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  • Reflecions on the society of control – Footnotes to the Delezoguattarian machine

    The present study revolves around the concept of the Deleuzean machine. It undertakes to
    introduce the machine from Deleuze’s concept of the societies of control. Thus this paper is not
    a presentation of the critique of the Freudian and Lacanian notions of desire that the machine
    is introduced as a late capitalist abstract agent, but a genalogy of the machinic mechanism – as
    a logic of operation – is outlined from a new perspective. The emphasis of the study is not on
    psychoanalises and capitalism, and on schizoanalysis as a critique of them, but ont he operational
    logic of the societies of control: the articulation of controlling freedom. Fort he latter, concepcts
    such as territory, de- and reterritorialization, as well as the operating principles of cybernetic systems are shed light on. By examining this concept, therefore, the ways of understanding the
    social, economic and political processes of ourt time can be shed new light.

  • About the Understanding of Discursive Social Sciences and its Possible Aspects

    This article observes a paradigm shift occurred in several disciplines of social science which
    also differs in theoretical and methodological aspects from science pursuing objectivity. The
    interpretative social sciences primarily focus on the study of meaning and sets texts and talks
    into the centre of understanding. Social facts are taking place in an intersubjective sphere,
    namely among each other. In this paper they are consequently called ‘socially meaningful facts’.
    Therefore, understanding and meaning of these socially meaningful facts can be study without
    snapping social reality by means of different survey techniques, which would also necessarily
    reduce the richness of social meanings.
    In this paper the vote is given for the transition of discourse approach into a paradigm.
    A couple of aspects are introduced in order to make an attempt to prove its scientific significance. On the other hand misunderstandings are also falsified. According to these misconceptions, a
    text-based approach and an actual postmodern scientific scheme is nothing else than a literary
    project, which also denies the pure existence of reality and only considers all previous knowledge
    as relative. Instead of that, this paper states that every single fact of society has meaning which
    is mediated through narratives by the language itself.

  • The Effects of the 2011 Electoral Reform on the Results of the Hungarian Legislative Elections I. : Theoretical aspects of the reform

    The second wave of democracy after World Wa II, followed by the third wave in the 1970’s and
    the 80’s – including the historic democratic transitions in Eastern Europe after the collapse
    of the Soviet Empire – led to the expansion of democratic electoral systems around the world.
    The design of electoral systems and of the undergoing electoral reforms has become a vital
    component of the democratization process. The study of the theory and politics of electoral
    reform led to the adoption of new theoretical and methodological approaches in order to cope
    with the challenging phenomena.
    The main goal of this paper is to interpret the concept of reform, and to unfold some of
    theoretical aspects of it in order to identify some of the main components of the concept. With the theoretical approach we can get a better understandic of the reform itself, and we can
    demonstrate that electoral reform is a complex process which should not be reduced to a simplistic
    model in which a few actors driven by a few motives can fully explain the whole phenomenon.
    The theoretical study of the reform can show that some politial events, the established party
    system (first and foremost the distribution of power between the various parties), the type of the
    actual electoral system (its advantages and disadvantages) as well as some contingents factors
    must be taken into consideration in order to have a better understanding of the nature of the
    political arena in which reform proposals are promoted and the reform itself takes place.

  • 2019 Nyíregyháza City Council election: The Rawlsian interpretation of the local electoral reform

    One of the main perspectives and urgent tasks of the newly formed government following the general elections of 2010 was to reform the local eletoral system. It is true, that the number of seats of the local representative bodies were significantly decreased, but it begs the question whether this change can reasonably explain the fact that the government considered this step as one of the first and most significant measures of its governance. To raise this question is justified by the fact that the reform (Act No. L of 2010 on the election of local government representatives and mayors) was introduced on June 14, 2010, with only sixteen days after the new Parliament approved and voted for the government’s program, and elected Viktor Orbán as prime minister of Hungary. After a brief presentation of the institutional framewortk of the local electoral system, the aim of this paper is twofold: first, I would examine whether the local electoral reform of 2010 could be considered as a „fair” step, based on John Ralws’ conception of „justice as fairness”, second, I would like to explain the actual process of transforming votes into local legislative seats in the case of the city of Nyíregyháza, in 2019.

