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  • “Can’t you see that we are in trouble?” – The environmental protection-related ignorance, its appearance in visual attentional patterns, and some possible explanation/interpretation

    The environmental crisis is an outstanding topic nowadays. Given that it is basically caused
    by human activity, this issue is worth examining at all levels of society. The present study
    investigated the individuals’ visual attentional patterns and the possible attentional biases related to pictures displaying environmental problems, in comparison to undisturbed nature
    and social scenes as control stimuli, within the framework of a reaction-time task. Changes
    in participants’ mood and their self-reported environmental awareness were also measured.
    However, only the negative social scenes resulted attentional bias, the environmental topics
    were not able to do that. Albeit the mood of the participants deteriorated during the experiment,
    it did not have any correlation with any other variables, and either did the environmental
    awareness. We displayed the stimuli during the task only for a short period of time, thereby we
    targeted to reach automatic attentional responses. Our results reflect to the fact, that the topic
    of the environmental crisis is not suitable to do this. This phenomenon propounds the demand of
    explanations behind this phenomenon (like the possible evolutionary background).

  • Transition from higher education to the IT sector in Cluj-Napoca

    The present paper focuses on those factors that affect transition from higher education to the
    IT sector in Cluj-Napoca, in cases of entrants with informatics, automatization and computer
    technology degree. The results show that transition to the IT market in Cluj-Napoca is primarily
    influenced by the dependency of the local IT market on western IT markets with more central
    positions, followed by the competition for workforce. The first factor: dependency is due to skill
    shortages on the labour market in Cluj-Napoca. Launching new trainings with the involvement
    of other departments at universities, such as design, business, sales, marketing or business
    informatics can reduce dependency according to the representatives of the local institutions of higher education. Transition from higher education to the IT sector for entrants in ClujNapoca is smooth, due to the strong competition for workforce (second factor). Entrants select
    their potential workplace based on the reputation of a workplace, position/projects, team
    and remuneration. Labour shortage is present both in the IT sector and in higher education.
    A long-term solution for reducing labour shortage in both sectors could be provided by creating
    attractive career paths in the academy which would require stronger cooperation between
    companies, state and higher education institutions, according to the representatives of the
    institutions of higher education.

  • Social stratification among Transylvanian youngsters: youth in the new social structure

    We investigate changes in the socio-economical, labor market, and educational situation of the
    Hungarian youngsters from Transylvania; the investigation is based on two large-scale (MOZAIK
    2001 and Youth 2016) surveys. The principal research question is the choice of the paradigm
    from the toolbox of social stratification that can describe the inequalities within this group.
    Our conclusions state that the influence traditional variables diminished, and that horizontal
    differences must be taken also into consideration to better describe stratification.

  • Communities – in another way

    This paper summarizes the main characteristics of the formation, the internal dynamics and the transformation of the communities. I have used the worthes and communutuies researches and analyzes of Hankiss Elemér. His main qoestion was the individaul estrangement and the restraint of the action.

  • Hármas határokról antropológiai megközelítésben

    A kötet tematikus szerkezete lehetőséget nyújt az olvasó számára, hogy a kezdeti
    elméleti felvezetés után a terepmunka módszerének köszönhetően egy-egy fejezeten keresztül részese legyen az adott térség lokális közegének. A néprajzi megközelítés eredményeként nem csak a fizikai határ jellemzőit ismerhetjük meg közelebbről, hanem betekintést nyerhetünk a helyi közösségek identitásformálásának
    legfontosabb mechanizmusaiba. A széleskörűen és változatosan vizsgált hármas
    határ blokkok igyekeznek megragadni és hűen ábrázolni a kisebbség-többség kapcsolatból adódó másság és önmeghatározás kérdéseit. Mindemellett olyan alapvető
    témákat is középpontba állítanak a szerzők, amelyek a tapasztalt lokális jelenségek
    mellett kiterjedtebb és komplexebb kérdéseket is felvetnek, úgymint a regionális
    identitás, az informális kereskedelem és a határon túli kisebbségek jövője.

  • Classification of depression-related online forums using Natural Language Processing

    The study of the phenomenon of depression is not new in sociology, but since the depression
    is becoming a wider social problem, it is still a relevant issue today. In addition to the biomedical and psychological aspects of depression, the sociological perspective is becoming more
    noteworthy in the discourse about the causes of depression. In the research of the discourse
    on depression, the online texts offer many new possibilities, as the forum’s anonymity and
    accessability make the online seeking for help popular. In this research, natural language
    processing (logistic regression) was applied to find patterns in the definition of depression
    in lay discourses. These methods make it possible to analyze a large amount of text - which
    would have been difficult to process with human resources. During the analysis, 67 857 posts of
    English-speaking online forums were categorized along the categories of the scientific discourse
    about depression. This study presents the first results, which shows logistic regression classifier
    performs like the annotators. . Although the research has analyzed English-speaking forums, my
    findings may be useful to anyone observing abstract sociological concepts in online texts written
    by users.

