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  • Competitive elections and the challenges of the concept of competitiveness

    The paper relates to the literature on contemporary non-democratic systems with multi-party elections. It aims to prove that electoral competitiveness is a key concept for understanding these systems, but this concept is currently underdeveloped. It first reviews the main approaches of competition and competitiveness, then, using the widely accepted type of competitive authoritarian hybrid regime, argues that the concept developed by its inventors does not provide sufficient support to detect competitiveness, because the factor of uncertainty used by the concept creators to justify its existence is not accompanied by any real indicators. The conclusion of the article is that competitiveness should therefore be derived not from the unidentifiable uncertainty factor, but from the concept of electoral integrity, which indicates the existence or the absence of genuine (competitive) elections, and from the concept and characteristics of electoral manipulations.

  • The 2019 local elections in Szeged

    The 2019 local, municipal election outclasses the second-order elections in the given political constellation. This is especially true in the case of Szeged, where the opposition – unlike the situation at the national level – has the power for a long time. To change this situation, the governing parties, taking advantage of their dominant position – and using all means – conducted a very vigorous campaign, changing the city into a battlefield. According to the results, the governemt’s attempt was not successfull, it was rather contraproductive. The reigning mayor and city management won an unprecedented victory. The root cause of it is a special urban policy which extracted the local politics from the partyfights and overrode party interests, and which represented the interests of the city succesfully and with credibility even against cross-wind. Based on the cooperation of the entire opposition the implemented urban policy is symbolized by and embodied in the person of the mayor in office since 2002.

  • Political reorganization in the shadow of the pandemic and war: The 2022 Latvian parliamentary election and its consequences

    Latvia’s party system has been one of the most unstable in European comparison since the 1990s, essentially since independence and democratization. Although there was a period in the middle of the 2010s, which showed the stabilization of the range of relevant parties and a decrease in the number of parties, by the end of the decade the fluctuation between the parties of the Baltic republics was again high. The Kariņš cabinet, formed after a record long time after the 2018 election, nevertheless set a unique record in the country: it was the first government to complete a full four-year parliamentary term. The government faced two challenges during its tenure, the pandemic that began in the spring of 2020, and the Russian aggression against Ukraine that began on February 24, 2022. Both had a significant impact on the development of the party structure. The aim of this paper is to present the changes in the political palette of Latvian parties in the last two legislative cycles, to analyze the results of the October 2022 election, giving priority to the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the transformation of the party structure and the results of the elections.

  • What’s the matter? A text mining analysis of political topics and user engagement on politicians’ Facebook pages during the 2018 Hungarian general election campaign

    The research investigates the way users interact with leading topics of the 2018 Hungarian
    general election campaign on candidates’ Facebook pages. It expects that the prominent
    (immigration, corruption) and campaign-related topics generate more user engagement, while
    policy topics and mobilization content are less interacted. It also tests the theory of issue ownership
    in relation with user engagement. These expectations are tested on a dataset that includes all
    posts (38030 posts) posted by all candidates during the campaign (511 candidates). Topics
    are identified by text mining methods. The study demonstrates that corruption, development
    policy and campaign are highly engaged topics, while immigration was more interacted only on
    opposition politicians’ pages since the followers of pro-government candidates engage less with
    immigration-related content. The most surprising result is that a reversed issue ownership effect
    can be detected since politicians are generally less successful with their own topics.

  • The 2022 Italian election under the microscope

    The 2022 parliamentary elections marked a turning point for the Italian political system in many ways. As a result of the measures approved and introduced over the past almost ten years to change the electoral system (electoral reforms, decisions of the Constitutional Court, constitutional amendments, parliamentary reforms, etc.), Italian voters had the opportunity to elect the new members of both chambers of the parliament under the same electoral system, for the first time in the Republican era. The purpose of the article is to present the steps leading to this historic moment by analysing in detail the different measures affecting the electoral system and their impact. The paper then describes the electoral results and explains the processes leading to the vast victory of Italy’s first female Prime Minister, with a particular focus on the return to the bipolar logic favoured by the electoral system following the release of the three-pole system in 2013.

  • Incumbency advantage of mayors in cities with county rights in Hungary

    There are twenty-three cities with county rights in Hungary. These cities are playing extremely important role because of their location, population and their administrative duties. For these reasons they can fall prey to national parties and political actors even during local elections. The aim of this study is to analyze these settlements in regard to the incumbency of mayors. Incumbency means the holding of an office, and the incumbent politician is the current holder of a political office. My goal is to show – by quantitative comparison – that the so-called incumbent advantage is prevalent in these cities. I also examine whether the candidates of the winning parties at the first order general elections are faring better than their competitors.

