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  • Future vision-creation: Examination the motivations behind the future plans of Hungarian youngsters

    In our rapidly changing world, it is becoming more and more complex and complicated for
    young people to plan their future, which is perceived as a problem by all who are involved. Issues
    such as one’s relation to democracy, their desire to have children, their intentions to pursue
    further studies, whether they plan their future in their place of residence or abroad or the risk
    of deviant behavior are not only important from the point of view of the individual but also for
    society, as the future of a given region is also influenced by the above indicators of future vision.
    Research methods traditionally applied in youth research, which focus on socio-demographic
    characteristic features (i.e. objective life situation indicators), are less and less capable of
    providing adequate answers to these questions. In my hypothesis, to identify the underlying connections, the research tools of psychology and sociopsychology are also necessary to be
    applied apart from traditional sociological methods.
    Therefore, in my study, by the secondary analysis of the most recent, 2014 data of the
    European Social Survey, I intend to demonstrate the significance of the underlying motivations
    as future vision creating factors behind the decisions Hungarian young people make.

  • About the ideological dimensions of fear

    The main goal of of my research is to explore the right and left dimensions of the phenomenon of fear. I would like to argue that the categories of left and right continue to be defining aspects of political identities, and by mapping their emotional structure we can better understand the current relevance of these ideologies. The studies that have examined political fears have mostly linked fear to conservativism and right wing-populism, while the fears of the left have generated far less scientific interest. A study also wants to respond to this research gap. In this paper, I would like to present the potential connection points between fear and ideological identity. The structure of the study is as follows: first, I outline the relationship between ideology and moral emotions, and then I analyze fear as a moral emotion. After that I present how fear is connected to conservatism and right-wing populism, and then I try to illustrate the ideological differences with two types of politically relevant fear, i.e. climate anxiety and migration-related fear. Finally, I add context to these specific political fears that is I also interpret them in the Hungarian political system. The study ends with drawing conclusions and outlining future research directions.

  • A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Rural Tourism in Transcarpathia and in the Highland

    The article, after a short historical presentation of those Slovakian (the Highland) and Ukrainian
    (Transcarpathia) regions where Hungarians still play a major role in the population, focuses
    on the perspectives of rural tourism development in the mentioned areas. The research was conducted
    in more phases: 1) review of the relevant literature; 2) searching for the eligible hosts;
    3) evaluation of the questionnaires distributed among the hosts involved in rural tourism in
    Transcarpathia and in the Highland; 4) processing and evaluation of data.
    The main aim of this empirical research was to compare the Highland questionnaire survey
    findings with the Transcarpathian data to identify the similarities and differences in rural tourism
    of these areas that have been developing at different pace and under different socioeconomic
    conditions in the two countries.

  • New ways in exporting Society: The potential of donation.based digital data collection

    More and more digital data is being generated every day, and more and more social science
    analyses are using Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook data. Many international and national studies
    have already explored the social science opportunities and dilemmas raised by the phenomenon
    of ‚big data’ - but the issue of ‚access to data’ has only been touched upon tangentially. And
    access to data is becoming increasingly difficult. What can we do if market players close the
    access to their data, and, if we find data available, the Research Ethics Board tells us to stop? The
    answer is simple: go to the users and ask them for the data. This approach is what the literature
    calls data donation. This paper will describe the data donation approach in detail, focusing on
    how researchers can access data through users on the current major Western platforms. The
    practical feasibility of data donation access will be illustrated based on a domestic pilot study.

  • Types of fathers’ home-based and school-based involvement based on an interview study

    In this study, we examine fathers’ home-based and school-based involvement to assist the development and achievement of their children. The international literature suggests that fathers are less involved than mothers, and the form of their involvement is also different. However, their home-based and school-based involvement has been shown to have similar positive effects on children’s educational outcomes. We examine the forms of parental involvement based on the typology created by Epstein and Sanders. In our empirical work, we conducted 14 semi-structured interviews with fathers with young children and aimed to delineate father types based on the forms of involvement by conducting a classification of the interviews. Our results show that the first group of fathers are only involved at home; they do not participate in school-related events with their child but report being actively involved in their child’s education and school-related activities at home. Fathers in the second group, on the other hand, are involved not only at home but also in school life. The third type is made up of divorced fathers who, with one exception, are involved at school and at home, which is consistent with the findings in the literature on single fathers with children. In this study, we also attempt to answer the question of how to increase fathers’ school-based involvement. According to the interviewees’ answers, their activity could be encouraged through support from their wife, greater self-confidence, and events organised by schools which are more suited to fathers (sports events, cooking together).

