
„Ratio Generationis” – Aspects for responsible generational research


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How To Cite
Selected Style: APA
Csutorás, G. Ákos. (2022). „Ratio Generationis” – Aspects for responsible generational research. CROSS-SECTIONS - Social Science Journal, 10(2), 104-126.

Huge amount of literature has been published in recent years on topic of generation research
but of varying quality. There is a significant interest in the topic, although an increasing amount
of contradictory and methodologically questionable results have come to light. People develop
prejudices and beliefs based on popular media, which could be counterbalanced by scientific
works, but there is a noticable amount of thorough criticism against them. It is still a question,
whether generation is the proper response to certain phenomena or we have just „generated” it
and most charachteristics are rather related to age or life span? Cautious research is complicated
and lengthy, therefore many either choose to perform superficial research or to go so in-depth
that does not allow answering problems and return to just individual differences. Some conclude
by refusing the generational approach altogether. In these circumstances a kind of „responsible”
generational research is to be suggested, which turns from dead ends to the scientific way and
finally tries to find „ration in generations” keeping in mind all the criticism of the approach.
I summerize cosiderations in my work to find this right direction.