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  • Functions of global career management

    Maintaining competitiveness is one of the long-term strategic goals for companies. Beside
    tangible and intangible assets, the value of human capital is continuously growing, due to
    changes in the labour market. A loyal, highly skilled employee makes a significant contribution
    to organizational success through competencies, experience, and skills. The career management
    system of multinational companies became more attractive by the possibility of international
    assignments, which is a very complicated process requiring complex planning. This system is
    considered global for several reasons: its transnational nature, international experience gained
    by the employees and the achievable career on a global scale for the individual (as a part of a
    successful process).
    Creating a global career management system thus involves a number of HR functions.
    Emphasis should be placed on finding suitable employees, selecting, onboarding, mentoring, on
    methods and the evaluators in the performance appraisal process, providing feedback on a
    regular basis and in an appropriate manner, achieving and maintaining motivation, developing
    competencies and supporting the balance in mental health.

  • Leadership challenges in virtual environment: The importance of the synergism in ICT toolset and leadership development

    The companies connected to the global value chain inevitably and necessarily apply virtualized
    solutions in their work organization. As such, the appropriate implementation of the shoring
    strategies, the increasing competition and the supply-demand imbalance on the local market of
    the high-skilled workers, all puts the existing organizational and leadership practices to the test.
    The article aims to highlight the main challenges the virtual team leaders (VTL) are facing and
    some best practices that might widen the toolset of the modern VTL. The results are based on a
    case study of a multinational info-communication technology (ICT) service company in which
    experienced managers and leaders shared their strategies. The main takeaways of the empirical
    research are (i) the emphasis on the “early-adopter” behavior and the proper usage of the latest
    technology in the communication, (ii) the importance of the ability of building trust and setting
    common goals; (iii) despite that everyone is perfectly connected via the internet, the regular
    personal presence is still the most powerful leadership tool.