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  • Health-related information gathering practices among outpatients

    Introduction: Obtaining health information is an important part of health behaviour. However, there is limited data available about information gathering habits of patients. Aims: To identify different patient groups according to their information gathering habits.
    Methods: Questionnaire survey among potential patients in an outpatient clinic in Budapest. The survey consisted of the following domains: sociodemographic data; habits of visit a doctor; communications method with a specialist; use of technical devices.
    Results: The survey was completed by 260 patients (36,2% men; 63,8% women). Patients primarily get medical information from their doctors, followed by the internet, where different websites and Facebook groups are the most common sources of information. Mostly they use the internet for checking their symptoms and complaints, however searching for data about their physicians and healthcare institutions are uncommon. Patients who are young, active workers, highly educated are more active, while elderly patients and widows search less information on the internet. Conclusions: There are socio-demographic groups who are underinformed by digital healthcare related issues. Audited websites and social media releases could play an important role in
    the information gathering process of patients, and also supplement patient-doctor relationship.

  • The 2019 local elections in Szeged

    The 2019 local, municipal election outclasses the second-order elections in the given political constellation. This is especially true in the case of Szeged, where the opposition – unlike the situation at the national level – has the power for a long time. To change this situation, the governing parties, taking advantage of their dominant position – and using all means – conducted a very vigorous campaign, changing the city into a battlefield. According to the results, the governemt’s attempt was not successfull, it was rather contraproductive. The reigning mayor and city management won an unprecedented victory. The root cause of it is a special urban policy which extracted the local politics from the partyfights and overrode party interests, and which represented the interests of the city succesfully and with credibility even against cross-wind. Based on the cooperation of the entire opposition the implemented urban policy is symbolized by and embodied in the person of the mayor in office since 2002.

  • Intellectualising aspects of higher education

    Bocsi Veronika (2022): Értelmiségképzés és felsőoktatás. Belvedere Kiadó, Szeged, 286 oldal

  • How has university students’ drug use changed during Covid-19?

    The Covid-19 outbreak and the lockdown have had significant psychological and social impacts
    on everyone’s life. Changing life circumstances and daily routines, job losses, uncertainty, have
    put a psychological strain on us. As a consequence, we may experience risk behaviours more
    often than before. The aim of the study is to analyse how risk behaviours have changed due to
    Covid-19 among university students in Hungary, and to identify the psycho-social factors along which the shift can be explained. The analysis is based on the data of ‘Covid-19 International
    Student Well-Being Study’ – a study initiated and coordinated by the University of Antwerpen
    involving 75 universities from 26 countries. Four Hungarian universities – Corvinus University
    of Budapest, the University of Debrecen, the University of Miskolc, and the University of Szeged
    participated in the study. The survey was conducted among all university students who filled
    in an online questtioannaire in Spring 2020. Our results show that all risk behavoiurs have
    declined during the Covid-19 period. However, students who had had consumed drug before
    Covid-19 have been using them more frequently during the pandemic. Our results suggest that
    the recreational use have probably declined and the problematic use have probably increased
    among university students during the pandemic. Our results highlight the fact that students for
    whom the crisis situation imposed by the quarantine was hard to handle are more likely to use
    substances more frequently, so offering them prevention and treatment options is crucial.

  • A possible vision for young public workers or The Hungarian JWT

    According to different statements more and more youngsters, under 25 years of age, appear in Public Work Programs at the present time in Hungary. Even it occurs more frequently that pa-rents, primarily because of financial reasons, take out their children from school, and send them to public workers.This paper draws attention to this phenomenon. Furthermore, it shows a possible paral-lel between those young people who are in JWT (Job Without Training) and those Hungarian youngsters who are working in Public Work Programs reflecting on the Hungarian particulari-ties of this parallel.
    The concept of JWT and its categories are presented, and also which of these categories may connect with the Hungarian public workers’ state of being. Statistical data show the rate of public workers and their gender breakdown. Reports also suggest that the rate of young public workers is growing and their situation may become futureless.The author thinks that the growth of young public workers’ rate and their settled situation in this employment sector is likely to make inevitable for them to become NEET in the future.

