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  • „Beyond the school...”: The role of Study Halls in the social integration of disadvantaged children

    Extracurricular activities have a significant role in increasing the disadvantaged Roma children’s school performance and compensate their socialization disadvantages. In the recent years, the study hall program becomes widely known in Hungary. Based on the literature and previous researches the study examines the needs, milestones, goals and target groups of the study hall program. This paper also demonstrates the economic and social conditions of the Integration Program, which has been in operation for 20 years, and supports effectively the development of social competences of disadvantaged social groups.

  • The vision of young people living in villages

    According to the results of the youth research, young people are often pointless and find it difficult to plan for the future. Based on the results of a qualitative study conducted in 2018, this study presents the future plans of a special target group of young people aged 19–25 living in villages who have completed their education. We looked at how young people think about their career paths at school and in the labor market and also their future residence. Based on their ideas on their future, we classified young people into three types (conscious future builder, drifting, accumulator of failures) and, in the analysis, we present each vision indicator based on the types examined. We will also look at how the educational gap between young people and the current situation in life influence future plans.

  • Central European Innovative Practices Supporting Active Ageing

    The study presents through international examples of how the security and quality of life of elderly and disabled people can be enhanced. 12 partners in eight Central European countries carried out pilot activities within the framework of the HELPS project. The aim of this international project is to contribute to the decrease of the social exclusion of elderly, and to elaborate practises through which seniors would not be constraint to institutional care, and can live in their homes on a longer term. The study presents the outcomes of these pilots and the ensuing primary experiences. The presented innovative solutions offer possibilities in various fields (housing, services, career, practises, information of relatives) for the home care of elderly and people living with disabilities. Prior to the elaboration and put into practice of the development ideas and plans, the partners evaluated the health care system and related services offered to elderly and disabled people in their homeland. The analyses revealed those shortage areas, where further developments would increase the possibility to keep and care for the target group in their homes.