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  • Parents’ school volunteering in the interpretation of teachers in a disadvantaged region of Hungary

    In the international literature, there are many studies dealing with the voluntary work of parents at school, but there is little research on this in Hungary. In our study, we examine the volunteering of parents through the interpretation of teachers in three disadvantaged counties of Hungary, using a qualitative interview method. The research population was the teachers of primary and secondary schools, and the interviewed teachers were selected by multi-stage, stratified sampling. We included 38 interviews in the analysis, in which the voluntary work of the parents appeared. The interviews were analysed by manual and machine hybrid coding. According to our results, teachers also considered participation on request or under pressure as volunteering. “Real” volunteering is hardly present, and parents are less likely to initiate assistance on their own. Parents are typically occasional volunteers, and mostly the members of the parents’ work community participate in regular volunteer work. According to the teachers, the voluntary work of parents is indispensable in the life of the school, so in our opinion it would be important to promote it and to motivate parents to participate more in school life.

  • Low-educated young people in the labour market in the Derecske sub-region

    The aim of my analysis is to explore the social background, capital endowment and labour market situation of low-educated young people and to compare it with the situation of the more highly educated. The research was carried out in the framework of the project "Rural Youthjobs" Facilitating the Integration of Rural Youth ont he Labour Market of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar Euro-Region HURO/1001/081/2.3.2 in the Derecske sub-region in 2012. A stratified sample of 10% was used for the questionnaire survey. Young people aged 14-37 years participated in the survey and were interviewed in five municipalities, 228 in Derečke, 80 in Sáránd, 38 in Tépé, 91 in Hosszúpályi and 64 in Konyár, for a total of N=501.

    From these, in the present analysis, I have selected the employed (142 persons), the registered unemployed (81 persons) and the non-registered unemployed (24 persons), and excluded the rest of the inactive population, as the main aim of my work was to study the currently active population, thus the number of elements was N=247 persons.

  • The Career-building effect of volunteering in higher education

    Nowadays the motives for volunteering are changing among higher education students, and
    besides traditional altruistic motives, career-building motives also appear (the acquisition
    of work experience and professional knowledge, professional development, networking,
    the presentation of voluntary work in the resume). In this paper, we use data from a survey
    conducted in five Central and Eastern European countries (N=2,199) to examine through linear
    regression analysis the factors affecting the strength of career-building motives and to analyse
    through a logistic regression model the determinants of whether or not volunteering is related to the field of study. Our hypotheses are formulated based on the literature. Our results show
    that career-building motives are more pronounced among women and students who have a
    close relationship with external friends outside the university, study outside Hungary, and study
    something other than engineering, computer science or science. Voluntary work is more likely to
    be related to the field of study among teacher education students, students with an unfavourable
    financial situation, those who study in Romania, and those who have a close relationship with

  • The civil activity of higher education students and the correlation of their chances of dropping out

    Our research question is that volunteering and civil organization membership of higher education students are able to protect against dropping out from higher education or even divert from effective learning and hinder persistence. The positive or negative effect of civil activity of students is measured by quantitative multivariable method, and the question is whether there is there a clear effect of civil activity on persistence, after allowing the effect of other socio-demographic variables. The results show, that civil activity of students neither protect against dropping out nor hinder persistence in our sample. There were several variables which affected civil activity, and the good relationship with parents is protecting the most against dropping out from higher education, but the fact, that civil activity is neither divert from effective learning, and nor hinder persistence means that it is important to improve civil activity of higher education students due to its’ several positive effects.

  • Family plans and career plans among higher education students in the field of social sciences based on a pilot study in Eastern Hungary

    Our paper explores the family and career plans of social sciences students at Hungary’s second largest university based on a questionnaire-based pilot study. Nowadays, careers include more than the traditional vertical promotion within an organisation, as seen from the emergence of the self-directed “protean” career type, which prompts organisations to adapt to individuals’ values, attitudes, and own career definitions. In addition, the Kaleidoscope Career Model sets out that individuals adapt their career goals to their life stages. Thus, students’ career and family plans matter to prospective employers. Our results show that a modern self-directed career type has emerged among students, for whom it is a priority to meet their own expectations. In several cases, starting a family is preceded by career goals. Furthermore, despite the “feminine” nature of social sciences, our pilot study shows that male students in the field still tend to conform to traditional gender roles regarding the importance of family and career. Our research implies that prospective employers need to adapt their HR strategies to young people’s family and career plans. Moreover, organisations should support students in gaining relevant work experience and in achieving their subsequent career plans.

  • Studying further in higher education as a human capital investment

    In our paper, we examine the motives of further studies in higher education among higher education students, as well as how socio-demographic variables modify these motives. Our research method is quantitative. We used a research database gathered in the historical Partium region in 2014 (N = 1792). The theoretical backgrounds of our research are the human capital theory and Bourdieu’s capital conversion model. Based on ten motives of further studies, we made a cluster analysis and examined the relationships of these clusters and the socio-demographic background variables. Our finding is that the most important motive of further studies among students was expanding knowledge. Therefore, the motive of getting higher wages in the future, which is the central aspect in the human capital model, proved to be of minor importance. Based on the capital conversion theory students wanted to gain cultural and social capital when they decided to study further, as both can be profitable for them in the future. However, while the motives of further studies were affected by the social background of students, contrary to our hypothesis, financial motives were not more important for those students coming from disadvantage backgrounds than for other students

  • Hungarian Academics Working Abroad: Female and Male Career Paths

    Transnational mobility has not only become an integral part of the successful, internatonally driven career path of academics, but is emerging to a great extent as a major performance requirement. Similarly to academic careers in general, international mobility of researchers is also a gendered process to a great extent. This paper aims to assess the most important characteristics of Hungarian researchers working abroad with special attention put on the similarities and differences identified in the career path of female and male researchers. With an online self-administered questionnaire distributed through a snowball sampling methodology
    among Hungarian PhD-holders working abroad for more than one year, we investigated the motivation for international mobility, the career path, work contracts, work-life balance, future career plans and the perception of the value of the PhD degree. Our key findings indicate that male researchers’s labour market position is more advantageous abroad than female researchers’ and overall they are more convinved of the positive value of their PhD degree, while female academics were statisfied, but at a more moderate level.