  • Hajnali Suttogó. Piac a két világháború közötti Kecskeméten

    A vasút Kecskemétet már a 19. század derekán összekötötte Szegeddel és a fővárossal. Évti-zedekkel később, 1922-ben Szeged akár 1 óra 40 perc alatt, de Budapest is legfeljebb 2 órányi vonatozással már elérhetővé vált a tehetősebb utazóközönség számára.1 A teherforgalom en-nél lényegesen lassúbb volt. 1926 nyarán Kecskemétről Bécsbe 24, Berlinbe már 64, Ham-burgba pedig átlagosan 99 óra alatt érkeztek meg a gyorsan romló zöldség- és gyümölcsszál-lítmányok.2 Ugyanakkor a külterületi árufelhozatalban kiemelkedő szerepet játszott a köz-pontba sugarasan befutó — egyébként általában rossz állapotú3 — úthálózat mellett például a Kecskemét–Bugac–Kiskunmajsa közötti keskeny nyomtávú, helyi érdekű vasútvonal is, ame-lyet 1928-ban nyitottak meg (Juhász 1998:227).

    Az 1927/1928. évi áruforgalmi adatok segítségével feltérképezhető a város környező településekkel kialakított kereskedelmi kapcsolathálója (1. ábra). Megállapítható, hogy a Kecskeméttől északi, keleti és déli irányban fekvő Nagykőrös, Újkécske valamint Kiskunfé-legyháza önálló piacközpontokként funkcionáltak. Ezzel szemben délnyugat, nyugat és északnyugat felől egy jelentős vonzáskörzet alakult ki. A település áruforgalmi hálózatába Bocsa, Bugac, Izsák, Jászkerekegyháza és Lajosmizse is bekapcsolódott.

  • The EU states innovation and competitiveness clusters in 2013

    In the era of the innovation economy it is natural that innovation is one of the key definitions, because of its literature is excessively far-reaching: global, micro and macro level, in connection of
    the business and non-business sector, it’s also defined in social context. The literary background
    of this essay shows a historical overview of the development that occurred in the definition of
    innovation and its different interpretations.
    After exploring the literary background a quantitative, descriptive and explanatory statistic
    analysis will be written in a monothetic and deductive approach. In this phase of my research
    I will make macro level international comparative analyzes with the help of the EU and the
    WEF (World Economic Forum) data base (Innovation Union Scoreboard, illetve Global Competitiveness Index), and the SPSS software. This essay’s goal is to determine whether there is a
    connection between innovation processes and the forming of competitiveness on a macro level
    and if there is how it can be interpreted. Later with a similar goal and methodology I would like
    to make international micro level comparative analyzes and then by combining the macro and
    micro level results, I will determine how the macro level innovation policy influences the micro
    level innovativeness and competitiveness. Using all of these results I would like to determine the
    special features of the national innovation policy and the chances for optimalization.

  • Electoral Systems in East Central Europe

    The democratic transition in Eastern and Central Europe provides a good opportunity to
    examine how to apply the findings of the science of elections in a new dimension. This study
    based on 167 elections in 23 countries shows the formation, evolution and political consequences
    of the new electoral systems. The hypothesis of the paper is that the elections and electoral
    systems in this region not always correspond to the conventional wisdom. Our analysis divides
    into five parts the region (Central Europe, Western and Eastern Balkans, Baltic States and the
    other former republics of Soviet Union). This division helps to get an sophisticatad picture about
    the emergence and changes of the new electoral systems. By showing country by country we can
    demonstrate the similarities and differences between and within subgroups as well. Finally
    using three well-known indices (least square index, effective electoral and parliamentary
    number of parties) the study summarizes – country by country and subgroups by subgroups by
    type – the political consequences for the proportionality and party structure. The analysis of the
    167 elections demonstrates that Eastern and Central Europe does not show uniformity regarding
    the political consequences of the electoral systems. Their influence is more moderate than in the
    established democracies and they are also much more volatile. Their changes have shown rather
    diverging than converging trend in the last quarter century. The conventional findings are
    difficult to apply for this region, they are only partially valid, especially the formation of party
    structure differ from the previous experiences. In sum the Eastern and Central European elections
    do not invalidate the conventional statements of the elctoral studies but they offen do not show
    corresponding image. So they significantly contribute to the further development and refinement
    of the previous findings.