„We were born here, we grew up here, our relatives and our children are here… everything are in our village”. Weekly commuting in a village of Tiszahát
Copyright (c) 2021 Metszetek
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A CC BY licence alkalmazása előtt megjelent cikkek esetében (2020 előtt) továbbra is a CC BY-NC-ND licence az érvényes.
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The study present the weekly commuting in a small village of 1600 resident in Tiszahát. The
economic situation of the settlement, employment and income opportunities are lower than
national average, which also has an extremely strong impact on the livability of the village.
The local primary labor market can employ few workers, other employees can work in public
employment or they can work as a seasonal worker in agriculture buti it does not provide an
income that can be calculated all year. There are few opportunities in the region, so they can
not work in the nearby settlements. Many locals have to go to remote settlement for work. We
prepared interviews to examine: how weekly commuting became popular in the village and how
it affected local families and the local community.