  • Changes in family decision-making and division of labor among weekly families

    The study deals with the transformation of decisions and division of labor within the family by
    processing the results of a qualitative, interviewed study of the target group of weekly workers.
    The study shows how decisions are restructured according to roles within the family and how
    the roles of women and men change as a result of the regular absence of one family member.
    From the point of view of the approach to domestic work, the differences between weekdays and
    weekends, which can be considered as a consequence of weekend, come to the fore. In the course
    of the analysis, we examined whether there was a change in the decision-making processes
    within the family as a result of the weekly (and if so, what areas were affected by the change)
    and whether there was a radical change in the division of family responsibilities as a result of the
    weekend. I present the results on the basis of two dimensions, on the one hand, of the phenomena
    of disposition and decision-making over income, and, on the other hand, of the division of family
    responsibilities and problem-solving.

  • Contributions to the Regulation of the Referendum after 2013

    The purpose of this paper is to define and show the nature and functions of the referendum in
    general, and to examine the legislative regulation of its institution in Hungary after 2013.
    The brief introduction will be followed by an analysis of some of the institutional and
    instrumental features of the referendum in the context of the constitutional law. Special attention
    will be paid to the question raised by, and to the pros and cons of the referendum held in 2016.
    The legal aspects and social consequences of this invalid referendum will be emphasized.

  • „I have to be constantly disciplined” – a possible hypothetical model for pedagogical characters

    How discipline the teachers in the primary schools in Hungary? How should they discipline to
    meet the expectations, values and norms of our society? According to my research, in today’s
    primary schools there are significant differences between discipline and conflict management.
    I analyse the differences and I set the behavior patterns of the teachers into three distinct types.
    These three characters are controlled from traditions, outside and inside. These three types are
    distinctly distinct in everyday life of schools, with different effects on students’ socialization. In
    this paper, I present this hypothetical model, its operation in the dimension of discipline. The
    interviews that underlie the analysis were prepared by village teachers teaching in the Vásárosnamény micro-region.

  • Effectively influence on people: or are helping professionals free to utilize manipulative impacts?

    The economic and political crises of the last two decades have been greatly influenced by the fact
    that, impacted by manipulative effects, instead to follow their rational judgements people have
    made their decisions under the influence of emotional and instinctive temtation, deception and
    manipulation. So far, these manipulative influences dominate contemporary commercial or populist political communication. The paper below shares the author’s hesitation that, while
    non-rational factors bias from rational arguing and reasoning, both in decision-making and in
    communicative impacts on the other person inevitably present, is it acceptable to manipulate
    the users/clients by assisting professionals/social workers while exercising influence on decision-making of their clients? And if so, under what conditions, what specific constraints could be
    exercised such impacts and „professional power”? Likewise, when and what can and should be
    done to immunize clients against manipulation, to mitigate manipulative effects, to „gain back”
    rational mind and „empower” clients to follow rational consideration and make wiser decisions?
    The article does not undertake to provide „only” true and correct answers, rather gives insights
    and tries to provoke its reader to contribute to clarifying this important issue.


  • Elite relations in the age of globalisation

    Pogátsa, Zoltán (2022): A globális elit. Kossuth Kiadó, Budapest, p, 319

  • Az iskolai szociális munka rendszerintegrációs kérdései

    Társadalmunk problémái közül figyelemre méltó a fiatalokat érintő problémák magas száma. Többek között a trágár beszéd, a korai szexualitás, a tinédzserterhesség, erőszak, bántalmazás, gyermekszegénység, magatartásproblémák, iskolakerülés, stb. (Jankó 2008).

    A szociális munka igen szerteágazó különféle területen nyújt segítséget, s különféle célcsoporttal dolgozik: többek között gyermekekkel, fiatalokkal, szenvedélybetegekkel, hajléktalanokkal, tartós munkanélküliekkel, börtönből kikerült egyénekkel, időskorúakkal, fogyatékos személyekkel, stb. Napjainkban, a szociális szakmában a célcsoportok különböző okok miatt eltérő hangsúlyt kapnak (Máté - Gergál 2008). A problémák magas száma miatt számos szakma próbálja segíteni az integrációt a szocializáció területén, ebből egy tevékenység értelmezésére vállalkozom: az iskolai szociális munkára.

    Arra keresem a választ, hogy az iskolai szociális munka miként integrálódhat és fejthet ki hatékony tevékenységet a jelenlegi társadalmi-gazdaság keretek között a segítő szakmák körében. Melyek az elengedhetetlen kellékei egy jól strukturált, hosszútávon fenntartható szociális szolgáltatásnak?

