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  • Future vision-creation: Examination the motivations behind the future plans of Hungarian youngsters

    In our rapidly changing world, it is becoming more and more complex and complicated for
    young people to plan their future, which is perceived as a problem by all who are involved. Issues
    such as one’s relation to democracy, their desire to have children, their intentions to pursue
    further studies, whether they plan their future in their place of residence or abroad or the risk
    of deviant behavior are not only important from the point of view of the individual but also for
    society, as the future of a given region is also influenced by the above indicators of future vision.
    Research methods traditionally applied in youth research, which focus on socio-demographic
    characteristic features (i.e. objective life situation indicators), are less and less capable of
    providing adequate answers to these questions. In my hypothesis, to identify the underlying connections, the research tools of psychology and sociopsychology are also necessary to be
    applied apart from traditional sociological methods.
    Therefore, in my study, by the secondary analysis of the most recent, 2014 data of the
    European Social Survey, I intend to demonstrate the significance of the underlying motivations
    as future vision creating factors behind the decisions Hungarian young people make.

  • A possible vision for young public workers or The Hungarian JWT

    According to different statements more and more youngsters, under 25 years of age, appear in Public Work Programs at the present time in Hungary. Even it occurs more frequently that pa-rents, primarily because of financial reasons, take out their children from school, and send them to public workers.This paper draws attention to this phenomenon. Furthermore, it shows a possible paral-lel between those young people who are in JWT (Job Without Training) and those Hungarian youngsters who are working in Public Work Programs reflecting on the Hungarian particulari-ties of this parallel.
    The concept of JWT and its categories are presented, and also which of these categories may connect with the Hungarian public workers’ state of being. Statistical data show the rate of public workers and their gender breakdown. Reports also suggest that the rate of young public workers is growing and their situation may become futureless.The author thinks that the growth of young public workers’ rate and their settled situation in this employment sector is likely to make inevitable for them to become NEET in the future.

  • The vision of young people living in villages

    According to the results of the youth research, young people are often pointless and find it difficult to plan for the future. Based on the results of a qualitative study conducted in 2018, this study presents the future plans of a special target group of young people aged 19–25 living in villages who have completed their education. We looked at how young people think about their career paths at school and in the labor market and also their future residence. Based on their ideas on their future, we classified young people into three types (conscious future builder, drifting, accumulator of failures) and, in the analysis, we present each vision indicator based on the types examined. We will also look at how the educational gap between young people and the current situation in life influence future plans.

  • Planetary consciousness, biospherical governance, climatic rightfulness: Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future

    Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future was published in 2020. The novel is the sequel to the New York 2140 science fiction dystopian novel. The conceptual continuation presents a vision of unsustainable capitalism that functions via endless expansion. The Ministry for the Future brings into focus the outcome of externalities of capitalism: climate change and its effects on societies and individuals. The study emphasis on critique of capitalism, of mass production and mass consumption, at the same time it points at the techno-optimism in The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. The analysis of appearance of climate change in the novel is interdisciplinary, the study’s approach is scientific and empirical.