Vol. 1 No. 4 (2012): Year 2012/4-2013/1

Published March 31, 2013


Közelkép – Tanulmányok

  • A way out of the crisis in economically underdeveloped and depressed regions by building an inclusive, local, green economy

    The pervasive process of globalisation means that any development project, whether focused on a large or small territorial unit, must take into account both international and domestic socio-economic trends, as these are decisive both in terms of the opportunities and the way in which they are exploited. This is particularly true of areas that are economically underdeveloped or areas that have been the base of heavy industry and are in decline as a result of economic restructuring, which have been hardest hit by the crisis. In this study, these are collectively referred to as disadvantaged areas. In order to address the growing territorial disparities after the change of regime, regional development policy has tried to provide various benefits to these lagging regions, and therefore laws have been passed to determine which areas can be included in the list of beneficiaries. Law No XXI of 1996 distinguished between socio-economically backward areas, areas affected by long-term unemployment, areas affected by industrial restructuring, and agricultural and rural development areas. According to Parliamentary Resolution 24/2001 (20.4.2001), the beneficiaries were: socio-economically backward areas, areas undergoing industrial restructuring, agricultural and rural development areas (RARDI).

  • Training and employment: Information and knowledge flows between training institutions and employers

    For a region's economy to develop, it is essential to develop integrated forms of operation that manage the available resources efficiently. This is particularly true in a border micro-region with a predominantly small population, where for decades farming has been essentially based on agricultural subsistence and employment opportunities have been limited. Matching the employment and training structure, balancing supply and demand in the training and employment system can also be beneficial for the economic and social development of a disadvantaged micro-region. The development of border micro-regions was seriously handicapped before the change of regime. Small and medium-sized settlements on both sides of the border were depopulated and their inhabitants were ageing. Over the past few years, regional development has been based on local needs and existing resources, resulting in the creation of nearly 2 500 small and medium-sized enterprises in 21 municipalities in the Érmellék sub-region, where the research is located. However, the economic and employment functions of the organisations created can only be developed if the specialist needs of the businesses are met in the right quantity and quality structure.

  • Danger on the labour market - some thoughts on occupational segregation

    Workers must be guaranteed equality, the possibility must be created for them not to be discriminated against on the basis of their work, the activities they carry out, and ultimately the results of their work. This is a serious obligation on the state, which it must ensure through its legislation and through the judgments of the courts, because social security cannot be achieved otherwise. The State's responsibility in this respect is not bound by time or place, since, as long as there has been a legal relationship in the development of labour law, this has always been a matter of concern for workers - and for labour lawyers.

    It is not easy to assess, because even today, when general equality and equality of rights have been an accepted principle for centuries in almost all parts of the world (but not, of course, in those parts where, for example, there are serious traditional differences between men and women in society, such as in the Arab world), this problem is still a daily occurrence.

  • Women in urban poverty in Hungary: Maids and working women in the labour market before 1945

    A 19. század végi ipari forradalom okozta gazdasági és társadalmi átalakulás számos változást hozott Magyarországon. Az infrastruktúra és a közlekedés fejlődése lehetővé tette a nők számára, hogy új munkalehetőségekhez jussanak, elhagyják a hagyományos közösségeket és új életformákat próbáljanak ki.

    Magyarországon a cselédtartás továbbra is társadalmi szokás maradt, és még a két világháború között is sokakat érintett.

  • Through the screen of the majority ...: Public opinions on the social situation of Roma and their media representation

    This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey on public opinion on the social situation of Roma and their media coverage. The survey was based on the attitudes of the population towards the Roma, their perceptions and prejudices, and their perceptions of the media coverage of the Roma.

  • Work value preferences of university students

    This study is part of a university programme that has been running for several years. At the University of Debrecen, in the academic year 2000/2001, the then Rector's administration initiated a new talent management programme, which was integrated into the existing forms - TDK, vocational colleges, demonstrator network. The novel features of this programme were the multi-stage assessment of the admission procedure and the different forms of support, in particular the tutoring system (Balogh - Fónai, 2003). Admission to the programme is in three stages, the first of which is a process in which faculties delegate the top fifth of full-time second-year students on the basis of their academic performance.

Közelkép – HURO - Társadalmi viszonyok, fiatalok, foglalkoztatás

  • Socio-economic trends in the Derecske district

    In many border regions of our country, we are witnessing the unfavourable development of socio-economic processes, which also affect the pace of future development and the processes expected in the settlements. Borders, especially in the eastern part of the country, have changed several times, repeatedly blocking the development of a region (Pénzes et al. 2011). Borders can isolate settlements from each other, thus hindering development rather than stimulating connections (Reichman, 1993). In many cases, the impassability of the border itself, the lack of border crossings or their remote location make it difficult to reestablish connections as a functional unit (Pénzes, 2012).

