
Reflecions on the society of control – Footnotes to the Delezoguattarian machine


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Nyiri, S. (2022). Reflecions on the society of control – Footnotes to the Delezoguattarian machine. CROSS-SECTIONS - Social Science Journal, 11(1), 210-228.

The present study revolves around the concept of the Deleuzean machine. It undertakes to
introduce the machine from Deleuze’s concept of the societies of control. Thus this paper is not
a presentation of the critique of the Freudian and Lacanian notions of desire that the machine
is introduced as a late capitalist abstract agent, but a genalogy of the machinic mechanism – as
a logic of operation – is outlined from a new perspective. The emphasis of the study is not on
psychoanalises and capitalism, and on schizoanalysis as a critique of them, but ont he operational
logic of the societies of control: the articulation of controlling freedom. Fort he latter, concepcts
such as territory, de- and reterritorialization, as well as the operating principles of cybernetic systems are shed light on. By examining this concept, therefore, the ways of understanding the
social, economic and political processes of ourt time can be shed new light.