Vol. 8 No. 1 (2019)
Full Issue
Effectively influence on people: or are helping professionals free to utilize manipulative impacts?
78-108Views:61The economic and political crises of the last two decades have been greatly influenced by the fact
that, impacted by manipulative effects, instead to follow their rational judgements people have
made their decisions under the influence of emotional and instinctive temtation, deception and
manipulation. So far, these manipulative influences dominate contemporary commercial or populist political communication. The paper below shares the author’s hesitation that, while
non-rational factors bias from rational arguing and reasoning, both in decision-making and in
communicative impacts on the other person inevitably present, is it acceptable to manipulate
the users/clients by assisting professionals/social workers while exercising influence on decision-making of their clients? And if so, under what conditions, what specific constraints could be
exercised such impacts and „professional power”? Likewise, when and what can and should be
done to immunize clients against manipulation, to mitigate manipulative effects, to „gain back”
rational mind and „empower” clients to follow rational consideration and make wiser decisions?
The article does not undertake to provide „only” true and correct answers, rather gives insights
and tries to provoke its reader to contribute to clarifying this important issue. -
Literature review of the national identity of hungarians in Vojvodina between 1920–1898, I.
109-135Views:84Our paper follows on the observation made by Ferenc Pataki who stated that national identity is
a collective identity shaped by both political/citizenship-related and cultural elements. While
these two elements are usually similar, the national identity of people from ethnic minorities
differ along these two identities. Our analysis discusess the changes that happened during the
hundred years since the Treaty of Trianion to these two elements of the national identity of the
following three generations of Hungarians in Vojvodina: between the two World Wars, those
who grew up during the communism and those who became adults after 1990. We conclude that
the first generation retained their cultural-historical national identiy formed before Wold War I
but they did not develop Hungarian or South Slavic national idenities. To replace the South
Slavic identity they developed a regional identity to Vojvodina. The second generation, who were
born and raised after 1945, developed Yugoslavian political/citizenship-related national identy
through socialisation in a new political system and a regional identity to Vojvodina, which meant
an alienation from Hungary. As a result of their shattered cultural-historical national identity,
they started to assimilate, some of them lost their Hungarian cultural-historical identity and
acquired a Serbian or Yugoslavian national identity instead. The national identity of the third
generation who grew up after 1990 will be discussed in a second paper.
Read unnecessary!
A születési sorrend hatása a nem kognitív készségekre: avagy hányadikként érdemes születnünk, ha vezetői pályára készülünk?
190-195Views:45Gyakran tapasztaljuk, hogy az azonos családban felnővő testvérek személyisége teljesen eltér egymástól, pedig szüleik ugyanabban a családi környezetben, megegyező
elvek és értékrend mentén nevelik őket. A közvélekedés szerint a legidősebb testvér
általában vezető szerephez jut családon belül, ő szolgál viselkedési mintaként kisebb
testvérei számára. A legkisebbek gyakran dacosak, akaratosak, hiszen meg kell küzdeniük a szülői figyelemért, az érvényesülésért, ugyanakkor sokszor túlkényeztetettek is. A középső gyerekek talán a legalkalmazkodóbbak, hiszen ők szinte egész gyermekkorukat testvéreik „szorításában”, kisebb és nagyobb testvéreikhez folyamatosan
alkalmazkodva élik.
182-185Views:43Számlálni az időt, hallani a mendemondákat, szorulni az
emlékektől, s félni a jövőtől – kinek ne lenne saját élménye, közvetett vagy szomszédos tapasztalata, kor-közérzete és felelőssége? Lesz-e nyugdíj, elegendő, akad-e, aki
majd gondoz, fáj-e majd az elmúlás, küzdeni kell-e a túlélésért? -
Rácz Andrea (szerk.) (2018): Szülői kompetenciafejlesztést célzó modellprogramok a gyermekjóléti szolgáltatások tárházában: Rubeus Egyesület, p. 353.
186-188Views:65„Minden gyerekben, mikor megszületik, ott van egy zenei
kotta, egy partitúra. De sok feltétele van annak, hogy a
kottából muzsika legyen. Másként fog szólni jó zenészekkel, jó akusztikával, várakozással teli közönséggel, megint
másként, ha a karmester, a terem, a hangszerek rosszak.
És lehet, hogy egyáltalán nem szólal meg. Mai tudásunk
mellett a partitúrát nem is ismerjük. Csak a feltételeken
tudunk változtatni, ha azt szeretnénk, hogy a gyerekek
zenéje szebben szóljon. Ezzel a metaforával világítja meg Albert Jaqurd, korunk egyik legnagyobb genetikusa, a környezeti feltételek és a genetika, az öröklött gének kölcsönhatását. Minél egyenlőtlenebb egy társadalom, annál nagyobbak a gyerek fejlődésére, ’megszólaló zenéjére’ ható
környezeti különbségek.”
