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  • Reflecions on the society of control – Footnotes to the Delezoguattarian machine

    The present study revolves around the concept of the Deleuzean machine. It undertakes to
    introduce the machine from Deleuze’s concept of the societies of control. Thus this paper is not
    a presentation of the critique of the Freudian and Lacanian notions of desire that the machine
    is introduced as a late capitalist abstract agent, but a genalogy of the machinic mechanism – as
    a logic of operation – is outlined from a new perspective. The emphasis of the study is not on
    psychoanalises and capitalism, and on schizoanalysis as a critique of them, but ont he operational
    logic of the societies of control: the articulation of controlling freedom. Fort he latter, concepcts
    such as territory, de- and reterritorialization, as well as the operating principles of cybernetic systems are shed light on. By examining this concept, therefore, the ways of understanding the
    social, economic and political processes of ourt time can be shed new light.

  • Utopia and Social Science – Interpretation of the book Fahrenheit 451

    Utopian and dystopian works have traditions hundreds of years, but their golden era did not begin until the 20th century. The genre is very often depicted as a literary genre, but in reality it is much more than simple fiction. These novels are as much social science and social theory writings as they are works of phantasmagoria. In my writing, I strive to explain this line of thought based on Ray Bradbury’s 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451. In the course of my work, following the fictional story of Guy Montag, I intend to present the peculiarities of the genre, its social science relations and its relationship with our contemporary society, in parallel with other dystopian works of the 20th century.

  • The stealth rehabilitation of the psychicentity

    A deep-seated, ’constitutional problem’ of so-called psy-complex (ontologically ‘psy’ is different
    than matter, but it is studied by natural scientific methods) can be detected: ontologically the
    psyche is basically different than matter, but the main stream studies of these disciplines take the
    natural scientific methods as their research ideal which were created for material beings and
    they try to influence and change their ‘object’ by technical-technological attitude. The main aim
    of this paper to draw attention to some of the main consequences of this dilemma.

  • Planetary consciousness, biospherical governance, climatic rightfulness: Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future

    Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future was published in 2020. The novel is the sequel to the New York 2140 science fiction dystopian novel. The conceptual continuation presents a vision of unsustainable capitalism that functions via endless expansion. The Ministry for the Future brings into focus the outcome of externalities of capitalism: climate change and its effects on societies and individuals. The study emphasis on critique of capitalism, of mass production and mass consumption, at the same time it points at the techno-optimism in The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. The analysis of appearance of climate change in the novel is interdisciplinary, the study’s approach is scientific and empirical.