  • Do we have the effect of poverty ethnicisation in the Biharkeresztes micro-region?

    At a research in the Biharkeresztes micro-region (conducted via semi-structured interviews) we
    asked family households living in poverty. Roma households were mostly among the respondents.
    We also found that that estimated number of Roma population in the settlements correlated to
    the number of people working in public service. The examination of age structure diagrams at
    the settlements showed that the ones the mayors estimated to have a higher Roma population,
    are the younger settlements. The fact that there can be a causal relationship between these
    phenomena is supported by numerous previous researches (Kemény, 2004; Molnár, 2007). These
    researches pointed out the effect of poverty ethnicisation in Hungary (Ladányi – Szelényi, 2004).
    Furthermore, a research conducted in 2007 at the neighbouring Szabocs-Szatmár-Bereg County
    also confirmed the ethnicisation theory (Fónai et al.). The aim of this study is to examine the
    possibility of poverty ethnicisation at the five settlements of the Biharkeresztes micro-region,
    with the help of the implemented qualitative inquiry, previous researches, and databases from
    CSO and TeIR .

  • The situation of young people in the Derecske district in terms of employment and job opportunities

    The situation of young people, their chances and opportunities on the labour market are of paramount importance for society, as they are the next generation. In this paper, we present the situation, labour market opportunities and mobility of young people in the Derecske district, based on data from a 2012 survey. Young people's access to work and mobility are nowadays much debated issues that deeply affect the whole society. We focus on the prospects of young people with a degree.

    Research on young people, youth research, is very significant in our country.

    From time to time, the situation of young people undergoes fundamental changes: they reach adulthood earlier than previous generations, but at the same time they are also delayed in their youth, i.e. they start the process of separating from their parents later. This phenomenon of postponement is called postadolescence. On the one hand, they are still children (in terms of their behaviour, values and lifestyle), and on the other hand, they are already adults (in terms of their political and economic situation) (Vaskovics, 2000; Gábor, 2012).

  • Social media communication in the digital medical space: A #cysticfibrosis és a #Asthma Big Data összehasonlító elemzése

    In the environment of 21st century technology, the transformation of information acquisition
    of health care and patients has had an increasing emphasis. Despite the earlier authoritative
    doctor-patient relationship, a need for an equal, cooperation-based communication has emerged
    and there are so many digital healthcare projects to achieve this (Koskova 2015).
    Information acquisition on the internet has allowed patients that based on the increasingly
    available medical information they acquire information about their condition, become part of
    patient communities, ask for second opinions, and become committed helpers of their doctors in
    their disease (Meskó et. al 2017).
    This can be especially true for patients with rare diseases, where a diagnosis might take even
    a decade, the patient needs lifelong condition maintenance and treatment, if it is available. While the proportion of patients with rare diseases is low compared to the whole of society, the number of such patients is approximately 30 million in Europe (EURORDIS), which means patients
    and their relatives need not only a harmonized health care system, but extensive information so
    that they can live with the rare disease with less difficulty.
    The aim of our study was to present the options of information acquisition in the social
    media, focusing on Twitter, via an interdisciplinary and social approach. In this study therefore
    we carried out a Big Data based social media analysis based on #Asthma and #CysticFibrosis
    databases of the Symplur corporation. This study results contain the complete online communication of 7 years (2012-2019) regarding these hashtags. The analysis has few levels including
    semantic research, stakeholder and hashtag review, engagement, and the whole tweet activity

  • Understanding Aspects to the Ethnospecific Researches on the Gypsy Jazz

    The early “research of Gypsies”, romology, then the visible and the hidden processes of
    “tziganology” in anthropology included a shift in the state of understanding between the
    hillside of critical interpretation studies and that of local group psychology. They also involved
    the research of folk tales, dancing, poverty, examining segregation and participatory action
    methodology as well as innovation and rebirth of the musicological research of Gypsy music.
    The terminological aspect of “us” and “others”, expressing alterity and identity, points towards
    the more complex study of (ethnic) “minorities”, moreover knowledge and field studies, and
    results of examining narratives (such as tales, dances, visual worksof art, publicity, religion and
    community), bring us closer (by way of political and scientific pragmatism) to signalling a new
    era of empathic understanding. The aim of the paper is to highlight the ways leading to that
    goal, putting the musical aspects of the shift in focus, consisting of stylistic inventions, a worldmusic-based openness towards instruments and performance cultures, which nevertheless still
    carries the signs of a new era of projection and knowledge contents, first-person-narrative and
    narrative identities. Finding answers to the question “where did it come from” might be aided
    by contemplating “where does it go”. This would be both the aim and partially the structure of
    my thematic essay.

