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Search Results

  • The civil activity of higher education students and the correlation of their chances of dropping out

    Our research question is that volunteering and civil organization membership of higher education students are able to protect against dropping out from higher education or even divert from effective learning and hinder persistence. The positive or negative effect of civil activity of students is measured by quantitative multivariable method, and the question is whether there is there a clear effect of civil activity on persistence, after allowing the effect of other socio-demographic variables. The results show, that civil activity of students neither protect against dropping out nor hinder persistence in our sample. There were several variables which affected civil activity, and the good relationship with parents is protecting the most against dropping out from higher education, but the fact, that civil activity is neither divert from effective learning, and nor hinder persistence means that it is important to improve civil activity of higher education students due to its’ several positive effects.

  • How should we think about Europe? The model adaptation and model formation strategy of the Hungarian political elite

    In the past decades, researchers in Hungary have looked at almost all segments of the behavior and organization of elites, nevertheless they have dealt surprisingly little with how external actors (Europe, the West) affect the actions and way of thinking of the elites. The lack of approaches from this perspective is so apparent because the European orientation of the elites has changed twice in the past thirty years. (In the 1980s and starting from the second half of the 1990s.) The essay focuses on presenting two concepts of Europe, of which one is based on model adaptation (the opposition represents this approach) the other on model formation (which is characteristic of the governing parties). The essay shows the origins of both, as well as their connections to macro and micro political motifs. Within the frameworks of this, the study touches upon why the appearance of the model adaptation perspective was adequate in the 1980s as well as to why the model forming approach to Europe appeared on the right in the middle of the 1990s as its challenger. The analysis does more than just dynamically present the past thirty years, it also aims to show that we have to integrate Hungarian political history in a broader sense into our studies if we want to understand the changes that have occurred in the past decades concerning the relationship of the elites to the West. The stratum which Fidesz has brought to surface lays deep in Hungarian political history. We have to take this stratum into consideration even if we find this perhaps unattractive and we reject it.

  • Career planning and competences assessment among university students

    Planning a career cannot be started soon enough. The determination of following a
    career path preceded by significant decisions and aims. Several pieces of research are
    dedicated to the affiliation of young adults self-awareness and career paths in terms of
    seeking work. University students rarely have the appropriate amount of self-knowledge.
    Nowadays in the labour market beside the qualification, competencies are growing in importance. It is crucial to have certain communication, integration and strategic
    skills to successfully find a quality job. The University of Debrecen provides a wide
    variety of available services regarding individual job search support or consultation
    and the commitment of a career path. The surveyed university students valued the
    importance of these services and competencies related to improving the finding of a
    job after graduation. The conformity between the knowledge of the available services
    and the required and existing skills could be helpful in the labour market after getting
    the university degree. The questionnaire was filled out by students from the University
    of Debrecen and valued by the IBM SPSS Statistics programme.

  • „In our society publicity ratify the success”. Success and career model of rural theater’s artists

    This study aims to answer the question of how actors and actresses define their own success and carreer. What does succes mean to an artist in rural theater? The study primaly discusses some contemporary analyses of sucess, amongst them I am using Deaton-Kahnemann’s and Barabási’s theories. I am also presenting the metodology of my research and later I show rural
    theatre’s organization based on Bourdieu’s theory. Finally I describe the definition of success and career of the actors and actresses embedded in an organizational context which helps to understand their tipical habits.

  • Obstacles for women in career advancement

    Today the level of knowledge, qualifications of female are immensely increasing, but despite
    their skills there are still encounter obstacles in their careers, and women still appear to be
    underrepresented in top-level leadership positions. Many analysis findings indicated that there
    is a strong negativ relationship bertween the impact of the old traditions and women career
    This paper attempts to identify all the obstacles and gender-related segregation of the
    labour market such as vertical and horizontal segregations and also raises awareness of that
    complex problem. Because there is a triple burden on graduate and leading women, work at
    home, their job and the struggle with the sexist working environment.

  • Szeklerland – social science approaches

    The study reviews the situation of social science research in Szeklerland after 1989, describes the
    institutional framework for the organization of research. Presents the most important features
    of the Szekler society with a view to providing an interpretative context for the Cross-Sections
    Social Science Journal. It also indicates the areas of analysis in which regional researches were
    conducted, but could not be included in this study compilation.

  • Leadership challenges in virtual environment: The importance of the synergism in ICT toolset and leadership development

    The companies connected to the global value chain inevitably and necessarily apply virtualized
    solutions in their work organization. As such, the appropriate implementation of the shoring
    strategies, the increasing competition and the supply-demand imbalance on the local market of
    the high-skilled workers, all puts the existing organizational and leadership practices to the test.
    The article aims to highlight the main challenges the virtual team leaders (VTL) are facing and
    some best practices that might widen the toolset of the modern VTL. The results are based on a
    case study of a multinational info-communication technology (ICT) service company in which
    experienced managers and leaders shared their strategies. The main takeaways of the empirical
    research are (i) the emphasis on the “early-adopter” behavior and the proper usage of the latest
    technology in the communication, (ii) the importance of the ability of building trust and setting
    common goals; (iii) despite that everyone is perfectly connected via the internet, the regular
    personal presence is still the most powerful leadership tool.