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  • Through the screen of the majority ...: Public opinions on the social situation of Roma and their media representation

    This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey on public opinion on the social situation of Roma and their media coverage. The survey was based on the attitudes of the population towards the Roma, their perceptions and prejudices, and their perceptions of the media coverage of the Roma.

  • „Women Question” in the Political Parties’ Discourse in Post-Revolution Tunisia (2011–2014)

    For more than fifty years, the Tunisian political system has been considered as a so-called secular system that had provided women with many rights in education, healthcare and in economic and political sectors, besides that woman friendly family laws reforms After the overthrown of Ben Ali regime on 14th of January 2011, the Tunisian society witnessed an economic, social and political significant transformation. A new Islamic-secular discourse have been raised debates both in public and private sphere, women’s rights have been one of the incendiary topics of these debates. Therefore, with the participation of the Islamists in political life, the country has faced a new political dynamic which made the pollical scene complex and ambiguous. In this context, discourse analysis is a very important and crucial to be used as a method to approach to the research main question. Some leaders’ speeches, events which took place during the democratic transition are examined and analyzed in order to serve the research’s analytic interest through the relevant materials.

  • Peer support instead of community solidarity among people with psychiatric diagnosis: Examining an online, anonymous self-help website

    In our research, we examined the first social networking website in Hungary that was specifically and explicitly designed for people with mental health problems and their relatives, or for people interested in the topic. A unique feature is that in 2021, it will still be possible to register anonymously and post comments on the site. Our research explores the life situations of people diagnosed as psychiatrically ill based on the concept of the recovery model, and therefore a central question for us is how an online self-help, peer support group can contribute to the recovery of individuals. In addition, one of the main hypotheses of our research is that community solidarity towards people with a psychiatric diagnosis is very low at different levels of society, and therefore self-help and peer support, also provided by the site we are investigating, may be of particular importance for the people concerned. We assume that they are a group that is highly stigmatised and socially rejected. In the media they are typically either invisible or portrayed as violent, aggressive figures. The Covid19 epidemic situation has led to many people experiencing psychological difficulties because of quarantine or the long-term side effects of the virus itself, which have been thematised in the media, but we believe that the mechanisms of solidarity with those diagnosed as psychiatric patients have not fundamentally changed (see for example the first establishment of psychiatric hospital wards

  • An Old-New Group on the Labour Market: the Precariat

    The Precariat as social class is a core issue in social sciences. The authors contribute to this debate by introducing two approaches to measures the size and the social charateristics of the Precariat using two quantitative database. They estimate the size of the Precariat as a group on the labour market, and compare its social position with two other labour groups of the seg-mentation theory (the secondary and the lower primary). They found that while the standard of living condition of the Precariat is more akin to the secundary segment, the values and the level of satisfaction is more similar to the lower primary segment.

  • Environmentalism of university students in relation to their materialism, life satisfaction, views on politics and pandemic

    Recently, an increasing focus has been made on studying environmental problems and the
    related social phenomena. Understanding the environmentalism and its influencing factors
    in the case of higher education students can greatly help the preparation and identification
    of sustainability policies and educational practices in higher education institutions. In this study, we investigated environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behavior of
    students at 17 Hungarian universities as a function of a number of hypothesized influencing
    factors. These included materialistic values, life satisfaction, political views, and views on the
    Covid-19 pandemic. According to our results, these were all related to environmentalism. More
    environmentally conscious students were less materialistic, less right-wing in their political
    views, more satisfied with their lives, and also differed in their views on pandemic issues. Beside
    a weaker impact of environmentalism and political views, life satisfaction was largely influenced
    by the relative financial situation perceived by respondents.

  • The psychological background of unemployment - the chance of a new start or the risk of stagnation?

    The aim of this paper is to present the state of unemployment and its psychological processes and consequences, and to summarise the results of psychological tests completed by jobseekers participating in the HURO Rural Youthjobs project.
    We begin by clarifying the concept of unemployment. 'Unemployment is defined as the situation in which someone is unable to find an acceptable job in the labour market for a prolonged period of time' (Hajduska 2012: 119). Another definition is that 'persons who are not employed during the (defined) reference period but are employable and make active efforts to find a job are considered unemployed' (Haugen and Bregger, 1994; cited in László et al., 1998, p. 1).

    Unemployment can arise as a result of redundancies, layoffs, but it can also be caused by a protracted search among young people starting out in their careers (Hajduska, 2012) Whatever the cause, unemployment is a social phenomenon that can take many forms (Bánfalvy, 1997)

  • WHEN IT’S TIME TO GO: Postmodern attitudes about death and self-determination in end of life decisions

    People’s attitudes toward death has changed in the 21st century. The study shows how social-economic changes and development of medicine had an influence on attitudes toward death. After that describes the importance of end of life decisions, ways and legal methods of choosing postmodern (individualized) death, and finally the postmodern funeral and mourning rites.