  • The linkage between motivation, work experience and sense of deadline-keeping in product development projects of those working in the automotive industry

    Nowadays, numerous new automobiles are being developed by various companies and their
    suppliers around the globe. On account of the reduction of the product’s economic lifetime and
    effects of the global market, n the automotive segments the time factor plays a key role in the
    successful implementation of the project and consequently in the sale of the product. The current
    study, focusing on human conditions, scrutinizes the behaviour of the members engaged in the project. It’s primary focus is not to reveal the hindering factors due to time-losses arising from
    the shortage of resources or inadequate planning. These conspicuous reasons and the demonstration as well as treatment of risk, belong to the scope of the board of project portfolio management, which operates well among larger project organizations. Each project member is taking
    an individual approach towards meeting deadlines, and their motivation about the execution
    of the given tasks also vary. Beyond the results found both in the professional literature as well
    as general research, I study whether the unique features of the actual automotive organizational projects can be identified or not. The ongoing research observes, based on the experience
    acquired from the automobile development project, motivation and adherence to deadlines, the
    composition of the team impacting work efficiency.

  • From Sunday lunch to the ballot box: Political socialisation and political homophily in Hungarian society

    Political socialisation is the process of forming an individual’s political identity, in the course of which the individual’s attitude to politics and political worldview is formed. Political socialisation takes place in different spheres, of which the family and parents are of particular importance. Previous research in Hungary has confirmed that the family is an “incubator” of citizenship. However, there is little data available in Hungary that would allow for a more precise understanding of the transmission of political attitudes. This study investigates political homophily within the family (between parent and child) and the effects of parental political characteristics on the individual in Hungary. Our data are drawn from a nationally representative telephone survey of 2000 respondents sampled in 2023. The results show that in nearly two-thirds of Hungarian families, family members held the same political views during the respondent’s childhood, with the highest proportions of homophily indicators, fathers’ and respondents’ voting activity, and mothers’ and respondents’ conservative-liberal attitudes. The effect of parental characteristics was tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). Parents’ political interests and ideological positions had a strong direct effect on the same child characteristics, but the individual’s political participation and party preference were only indirectly influenced by parents. The success of attitudinal transmission was strongly enhanced if the parents were themselves, homophiles, along with the trait in question. Our results point to the important role of the family as a primary agent in political socialisation and suggest new research directions.

  • The Tertiary education plans of disadvantaged secondary grammar school students in Hungary

    My study focuses on tertiary education chances and opportunities of disadvantaged and multiply disadvantaged children and youngsters. The target group of the research consisted of disadvantaged full-time secondary grammar school students who aim to get out of their position and status with the help of further education. Via the interviews I tried to examine the difficult topic of further education from the perspective of the disadvantaged and the multiply disadvantaged students, also aspiring to reveal their notions and fears about the topic. The main goal of my research was to get an insight into the perspective and mentality of disadvantaged and multiply disadvantaged students.

  • Where to go, net generation? Lifestyle-based segments of the Hungarian youth

    My study attempts to explore the lifestyle-based segments of the Hungarian youth through an
    innovative methodology based on social media data, incorporating the dimension of digitization
    into the creation of lifestyle groups. The examination of the segments’ lifestyle attitudes is
    assisted by a review of the related theoretical milieu approaches, international and Hungarian
    empirical milieu researches

  • Foreign students of the medical faculties in Pécs and Debrecen: the choice of the university and acculturation process

    With the headway of globalization and knowledge-based economy, international student mobility is promoted as the main indicator of the internationalization of higher education. In Hungary the number of foreign students – similarly to global trends – shows an increase, representing a significant economic interest. Besides this, the international students make a growing impact
    on the development and the economic and cultural life of the cities where the universities are based. In our empirical research, we analyzed international students at the Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy foreign language programs of the University of Debrecen and the University of Pécs with the help of personally requested anonymous, self-completed questionnaires (n=602). The
    self-developed questionnaire focused on three issues: the motivation of the students, their satisfaction with the university and the process of their integration. The research was conducted in the spring semester of the academic year 2015/2016 at both universities.
    Based on the results it can be stated that from the perspective of medium- and long-term policy development of the university and the city, it is indispensable to survey the motivations and satisfaction of the students arriving to Hungary due to international student mobility as well as to facilitate their integration. The general medicine major of the University of Pécs and
    that of the University of Debrecen are very popular among foreign students but there are significant differences in their choices behind which we can discover the different cultural background of the matriculated students and this factor determines their personal choices and their later plans. Concerning the difficulties at the beginning we can state based on the results that for the
    students of the German programme the different language medium and the local bureaucracy mean a bigger challenge, while for the heterogeneous community of the English programme contact building with the tutors and the integration into the socio-cultural medium mean more difficulties. Concerning the integration we can state that from the point of country of origin the integration means a little less challenge for the more homogenies student community of the German programme than for the heterogeneous community of the English programme behind which most probably the stabilization of the acculturation process can be trailed.