  • The situation of young people in the Derecske district in terms of employment and job opportunities

    The situation of young people, their chances and opportunities on the labour market are of paramount importance for society, as they are the next generation. In this paper, we present the situation, labour market opportunities and mobility of young people in the Derecske district, based on data from a 2012 survey. Young people's access to work and mobility are nowadays much debated issues that deeply affect the whole society. We focus on the prospects of young people with a degree.

    Research on young people, youth research, is very significant in our country.

    From time to time, the situation of young people undergoes fundamental changes: they reach adulthood earlier than previous generations, but at the same time they are also delayed in their youth, i.e. they start the process of separating from their parents later. This phenomenon of postponement is called postadolescence. On the one hand, they are still children (in terms of their behaviour, values and lifestyle), and on the other hand, they are already adults (in terms of their political and economic situation) (Vaskovics, 2000; Gábor, 2012).

  • Low-educated young people in the labour market in the Derecske sub-region

    The aim of my analysis is to explore the social background, capital endowment and labour market situation of low-educated young people and to compare it with the situation of the more highly educated. The research was carried out in the framework of the project "Rural Youthjobs" Facilitating the Integration of Rural Youth ont he Labour Market of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar Euro-Region HURO/1001/081/2.3.2 in the Derecske sub-region in 2012. A stratified sample of 10% was used for the questionnaire survey. Young people aged 14-37 years participated in the survey and were interviewed in five municipalities, 228 in Derečke, 80 in Sáránd, 38 in Tépé, 91 in Hosszúpályi and 64 in Konyár, for a total of N=501.

    From these, in the present analysis, I have selected the employed (142 persons), the registered unemployed (81 persons) and the non-registered unemployed (24 persons), and excluded the rest of the inactive population, as the main aim of my work was to study the currently active population, thus the number of elements was N=247 persons.

  • The characteristics of employers' (and employees') behaviour in a rural border area today, based on interviews

    Clichéd as it may seem, it is undeniably true that the employment situation in Hungary is bad. The profound transformation of the economy and society in 1989-1990 brought about fundamental changes in the labour market. The main features of this were the disappearance of full employment and the emergence and persistence of unemployment. The economic activity of the Hungarian population declined significantly, due to, among other things, the disappearance or restructuring of enterprises and cooperatives, the fall in production and turnover, and the more intensive use of labour under new conditions, while the number of economically inactive increased.

    To avoid unemployment, people opted en masse for pensions or pension-like benefits, while young people stayed in school longer in the hope of better job prospects and, even with a much lower birth rate, the number of people still using home-based forms of childcare was essentially the same as before. After 1998, the number of inactive people fell slightly, but in 2009 the number of 15-64 year olds was still 2.6 million, about 7% (166,000) higher than in 1992. Employment fell significantly in the years following the change of regime, mainly as a result of the transformation of the economy. It reached its lowest point in 1996, when some 3.6 million people were in work, 1.3 million fewer than in the period of regime change.

  • The psychological background of unemployment - the chance of a new start or the risk of stagnation?

    The aim of this paper is to present the state of unemployment and its psychological processes and consequences, and to summarise the results of psychological tests completed by jobseekers participating in the HURO Rural Youthjobs project.
    We begin by clarifying the concept of unemployment. 'Unemployment is defined as the situation in which someone is unable to find an acceptable job in the labour market for a prolonged period of time' (Hajduska 2012: 119). Another definition is that 'persons who are not employed during the (defined) reference period but are employable and make active efforts to find a job are considered unemployed' (Haugen and Bregger, 1994; cited in László et al., 1998, p. 1).

    Unemployment can arise as a result of redundancies, layoffs, but it can also be caused by a protracted search among young people starting out in their careers (Hajduska, 2012) Whatever the cause, unemployment is a social phenomenon that can take many forms (Bánfalvy, 1997)

Kezdőkör - Hallgatók és doktoranduszok munkái

  • The transition between higher education and work

    One indicator of the labour market situation of recent graduates is the length and quality of the post-graduation period. Today, the path from higher education to the labour market is increasingly complex and flexible, with many people already working during their university or college years, while others find it takes months to find a job after graduation. The transition therefore starts during the period of study, before graduation, in the form of internships, work placements during training, or even voluntary work. Nowadays, the delay in finding a job has led to the status of unemployed recent graduates who are no longer studying but not yet working. However, the recent graduate unemployed behave differently from other unemployed groups, as they have generally not yet worked full-time and are supported by their families.

  • Youth NGOs at home and abroad

    NGOs are now considered by social researchers to be a full member of society, and are increasingly visible in public awareness, media and vocabulary, which shows their growing influence and importance.
    Their numbers are constantly growing, and their services and activities are expanding. However, in addition to the wide range of tasks and services, there are common features of NGOs that make them a completely separate sector. Their mission is to serve the public and the community, without profit-making being their primary objective (Bányai 1997).
    The non-profit sector includes those organisations in society which operate as private institutions but in fact serve community purposes (Simon 1998).

