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Search Results

  • Analysis of the space-based identity structure of rural elite in a region of Szeklerland

    The new challenges of rural areas support expansion of the range of professional research and
    analysis focusing on local or regional identity structures as a quality factor of development.
    These new approaches are particularly important in the rural areas of the post-socialist
    countries, which are in the initial stages of the recognition of the potential inherent in the
    endogenous development paradigm. In Szeklerland, according to the new rural development
    paradigm, place-based identity could be a potential for the sustainable development. The aim
    of my paper is to present the major dimensions of the place-based identity structure in a microregion of Szeklerland.

  • Health-related information gathering practices among outpatients

    Introduction: Obtaining health information is an important part of health behaviour. However, there is limited data available about information gathering habits of patients. Aims: To identify different patient groups according to their information gathering habits.
    Methods: Questionnaire survey among potential patients in an outpatient clinic in Budapest. The survey consisted of the following domains: sociodemographic data; habits of visit a doctor; communications method with a specialist; use of technical devices.
    Results: The survey was completed by 260 patients (36,2% men; 63,8% women). Patients primarily get medical information from their doctors, followed by the internet, where different websites and Facebook groups are the most common sources of information. Mostly they use the internet for checking their symptoms and complaints, however searching for data about their physicians and healthcare institutions are uncommon. Patients who are young, active workers, highly educated are more active, while elderly patients and widows search less information on the internet. Conclusions: There are socio-demographic groups who are underinformed by digital healthcare related issues. Audited websites and social media releases could play an important role in
    the information gathering process of patients, and also supplement patient-doctor relationship.

  • Online activities of Alzheimer Cafes in the 6 months preceding and following the coronavirus outbreak

    Alzheimer Cafés may play an important psychosocial supporting role in the life of people li­ving with dementia and of their family caregivers by providing a community of understanding, inclusion, solidarity and mutual support. They can promote policy-, professional- and social dis­courses, the recognition of dementia as a social reality, and overall awareness of this complex challenge. They can also foster transdisciplinary collaboration among professionals as well as between professionals and lay people affected by dementia based on mutual understanding, ca­talysing the formation and operation of acting communities and networks of interest.

    The active and purposeful presence and activities of Alzheimer Cafés on Internet platforms, in the increasingly prominent channels and fields of social discourse and community life in the 21st century, can be an important tool in the realization of these benefits.

    This two-part paper analyses the publicly accessible online footprint and behaviour of Alzhe­imer Cafés from this perspective as measured by a list of 10 possible functions. It scrutinizes the realisation of possible benefits and advantages offered by Internet platforms between Septem­ber 2019 and August 2020, with a special focus on technology-based adaptive responses to the coronavirus-outbreak midway through that period.

    This first part of the paper, which briefly overviews the Alzheimer Café concept and its his­tory in Hungary, and then presents the methodology of the study and the first half of the re­search results. The second part of the paper will continue to present the results, and will make recommendations for making more effective use of the potential of online platforms to realise the goals.

  • Transition from higher education to the IT sector in Cluj-Napoca

    The present paper focuses on those factors that affect transition from higher education to the
    IT sector in Cluj-Napoca, in cases of entrants with informatics, automatization and computer
    technology degree. The results show that transition to the IT market in Cluj-Napoca is primarily
    influenced by the dependency of the local IT market on western IT markets with more central
    positions, followed by the competition for workforce. The first factor: dependency is due to skill
    shortages on the labour market in Cluj-Napoca. Launching new trainings with the involvement
    of other departments at universities, such as design, business, sales, marketing or business
    informatics can reduce dependency according to the representatives of the local institutions of higher education. Transition from higher education to the IT sector for entrants in ClujNapoca is smooth, due to the strong competition for workforce (second factor). Entrants select
    their potential workplace based on the reputation of a workplace, position/projects, team
    and remuneration. Labour shortage is present both in the IT sector and in higher education.
    A long-term solution for reducing labour shortage in both sectors could be provided by creating
    attractive career paths in the academy which would require stronger cooperation between
    companies, state and higher education institutions, according to the representatives of the
    institutions of higher education.

  • Start-up studio, the business model innovation (The example of INNONIC Zrt.)

    Public discourse mostly uses the term start-up as a simplified collective category to describe companies founded to sell technological innovations. At the same time, in addition to bringing a new or novel idea to market, most business functions (marketing, sales, product/service development, HR etc.) are performed in an innovative and proactive way. In spite of the uncertainty of the market and limited resources, one of the key characteristics of such organisations is the high potential of the rapid economic development. In order to be able to take the advantage of the business opportunity, a supportive socio-economic and institutional environment is essential to obtain intensive growth and sustainability. In our case study, we are aiming to illustrate the importance of so-called start-up studios in catalysing innovation by the example of a company operating in international markets in the Debrecen region. Illustrating our findings by an analogy, we examine how the studio as a “mother ship” uses organizationalmanagement methods, cultural patterns, and through what mechanisms it contributes to the success of start-ups.