  • "Teens at risk": The everyday life of the early school leavers

    One of the most important challenges of today’s society is to fight early school dropout, and integrate the socially disadvantaged youth to the labour market. Research programs investigate the reasons, causes and solutions for the phenomena. Current statistics and analytical attempts, however, provide very few insights into the family ties, friend relations, financials, thoughts, goals and everyday life of the targeted youth. Our research aims to explore these areas through structured exploratory interviews with participants aged 15 to 19 who have already experienced or are in danger of early school dropout from a second chance provider secondary school.

  • The transformation of nationalism in Hungary and Russia between 1995 and 2013: Results of a comparative study

    In this paper we are focusing on the metamorphosis of nationalism in Russia, in Hungary and in the other countries in the European Union between 1995 and 2013. For the research we had used the ISSP research. We had researched the dimensions like spontaneous national identity, ethnocentrism, national categorization, national pride, nationalism and xenophobia. First we introduce the several aspects, then we reveal the features of the nationalism. This paper focus ont he role of the nationalism in the running of the capitalism.

  • Analysis of the space-based identity structure of rural elite in a region of Szeklerland

    The new challenges of rural areas support expansion of the range of professional research and
    analysis focusing on local or regional identity structures as a quality factor of development.
    These new approaches are particularly important in the rural areas of the post-socialist
    countries, which are in the initial stages of the recognition of the potential inherent in the
    endogenous development paradigm. In Szeklerland, according to the new rural development
    paradigm, place-based identity could be a potential for the sustainable development. The aim
    of my paper is to present the major dimensions of the place-based identity structure in a microregion of Szeklerland.

  • The Civis and the In-migrants: Spatial Patterns of Industrial Modernization in Debrecen 1870

    Scholars engaged in research into the history of Debrecen have long been eager to get an
    answer – beyond their specific research inquiries – to the question whether the development of
    the city had had unique features and if they had what would hallmark the unique character of
    development? Was there or is there a kind of “Debrecenness”?
    My study examines – with the help of a GIS relational database (DTTTA1870) – what
    peculiarities can be grasped in the transformation of the traditional spatial and social structure
    of Debrecen enforced by the political change and industrial modernization processes two
    decades after the change of feudal regime (1848/49).
    The analysis focuses on whether the alteration process of the factors determining the social
    status (residential segregation, neighborhood, spatial segregation and coexistence, other spatial
    and social hierarchical characteristics) in the cases of the “deep-rooted Debrecen residents”
    (cívis) and of the settlers showed specific types described in the literature or showed specific

  • Integrating excluded children through experiential games

    The study focuses on children who have been verbally, physically and/or socially bullying by their peers. In the last three decades, the investigation of the phenomenon of school bullying has become an increasingly researched field, one of the main causes of which is the significant increase in the number of child suicides. As a result, the development and application of numerous prevention and intervention programs became a priority, the aim of which is to reduce this deviant phenomenon in educational institutions. The existence of these programs and initiatives helps to create communities in which hurtful behavior occurs in low numbers. In the course of this research, I chose experiential pedagogic games. In the center of the reform pedagogy method I have chosen, the promotion of the creation of social relations and the strengthening of the existing ones becomes the priority. During experiential pedagogic games, children can experience flow, the positive benefits of interdependence, and the new knowledge they get when leaving their comfort zone. The obtained results will be presented and interpreted in the experimental part of the study. As a research tool, I chose sociometry, which demonstrates the relationship network of the given class. During the pre-survey, two children (a girl and a boy) did not have a mutual relationship, and then, through the consciously guided experiential pedagogic game, the result of the post-survey was that these children managed to establish a mutual relationship.

