Vol. 6 No. 4 (2017)

Published December 31, 2017


Doktori műhelyekből

  • „I have to be constantly disciplined” – a possible hypothetical model for pedagogical characters

    How discipline the teachers in the primary schools in Hungary? How should they discipline to
    meet the expectations, values and norms of our society? According to my research, in today’s
    primary schools there are significant differences between discipline and conflict management.
    I analyse the differences and I set the behavior patterns of the teachers into three distinct types.
    These three characters are controlled from traditions, outside and inside. These three types are
    distinctly distinct in everyday life of schools, with different effects on students’ socialization. In
    this paper, I present this hypothetical model, its operation in the dimension of discipline. The
    interviews that underlie the analysis were prepared by village teachers teaching in the Vásárosnamény micro-region.

  • Equal opportunities and integration in the career choice: The relation between school competences and job market integration

    The competences manifested in the career choice decisions refer to the success of integration
    and equal opportunities. They are able to forecast these social processes in a predictive way. The
    career choice competences connect the individual features and the social scenes, so by analysing
    them already the secondary school age group’s labour market success can be predicted.
    By studying and analysing of the competence fields with the method of revealing the sociological, psychological and pedagogical correlations it is possible to determine the labour market competences of students facing career choice, which determines the success of their social
    integration into the society at a personal level. Career choice plays a connecting part between education at schools and the labour market; therefore it has an important part concerning equal
    opportunities and integration, beyond the effect of qualification. In my study I am describing this
    process via displaying the affected competence fields.

  • Female quotas for women in academia, or natural but slow change that might take decades? Between Scylla and Charybdis

    This present study aims to provide a comprehensive representation of the Hungarian aspects of
    academic membership for women, based on the contribution of valuable insight from researchers and academics while also listing the possible opportunities and tools that might be of help
    for raising the proportion of female academics in our country. The study summarizes their voices
    articulated on the pages of Magyar Tudomány [Hungarian Science].

  • Touristic entrepreneuring: „Szeklerland, the East of West and West of East”

    The present article analyses the touristic market in Covasna/Kovászna county, Transylvania, Romania. The basis of the paper are 30 semistructured deep interviews and one
    focus group interview which had 6 participants who are all representatives of organisations active in the field of tourism. As the result of our research we can clearly state
    that there are four different regulation levels: the level of governmental regulations,
    professional organisations, cooperation and level of informal economy. Through the
    presentation of these four levels we will also touch upon the issues related to professionalization, trust and quality.


  • Relativized gendergizmos

    Gender-theory is an arguable direction of social gender phrasing; especially its concept, that deviancies from the biological orientation are optional. The notion of transgender ortrans-sexuality as a social construction evolved in the 1990’s from post-structuralist philosophies. Nowadays
    multiple theories are mingled, and a relatively small minority seems to determine the majority’s
    traditional orientation. Present article is to discuss radical wings of gender theories, especially
    the ones that aim to alter the individual’s identity by relativizing the natural born biological
    sex, or by opposing it with social gender. Instead of dealing with the biological trans-gender
    (trans-sexuality, intersexuality, etc...), present work researches chosen gender, or the social gender roles and the corresponding ideologies; as well as a practical alternative, the intermentality
    outline topic.

  • Ethnic categories and the context of migration in Beregszász

    In the paper, we try to demonstrate what migration trends in Beregszász have been conducted
    in focus group discussions on everyday ethnicity, and how ethnicity appears in these migration
    processes. In the study, we mainly summarize the findings of the research, which we carried
    out in the summer of 2016 and reflected in some descriptions of the changes that have taken
    place since the summer of 2017. The study is primarily descriptive and only interprets issues
    within ethnicity and ethnic categories, we do not aim to compare the conclusions with previous
    migration research results. In the analysis, the social constructivism methodological approach
    is applied. Our aim is to present the discourses: how the opinions are constructed and differing
    opinions can form unity.

  • From an acquaintance to a true friend – the idea of friendship among university students

    The idea of writing my essay comes from the book ‘Embert barátjáról – A barátság szociológiája’
    written by Fruzsina Albert and Beáta Dávid. I am especially interested in the appearance and
    significance of the typical social capital, i.e. friendship, among the students of the Sapientia
    University of Miercurea Ciuc (Csíkszereda) and that of the ELTE (Budapest). In order to
    investigate the phenomenon of friendship, I chose a qualitative strategy, namely focus group
    Although I have expected greater contrasts by comparing the students of these two distinct
    locations, I have found that friendship among the interviewed young people constitutes universal value with more common than different patterns.

Thematic articles

  • Change Leadership

    Today, researchers and practitioners also interested in the questions of successful leadership of
    organizations as well as efficient and effective change management. In our paper, we combine
    these two areas of research and in the form of a literature review examine what kind of leadership
    style, role, behaviour is needed to successfully convert organizations through change processes.
    We emphasise the behaviour aspects of change implementation. After defining the concepts that
    are most relevant to our topic, we first collect models and research findings from the literature
    on change management, which deal with how to lead changes, and then explore the approaches
    associated with organizational changes from the leadership literature. Finally, we try to draw
    conclusions that according to the research we have studied, what are the characteristics of
    successful change leadership.