    A kutatás alapját az adja, hogy az országban több helyen indultak sikeres kezdeményezések oktatási intézményekben arra, hogy iskolai szociális munka szolgáltatást nyújtsanak, mint például Székesfehérváron, Pécsett. Ezek az előzmények vezettek ahhoz, hogy Debrecenben is elinduljon egy modellprogram szervezése. A kezdeményezés egy innovatív modellprogramot hívott életre, melynek kísérleti szakasza 2012. júniusban zárult. Az Iskolai Szociális Munka Programban 20 szociális munka szakos, illetve szociális munka alapdiplomával rendelkező, de még hallgatói státuszban lévő hallgató 10 debreceni oktatási intézményben (5 általános- és 5 középiskolában) speciális önkéntes tevékenységet folytatott. Ennek jellemzője, hogy szaktudásuknak, képzettségüknek, érdeklődési körüknek megfelelő helyen tudnak önkéntes tevékenységet végezni. A program célja, hogy a felkészített szociális munka szakos hallgatók, heti négy órában, egy tanéven keresztül az általuk választott iskolában hatékony szociális munkát végezzenek, segítve a problémákkal küzdő fiatalokat. A módszerek között megtalálható az egyéni konzultáció, csoportos és közösségi szociális munka. A hallgatók a saját iskolájuk igényeit, szükségleteit és jellegzetességeit figyelembe véve állítják össze tevékenységüket. Programjukat folyamatosan bővítik, szükség esetén módosítják. Az itt nyert tapasztalatok hozzájárulnak a hallgatók szakmai fejlődéséhez, másfelől segítik a program továbbfejlődését.

  • The strengthening of “transitional” categories in the self categorization of religious young people

    My study is about changes of self-qualification of the religiosity of the youth. The situation of
    the youth changed in the 21st century and this drew with itself changes in the ways they see the world. These changes influenced religiosity, too. I have analysed the meanings of the notions used in creating categories of religious self-qualification. I have focused on the meaning of the expression of being “religious in my own way”. What do those using this category of self-qualification exactly mean by that and what are other groups they compare themselves to then?
    I suspect the existence of a growing rate of transitional categories of self-qualification together with a decline of more exact categories - even though the category of those “not religious” grew and became second biggest behind those of being “religious in my own way”. I hypothesized that the meanings of the notions used in religious self-qualification became blurred as these categories grew in quantity. To see more clearly, I used qualitative research and analysed the meaning of these notions in more detail in the group of those who self-qualified as being “religious in my own way”. The results have shown that youth in transitional categories tendto see themselves as “seekers”. They explained that their aim is to find the meaning of life. They subordinate their quest and their self-qualification to this aim.

  • Thomas Hobbes and the dilemmas of the natural state: First chapter – The axiomatic nature of total war

    The purpose of this paper is to reflect on some the ideas of Thomas Hobbes, one of the founders
    of modern political philosophy, best known for his masterpiece, Leviathan. The aim of this essay
    is not to provide a full scale analysis of Hobbes’ main work, nor to present his moral or political
    philosophy, nor to reflect on the significance of his impact on later political thinkers. The aim is
    more modest, and the theme under scrutiny is more narrow: the paper is devoted to a critical
    analysis of the main premise (state of the nature) of Hobbes’ theory of power, including the
    ambivalent character of the state of nature, as well as the logical dilemmas that arise during
    the analysis.

    After a general presentation of Hobbes’s philosophy and of the logical construction of his
    work, I will tend to focus on two aspects of the state of nature: firstly, I will analyse the assumed
    analogy between the state of nature and the Book of Genesis; secondly, I will examine whether
    the „war of all against all” is an axiomatic outcome of the „primitive” state. It turns out, that the
    answers for these questions are not so unanbiguous.

  • Integrating excluded children through experiential games

    The study focuses on children who have been verbally, physically and/or socially bullying by their peers. In the last three decades, the investigation of the phenomenon of school bullying has become an increasingly researched field, one of the main causes of which is the significant increase in the number of child suicides. As a result, the development and application of numerous prevention and intervention programs became a priority, the aim of which is to reduce this deviant phenomenon in educational institutions. The existence of these programs and initiatives helps to create communities in which hurtful behavior occurs in low numbers. In the course of this research, I chose experiential pedagogic games. In the center of the reform pedagogy method I have chosen, the promotion of the creation of social relations and the strengthening of the existing ones becomes the priority. During experiential pedagogic games, children can experience flow, the positive benefits of interdependence, and the new knowledge they get when leaving their comfort zone. The obtained results will be presented and interpreted in the experimental part of the study. As a research tool, I chose sociometry, which demonstrates the relationship network of the given class. During the pre-survey, two children (a girl and a boy) did not have a mutual relationship, and then, through the consciously guided experiential pedagogic game, the result of the post-survey was that these children managed to establish a mutual relationship.