  • Politics and media - Structure of the Hungarian media network in autumn 2018

    This article focusing on the changes within the Hungarian media sphere after the Orban–
    Simicska conflict. After the conflict the Hungarian media sphere has changed radically. Those of
    the media outlets which belonged to Lajos Simicska had cease their operation. Business persons
    who have close ties to Fidesz has founded new media outlets. In my article I analyzed three
    political case which happened during the Fall 2018. I assumed that the media sphere in Hungary
    had become more polarized than before. In order to prove it, I created two groups of the media
    outlets. The first one, which have close ties to the governing party, and the second one which has
    not got ties to Fidesz. During my research I used three different methods. First, I
    recorded astatistics about the articles. According to this, the media agenda shows large difference between
    the groups. I did content analysis on the articles, which shows us a huge polarization between
    the groups. The third one, was network analysis. The network analysis did not confirmed the
    polarization hypothesis.

  • Factor of wage satisfaction in the light of a satisfaction survey

    Present study reports about the survey results of an empirical research reflecting the wage satisfaction level of employees. The part of the empirical research done in 4 different administration bodies in 2019 with the help of an online questionnaire survey is presented, in which results are summarized concerning responses to competitiveness of the wage system, relation of wage and performance, and the satisfaction with wage and further allowances.

  • Factors that influence matechoice among college women

    The centre of the study is the influential factors of female students in higher education. As a
    research question, does the institution of marriage continue to be a prominent place among
    female students in higher education as a planned relationship? And, does a person with
    a higher education level of education develop a relationship with a higher educated person,
    therefore achieving homogeneity of relationship? Thereby the choice of coupling is presented in
    addition to the examination of marriage, cohabitation and postponement mechanism, beyond
    the factors influencing partner selection, which are analyzed in a qualitative research of tenpersons. Factors include age, place of residence, origin and religion, separation from parenting,
    educational attainment, material capital and labor market situation, planned duration of the
    relationship and effects of the information age.

  • Changes in reproductive policies in Hungary between 2010 and 2022

    This paper examines Hungarian reproductive policies, their changes and their restrictions in relation to pronatalist objectives between 2010 and 2022. The aim of the study is to present and interpret legislative changes in reproductive policies in the context of the pronatalist policies in Hungary. Reproductive policies include the regulation of assisted reproductive technologies, adoption, abortion, contraception, and sex education. In the development of these policies, we assume that a fundamentally pronatalist approach prevails, but we also identify various specific related constraints: heteronormativity, marriage-centredness, and the maintenance and reinforcement of traditional gender roles. We assume that Hungary’s reproductive policies have become increasingly selective since 2010 after the second Orbán government. These policies can be considered selective because they do not encourage all social groups to have children. These result in the exclusion of for example socially disadvantaged groups, single people and same-sex couples from reproduction due to legal constraints, a lack of financial support, access, and transfer of information. In conclusion, selective, heteronormative and marriage-based pronatalism is most identifiable in the adoption context, but abortion regulation, the legal environment for assisted reproductive technologies and sex education, in general, may reinforce pronatalist objectives.

  • Linguistic Landscape of Turistical Attractions in Transcarpathia

    The change of the linguistic landscape is a sore spot for the minority population that can be
    driven out of the virtual language use. Linguistic landscape is not only indicative of the language
    vitality of an area or region’s population, but can also reflect the real language ethnicity.
    Extralinguistic factors are as important as the two basic functions of linguistic texts and
    the models explaining the elements of the linguistic landscape. Such a factor is a small area
    or region’s economic, in our case touristic development. The increased tourist demand of the
    majority brings about numerous phenomena that are of significant influence on the linguistic
    landscape of the minorities’ territory. This research is aimed at revealing the influence a local
    economic investment makes (can make) on the formation of the territory’s linguistic landscape.
    I would like to show the changes in the linguistic landscape recorded by Hodinka Antal Research Centre in its photo database of 2011–2012, February and September of 2016, as well as of 2017 on the
    basis of my observations and photographs.

  • Preferred leadership style, leadership and entrepreneurial inclination among university students

    Although many researches have been conducted on leadership styles and university students
    are participants in exploratory social science research quite frequently, fewer examples can be
    found on the application of the Full Range Leadership model among the youth. In this article,
    the authors examine preferred leadership styles among Hungarian students, and map their
    connections with managerial and entrepreneurial inclination. The online questionnaire used inthe research was completed by university students studying economics, technology and social
    studies in the capital and beyond. The questionnaire was completed by 335 university students.
    The results are exploratory, and they seem to modify the existing typologies. Four distinct
    leadership styles could be observed within the target group, embodying the transformative,
    supportive, defensive, and laissez-faire leadership types. Based on multivariate analysis one may
    suppose that among students leadership willingness is positively connected to transformative
    leadership, while entrepreneurial inclination to the transformative and supportive styles.