  • The Career Concepts of Male Workers with or without Child

    The question of reconciliation of work and family is getting highlighted in social studies. For a
    long time, a lot of studies concentrated on young mothers; however, researchers have realized
    that this problem proves difficult to men as well. As Bencsik-Juhász write: ” As the actual labor
    market primarily employs and caters for men, with all the inherent ad-vantages (like higher wages for the same job) and disadvantages (like longer working hours), it is no wonder that
    the stronger labor-market presence and activity of women also changes the traditional family
    roles”(Bencsik – Juhász 2012: 616). The public opinion has been starting to expect double sets of
    obligations from the fathers, the traditional family supporter role is still strong, while men are
    also expected today to take part in child-rearing. The question is whether these processes effect
    on men’s career.
    This study presents career perspectives of male workers with or without child. The authors
    made a quantitative survey in order to get to know this question. Based on research conducted in
    2016, it is possible to say that men with or without child are different in this question.

  • The linkage between motivation, work experience and sense of deadline-keeping in product development projects of those working in the automotive industry

    Nowadays, numerous new automobiles are being developed by various companies and their
    suppliers around the globe. On account of the reduction of the product’s economic lifetime and
    effects of the global market, n the automotive segments the time factor plays a key role in the
    successful implementation of the project and consequently in the sale of the product. The current
    study, focusing on human conditions, scrutinizes the behaviour of the members engaged in the project. It’s primary focus is not to reveal the hindering factors due to time-losses arising from
    the shortage of resources or inadequate planning. These conspicuous reasons and the demonstration as well as treatment of risk, belong to the scope of the board of project portfolio management, which operates well among larger project organizations. Each project member is taking
    an individual approach towards meeting deadlines, and their motivation about the execution
    of the given tasks also vary. Beyond the results found both in the professional literature as well
    as general research, I study whether the unique features of the actual automotive organizational projects can be identified or not. The ongoing research observes, based on the experience
    acquired from the automobile development project, motivation and adherence to deadlines, the
    composition of the team impacting work efficiency.

  • What is Alpha Generation?

    According to Mannheim (Mannheim 1969), age group can be considered as a generation if it is
    characterized by a common immanent property, generational consciousness, community status,
    and three conditions are required: a common experience; actual peer-to-peer orientation and
    common situational interpretation, attitudes, forms of action (Mannheim 1969). Based on this
    model Strauss and Howe (Strauss – Howe 1991), states, that a generational change happens
    in around 15-20 years. Based on the relationship with the information society, the X, Y and Z
    generations are interpreted, but the concept of Alpha generation is also defined. Our article
    describes the story of the Alpha generation, the content attributed to the generation, and tries to
    answer the question: can this concept be interpreted in the paradigm of the generation of ages?

  • Informality: the Culture of Treating Others Instrumentally: An Essay about the Dynamics of the Relationship between Social Relations and Trust

    The current paper, without scientific systematization and artistic meditation, tries to address
    life itself (the normatively understood ‘good life’) in an essayist way. It strives to draw up some
    core pillars of a research program about a commonly known everyday phenomenon, informality,
    more precisely its distorted form which is inducing social inequalities and injustices, and which,
    because of this, should be seen reflexively and critically. The proposed argument is a theoretical
    reflection on József Böröcz’s still actual and progressive scientific endeavor to create a framework
    for the sociology of informality.

  • Barriers to parental involvement in school life of a rural settlement in Szeklerland

    This study examines the barriers of parental involvement in school life through a sample of a rural settlement in Szeklerland, using the six areas of parental involvement discussed by Epstein (1987). In the study area, the actual process of parental involvement in the Epsteinian sense is in its initial stages. Although behaviours that can be categorised as school-parent cooperation are emerging, conscious parent-school cooperation is not yet characteristic.