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  • „Ratio Generationis” – Aspects for responsible generational research

    Huge amount of literature has been published in recent years on topic of generation research
    but of varying quality. There is a significant interest in the topic, although an increasing amount
    of contradictory and methodologically questionable results have come to light. People develop
    prejudices and beliefs based on popular media, which could be counterbalanced by scientific
    works, but there is a noticable amount of thorough criticism against them. It is still a question,
    whether generation is the proper response to certain phenomena or we have just „generated” it
    and most charachteristics are rather related to age or life span? Cautious research is complicated
    and lengthy, therefore many either choose to perform superficial research or to go so in-depth
    that does not allow answering problems and return to just individual differences. Some conclude
    by refusing the generational approach altogether. In these circumstances a kind of „responsible”
    generational research is to be suggested, which turns from dead ends to the scientific way and
    finally tries to find „ration in generations” keeping in mind all the criticism of the approach.
    I summerize cosiderations in my work to find this right direction.

  • What is Alpha Generation?

    According to Mannheim (Mannheim 1969), age group can be considered as a generation if it is
    characterized by a common immanent property, generational consciousness, community status,
    and three conditions are required: a common experience; actual peer-to-peer orientation and
    common situational interpretation, attitudes, forms of action (Mannheim 1969). Based on this
    model Strauss and Howe (Strauss – Howe 1991), states, that a generational change happens
    in around 15-20 years. Based on the relationship with the information society, the X, Y and Z
    generations are interpreted, but the concept of Alpha generation is also defined. Our article
    describes the story of the Alpha generation, the content attributed to the generation, and tries to
    answer the question: can this concept be interpreted in the paradigm of the generation of ages?

  • The relationship between scientific philosophical theories and value research

    The purpose of this study is to examine, in what extent the mainstream approaches of scientific
    theories can be applied on the field of the value-research. Therefore, I will examine these models
    through the lense of scientific philosophical approaches of 20th century. Of the three most
    significant philosophical theory (Popper’s falsification theory, Kuhn’s paradigm theory, and Imre
    Lakatos’s theory of scientific research programs), I apply Lakatos’s theory, since it fits the best
    to explain, how parallel research streams emerged on the field of value research. In this study I
    strive for conciliate Lakatos’s program and the three significant value models. In the scientific
    research program theory Lakatos found that many research programs coexist simultaneously.
    Each has a hard core or negative heuristic (as Lakatos calls it) of theories immune to any revision
    surrounded by a protective belt or positive heuristic of malleable theories. Every research
    program vies against others to be most progressive. In my opinion the core of the program is
    the value definition itself, which is used by the different researchers in the field of value studies.
    This value definition barely changed during the past few decades. On the other hand, there are
    numerous value models aimed to assess people’s value system. These models can be considered
    as the protective belt revolving around the hardcore definition. The aim of this paper is not to
    emphasize Lakatos’ theory from the philosophical approaches of science, but to examine value
    research through a philosophical eye. This approach also can ease the communication between
    the value research by exploring the common core of them.