Thematic articles
The stealth rehabilitation of the psychicentity
3-17Views:37A deep-seated, ’constitutional problem’ of so-called psy-complex (ontologically ‘psy’ is different
than matter, but it is studied by natural scientific methods) can be detected: ontologically the
psyche is basically different than matter, but the main stream studies of these disciplines take the
natural scientific methods as their research ideal which were created for material beings and
they try to influence and change their ‘object’ by technical-technological attitude. The main aim
of this paper to draw attention to some of the main consequences of this dilemma. -
The patterns of the shattered self: The role of schizophrenic self-disorder in contemporary phenomenological psychiatry
18-31Views:64The aim of the paper is, on the one hand, to examine the ipseity-hiperreflexivity model of
schizophrenia popularized in contemporary phenomenological psychiatry. On the other hand, it
aims to compare the model with R. D. Laing’s earlier observations about the self. Owning to the
works of the co-authors, Sass and Parnas, the divergent symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum
disorder can be reduced to the minimal self that is a simpler notion than the person. The paper
seeks to give and answer to the question of the relation between the lifeworld and the minimal
self. Sass and Parnas argues, in the prodromal phase of schizophrenia an endogenous selfdisorder can emerge and its recognition could initiate therapeutic interventions prior to the
full-blown psychotic breakdown. Other authors emphasize the primacy of the lifeworld and
identity disorders determined by life circumstances contrary to or besides the role of minimal
self-awareness. -
Quality of life, disability of people living with psychiatric diagnosis
32-57Views:106The paper aims at demonstrating the quality of life of the people living with psychiatic diagnosis.
I used the data stemming from the standard and specific module (Social Inequalities in Health
Quality) of the European Social Survey to present the quality of life of the disabled persons. I
applied qualtitative methodology to investigate specifities of life course in case of people living
with psychiatric diagnosis. My results suggest that people defining themselves as ’disabled’
differ from non-hampered population first of all in the indicators of emotional and physical
subjective well-being. According to the narrative interviews the quality of life of people living
with psychiatric diagnose is largely influenced by their adaptive and coping strategies aiming to
preserve the balance of their mental status. -
Merei’s Group-centered Psychodrama as Sociodrama
58-69Views:49According to the authors, Mérei Ferenc’s method of group-centric psychodrama can also be
used for managing social problems. However, this possibility mentioned above was not fully
developed, primarily due to social-historical reasons. In this article the specificity of sociodrama,
and the analysis of differentia specifica of sociodrama are defined. Based on the findings, two
group-centric psychodrama sessions lead with Mérei-method are analysed to identify the
possible changes of techniques necessary to transform the session into sociodrama. Results were
born in the Hungarian Sociodrama Methodological Working Group. -
The Cult of Reflexive Efficacy
70-77Views:32This essay elaborates on the reflexive efficacy cult of the technocapitalistic Western modernity,
unequivocally demonstrating its profit-driven, compulsive trends which naturally lead to
dehumanization and decontextualization both on the individual and societal levels. As such, the
present work is also an exclamation for humans, for humanism, being further supported by its
”impressionist” style and humanized narrative. -
Factors that influence matechoice among college women
136-158Views:79The centre of the study is the influential factors of female students in higher education. As a
research question, does the institution of marriage continue to be a prominent place among
female students in higher education as a planned relationship? And, does a person with
a higher education level of education develop a relationship with a higher educated person,
therefore achieving homogeneity of relationship? Thereby the choice of coupling is presented in
addition to the examination of marriage, cohabitation and postponement mechanism, beyond
the factors influencing partner selection, which are analyzed in a qualitative research of tenpersons. Factors include age, place of residence, origin and religion, separation from parenting,
educational attainment, material capital and labor market situation, planned duration of the
relationship and effects of the information age. -
Basic income: Sugar-coating over a bitter pill?
159-181Views:60Current and future evolutions in labour markets may be blurring lines between traditional
employment and new types of atypical employment, making it harder to reliably assess whether
someone is receiving any benefits at all. The basic income should be seen as a serious option in
the future, given the changing labor market and the findings from existing cash transfer schemes.BI is not means-tested, so the amount received does not depend on individual or family income or
assets and does not require any work performance, or the willingness to accept a job if offered.
In this study I examine the created image by the media through the method of content
analysis, in relation to basic income. Furthermore, it is analyzed to what extent this effect creates
a negative image of basic income among the students of the University of Debrecen, strengthening
the fear towards this social policy tool. Particular attention is paid to the value choices of young
people focusing on their individualization, motivation of working and willingness to take risks.