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  • Communities – in another way

    This paper summarizes the main characteristics of the formation, the internal dynamics and the transformation of the communities. I have used the worthes and communutuies researches and analyzes of Hankiss Elemér. His main qoestion was the individaul estrangement and the restraint of the action.

  • Future vision-creation: Examination the motivations behind the future plans of Hungarian youngsters

    In our rapidly changing world, it is becoming more and more complex and complicated for
    young people to plan their future, which is perceived as a problem by all who are involved. Issues
    such as one’s relation to democracy, their desire to have children, their intentions to pursue
    further studies, whether they plan their future in their place of residence or abroad or the risk
    of deviant behavior are not only important from the point of view of the individual but also for
    society, as the future of a given region is also influenced by the above indicators of future vision.
    Research methods traditionally applied in youth research, which focus on socio-demographic
    characteristic features (i.e. objective life situation indicators), are less and less capable of
    providing adequate answers to these questions. In my hypothesis, to identify the underlying connections, the research tools of psychology and sociopsychology are also necessary to be
    applied apart from traditional sociological methods.
    Therefore, in my study, by the secondary analysis of the most recent, 2014 data of the
    European Social Survey, I intend to demonstrate the significance of the underlying motivations
    as future vision creating factors behind the decisions Hungarian young people make.

  • Globalization theory of late modernity and identities in risk society

    Modernity is the sum of the fragmented cultural systems of meaning, that are mutually influential
    on each other, plus of economic and political relations continually changing and transforming –
    a complexity that manifests itself in the structure of the (world) risk society even on the level of
    the individual. Following the late modern turn, the phenomenon of the means and opportunities
    determining the ability of choice is not being shared equally, but multiplied as regards global
    actors, as well as choice of identity, perceptibility of risks and facing them. The study presents
    the new inequality factors and the asymmetric power relations of the late modernity along the
    works by the recently died sociologists of the globalization theory (Ulrich Beck and Zygmunt
    Bauman). In the world risk society, each community and individual bear the risks indifferently.
    Accordingly, the ascertainments of the study are that the globalised economy and the subjects
    of the local poverty do not possess the same degree of the freedom of maneuvering. In order
    to demonstrate this and also to identify each postmodern life-strategy, the study relies on the
    works on identity by the discussed sociologists. According to the latter, the study concludes, that
    the reflexivity of the risk is the most profitable for those who are in the high position of the new
    inequality, thus, have the power to determine conflicts generated by them and inflict them on
    those excluded from the struggle of definition of risk.