  • New ways in exporting Society: The potential of donation.based digital data collection

    More and more digital data is being generated every day, and more and more social science
    analyses are using Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook data. Many international and national studies
    have already explored the social science opportunities and dilemmas raised by the phenomenon
    of ‚big data’ - but the issue of ‚access to data’ has only been touched upon tangentially. And
    access to data is becoming increasingly difficult. What can we do if market players close the
    access to their data, and, if we find data available, the Research Ethics Board tells us to stop? The
    answer is simple: go to the users and ask them for the data. This approach is what the literature
    calls data donation. This paper will describe the data donation approach in detail, focusing on
    how researchers can access data through users on the current major Western platforms. The
    practical feasibility of data donation access will be illustrated based on a domestic pilot study.

  • About the ideological dimensions of fear

    The main goal of of my research is to explore the right and left dimensions of the phenomenon of fear. I would like to argue that the categories of left and right continue to be defining aspects of political identities, and by mapping their emotional structure we can better understand the current relevance of these ideologies. The studies that have examined political fears have mostly linked fear to conservativism and right wing-populism, while the fears of the left have generated far less scientific interest. A study also wants to respond to this research gap. In this paper, I would like to present the potential connection points between fear and ideological identity. The structure of the study is as follows: first, I outline the relationship between ideology and moral emotions, and then I analyze fear as a moral emotion. After that I present how fear is connected to conservatism and right-wing populism, and then I try to illustrate the ideological differences with two types of politically relevant fear, i.e. climate anxiety and migration-related fear. Finally, I add context to these specific political fears that is I also interpret them in the Hungarian political system. The study ends with drawing conclusions and outlining future research directions.

  • Reflecions on the society of control – Footnotes to the Delezoguattarian machine

    The present study revolves around the concept of the Deleuzean machine. It undertakes to
    introduce the machine from Deleuze’s concept of the societies of control. Thus this paper is not
    a presentation of the critique of the Freudian and Lacanian notions of desire that the machine
    is introduced as a late capitalist abstract agent, but a genalogy of the machinic mechanism – as
    a logic of operation – is outlined from a new perspective. The emphasis of the study is not on
    psychoanalises and capitalism, and on schizoanalysis as a critique of them, but ont he operational
    logic of the societies of control: the articulation of controlling freedom. Fort he latter, concepcts
    such as territory, de- and reterritorialization, as well as the operating principles of cybernetic systems are shed light on. By examining this concept, therefore, the ways of understanding the
    social, economic and political processes of ourt time can be shed new light.

  • Incubating radicalism in Hungary – the case of Sopron and Ózd

    The paper analyses young people’s interpretation of the past, evaluation of the present and po-litical behaviour patterns based on semi-structured interviews (n=60) conducted in two contra-sting constellations of modernization, Sopron and Ózd. First the perception of the most pressing social and political problems, second the potential of political and civic actions are compared. Finally an attempt is made to outline a ‚hopeless’ and an ‚indifferent’ idealtype of political cultu-re. Together they create the opportunity for both the birth of antidemocratic tendencies and the space in which they can evolve. In this sense they provide the preconditions for ‚mainstreaming the extreme’ that is the incubation of radicalism in Hungary.

  • Online activities of Alzheimer Cafes in the 6 months preceding and following the coronavirus outbreak

    Alzheimer Cafés may play an important psychosocial supporting role in the life of people living with dementia and of their family caregivers by providing a community of understanding, in­clusion, solidarity and mutual support. They can promote policy-, professional- and social dis­courses, the recognition of dementia as a social reality, and overall awareness of this complex challenge. They can also foster transdisciplinary collaboration among professionals as well as between professionals and lay people affected by dementia based on mutual understanding, cat­alysing the formation and operation of acting communities and networks of interest.

    The active and purposeful presence and activities of Alzheimer Cafés on Internet platforms, in the increasingly prominent channels and fields of social discourse and community life in the 21st century, can be an important tool in the realization of these benefits.

    This two-part paper analyses the publicly accessible online footprint and behaviour of Alz­heimer Cafés from this perspective as measured by a list of 10 possible functions. It scrutinizes the realisation of possible benefits and advantages offered by Internet platforms between Sep­tember 2019 and August 2020, with a special focus on technology-based adaptive responses to the coronavirus-outbreak midway through that period.

    The first part of the paper (Kucsera – Holpert 2021) briefly overviewed the Alzheimer Café concept and its history in Hungary, presented the methodology of the study and the first half of the research results. This second part of the paper presents the rest of the results, and makes recommendations for making more effective use of the potential of online platforms to realise the goals.