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  • Interconnections between social work and the natural environment

    The aim of my study is to examine the appearance of ecology and natural environment in the
    theory and practice of social work. By reviewing international literature, my aim is to review and
    systematize basic theories and professional directions. I also consider it important to look at the
    Hungarian aspects. Global environmental changes and social changes interact, and the social
    work profession evolves, and incudes new trends and approaches while reflecting ever-changing
    challenges. The relationship between the person and his/her environment has always been one
    of the central themes of social work, but the pursuit of sustainability and the focus on the natural
    environment may bring a new dimension to the interpretation of the person-in-environment
    approach. In my paper, I attempt to understand the values and motivations of ‘green social work’,‘environmental social work’ and ‘eco-social work’ and I attempt to understand the relationship
    between social work and the natural environment, and examine the roles social workers may
    carry on related to the global environmental changes.

  • The Situation of Adult Education in Seclerland: Summary of professional analyzes from the decades following the regime change

    The study uses previous analysis and research reports to review the evolution of adult education.
    It presents the national and regional contexts, after that engages in the detailed presentation
    of adult education – structures, conditions, practices and functioninig – in Harghita county.
    One of the conclusions from the review of previous analysis and research reports is that the
    basic practices of adult education evolved during the first two decades of transition are still
    very dominant in today’s functioning of adult education. The possible current chances of adult
    education are not yet exploited neither in regional policy planning nor in regional development
    practice. There are further research and development tasks and opportunities in adult education.

  • Two sides of one coin: Social network of commuter and their families

    People around a person have important roles of the social integration and form of quality of life.
    Changes in the life circumstances like getting a job or changes of the workplaces have significant
    effect to egocentric social network. In a new workplace usually shape new relationships. Then
    again, it is also possible that besides increasing of number of new contacts, there will be those,
    which are drop out from the personal network. Paper shows the rearrange of the personal
    social network of people who works as a commuter and theirs partnerships. Commuter is a
    person who works far from his/her home and he/she goes home weekly or rarely. This topic was
    examined making interviews in 2019 (N=24). On the one hand, these interviews revealed a wide
    and confidant family and kin networks. On the other hand, it seems that, due to the workplaces
    and the common activities at the workplaces and other places (accommodation, shopping etc.), commuter can make new, long-term and confidant friendships which complete his/her family
    relationships and make their social capital stronger.

  • Interpersonal relationships in Hungary – an overview

    Our paper aims to demonstrate that social structure has significant impact on the formation of
    interpersonal relations. We review and analyse the characteristics of ego-centric interpersonal
    networks of Hungarians based on data from nationally representative adult population surveys
    between the mid-1980’s up to 2015. We focus especially on core discussion networks, friendship
    ties and weak ties and analyse how the transition to market economy influenced interpersonal
    relationships. As expected, the large-scale social changes brought about by the transition
    changed interpersonal networks as well. During the first decade of the transition (in the 1990’s)
    one could not witness a significant change of personal networks, nonetheless the adaptation
    process was easier for people supported by strong, traditional family ties. Non-kin ties, especially
    friendships seem to gain significance at the expense of kin relationships. Overall, resources
    available through weak ties seem to be decreasing.

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  • The strengthening of “transitional” categories in the self categorization of religious young people

    My study is about changes of self-qualification of the religiosity of the youth. The situation of
    the youth changed in the 21st century and this drew with itself changes in the ways they see the world. These changes influenced religiosity, too. I have analysed the meanings of the notions used in creating categories of religious self-qualification. I have focused on the meaning of the expression of being “religious in my own way”. What do those using this category of self-qualification exactly mean by that and what are other groups they compare themselves to then?
    I suspect the existence of a growing rate of transitional categories of self-qualification together with a decline of more exact categories - even though the category of those “not religious” grew and became second biggest behind those of being “religious in my own way”. I hypothesized that the meanings of the notions used in religious self-qualification became blurred as these categories grew in quantity. To see more clearly, I used qualitative research and analysed the meaning of these notions in more detail in the group of those who self-qualified as being “religious in my own way”. The results have shown that youth in transitional categories tendto see themselves as “seekers”. They explained that their aim is to find the meaning of life. They subordinate their quest and their self-qualification to this aim.