  • The EU states innovation and competitiveness clusters in 2013

    In the era of the innovation economy it is natural that innovation is one of the key definitions, because of its literature is excessively far-reaching: global, micro and macro level, in connection of
    the business and non-business sector, it’s also defined in social context. The literary background
    of this essay shows a historical overview of the development that occurred in the definition of
    innovation and its different interpretations.
    After exploring the literary background a quantitative, descriptive and explanatory statistic
    analysis will be written in a monothetic and deductive approach. In this phase of my research
    I will make macro level international comparative analyzes with the help of the EU and the
    WEF (World Economic Forum) data base (Innovation Union Scoreboard, illetve Global Competitiveness Index), and the SPSS software. This essay’s goal is to determine whether there is a
    connection between innovation processes and the forming of competitiveness on a macro level
    and if there is how it can be interpreted. Later with a similar goal and methodology I would like
    to make international micro level comparative analyzes and then by combining the macro and
    micro level results, I will determine how the macro level innovation policy influences the micro
    level innovativeness and competitiveness. Using all of these results I would like to determine the
    special features of the national innovation policy and the chances for optimalization.

  • The linkage between motivation, work experience and sense of deadline-keeping in product development projects of those working in the automotive industry

    Nowadays, numerous new automobiles are being developed by various companies and their
    suppliers around the globe. On account of the reduction of the product’s economic lifetime and
    effects of the global market, n the automotive segments the time factor plays a key role in the
    successful implementation of the project and consequently in the sale of the product. The current
    study, focusing on human conditions, scrutinizes the behaviour of the members engaged in the project. It’s primary focus is not to reveal the hindering factors due to time-losses arising from
    the shortage of resources or inadequate planning. These conspicuous reasons and the demonstration as well as treatment of risk, belong to the scope of the board of project portfolio management, which operates well among larger project organizations. Each project member is taking
    an individual approach towards meeting deadlines, and their motivation about the execution
    of the given tasks also vary. Beyond the results found both in the professional literature as well
    as general research, I study whether the unique features of the actual automotive organizational projects can be identified or not. The ongoing research observes, based on the experience
    acquired from the automobile development project, motivation and adherence to deadlines, the
    composition of the team impacting work efficiency.

  • Soft Skills Workshops with External Trainers: Getting Them Right

    Soft skills development workshops can serve multinational organizations towards the
    improvement of internal communication between employees of various language backgrounds
    attempting to collaborate on tasks and issues in performing their daily activities. Employer and
    management expectations of these workshops may not be consistent with those of employees
    and this gap can lead to employee pushback and even refusal to internalise and utilise the
    envisioned workshop key learning points that management wants them to develop. On the bases
    of years of professional experience as co-trainers holding soft skills development workshops and
    receiving employer and employee feedback on their work at dozens of multinational companies
    in Europe, the authors discuss critical milestones which must be met by management, in order to
    lay the groundwork for more successful soft skills workshops at their organisations.

  • The moral restoration of business relations: Management from a Christian point of view

    Globalisation is a complex and worldwide process overarching historical times and continents.
    It started with the great geographical discoveries, continued with the emergence of world trade
    and the development of a truly global market reaching its present status. Globalisation has both
    negative and positive effects. Out of the positive effects it has to be emphasised that more and
    more zones of our planet benefit from the advances in sciences and techniques, more and more people have better access to work, education and the necessary commodities to meet their basic
    needs. Globalisation has brought efficiency and new opportunities to companies, providing practically free access to raw materials, labour and knowledge. Out of the negative effects degradation of the biosphere, the greater social and economic inequality especially in the developing
    countries has to be pointed out. Some companies are operating worldwide and have acquired
    great economic power and influence. Governments have only limited possibilities to regulate
    their operation. The expenses of profit maximisation are high, which are often ‘paid’ by the social-natural environment (as externalities). The aim of our study is to overview how current
    business relations could be formed to be more human and environment friendly from the point
    of view of Christian philosophy. It has to be pointed out that our study is focusing on the Christian
    point of view, although in our globalised world when studying business relations we should not
    forget about the role of other world major religious groups.

  • The Career Concepts of Male Workers with or without Child

    The question of reconciliation of work and family is getting highlighted in social studies. For a
    long time, a lot of studies concentrated on young mothers; however, researchers have realized
    that this problem proves difficult to men as well. As Bencsik-Juhász write: ” As the actual labor
    market primarily employs and caters for men, with all the inherent ad-vantages (like higher wages for the same job) and disadvantages (like longer working hours), it is no wonder that
    the stronger labor-market presence and activity of women also changes the traditional family
    roles”(Bencsik – Juhász 2012: 616). The public opinion has been starting to expect double sets of
    obligations from the fathers, the traditional family supporter role is still strong, while men are
    also expected today to take part in child-rearing. The question is whether these processes effect
    on men’s career.
    This study presents career perspectives of male workers with or without child. The authors
    made a quantitative survey in order to get to know this question. Based on research conducted in
    2016, it is possible to say that men with or without child are different in this question.