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  • Teaching methods among primary school students during the Covid-19 epidemic

    The research focuses on the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic among primary school children, the transformations of the educational framework, within the study focuses on pedagogical perspectives. Mandatory online education frameworks have drawn attention to the differences between classroom lessons and digital teaching, the background dimensions of the teaching profession, which can also be interpreted as challenges in today’s education system. Accordingly, the study reflects the social and mental problems generated by the pandemic, the digitalisation that has become necessary in the field of education, the difficulties in the delivery of curricula affecting teachers, that is the pedagogical state of emergency and quarantine pedagogy. A pedagogical database teaching in small and large cities provides a basis for changes in teaching methods (n = 12). As a result, they have been able to present school-specific cases of online education, efforts to deliver digital learning materials, along with the difficulties in many cases and the innovations that can be incorporated later.

  • „I have to be constantly disciplined” – a possible hypothetical model for pedagogical characters

    How discipline the teachers in the primary schools in Hungary? How should they discipline to
    meet the expectations, values and norms of our society? According to my research, in today’s
    primary schools there are significant differences between discipline and conflict management.
    I analyse the differences and I set the behavior patterns of the teachers into three distinct types.
    These three characters are controlled from traditions, outside and inside. These three types are
    distinctly distinct in everyday life of schools, with different effects on students’ socialization. In
    this paper, I present this hypothetical model, its operation in the dimension of discipline. The
    interviews that underlie the analysis were prepared by village teachers teaching in the Vásárosnamény micro-region.

  • The Tertiary education plans of disadvantaged secondary grammar school students in Hungary

    My study focuses on tertiary education chances and opportunities of disadvantaged and multiply disadvantaged children and youngsters. The target group of the research consisted of disadvantaged full-time secondary grammar school students who aim to get out of their position and status with the help of further education. Via the interviews I tried to examine the difficult topic of further education from the perspective of the disadvantaged and the multiply disadvantaged students, also aspiring to reveal their notions and fears about the topic. The main goal of my research was to get an insight into the perspective and mentality of disadvantaged and multiply disadvantaged students.

  • The situation of Roma education in Harghita county – attitudes of pedagogues

    The study presents the attitudes and behaviours of pedagogues, based on interviews with
    teachers working with Roma children which constitute the quotidian educational practice. In
    absence of institutional programs, infrastructural and personal conditions, the teachers need
    to find solutions for the given difficulties. They become the key figures of the integration process
    and hence their attitudes and approaches are determining from the point of view of Roma
    children’s school efficiency. The target audience of the research are composed by pedagogues,
    who teach in elementary schools in the Csiki Basin in Harghita county, where the rate of Roma
    learners exceeds 25 percents. Signalling the main directions of the national policy and the
    presentation of literature examining the Hungarian-Roma relationship in Szeklerland offer a
    broader framework for the interpretation of the subject.

  • The place and role of field studies in teaching medical sociology

    Introduction: The goals of the subject of Medical sociology are to familiarize and explain the relationships between social environment and health. The theoretical and practical elements of the medical sociology education and the field studies that form a part of practical work serve these goals. During filed studies, we build on the previous knowledge and experience of the
    students. Method: The themes of the field studies change from semester to semester. From the series of studies we picked three themes that were connected to and built on each other. We present the role of field studies through their description and the explanation of our experiences. Results: Field studies add empirical skills and experience to the knowledge acquired during the
    theoretical and practical training of medical sociology. The field study assignments also serve to strengthen the effects of the “hidden curriculum”, the process of the indirect professional socialization at the medical school. Furthermore, the new knowledge and skills give the students a better understanding of the scientific literature helping them in the interpretation of statistical
    and methodological aspects of biomedical results and concepts. Conclusion: Our experiences show that field studies are an efficient teaching method. Its most important outcome is sensitizing medical students towards health related social problems and helping them to understand and handle such problems.

  • „Women Question” in the Political Parties’ Discourse in Post-Revolution Tunisia (2011–2014)

    For more than fifty years, the Tunisian political system has been considered as a so-called secular system that had provided women with many rights in education, healthcare and in economic and political sectors, besides that woman friendly family laws reforms After the overthrown of Ben Ali regime on 14th of January 2011, the Tunisian society witnessed an economic, social and political significant transformation. A new Islamic-secular discourse have been raised debates both in public and private sphere, women’s rights have been one of the incendiary topics of these debates. Therefore, with the participation of the Islamists in political life, the country has faced a new political dynamic which made the pollical scene complex and ambiguous. In this context, discourse analysis is a very important and crucial to be used as a method to approach to the research main question. Some leaders’ speeches, events which took place during the democratic transition are examined and analyzed in order to serve the research’s analytic interest through the relevant materials.

  • Transition from higher education to the IT sector in Cluj-Napoca

    The present paper focuses on those factors that affect transition from higher education to the
    IT sector in Cluj-Napoca, in cases of entrants with informatics, automatization and computer
    technology degree. The results show that transition to the IT market in Cluj-Napoca is primarily
    influenced by the dependency of the local IT market on western IT markets with more central
    positions, followed by the competition for workforce. The first factor: dependency is due to skill
    shortages on the labour market in Cluj-Napoca. Launching new trainings with the involvement
    of other departments at universities, such as design, business, sales, marketing or business
    informatics can reduce dependency according to the representatives of the local institutions of higher education. Transition from higher education to the IT sector for entrants in ClujNapoca is smooth, due to the strong competition for workforce (second factor). Entrants select
    their potential workplace based on the reputation of a workplace, position/projects, team
    and remuneration. Labour shortage is present both in the IT sector and in higher education.
    A long-term solution for reducing labour shortage in both sectors could be provided by creating
    attractive career paths in the academy which would require stronger cooperation between
    companies, state and higher education institutions, according to the representatives of the
    institutions of higher education.

  • Equal opportunities and integration in the career choice: The relation between school competences and job market integration

    The competences manifested in the career choice decisions refer to the success of integration
    and equal opportunities. They are able to forecast these social processes in a predictive way. The
    career choice competences connect the individual features and the social scenes, so by analysing
    them already the secondary school age group’s labour market success can be predicted.
    By studying and analysing of the competence fields with the method of revealing the sociological, psychological and pedagogical correlations it is possible to determine the labour market competences of students facing career choice, which determines the success of their social
    integration into the society at a personal level. Career choice plays a connecting part between education at schools and the labour market; therefore it has an important part concerning equal
    opportunities and integration, beyond the effect of qualification. In my study I am describing this
    process via displaying the affected competence fields.