Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020)
Full Issue
Thematic studies
Preferred leadership style, leadership and entrepreneurial inclination among university students
3-26Views:69Although many researches have been conducted on leadership styles and university students
are participants in exploratory social science research quite frequently, fewer examples can be
found on the application of the Full Range Leadership model among the youth. In this article,
the authors examine preferred leadership styles among Hungarian students, and map their
connections with managerial and entrepreneurial inclination. The online questionnaire used inthe research was completed by university students studying economics, technology and social
studies in the capital and beyond. The questionnaire was completed by 335 university students.
The results are exploratory, and they seem to modify the existing typologies. Four distinct
leadership styles could be observed within the target group, embodying the transformative,
supportive, defensive, and laissez-faire leadership types. Based on multivariate analysis one may
suppose that among students leadership willingness is positively connected to transformative
leadership, while entrepreneurial inclination to the transformative and supportive styles. -
Leadership challenges in virtual environment: The importance of the synergism in ICT toolset and leadership development
27-48.Views:55The companies connected to the global value chain inevitably and necessarily apply virtualized
solutions in their work organization. As such, the appropriate implementation of the shoring
strategies, the increasing competition and the supply-demand imbalance on the local market of
the high-skilled workers, all puts the existing organizational and leadership practices to the test.
The article aims to highlight the main challenges the virtual team leaders (VTL) are facing and
some best practices that might widen the toolset of the modern VTL. The results are based on a
case study of a multinational info-communication technology (ICT) service company in which
experienced managers and leaders shared their strategies. The main takeaways of the empirical
research are (i) the emphasis on the “early-adopter” behavior and the proper usage of the latest
technology in the communication, (ii) the importance of the ability of building trust and setting
common goals; (iii) despite that everyone is perfectly connected via the internet, the regular
personal presence is still the most powerful leadership tool.PDF (Hungarian)107 -
Functions of global career management
49-64.Views:76Maintaining competitiveness is one of the long-term strategic goals for companies. Beside
tangible and intangible assets, the value of human capital is continuously growing, due to
changes in the labour market. A loyal, highly skilled employee makes a significant contribution
to organizational success through competencies, experience, and skills. The career management
system of multinational companies became more attractive by the possibility of international
assignments, which is a very complicated process requiring complex planning. This system is
considered global for several reasons: its transnational nature, international experience gained
by the employees and the achievable career on a global scale for the individual (as a part of a
successful process).
Creating a global career management system thus involves a number of HR functions.
Emphasis should be placed on finding suitable employees, selecting, onboarding, mentoring, on
methods and the evaluators in the performance appraisal process, providing feedback on a
regular basis and in an appropriate manner, achieving and maintaining motivation, developing
competencies and supporting the balance in mental health.PDF (Hungarian)113 -
Obstacles for women in career advancement
65-83.Views:93Today the level of knowledge, qualifications of female are immensely increasing, but despite
their skills there are still encounter obstacles in their careers, and women still appear to be
underrepresented in top-level leadership positions. Many analysis findings indicated that there
is a strong negativ relationship bertween the impact of the old traditions and women career
This paper attempts to identify all the obstacles and gender-related segregation of the
labour market such as vertical and horizontal segregations and also raises awareness of that
complex problem. Because there is a triple burden on graduate and leading women, work at
home, their job and the struggle with the sexist working environment.
Thematic studies
Közelkép – Tanulmányok
Limits of the relationships in the roma communities living on the margins of society in Budapest
97-120.Views:50In this essay, I aim to summarize the main characteristics of the relationship structure of
poor Roma families in Budapest. The generational changes in the relationship structure are
illustrated by interviews and a short review of the relevant literature. In my research, I try to
find the answer to the question, whetherthe examined segregated streets and apartment blocks
– individually or collectively – can be called a community. And also if these segregated areas
have a describable connection limit, if we can describe them in a geographical or social sense,
or ifthese relationship have ethnical boundaries. I recorded my semi-structured interviews in
the 8th and 9th district of Budapest in 2017. I interviewed twenty people from ages of sixteen to
fifty-five. All parts of the interviews are accompanied by the related analytical and explanatory
notes. -
Representations of induced abortion in the Hungarian online media
121-152.Views:77This study focuses on how induced abortion is represented in the Hungarian online media in
relation to the reception of the public debate on the new Polish abortion law. The study was aimed
at revealing the major themes, the embedding conceptual network and the framing of induced
abortion in the online press. Since the press is an essential influencing factor of public opinion
due to its broad publicity, research should focus on the characteristics of the discourse in whose
space the concerned individuals form their views and make decisions on abortion. A thematic
analysis of relevant press releases revealed eight major themes that framed abortion in a specific
manner: thematization of induced abortion as a social/demographic issue; legislative issues of;
and attitudes towards, abortion; abortion as an act of (physical) self-determination; contents
related to the abortion decision; to its causes and consequences; and depiction of women
choosing abortion. Furthermore, the analysis revealed the themes most frequently associated
with abortion and potentially related themes typically not associated with it. -
Structure and communitas: Subcultural problemsolving knowledge in an alternative high school
153-174.Views:45The paper describes the relationship between subcultural and school/institutional interpretations
in the inner discourse of an alternative school (the ’Diákház’) in Budapest. Interpretations and
practices, that belonging two different interpretive frameworks, appear simultaneously and
intertwined in the Diákház communication scene. This contributes to problem-solving
capacities/knowledge that individually do not appear in either of the two. In this discourse, the
subcultural manifestations of difference, deviance, marginality, resistance or communitas, and
the manifestations of knowledge, autonomy, responsibility and the hierarchical structure of the
school sometimes appear in opposition, sometimes in reinforcement to each other. The knowledge
formed in the discourse can be used by the Diákház to keep (formerly drop-out) students within
the institution, and by the students to reduce their own feeling of invalidity. In this way, the
Diákház is able to use the two opposite social states, communitas and structure, to its own