  • Mobilization incongruence in the Hungarian local electioms

    In local elections, national voting patterns are often not repeated as results show significant incongruence in terms of turnout, party performance and seat shares. Political science explains these various differences with several distinct theoretical frameworks that approach this incongruence from the aspect of voter behavior. The aim of this study is not to provide an alternative for these conventional explanations but to complement them with the detailed analysis of mobilization in an attempt to clear up certain gaps in the models. My main proposition is that parties can mobilize their supporters for the local elections with differing effectiveness producing incongruence in voter turnout and seat shares. In the capital and in the larger cities there is a mobilization gap mainly affecting left-wing voters that causes lower turnout and weaker electoral performance by these parties. This gap can most probably be explained by a combination of social and institutional factors and has a profound effect on election outcomes.

  • The Party System of the European Parliament between 2004–2019

    The paper examines the party system of the European Parliament (EP) between 2004–2019
    through European Parliamentary Groups. It applies party system typologies in an international
    case. The examined period starts from 2004, which marks the largest enlargement of the
    dominating the decision-making In addition to the widely used typologies developed by Blondel
    and Sartori, the present paper focuses on the relationship between the political groups in the
    EP and their role in decision-making. It draws conclusions about the nature of the party system
    and its changes over three cycles from the internal cohesion indices and coalition statistics of
    the political groups. The party system of the EP is a polarised pluralist system dominated by
    two political groups (bidominant). In the period under review, the party system of the EP can be
    characterized as balanced, showing only small changes.

  • Electoral Systems in East Central Europe

    The democratic transition in Eastern and Central Europe provides a good opportunity to
    examine how to apply the findings of the science of elections in a new dimension. This study
    based on 167 elections in 23 countries shows the formation, evolution and political consequences
    of the new electoral systems. The hypothesis of the paper is that the elections and electoral
    systems in this region not always correspond to the conventional wisdom. Our analysis divides
    into five parts the region (Central Europe, Western and Eastern Balkans, Baltic States and the
    other former republics of Soviet Union). This division helps to get an sophisticatad picture about
    the emergence and changes of the new electoral systems. By showing country by country we can
    demonstrate the similarities and differences between and within subgroups as well. Finally
    using three well-known indices (least square index, effective electoral and parliamentary
    number of parties) the study summarizes – country by country and subgroups by subgroups by
    type – the political consequences for the proportionality and party structure. The analysis of the
    167 elections demonstrates that Eastern and Central Europe does not show uniformity regarding
    the political consequences of the electoral systems. Their influence is more moderate than in the
    established democracies and they are also much more volatile. Their changes have shown rather
    diverging than converging trend in the last quarter century. The conventional findings are
    difficult to apply for this region, they are only partially valid, especially the formation of party
    structure differ from the previous experiences. In sum the Eastern and Central European elections
    do not invalidate the conventional statements of the elctoral studies but they offen do not show
    corresponding image. So they significantly contribute to the further development and refinement
    of the previous findings.

  • Globalization theory of late modernity and identities in risk society

    Modernity is the sum of the fragmented cultural systems of meaning, that are mutually influential
    on each other, plus of economic and political relations continually changing and transforming –
    a complexity that manifests itself in the structure of the (world) risk society even on the level of
    the individual. Following the late modern turn, the phenomenon of the means and opportunities
    determining the ability of choice is not being shared equally, but multiplied as regards global
    actors, as well as choice of identity, perceptibility of risks and facing them. The study presents
    the new inequality factors and the asymmetric power relations of the late modernity along the
    works by the recently died sociologists of the globalization theory (Ulrich Beck and Zygmunt
    Bauman). In the world risk society, each community and individual bear the risks indifferently.
    Accordingly, the ascertainments of the study are that the globalised economy and the subjects
    of the local poverty do not possess the same degree of the freedom of maneuvering. In order
    to demonstrate this and also to identify each postmodern life-strategy, the study relies on the
    works on identity by the discussed sociologists. According to the latter, the study concludes, that
    the reflexivity of the risk is the most profitable for those who are in the high position of the new
    inequality, thus, have the power to determine conflicts generated by them and inflict them on
    those excluded from the struggle of definition of risk.