in their homes.

  • Majority Decision Making

    Modern democracies, based on pluralism, recognize and affirm diversity, permit peaceful
    coexistence of different interests, values and convictions, and advocate a form of political
    moderation. For democracy to function and to be successful two of the most challenging
    questions must be raised and answered: Who have the right for collective decision-making?
    What principle should be used for these people to be elected? With the development of modern
    democracies it has become more and more accepted the idea that democracy should rest upon
    the principle of majority rule, coupled with individual and minority rights. Majority rule thus
    refers to the quantitative aspect of democracy, while individual and minority rights express
    the qualitative or constitutional aspect of it. A detailed analysis of democratic decision-making
    processes shows that not all decisions made by legislature – whose members are elected by the
    majority of the people – are effective and good decisions, and points at the fact that most of the
    democratic decisions are not made by the majority but by minority groups, who quite often take
    the initiative and can seriously influence the majority. This paper focuses on these issues.

  • Integrating excluded children through experiential games

    The study focuses on children who have been verbally, physically and/or socially bullying by their peers. In the last three decades, the investigation of the phenomenon of school bullying has become an increasingly researched field, one of the main causes of which is the significant increase in the number of child suicides. As a result, the development and application of numerous prevention and intervention programs became a priority, the aim of which is to reduce this deviant phenomenon in educational institutions. The existence of these programs and initiatives helps to create communities in which hurtful behavior occurs in low numbers. In the course of this research, I chose experiential pedagogic games. In the center of the reform pedagogy method I have chosen, the promotion of the creation of social relations and the strengthening of the existing ones becomes the priority. During experiential pedagogic games, children can experience flow, the positive benefits of interdependence, and the new knowledge they get when leaving their comfort zone. The obtained results will be presented and interpreted in the experimental part of the study. As a research tool, I chose sociometry, which demonstrates the relationship network of the given class. During the pre-survey, two children (a girl and a boy) did not have a mutual relationship, and then, through the consciously guided experiential pedagogic game, the result of the post-survey was that these children managed to establish a mutual relationship.