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Understanding Aspects to the Ethnospecific Researches on the Gypsy Jazz
23-39Views:69The early “research of Gypsies”, romology, then the visible and the hidden processes of
“tziganology” in anthropology included a shift in the state of understanding between the
hillside of critical interpretation studies and that of local group psychology. They also involved
the research of folk tales, dancing, poverty, examining segregation and participatory action
methodology as well as innovation and rebirth of the musicological research of Gypsy music.
The terminological aspect of “us” and “others”, expressing alterity and identity, points towards
the more complex study of (ethnic) “minorities”, moreover knowledge and field studies, and
results of examining narratives (such as tales, dances, visual worksof art, publicity, religion and
community), bring us closer (by way of political and scientific pragmatism) to signalling a new
era of empathic understanding. The aim of the paper is to highlight the ways leading to that
goal, putting the musical aspects of the shift in focus, consisting of stylistic inventions, a worldmusic-based openness towards instruments and performance cultures, which nevertheless still
carries the signs of a new era of projection and knowledge contents, first-person-narrative and
narrative identities. Finding answers to the question “where did it come from” might be aided
by contemplating “where does it go”. This would be both the aim and partially the structure of
my thematic essay. -
Processes of change in the Hungarian and Ukrainian Community in Izsnyéte, Transcarpathia
62-85Views:56I started my research in Izsnyéte, Transcarpathia, in 2012 with an anthropological research group. Initially, we were curious about the coexistence mechanisms of the local settlement, the cultural peculiarities of the ethnic groups living there, but due to the war situation, we had to stop our empirical research sooner before 2015. In 2017, as a doctoral student, I continued my empirical research in Izsnyéte, where Hungarians represent an absolute majority against the state-forming Ukrainian ethnic group. The basic research concept was to choose a local settlement close to the border where two or three different ethnicities have lived together for decades. In my study, I examine the process of ethnicity production and the processes of image and change of the living ethnicities of the settlement and their applicability to each other in comparison with the data of previous research, reflecting on the changes, mainly in the light of assimilation. Already the results of the 2012 research showed spatial isolation, in many cases dissimilation was experienced among coexisting ethnicities, but with many other factors and aspects several years later, it caused diverse processes.
Tegnapi és mai „civil társadalom”: Fogalom-história, megújuló köntösben, röviden
158-176Views:29Tegnapi és mai „civil társadalom”
Fogalom-história, megújuló köntösben, röviden
Borsos Béla: Az új Gyűrűfű: Az ökofalu koncepciója és helye a fenntartható település- és vidékfejlesztésben
131-135Views:44Borsos Béla: Az új Gyűrűfű
Az ökofalu koncepciója és helye a fenntartható
település- és vidékfejlesztésben
L’Harmattan, Budapest, 2016, p. 247. -
182-185Views:43Számlálni az időt, hallani a mendemondákat, szorulni az
emlékektől, s félni a jövőtől – kinek ne lenne saját élménye, közvetett vagy szomszédos tapasztalata, kor-közérzete és felelőssége? Lesz-e nyugdíj, elegendő, akad-e, aki
majd gondoz, fáj-e majd az elmúlás, küzdeni kell-e a túlélésért?