    Since the range of activities of NGOs is very broad and it is difficult to draw conclusions from the whole, the focus of this short study is on youth NGOs.

  • The interpretation of prejudice among students in Debrecen

    Negative discrimination has always existed, we have always had an opinion about the other individual, despite the fact that it was often without any background knowledge. It was in the first half of the twentieth century that the scientific, social psychological study of prejudice began in the United States, dominated by the antagonism between whites and blacks. It was at this time that human society came to realise that the problem was a global one, and that it was essential to examine it, starting, among other things, from the massacres of the Second World War, which were partly the result of prejudice. Unfortunately, however, we do not need to go back to the great events of history to realise that prejudice has serious consequences. In our everyday lives, we are also confronted with a plethora of cases of crime, discrimination and conflict based on an image of the other person that is based on incomplete information.
    Although the image of a world free of prejudice may be a utopia, these types of feelings and attitudes can and must be dealt with, but above all it is very important to map the situation and to examine it scientifically.

  • Fighting child poverty. Family day care centres in Debrecen

    One of today's biggest challenges, present in every country in the world in some form or another, is child poverty. Vulnerable groups include children of unemployed parents, families with three or more children and single parents (Ferge and Darvas 2012).
    In the EU-27, children and working-age people are at higher risk of poverty and social exclusion than older people. The extent of child poverty is also influenced by the labour market status of parents, the household in which they grow up, and government interventions (Antuofermo and Di Meglio 2012). Since child poverty and the labour market status of parents are inseparable, in my study I also examine employment and unemployment indicators in our country.


  • An "integrated" volume on social inclusion

    In 2012, an important volume was published again by the Institute of Sociology, which seeks to answer the question raised by the previous volumes, such as "Social Intersections", as a possible new framework for approaching and interpreting sociology, but also perhaps as a new paradigm. In the volume's Introduction, the editors conceive of social integration as the central element of this possible new conceptual framework, conceptual system, assuming that it can carry a new synthesis of social inequalities, new redistribution, new market order, consumer society and relational society - the volume as a whole provides convincing answers to the theoretical questions raised in this regard.

  • On the Roma issue again - Discourse analysis and reality

    At the end of the first decade of the new millennium, several works on the Hungarian Roma, their history, their current exclusion and their unresolved social situation, based on the same approach, partly on social history and partly on sociological surveys, appeared. Gábor Kertesi in 2005 ("On the margins of society. Roma in the labour market and in school") and Csaba Dupcsik in 2009 ("The history of the Hungarian Roma. History in the light of Gypsy studies 1890-2008") were published by Osiris Publishing House, while Tünde Virág's 2010 book ("Kirekesztve. Falusi gettók az ország margemén") was published by Akadémiai Kiadó as a result of a successful OTKA grant.
    The most recently published work, presented at the 83rd Festive Book Week, is the first joint publication of Balázs Majtényi, a constitutional lawyer who is concerned with the protection of human rights, and György Majtényi, a historian who is particularly interested in the cultural and social history of the 20th century (including the Kádár era). The book, which can be ordered online with two different hardcover editions, was based on a 2003 study, which was later jointly expanded, combining the research results of several disciplines and "maturing" into a separate volume. However, it fails to provide the in-depth analysis of the subject of the title: it (also) fails to provide a factual social portrait of realities, of phenomena experienced and lived on a day-to-day basis, of phenomena examined from several perspectives, and of realistic alternatives to solutions.

  • „Gezeget garba, lábagat a bad alá!”

    The author divides the book into four main sections, which, while maintaining the chronological order, attempt to sketch the social history of a German minority village in the Lowlands in the 20th century. For the less patient reader, the experiment was successful, and the result is another valuable work that serves as a model to follow, courtesy of Ferenc Eiler and the Institute for Minority Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

  • Labour law and insurance from patriarchy to the beginning of nationalisation

    If the reader picks up Zsombor Bódy's The Society of Industrial Labour, the title page will probably lead him to a long discussion of the new problems and tasks caused by industrialisation, and the structure and situation of social relations that it changed.
    However, reading the first pages, we understand that Bódy, touching on the deeper social context, selects only a slice of the complex problems of industrial society of the time, the development and change of the institutional system related to work from the mid-19th century to the end of the Second World War. The author, who has extensively processed relevant volumes of international and national literature and numerous archival and printed sources, has synthesised his findings in this volume after several smaller studies. The work contains a number of new approaches and new problem definitions, which I would like to reflect on below. From the book we can learn about the views and plans of the time in relation to labour, the provisions that were born, from the patriarchal view to the beginning of the era of nationalisation. A great advantage of the work is that it analyses at length the prevailing social policy ideas of each period, contrasting the different views. It deals not only with governmental ideas, but also with the views of the opposition, the interest groups and, last but not least, the experts and their associations of the time. It examines the power of each organisation in each era and the influence it could exert on decision-makers, achieving different results, even against other groups. All of this is to the advantage of the essay, and the author perhaps sometimes over-details the battles between different views.